Friday, June 22, 2018

Four For Friday - Cold Blooded

This former actress that all of you know really focuses on business now. That is what she does on a daily basis and doesn't really act any longer. She and one of her business partners in the past few years did some favors for the President of a country. In return, they were given citizenship in that country. The pair have remained very friendly with the President which is why they will probably never be charged for the hiring of some men to kill a rival businessperson/celebrity. They wanted what the businessperson/celebrity owned and that person wouldn't sell. So, our actress and her partner hired some people to kill the businessperson/celebrity. The person, was in fact killed. Nothing will happen to our former actress and her business partner except, they will now get the business they wanted at a much lower price. 


MontanaMarriott said...


A dumb idiot said...

Alba, Kate Spade?

sandybrook said...

Lilos in the nightclubbing business now in Europe, her? She'd do something like this.

Tuesdi said...

@Sandy that makes much more sense.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

Jessica Alba and the "Honest" company?

Good lord. I thought she was one of the good ones, too.

totaji said...

The word foreign is conspicuously absent.

Muckduck said...

Kate Spade sold her business a few years back. I believe Coach owns Kate Spade now.

A dumb idiot said...

Eh, doesn't make sense for Alba/Kate Spade. Her company does household items, not clothes.

Brayson87 said...

Don't forget the victim was "a rival businessperson/celebrity," so not a nobody.

sandybrook said...

For it to be Lindsay we'd have to find a rival celebutard nightclub owner in Europe who got killed. She's bankrolled by people and her original business partner is no longer involved. Dennis something or other.

pkelly491 said...

Jessica Alba still acts a bit though, could it be Cameron Diaz?

Thonker said...

I thought of Jessica Alba but it really doesn't make any sense with what she is selling.. what would she be after? softer toilet paper?

Rosie riveter said...

Oh your, grammar and, punctuation, Enty!

Unknown said...

*cough* fake blind *cough*

A dumb idiot said...

Kate Hudson has an athletic wear company.

PurplePuffin said...

Is that true that Lindsay Lohan is in the nightclubbing business in Europe? If so, what about Peter Stringfellow? He recently died and the blind insinuates that he did not just die from cancer but was killed.

J said...

Backdoor Farrah wants to corner the Molded Butt market.

She's already got a lock on the Moldy sector.

Pip said...


sandybrook said...

NobodyNose said...

This is just... ludicrous. I'll believe it when it's revealed.

Mahogany1 said...

Coming to a theater near you.....

Sara, Making It Work said...

@PurplePuffin makes the most sense!

Vicmonk said...

Megan Fox?

Anonymous said...

Kate Spade did clothing too.

Christian Hollywood said...

This one is fake..But I hope everyone will support the petition to deport Conor McGregor. The country is full, no room for violent aliens.

gauloise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nonyabusiness said...

Laughably fake blind item.

HH314 said...

Vergara? she had some sketchy business dealings. plus she owns Univision or something like that.

HH314 said...

oops not former actress. please disregard

gauloise said...

Angelina Jolie has dual citizenship with Cambodia. She doesnt act much anymore (just voice work lined up). With Brad Pitt she has a foundation in Cambodia to develop a sustainable forestry industry.

Elle Kaye said...

Alba pretty ruthlessly went after a writer/blogger who started Honest Toddler in 2012 and trademarked that year. Alba went to war over it and ended up paying out probably due to negative publicity. She wasn’t nice about it.

Tricia13 said...

Did Pamela Anderson own a biz beside that restaurant in Paris(closed already....)

MDAnderson said...

I think this is a fake blind but Matthew Mellon’s death seemed weird and he was heavily involved in cryptocurrency.

Morninglorri said...

Eva Mendes

FrenchGirl said...

@Tricia13 : it was a vegan restaurant at St Tropez .It closed because of the fraud of a business partner

Unknown said...

I would be searching for someone with close ties to Cuba.

notthisagain said...

you guys are stupid who are saying this is fake

its so obviously about lohan. clearly you guys must be new.....stay quiet and watch. stop complaining.

I came back. said...


Morninglorri said...

I never bought the death by chiropractor for Katie May. She was a partner in an online gaming site.

HeatherBee said...

This is so obviously Suzanne Somers! But if it’s not, it’s definitely Lohan.

Yellow Rose of Tehaw said...

She's currently filming Malificent 2.

Jennacheryl said...

Oddly there are several, not sure how legit this website is but what about Jolie?

Unknown said...

Jessica Alba 😲

PromiseOfSpring said...

Olsen twins. Actress and business partner make up the "team". One is married to a Zarkosy, half brother of ex French President.

PromiseOfSpring said...

Kate Spade for the victim. Wanted was the new Frances Valentine brand started in 2016. Just my guess.

Unknown said...

I am thinking more that maybe one of the Olsen twins or both. Or.... Drew Barrymore?

JL said...

Good one.

Boo said...

This has to be Lindsay Lohan. She's part owner of a nightclub in Greece. She hung out in Turkey for a long time and wasn't she hooking up with the Turkish President if the past CDAN blinds were to be believed? Perhaps she has a duel citizenship there now?

NoNoNoNo said...

It is definitely NOT Jessica Alba!

SharonMT said...

I thought of Kate furst, but she is not really a "former" actress. She was on stage recently and acts all the time in movies. Maybe not as much as before, but she would not be considered a "former" actress in my opinion.

SharonMT said...

I think they mean Alba. She doesn't sell clothing, just mostly children's household/health/toiletry.

SharonMT said...

Who is the "murdered" person?

SharonMT said...

Drew is a working actress not a "former" actress. So I would take Drew off the list.

just sayin' said...

The only actress this makes sense for is Lindsay Lohan. Not foreign-born, desiring citizenship in another country from a shady President, hiring people to hurt her rivals. It all fits.

PromiseOfSpring said...

Cold "Blooded" tells me the Olsen twins. They are related.

Migliaccio said...

I’m guessing Lohan and it’s related to this:

MamaLaMiseria said...

Hi all! Longtime lurker first time poster so pls be kind.

Angelina Jolie has been given honorary citizenships in Cambodia and Sarajevo. Her business is her foundation and she's concentrated more on that than on acting. Cold blooded could refer to the vial of blood she once wore around her neck. Cold because it's no longer in the body.

This obviously doesn't refer to her makeup artist because he was found dead too long ago (2008) but I do think she can't be ruled out.


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