Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #5

The season finale of this network show really was a real life cliffhanger. Apparently the star of the show has not decided if he wants this city named actress to return and wants her to dangle a bit before making a decision. He thinks she wronged him, so her fate is in the air until he decides if he can work with her.


Tricia13 said...

Michael weatherly/Geneva Carr-Bull?

Jeanne said...

Michael Weatherly & Geneva Carr of Bull

Neil said...

Paris Hilton?
Olympia Dukakis?
Bryce Dallas Howard?

Nemo said...

What a jerk move. If she's not going to be in that show, she needs to know so she can try to get other roles.

Brayson87 said...

Is that show any good? Never got a chance to watch it.

John the peon said...

maybe Gibbs needs to slap him on the back of the head a few more times?

Kate k said...

Her character tore up her letter of resignation at the end of the finale so I guess it's settled.

Thinkthinkthink said...

Geneva Carr and Bull? Didn't she leak all kinds of personal dets about him to the president of his fan club? How dumb is that?

Thinkthinkthink said...

Nemo, I don't Nemo, telling fans about your boss's divorce? Not cool

NancyFromNebraska said...

@Neil Yay! Yes - Olympia D. (Probably not, but ILOVEHERSOMUCH.) .

JL said...

Never heard of Michael Weatherly. Sounds like a d--k.

Jeanne said...

If she’s running her mouth about his personal life she should be fired. He couldn’t trust her anymore. She was so wrong to gossip about him.

fou toi said...

@think... wow... bad form on her part-what could she possibly have been thinking?? I hope it's settled.. I can't imagine the show without her character..

Flashy Vic said...

Pittsburgh Hotknees

Nemo said...

I don't watch the show and have never heard of their personal problems before. The actor's being "wronged" mentioned in the blind could have referred to something as little as breaking up with him, turning him down for a date, not being buddy-buddy on set, who knew. Reading the comments that came after mine, I can see that there were some legitimate issues. However, leaving someone in limbo about their job, especially when she'd need to start trying out for new roles, is still a power-jerk move.

Yeah! said...

I remember the blind about Weatherly and Bull. Geneva Carr telling his fan group about his marriage problems. Wife is some goldigger who wants to be the next Dr. Oz or is it Dr. Dre? Geez. Just pull the plug dude. Literally no one gives AF about an actor divorcing a fame ho. #richwhitepeopleandtheirfirstworldproblems

Jax129 said...

I love Bull. Funny thing, I had no idea who he was when I started I read blinds about him all the time but don't want to know if he's a jerk.

T. W. said...

We all this is about Hannah Montana...

emeraldcity said...

He's been a jerk for a long , long time particularly where women are concerned.
Starting with his relationship with Jessica Alba on the Dark Angel series and Cote Diablo on NCIS. I've always found him smarmy, reminds me of Robert Wagner.

Anonymous said...

Except Enty wrote this *after* the episode, referenced the cliff hanger, and probably has more info than what we saw.

Quimby said...

Doesn’t seem like MW is getting divorced since he’s been seen around town with his clingy wife.


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