Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item #2

It is going to be really interesting when the next dominoes fall in the #MeToo/#TimesUp movement. It is going to take down the people who like to pretend they are part of the leaders of the movement. They have been trying to ingratiate themselves with actresses as of late so they can hopefully cushion the blowback.


Tricia13 said...

The Academybof Motion Arts and Sciences?
The Oscars more or less?

Tricia13 said...

Academy of Motion Picture Arts &Sciences*

Smalls said...

AMPAS is a good guess. I could see the DGA, too, honestly, since so few women directors even get acknowledged at all these days and that's caused blowback of its own.

pwal said...

I would say the talent agencies. They were the ones who sent unsuspecting women into the lion's den. Mind you, some of the A-List actresses have a vested interest in keeping them in place, mainly the insane money for subpar work.

Brayson87 said...

What will move the dominoes though?

The Woodman said...


The Woodman said...


yepthatsme said...

BAFTA, has to be??????

SteveD said...

Why would my post have been deleted for guessing the same as others?

Randyman said...

for sure ampas

Cheez Whiz said...

@SteveD --

If it doesn't say "Post deleted by author", then it never made it up here in the first place. This site has longstanding problems with posting comments.

zerooptions said...

Screen Actors Guild!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Tricia13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia13 said...

Thanks @Smalls but may be the SAG as it appears

SteveD said...

I saw it posted in the comments though and received the notification email for it. It was gone when I came back to this thread.

It made me wonder how often comments disappear. I only noticed in this case because there were just a handful of comments at the time.

Unknown said...

For very small values of "interesting" to everyone outside the industry who couldn't pick any of these organizations out of a lineup. But hey, maybe it'll shake something else loose.

Brayson87 said...

@SteveD, The site must be convinced you are a Cylon and is resisting, the server resides on Galactica after all.

Jimbonius said...

Remembering the blind for a bit back about the non-profit knee deep in exploiting kids, I'm guessing it's the OXFAM story that has been breaking the last few days? Or was it revealed and I missed it?

SteveD said...

I'm not a Cylon, I'm a hu-

*hears All Along the Watchtower playing*

Gods dammit!

gauloise said...

Could it maybe be the Press Association that runs the Golden Globes, which had the actresses dress in black for metoo this year.

The legacy media is so complicit in all the cover-ups and spiking stories, but with social media and stuff like youtube and blogs their power has been compromised.

fustian said...

I dunno.

If I was a woman trying to make it legitimately in Hollywood and I saw opportunity after opportunity snatched away from me by actresses willing to service producers and directors, and then I saw the very same actresses trying to march at the front of the meToo parade...

Well, I think I'd be pretty pissed.

Until those shoes drop too I just don't think Hollywood is in any position to face just how corrupted and corrupting a place it is.

Tricia13 said...

Well said.
And I agree for many reasons.... not least of which is/was my own inability to be part of that kind of that system of -depravity. It is bigger than even Enty can suggest.

femisapien said...

Big TV producers (lots of blinds here about Ryan Murphy, I doubt others are clean...)

TimC said...

great idea, rather than trade sex for work. trade blackmail for work. nice.

tryexcept said...

No way it's AMPAS, but other than that could be anybody. Except the ASC or ACE. Or WGA :-).

MrsAmiss said...

So no blinds about the Oxfam scandal in England? Considering they are connected to Haiti I was wondering if they were connected to the Church

Fifi LaRue said...

This site has more cookies than a bakery.

I have to clear my Preferences and erase History halfway through the day's blinds and reveals.

Ernie McCracken said...


Rinky said...

It's not just Oxfam. It's a sector-wide problem. Any big multinational charity you can name has the same problem with exploitation and corruption, as does the UN and its peacekeepers. Name an aid basket case country, from its Haiti to Kosovo ... same problems, same scandals.

A certain kind of person revels in the chaos and degeneracy of disaster zones. A certain kind of person chooses to spend years hopping from place to place in filth and disaster. They're there for a plethora of reasons and not all are harmless or selfless. Lots of narcissistic, self-aggrandizing and fucked-up people in that sector to put it mildly. Pick a charity and they've done or or doing worse than the Oxfam creeps, who incidentally went on to work for other charities with full references from Oxfam. The lead creep in Haiti - Roland van Hauwermeiren - went on the take a post as mission leader for the NGO Action Against Hunger in Bangladesh directly after he resigned from Oxfam, for example. The whole model of aid needs calling into questions. Quite often these NGOs do more overall harm than good in the places they parachute into without any financial accountability to donors or locals and zero oversight into their activities.

MichiganMama59 said...

The females of the democrat party.

Doug said...

Everyone is guessing organizations for this one, but I don't see the blind specifying an organization. The answer might be certain celebrities who are currently seen as good and decent but will soon be exposed to the contrary.

Kay said...

Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg.

They were among a handful of the finding signatories of #TimesUp.

Kay said...

"Founding" ffs.

MrsAmiss said...


Kay said...

The females of the Republican party.

Holy shit, I'm funny.

hunter said...

Wow Rinky, great comment, never thought of that.

As for deleted comments - my comments don't ever get deleted (that I've seen) but I use AdBlocker and don't have a lot of the problems with this site a lot of you guys do.

Unknown said...

clearly CAA

mistang said...

Um, just about every person/organization in Hollywood could work here

Satori Spitfire said...

CDAN Newbie here. Love CDAN and all the CDANer’s (sharp as tacks with blinds and humor)!

Didn’t Alyssa Milano initiate the #metoo social media? Would that be considered “leaders” of the movement?
I may be wrong. But, I’m gonna go with Milano and her (Top CAA Agent) Hubs David Bugliari and CAA.

Have a great night!

Threshold said...

@Doug I agree. The blind references the "people who like to pretend they are part of the leaders of the movement." This is about individuals, not groups. Who are the individuals who have been portraying themselves as the most "supportive" but not really indicating any stories of their own? Those are the people this blind is speaking about. Unfortunately, I would offer Alyssa Milano as one.

Unknown said...

Anyone in the us guvmint. Nevermind, that's not going to happen.

Unknown said...

Hat tip, @Kay!

I read this as pointing to individuals, i.e., anyone sporting Time's Up pins at the Globes, etc.

Orville said...

Rose McGowan called out the Hollywood agency CAA the other day. She also blasted Ben Affleck. Affleck has tried to get good PR pretending to be sympathetic to the movement.

LetTheTruthStand said...

SAG had a problem with the film OPEN SECRET and even threatened when they used a public street taken picture of the building. An active person against this (she was involved in Open Secret) has warned many that the ones heading a committee for minor actors were basically predators too. I believe that person in the committee may have left. SAG isn't very good about protecting minors. It is the fox guarding the hen-house. JUST like Laura Silsby who tried to kidnap the Haitian kids (33 in case you know the significance of that number). She was caught and her pal Hillary flew down there and got her off. Laura works for the Amber alert. SO this is how they operate.. they get someone that can guard the hen-house and then do whatever.. child sex trade - abuse of women (and men) etc. etc. Need to look at those who oppose laws like banning child marriage. Follow the money and follow those that guard the hen-house.

MattDaddy said...

Agencies, PR firms, managers, maybe studio execs. Though in truth there still boatloads of actors to be named.

Sign Name Below said...

I agree. Enty had a Reese W-related blind about CAA CYA-ing at GG

Sign Name Below said...


FeistyPanda said...

This is about the women who were the foxes, the madame. The women that were trusted, by young, upcoming actresses and models, to lead them to auditions and meetings safely. Instead, they handed them off to producers and casting agents as new sex objects. These women protected themselves by putting themselves front and center of #timesup, like how a serial killer offers to help search for missing people.

Alyssa Milano has been alleged to pump women out. Heidi Klum was whispered about, even before timesup. There are others that have claimed they had "no idea" Weinstein was raping/assaulting women. Despite working closely with him for decades (Meryl, I am looking at you).

FeistyPanda said...

Plus, Alyssa was a frequent guest at Alphy's, which is where all the abused kids and abusers hung out in the 80's. She even dated Haim for 3 years while he was being abused.

She is also married to Bugliari, who is a talent agent at CAA. Their name keeps coming up in the fringes of all the abuse scandals. They probably protected Weinstein and others and, honestly, may have even operated like a pimp, sending toung, naive girls to their abusers/rapists.

FeistyPanda said...

CAA represented Uma while she was absued and she publicly left them in November 2017, right before she posted the scathing attack on Weinstein (and conspirators) on IF.

Courtney Love was represented by ACA until she made a negative comment about Weinstein in 2005, at which point she claims she was blacklisted (which matches with a sudden drop in roles).

Interesting to note that in 2015, prior to timesup/metoo, over 10 agents left overnight for UTA, AFTER the commendable Will Ferrell and Chris Pratt jumped ship to UTA. It was a super ugly, public battle they fought afterwards with a bunch of lawsuits.

In December 2017, Variety reported, referencing NYT, that at least 8 agents knew about Weinstein's predilections and helped cover up his assaults. They allege that agents knowingly sent vulnerable girls to him, which Uma confirmed. Somehow, though, they have remained mostly unscathed and just on the sidelines of outrage and accusations.

FeistyPanda said...


Just last month Rose blasted the timesup heads for partnering with CAA, and she "accused CAA of being a “company of pimps that sent so many into the monster’s lair."

Multiple agents at CAA have been accused of various levels of sex crimes and assault/harassment in the past few months, but they have yet to be taken down/called out as a whole.

FeistyPanda said...

CAA was the agency that sent Gwenyth to the appointment with Weinstein, despite already knowing he was a predator.


FeistyPanda said...

It appears, according to Variety, that the idea for Times Up started with 4 female CAA agents, despite the agencies long list of growing accusations.


This article talks about all the big donors and how they are problematic or their problematic clients and agents.

Mark said...

Fuck Rose "Not Really My Business" McGowan!

Randaleese said...

Whoever it is, just do it and get it over with!!
Sick of the shit.

Doug said...

Great stuff, @FeistyPanda. Thanks much.

enitocin said...

All of them. Every single one of them. The women too. Just by still being in the business when they don't need to financially, they support everything wrong with it, whether it's reluctant or not.

Amartel said...

the whole thing's a sham. The moment was hijacked. #MeToo is for emotionally needy who either were never seriously harassed but want to feel part of a "movement" or were seriously harassed and did nothing about it in the moment and want justice after the statute of limitations has passed. #TimesUp is a tin-eared by the book cover movement to protect industry people who have profitted from sex barter and abuse but want to pretend they haven't. It's not about reform about about putting a lid on further accusations.

Rafael said...

Republicans??? Oh wait...actually they are proud to be abusers and pedophiles. lol

AtlantAnne said...

Let the chips fall where they may... for celebrities, pedos, crooked FBI directors, crooked ex presidents, sitting republicans, sitting democrats, spouses who defended, covered up and enabled, men and women who used power and privilege to sexually assault those who were less powerful, those who came into their power, fame and fortune by accepting sexual advances (especially those who complain about it now, wanting to have their cake and eat it to) .... its time for the lights to come on and for the liars, thieves and crooks to be exposed and prosecuted. The “filth” factor has become too high in the world and the “lowest common denominator” has fallen way, way below what is acceptable.

Rosenthal said...

Frances McDormands acceptation speech, at the Oscars. She names and shames the whole lot of them. Calling out the abuse and corruption. Shaming those women who went along whatever means. Drop the Oscar, walk away.

beebopcowboy said...


without. a. doubt.

the Times Up movement started from them. witherspoon's husband is toth, also.

Zeroh Tollrants said...




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