Friday, March 06, 2020

Blind Item #9

Maybe he was nervous about the guests, or getting an early start on partying for the weekend, but this late night host was coked up last night.


Tricia13 said...

Andy Cohen?

MDAnderson said...

Andy Cohen and Hilary Clinton?

MyDogSmiles said...

Hillary's been making the late night show rounds. I'm sure that's scaring the shit out of people.

Tricia13 said...

It should be l@MDS lol

MyDogSmiles said...

@Tricia If they screw up they will be suicided with 2 bullets in the back of the head.

Huckleberry said...

Eh, I think Hillary is just trying to drum up some interest in that Hulu docuseries.

MyDogSmiles said...

She said in that docuseries that she's the most innocent person in America. I shit you not LOL

hunter said...

@MyDogSmiles - yeah innocent people don't say that

Tricia13 said...


yepthatsme said...

@hunter, I used to say that all the time as a kid, lol!
Never Mind, I agree with you, but I was a really innocent kid!

Neil said...

She'll be the Dem nominee again.

MyDogSmiles said...

@hunter She's become full on delusional. Also Bill blamed his affair with Monica on anxiety :/

yepthatsme said...

@MDS, sometimes nut makes you real anxious, I am speaking from experience! I had some guests take over my bedroom for about 10 days, and I had to sleep on the couch in the living room! Lets just say when I got my room back after 10 days, all my anxiety was gone!

MyDogSmiles said...

@yepthatsme LOL

Anonymous said...

Any politician who would appoint Hillary as VP on their ticket has a death wish.

Megley said...

Bill is playing prevent defense. He's trying to twist shit to head off the inevitable shitstorm that's coming his way. He's about to finally be called to account and I hope his fall is spectacular.

Kiki said...
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Kiki said...

@mydogsmiles whatever could he have anxiety about....the killings, the sleeping with underage girls, people actually finding out his wife likes women.

MyDogSmiles said...

@Kiki All of the above...

IndieRaga said...

Didn't she give up on the POTUS dream?
Then why is she still on TV.....

PhillyWilly said...

Hillary was also on with Fallon this week. That dude is so awful at that gig. its easy to forget he is actually hosting The Tonight Show. Carson is turning over in his grave. Fallon literally makes Chevy seem engaging

Melissa said...

She's low key campaigning so she can swoop down like a vulture on Milwaukee this summer.

Melody the First said...

Trump is trying to kill us all, and you’re still fixated on Clintons?

Anonymous said...

Exactly 100++++

Rosie riveter said...

+1 megley and Melody 1st

PhillyWilly said...

oh...more TDS morons. bless your hearts.

Freckles said...

Absolutely Melody!

Anonymous said...

Trump doesnt have a body count, but the Clinton's have a LONG body count, including a dozen 'guards' appointed to them. Wonder why Bill flew sans security detail on Epstein's plane?

Sook said...

Anyone else see Bill in the clip? Yikes! No matter who we are, what our status is, how much money you have, if you are the lowest of the low or the highest of the high - we ALL get old and die. Nobody escapes Father Time.

Brayson87 said...

I think late night tv would be better if more of the hosts were on coke.

Hamish said...

Oh noes, Trump's trying to kill us by bringing the troops home, making peace with NK, arresting the pedos, getting minorities employed, and creating the strongest economy in 50 years. You TDS fools are hilarious. Stop drinking the fake news kool-aid and think for yourselves.

Anon Y Mous said...

What a fucking cesspool this place has become. Trump's 'murica! Land of the morons, home of the gullible.

Anon Y Mous said...

HS you fucking russian bot, get some new talking points. All that garbage is literally fake news.

Aquagirl said...

+1@ Anon Y Mous

chihuahuamomma said...

I don't have Hulu, but I would watch this documentary to count the lies that come out of her mouth. As for Bill, that bullshit about saying he is sorry they ruined the life of Monica. That's a friggin understatement, and when did they stop. Didn't she write an article for Vanity that stated even today she can't get a decent job because of the Clintons. She was only 21, and that vulture preyed upon her awe of him. Old fart will never get what he deserves.

Unknown said...

Fallon. seen him red nosed before

PhillyWilly said...

Funny, how everything that HS claimed is fake news is happening or has happened. you can't make it up with these fucking libtard morons. I CANNOT WAIT til the Dem convention when Bernie doesnt get the nomination and his anarcho-communist (LOL, love that one) beta bros get violent. Grab your popcorn

MichiganMama59 said...

So raping Juanita Broaddrick was about his anxiety.

He is a rapist and she is his enabler. F MeToo!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ahaaaaaa. Funny af, the Hillary Clinton stuff. LOL.

Deanna M. said...

Mueller investigation had 37 indictments. The eleven investigations into Hillary had none.

Fifi LaRue said...

All you folks with the Hilary hatred, and calling people who disagree with trump TDS, and you are also the ones who say Jennifer Aniston can't hang on to a man. I figured out who you ALL are. Ta-Da! You are not quite as crazy as the people on Jerry Springer, no, you all are just one level above Jerry Springer people.
Trailer parks, lotsa beer, cigarettes, moron views of the world.

Oh, might I add, underemployed in the bluest of blue collar jobs, and undereducated, to be sure.

Sd Auntie said...

+1000000000Anon y Mous. Sounds like MDS has a big ol crush on Hillary. Maybe she can sit on his face and make him feel better. Get laid dude, you'll feel better

Sd Auntie said...

Cant stand either one. Stick to gossip folks
Listen to Rush before he goes straight to hell.

Elvis Belushi said...

Fallon drinks SO much he has to bump up for his shows.

Cocobean said...


Cocobean said...

This site is becoming tin foil hat central.

Mrs Libnish said...

I'd do a pile of coke if I had to be in the same room with satan incarnate, too.

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

Trump and the trumptone's fear smart women and men of color. It's sad.

Sd Auntie said...

I d do heroin too if I had to listen to Rush.

Craisins2017 said...

MichiganMama - Trump is a rapist too. Over 20 credible women have told the world about him raping them.


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