Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blind Item #7

This supporting superhero player who is foreign born and probably A- list is a dual threat actor. As his character moves to streaming, there is talk the character will get a boyfriend and expand on where print versions have taken the character. The actor is fully on board.


Tricia13 said...

Richard Madden?

MDAnderson said...

Tom Hiddleston

Huckleberry said...

Somebody from Marvel. Probably Loki.

Tricia13 said...

I know Madden is in Marvels “The Eternals” out this year...?

TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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darc said...

Sebastian Stan? I don't think this is Richard Madden - how is his character moving to streaming?

Either Stan or Hiddleston.

Do Tell said...

Sebastian Stan, Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

Zebra Seasoning said...

Gotta be Loki.

Anonymous said...


longtimereader said...

I like the Stan guess, Valkyrie is already outed as queer in the movies. Picard had Seven of Nine come out last week.

Troy Dyer said...

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki

Sus said...

I hope Disney doesn't go for it.

Jenn B. said...

hiddleson 100%

J said...

Can't wait until Marvel blockbusters are in the rear window.

So sad to live in a society with so little imaginative energy.

Do Tell said...

To be fair, Batwoman was a character that did come out in 1956, so it wasn't just invented for the new sensibilities.

J said...

Stifle 💊💊🍺🚑

TeeHee@U said...
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Lisa said...

"the character will get a boyfriend and expand on where print versions have taken the character" The Winter Soldier isn't bisexual in the comics but Loki is.

It's Hiddleston.

PhillyWilly said...
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PhillyWilly said...

@teehee, I'm in love

flyingtiger said...

I thought Wonder Woman was the lesbian hero. She sure got tied up enough.

Sus said...

Hiddleston is almost 40 and looks every one of these years and then some more. Imagine a 40 years old actor coming out in a Disney family oriented platform. Who would be his love interest, a twink? Another 40 years old? This is not an independent film, Almodóvar or Visconti film. This kind of stories go well with actors in their 20s, not queens in their 40s.

Sus said...
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Sus said...
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Sus said...
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Jon said...

He outted her? Seriously? That's not in his character.

notthisagain said...

This is 100% Hiddleston in the Loki series.
Sebastian Stan has ‘alliterative’ marker always ( andhe isn’t that high a rating, Hiddleston = way more famous.)
i think that would be great for Hiddleston actually. It would be like a secret vacation from the suffocating closet. And the excuse is playing the character. I’m all in too!

notthisagain said...

also pretty sure Sebastian Stan’s character hooks up with black widow in the print versions while Loki’s character is bisexual

Count Jerkula said...

They ruined the Star Wars franchise, so they might as well drive Marvel over the cliff.


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