Sunday, September 09, 2018

Blind Item #5 - Creative Arts Emmy Awards

Per his usual behavior this former A+ list everywhere you looked on television turned A-/B+ list actor got wasted at an after party. He then progressed into some off color jokes and then the oral skills of his significant other. He then tried to badger her into performing oral sex on him right there. She was humiliated. He has done this before she has not left him, so this probably won't be any different.


Tricia13 said...

Kelsey Grammar?

ladybaus said...

John Stamos

MDAnderson said...

John Stamos was there??

ladybaus said...


UniversalEnergy said...

Sounds like whore Stamos. Old ass hasbeen. Probably gets blown by men all the time.

Tricia13 said...

Oh it’s Bob Saget there with his fiancé....
“Everywhere on TV”meaning the show and hosting America’s Funniest Videos all those years

Tricia13 said...

“Off color jokes”/The Artistocrat” documentary he did

MDAnderson said...

Yea he was there too. I’ll go with Saget

ladybaus said...

Saget is an comedian, not an actor.

andrea said...

Bob Saget still does some acting.

Danielle said...

Saget/Stamos presented with cast of Fuller House.

Mac said...

… and we wonder why the Olson twins are so messed up.

IanPhlegming said...

Saget/Stamos must have been a nightmare combination. What a horror. I could totally see him being the repulsive pig of this blind.

If people would only think about what an open pervert Bob Saget is, and then the fact he was the lead on a show loaded with sexy teens and adorable children, and what we now know about John Stamos as well, it would be as plain as the bloodstain on a bedsheet that he is a Hollywood pig of the worst kind.

Rosie riveter said...

All of these/ revolting options

Tricia13 said...

Hey rosie☀️
Hope you having a good Sunday girl

Jon said...

Brad Garrett?

Unknown said...

Young women who date double digit older men aren't in it for the love and certainly not for their own self worth.

Rosie riveter said...

Heeeeey there
Its a MARVELOUS rainy day here ☺
Good to see you back xoxo

Lissette said...

What do we know about John Stamos????

Unknown said...

"Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen walk into a bar. They say to the bartender, “Give us two ass-hurts.” The bartender says, “How do you make an ass hurt?” The Olsen twins say, “Well, Bob Saget hands you a chocolate milk that he just made, and you wake up three hours later lying on your stomach."
- Gilbert Gottfried

K said...

What do we know about Stamos? I’m clueless!

Still Liz said...

Mila Kunis and whats his face? That guy with the giant head who's name escapes me.

Nosy newbie lurker said...

HEY!! Some of us reallyreallyreally need to know what YOU guys know about John Stamos! Please??

Jennacheryl said...

+1 @Tricia 13


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