Friday, April 06, 2018

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list athlete wants out of his contract and the ability to keep all the money he makes for himself when it comes to his next fight. He certainly accomplished that and more with what he did this week.


Anonymous said...


Tricia13 said...

+1 yeppers!

TriciaJr said...

Why is this a blind?

Spider Rico said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It’s an interesting calculation because he’s likely to get sued for a lot of money for f-ing up those fighters and ruining saturdays fight

Erin said...

But why did he do it? Was he on something? That's the kinda blind I've been waiting all morning on.

ButtcrackJohnson said...

his teammate had an interaction at the hotel with the main headliner (Khabib Nurmagomedov) so he and his boys pulled up

ButtcrackJohnson said...

Let’s not forget that he’s a professional cage fighter ... I’m sure he has some brain chemicals that are struggling to keep balanced.

Barbara RiceHand said...

Wasn’t there some blinds last year that were never revealed about his drug use? I found the ones about his death threats.

Guesser said...

Wasn't there already a blind about this fight not happening?

Unknown said...

I immediately thought Canelo

joshg g said...

That was Mayweather fighting in UFC

joshg g said...

UFC could sideline him until contract runs out too. They did that to Randy Couture, didn't fight for 2 years.

Guesser said...

@josh g, thanks, this might play into the drugs though.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

When it comes to the UFC, I'm thinking PR set up to draw attention to the fight.

Isn't MacGregor a company man?

Brayson87 said...

Rhoid rage, have to watch where you sit

CJ said...

This guy's additional problem is that it's all on video and he isn't an American citizen. This is a great example of a bad news white guy that ICE can deport to counter the usual criticism that they're down on brown. My prediction: McGregor goes to jail for this one, is then deported to Ireland, and can't re-enter the U.S.

Sd Auntie said...

Right CJ I will miss gazing at his awesome body😍. He needs to be deported though

filmfanb said...

Needs to lay off the cocaine.

texasrose said...

Gee, I don't know who this could possibly be. Not MMA fighters have been in the news lately.

Ramone Love said...

His sorry ass is going to jail

Southern Man said...

No way he will be arrested/deported, even though anyone else would be.
He's a big money maker for Vegas, and Vegas is even more connected than Hollywood when it comes to fixing things.

They may book and release him, slap fines, make a show, whatever. But nothing substantial.

As a side note, just say no to drugs, kids.

J-Mo said...

He's worth 85 million according to one headline. I wonder what his costs will be in lawsuits.

AIP said...



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