Thursday, February 01, 2018

Blind Item #12

Apparently this foreign born C listish celebrity worth a ton of money just discovered she is HIV+. Perhaps she should have read the site and she could have avoided that situation. That B- list celebrity boyfriend of hers is the culprit.


sandybrook said...

Chloe green

Boldblonde said...

Say it ain't so?!!! I missed the reveal of him being positive.

JustPeach61 said...

She is the first one I thought of as well, but how on earth is the convict model considered B- list? I would think D+ at best. said...

Jeremy Meeks?

Wantsapphires said...

Gee, I did't see that coming...

Boldblonde said...

So is his ex wife positive as well?

Lalalisa57 said...

Wow! Where’s the blind he is talking about?

T. W. said...

I had to Google her. She is the one who slept with Prison Bae.

Boldblonde said...

She's his current girlfriend,yes! @T.W.

Mstyles said...

Wow. This is a crazy blind. We all know who it is
Karma can be real ugly and can come around real quick.
This girl's life is OVER.
Say what you want, no HIV is no longer a death sentence but it ain't no walk in the park either.
She better hope he sticks around cuz she is now damaged beyond repair.

Lalalisa57 said...

Her life isn’t over but the relationship may be if she’s smart. Her family can afford the medication and care she needs. I’d kick his sorry ass to the curb. Also hope his ex wife isn’t positive.

gadfly said...

Think everyone is right, but Jeremy Meeks is B list?

timebob said...

you want a bad boy, don't be surprised when you get the gift that lasts forever.

Queen Bee said...

I'm sorry for her, but I honestly have no idea who Chloe Green is!! I know Prison bae more than I know her!! LOL

Sd Auntie said...

Wow. She sure is blinded by love. The meds that are available will help. I'm sure they will get married

Poppymann said...

How did that dummy get to be a model. I mean, he ain't no Hansel.

nonyabusiness said...
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nonyabusiness said...

a blind back in november said he was a-list

John Doe said...

This blind needs an adjustment. Chloe is more like D-list, and Jeremy is a definite C heading towards D also. He might get away with a C since he has become kinda sorta popular on the modeling scene. But, I digress...

The only thing that is surprising about this blind is that anyone here is surprised by the HIV+ thing. The way these celebrities sleep around and are half way out of their minds on drugs all the time I'm sure that HIV is far more common among them then we will ever know.

Brayson87 said...

Sheeit, I'd hate to see what her father has planned for the douchebag. That jerk won't have to wait for death to find hell.

Ladylaw said...

And recent pics of her look like she’s pregnant. What a mess!

Anonymous said...

In order to test HIV positive YOU NEED TO REQUEST The specific blood test . So she knew or suspected

PhyllisWhitweed said...

Not true, Lau Ra. Most people are tested during their physical. She probably has a private doctor.

Unknown said...

Are you fucking thick, Anon? You think dwindling down such a huge life event to some dumb, ignorant phrase is cool? What a joke

Unknown said...

No you don't. You test your blood against hiv antibodies. Don't spread lies

Unknown said...

How about "you reap what you sow"?

filmfanb said...

Philip Green must be so proud.

Sarahlou said...

HIV test is not something that is usually included in a regular check here in the UK.

lucy said...

how about I had no idea who any of the ladies were but Meeks seemed familiar. ha I knew one, was he on CSI? no! I googled him and he is that convict with clown face LOL at irony of this. and no not laughing at disease but the entitlement, the privileged, the petty! that boy spreading his poisoned seed from the crack of his Calvin's?
I can't believe that dude was even still a thing and here he is banging a billionaire and her? not too many real people problems in her world. no waking up dead of winter 5am to serve time at monotonous job to pay for car and home and haircut and cute jeans nope! she had one duty. herself and she failed for a lifetime. ring ring “Jeeves time for my 3pm antiviral cocktail” straightaway my dear lady, straightaway ..

Anonymous said...

Exactly Sarah and she is English.

Anonymous said...

She is British so don't spread lies about British blood tests to ignorant Americans

ms_wonderland said...

Pregnant women are routinely tested for HIV in the UK. The baby can be protected during birth if the mother's status is known. So it all makes sense.

James said...

What makes that twat Jeremy Meeks B list

Jojo said...

He probably contracted HIV while doing time. From a mugshot, he ends up with a signed modeling contract gets signed by an agent, and picks up some HIV on the way out.

TwoDots said...

Speaking from experience, I can tell you she is absolutely NOT smart

lutefisk said...

I wonder if he knew he is HIV positive. Also, it will be interesting to see who else he has been with.

Lalalisa57 said...

HIV antibody testing is NOT a routine test done for a physical in the US unless you ask for it, you were exposed (accidental needle stick or unprotected sex) therefore ask for it to be done or have pre operation work up. I know this cause I’m a nurse (phlebotomist for 23 years prior) and work in a family practice where routine physicals are done. If this is true, my guess is that 1. he tested positive, prompting her to be tested, 2. she is pregnant and her OB/GYN did it (which is routine) or 3. Parents made her because well, is he was in prison. Guarantee it’s not because she has symptoms yet.

Mango said...

how on earth is the convict model considered B- list? I would think D+ at best.

@NuGa Peach - I agree. D List is for those who are infamous and this POS falls under that category. Meeks' bonehead girlfriend must get her jollies from dating not just a bad boy, but a validated member of the Crips. She's in over her head. If this blind is about Green at least she will be able to afford the very best medical care. Well, at least if he doesn't rob her blind.

Sd Auntie said...

Sorry poppymann. Meeks is hot as hell.

MattDaddy said...

Us nice guys tend to be HIV negative.

Just sayin’.

Anonymous said...

Given the lack of respect and remorse Philip Green has for what he’s done to British taxpayers and working class employees; a narcissistic lack of empathy that seems to be inherited by his daughter- I have no sympathy whatsoever and hope it ruins the family. They are a burden on their country and should be seen as such.

BCmimi said...

Right? I don’t think people are guessing the blind correctly..

Sierra said...

@2lipfever - probably a lot of BHS pensioners are nodding in agreement

Unknown said...

Shame its not her dad the thieving bastard , ex BHS workers are probably wishing that and a whole lot more on him .

Now! said...

Had he been upfront about his status, she could have taken PReP or other precautions. He should have told her, but she could have asked. I see no value in disparaging anyone’s nationality.

Katrin said...

Let's be clear. HIV is still a death sentence.
Yes, science has done a remarkable job of expending life spans,
but HIV-infected people still can expect to die years before the uninfected. And the drugs have their own issues and side effects.
Don't ask about cost. There is still no cure - you've got it for life.

Unknown said...

I don't believe this, and here's why:

1. she might be as dumb as a doorknob, but her dad isn't. He knew. Before he 'bought' his daughter thigh fake PR relationship he hired ppl to find out everything about this guy, cause - Hello! - ex-gang member and jailbird! Philip Green would have known his bowel movements before he'd let his daughter run around with him

2. it's a fake PR relationship so the dumb-as-a-rock offspring is photographed. Without him, nobody gives a shit about her and she knows it. She has bought boyfriends before this one, like Mark Anthony.

3. let's say this blind is true: how on earth would anyone from cdan ever know? You think the Greens would run around advertising this?

This is such bull.

Thot Crimes said...

Let me get this straight; the convicted felon ex-convict that left his wife and children to help spend your money, might not be trustworthy in other regards as well?

Anonymous said...

HIV blood tests 're different in UK. They do it only on request or if you are pregnant. Medical system differences.

Boldblonde said...

I believe Versace was killed because he passed it on to that guy.

Boldblonde said...

I believe Versace was killed because he passed it on to that guy.

Bubbles said...

@bold.....i agrée. That’s what the show seems to infer at least.

And @mattsdaddy, so do nice guys have the asshat virus because it seems to be surging through your veins with such a backwards ass statement. And when was your study of who is and isn’t hiv positive and what is the special genes that allow you and other nice guys to not contract hiv, or do you only lay with « nice » men and women?

So I take it unbeknownst to me and my family, my brother wasn’t a nice guy? You fuckwad


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