Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Item #13

Going back to those earlier two blinds, this person in question just got fired from his company as a result of this very funny exposure.



Brock Pierce

andrea said...

Well that eliminates Hillary...

Lunchpaillefty said...

John Oliver will expose everyone!


Hillary has been horrible for way longer than 20 years

andrea said...

You called it in the beginning! Good one!

TheBreakfastLunch&Dinnerclub said...

She’s so good at being psychopath that most people would never know

Krab said...

All you Hillary haters can eat shit. She's amazing.

MyMyMy said...

Yikes even when the blind is clearly not about her, y’all still can’t let it go.

Lunchpaillefty said...

Unlike Trump, who is an open psychopath.

Samantha Willow said...

lmao she's amazing all right - at how long she's been able to get away with so much. She should be in prison.

Natasha21 said...

John Oliver is awesome. I don`t always agree with him, but he`s always funny and he`s true to himself.
Bitconneeeeccccttttt! LOL.

TheBreakfastLunch&Dinnerclub said...

What is there to let go? She lost to the host of the Apprentice. I think that says it all?

Sd Auntie said...

Glad to hear it's Brock. PoS

TheBreakfastLunch&Dinnerclub said...

Couldn’t agree more. Pretty disturbing that it’s not a bigger story. Let’s hope crypto is a bubble and it bursts soon so these creeps have to find another way to fund their predatory activity.

SteveD said...

Didn't John Oliver basically just say "Google: Brock Pierce scandal"?

Fozzy Bear said...

Sure, if your idea of the height of humor is “look, a squirrel”

Natasha21 said...

I`m guessing maybe HBO kind of told him NOT to say what this was about. Maybe afraid of a lawsuit? I think they already have one or two on their hands because of the show.
bUT BASICALLY If you say something like "Google " Scandal", there will be ALOT of Googling.

BestMan said...


Boldblonde said...

So prince Harry apparently said no to a prenup. He believes his marriage will work!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Walt said...

Hillary should have been in jail a long time ago. She's complicit to murder and she is treasonous.

Sick. Someone will arrest these creeps.

And archive everything!

TimC said...

Hilary sucks it! She always has and always will suck it!

Jennacheryl said...

@krab what is so amazing about her? Her husband is pretty okayish, although both could have been in some blinds. If you recall the 90s HRC made herself unlikable to the public, she was rude af to her staff, even secret service, ya know the ones that are there to take a bullet for her, she bullied a 20 something yr old, people who tried to get in her way "disappear", including people wandering on to her brother in law's marijuana farm, didn't give a carp about people who did loose their lives when they had at least 48 hours warning to get people out of the dang building. , I know that to be true bc if Anthony Bourdain/CNN can be alerted to BENGHAZI the state dept can be informed. I HAVE a family member who was informed and was pushed out of the same building either 2 days or weeks bf then all lives could have been saved. So please remind me why is perfect? The best thing she did was raise Chelsea to stand up for what's read get.

TruthSayer said...


Republicans spend four years trying to get Hillary convicted on e-mails. (All while spending less than a year investigating Trump when he's accused of a far more serious crime).

Trump trolls waste several posts trying to implicate her in this blind.


Unknown said...

Hillary ran against Trump, and lost badly. If she and The DNC had allowed voters to pick the candidate, we wouldn’t have Trump now. Screw her and her policy of protecting sex abusers.

Unknown said...

How the hell can Huma afford these luxe vacations and idiotic clown clothes anyway? Sugar mama? Or maybe cash from El Chapo’s pile?

cheesegrater15 said...

She has a vagina. According to neolib morons that makes her faultless.

Anonymous said...

Better an honest psycho than a basket case like HRC

Anonymous said...

Speaking of shit. She shit her pants tumbling those stairs in India.

Rosie riveter said...


AppleThief4Elliot said...

Hillary ran against Trump, and lost badly.
Lol. True, any loss to Trump, even with interference from a foreign power, is a bad loss (for all of us).
Also, she got more votes.

More Cowbell said...

Can we ditch politics and get back to Brock Pierce? :)

Skipperino said...

Have your fun, Trumptards. Character is destiny, there's no way you're getting around that. The Don will have his day. In jail.

Jojo said...

If you subtract the illegals who voted for her in the left coast, she did not win the pop vote✅. Illegals who really only voted for her because she’s was the only candidate who promised they would be able to continue to rape our citizens by taking federal funds which are meant to be saved for citizens who pay into them through out their work life. So yeah they are rapists, I guess Trump was right!! 😂

Jojo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Is shit on the menu at the next Abramovich spirit cooking? Mmmm, mmmm, good says Hillary!!!

RockSword said...

My thoughts exactly. With Clinton, you'd have an adept psychopath in the white house instead of a bumbling psychopath. Even though I hate the guy, I'd much rather have a bumbling psychopath to keep tabs on.

Unknown said...


Soo, how amazing is she again?

Redhead66 said...

Lets call a fact a fact, Obama created Trump. Had Obama not forced so much down the american peoples throats Trump wouldn't have stood a chance. Hillary is more of the same politics as usual all about them and nothing for the people. Sad thing is anyone ANYONE decent wont go into national politics because it is soo dirty and corrupt. Look at any national politician, they go to DC as a regular person and withing ONE term are millionaires, how does that happen on $140K a year? Id love to know! Until we decide as a nation to stop tolerating this BS it will continue.

Rafael said...

Obama...Hillary...Trump...Bush...Bill...all of them should be arrested for crimes against humanity. USA presidents are all WAR CRIMINALS.

Brayson87 said...

Good work Enty. Apparently if you scream from the rooftops long enough an HBO comedian will pick it up and alert the unwashed masses. It's no longer about who has the facts, but who is brave enough to speak them.

Casey said...

Unfortunately Brock Pierce is worth about 1 Billion. I hope his victims come out of the woodwork.

cc423 said...

The Republicans must be the stupidest people on the planet... either that or Clinton is a criminal genius unlike anything we have ever seen. If she committed crimes, the 20+ years of investigations would have uncovered them

plot said...

Looks like we have a lot of Hillary lovers here! What, will she not return your phone calls? Is she your Mama Fantasy? Can't get enough of her?

Get in the back of the line because Fox has first dibs on her (they are so smitten they have to talk about her obsessively over reporting any other story) and then Alex Jones, The Daily Mail, The Daily Caller, Lifezette (yes, Laura Ingraham wants a scissor session so badly), The New Republic...

You guys just can't quit her!

It's so adorable...and sad.

plot said...

"Had Obama not forced so much down the american peoples throats Trump wouldn't have stood a chance."

Well that's an interesting excuse for your Hillary love.

Our president was forced down your throat? Interesting collection of fantasies you deal in. Are you in the middle of the Obama HRC sandwich?

longtimereader said...

Putin made hillary screw over sanders in the primary and then not support a $15 min wage, pick union buster kaine as VP or campaign in WI. I'm tired of the excuses from a poor candidate who ran a horrid campaign. Own your loss and accept responsibility.

Squizgig said... hmmm interesting...

plot said...


HRC made some horrible mistakes in her campaign (Kaine, ignoring the upper MidWest, showing off her rich friends at fund raising events for Kneepads and the like, not releasing the Wall Street speeches which turned out to be no ammo at all to her opponents - the speeches were pure political pablum.)

BUT the forces backing Trump are out to kill our country, our laws, our regulations, our national parks, our public school system, our legal system, our national policing and prosecuting departments, the SEC, FEMA, our environmental laws, our relationships with strong allies...

Most of us saw all this and voted for HRC anyway, The choice was stark and glaring except to those who were spurred on by pizza toppings and HerEmails. The horrible thing is that we, as a country, are so easily led around by the nose with a smattering of delicious conspiracy to manufacture delicious Outrage! If this continues, we are well and truly FUCKT.

HH314 said...

Excuse me? Hillary LOST BADLY to Trump??? In what reality? She got three million votes more than him. There is no way, NO WAY, that the vote wasn't rigged in Trump's favor. I refuse to believe it. It had to have been falsified. Speaking of, funny how quickly Trump's commission into voting irregularities folded a month or so ago. I wonder what exactly they unearthed, maybe the fact that Cheeto Hitler hasn't been really elected at all

plot said...


It's worse that you think. The Federal Elections Committee is being dismantled as we speak. Paul Ryan has killed all Congressional oversight of elections. What are those Republicans planning exactly?

Oh right, the REAL conspiracy is about pizza toppings! (eyeroll)

Jen Ty said...

Gossip is our oasis.

Take it to your usual political forums of like minded posters.

HH314 said...

Well plot I am glad you’re asked. I think Paul Ryan being the very savvy person he is has guessed that repugs will get a major thrashing and is working on minimizing that

HH314 said...

Talk to the website owners Jen Ty. They are stirring shit to get more clicks

Coffinnails said...
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FrogLegs said...

Oh, yes, I can see how ANY Hillary or Trump comments fit on this blind. :-/

Thot Crimes said...

The Democrats must be the stupidest people on the planet... either that or Trump is a criminal genius unlike anything we have ever seen. If he committed crimes, the 20+ years of investigations would have uncovered them

plot said...

What 20 years of investigation has Donny Moscow suffered?

That would be HRC. You are confused.

BTW, look up Cyrus Vance. He's the NYC DA who dropped the charges against Weinstein when the investigators had a solid case. Wanna know who else he mysteriously refused to press charges against? Who was in the thick of financial fraud charges until their lawyer Kasowitz visited Vance and the whole thing disappeared?


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