Thursday, September 13, 2007

Today's Blind Items From AP's World--Date Of Timmy Reveal and Emmy Plans

I haven't looked at the Timmy comments in a day or so, but I do know you all work very hard on it so it will definitely be by Wednesday that I do the reveal. It won't be Monday because that will be all about the Emmy's and Tuesday I will be catching up with the work I didn't do on Monday, so it will have to be Wednesday. Mark it down. Get the kids, wake the neighbors, and pull up a chair and you will learn all I know.

Speaking of the Emmy's, the woman I was supposed to go with who is our gossip queen for these events without knowing it, now does know it, and so will take a friend of hers instead of me. Now that she knows I could have been there, but was afraid we would talk and and I wouldn't write anything down so she will still do it the old fashioned way. Now that she knows she's on the spot she said she will try and give more info than she has in the past and is actually excited about it. We have tentative plans to try and do live blogging from the Golden Globes as they happen from right there in the room.

Now here is something for today from AP all of which happened this summer in the Riviera.

#1 This aging Academy Award winning A list actor invited five or six beauties to his boat every night where he would proceed to get drunk and regale them with stories about all the women he had slept with and how they had all thought he was the best lover ever. Our actor would then tell the assorted group of women that he wasn't going to have sex with them because he didn't want it to ruin it for them with others, but wanted them to dance for him, strip and then he would have each come over to where he was sitting and tell them he was Daddy and proceed to spank them. This would go on for two or three hours or until he passed out whichever came first. Our actor drank and spanked, and the women would leave at the end of the night tender but well rewarded.

#2 This formerly married C list film and sometime television actress with B list name recognition and an A list body spent each night going to a different boat and different party looking for a guy she could capture with her body and hook him for his money. She was willing to do anything to hook a rich guy, but she told too many people what she was doing. Word got out about her game and soon she was being forced into more and more degrading situations and multiple partners and the only thing she succeeded in capturing was a new STD.


Unknown said...

Jack Nicholson for #1

Unknown said...

I agree - Jack Nicholson (and his weird saliva problem) for #1.

Bryn said...

#1 Definitely Jack - was photographed on a boat on the Riviera this summer.

Unknown said...

My planner is marked

Bryn said...

Was Viveca A. Fox on the Riv this summer? If so, I'm going with her for #2

Kathy K said...

Yup; Jack for #1 ... even the pictures creeped me out.

You know what they say, when you have to brag about how good you are, you can't be any good.

Don't know about #2 ... I have a hunch it'll be someone I've heard of (prob on this site) but have to Google to see who she is.

budford said...

Golden globes?

Gettin' desperate here.

budford said...

Golden globes?

Gettin' desperate here.

jax said...

Jack Nicholson
Jennifer Espisito

jax said...

carmen electra?

princessj1987 said...

Can't wait for Wednesday!

d said...

#1 Jack Nicholson, and not only that, but I remember us guessing he was the subject of a blind where the actor in question couldn't get it up anymore. Inviting women to his house, but nothing actually happened.

Thus his story about "not wanting to ruin it for them"

merrick said...

I am jumping on the jack train ...good call gabriela!

Tracee said...

#1-sounds like Jack
#2-Denise Richards? I dunno. She's a gold-digger, and maybe she needed a new STD to go with her collection.

Jon said...

I agree with Tracee for no. 2. Denise Richards.

melcon80 said...

#2 - Sounds like Eva Mendes but she isn't C-list

Anonymous said...

1. Jack
2. Denise

Is anyone else regretting watching the VMA's on sunday for Britney's song? I keep hearing it playing in my head, but it's "Timmy/Shimmy, gimme more..." Can't wait for Weds!

Lori Johnston said...

#2 has got to be Denise Richards.

Unknown said...

#2 i am going to say Jessica Biel...she isn't known for her films, but TV she was 7th heaven with name recognition and she is known to have one of the best bodies in Hollywood. Thoughts???

Farm Girl Pink... said...

I hate to ask the obvious question but was Denise Richards even in the Riviera this summer?? I never saw any pictures of her there... tho I did see the ones of her at Disneyland with the kids... at the park... shopping... but never any where near a boat in the Riviera.

Unknown said...

i think #2 is gina gershon. i remember seeing several pictures of her on boats this summer.

i am also a long time lurker and have been totally engrossed in the timmy blind. since this blind was posted, i've spent countless hours reading all of your posts and following the amazing research that has been done. i don't know if i'll make it until wednesday!

ZergGirl said...

Agree with everybody on Jack N. for #1...while reading it all I could see were those pics from this summer.

#2 could be several C-listers, all of whom might be under the impression they could tell everyone around them what they were planning and no one would ever gossip about it. ~eye roll~

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
melcon80 said...

flgatorgirl - Gershon is who I was thinking of! (Not Mendes as previously posted) Wasn't there a picture of Gina with some billionaire this summer?

Anonymous said...

August said...
#2 i am going to say Jessica Biel...Thoughts???
Isn't Jessica playing for the home team?

Unknown said...

melcon - i found one of ent's posts from 7/13/07 that shows a picture of ron perelman asking how he got gina gershon. the men with money part fits...

Unknown said...

I love the Eva M guess...there were a few other unforavable bi's about her as well. Definitely Eva.

My goodness, it will be the longest week on record just waiting for Wednesday...I'm logging on as soon as I awake...yeah, same 'ole same 'ole as the last few weeks!!

Anonymous said...

Gina was on the Italian Riviera this summer with Ron Perelman. But they are "just friends."

KMG852 said...

Jessica Biel was also never married.

Eve said...

#1 is def. Jack. The funniest source of laffs along these lines was that book that was published about ten years ago, You'll Never Make Love in this Town Again, written by Heidi Fleiss girls. Hilarious hijinks ensued The Jack, as I recall.

Unknown said...

#1 Jack
#2 Pam Anderson

Leslie Juvin said...

Jack N hit on my mother in-law in front of her husband at a restaurant in their summer city of Cavalaire (Riviera) . He's known for doing stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Yuck on Jack N, no amount of $ would allow me to let him even THINK about touching my hindparts!

Dnt have a clue for #2 but it is sad

Unknown said...

#1 Jack Nicholson, because it has been published before about his spanking girls, call girls

Anonymous said...

I thought of Anna Faris initially for the second item, although Denise Richards would make more sense as she is known for having a nice physique.

And there's no doubt about Jack being the the subject of the first item, he was photographed extensively with many young ladies on boats in August. Doesn't surpri se me either, the man is notoriously insane.

Can't wait for the reveal of Timmy/Shimmy either!

GammaGirl said...

1. Jack Nicholson. I know he's a legend but there were SO many pictures of him looking like a beached whale aboard his yacht. It was disgusting...and he was always surrounded by five or six women.

2.There's no way its Jessica Biel and I thought Anna Faris was filming her untitled film in LA all summer. Denise Richards was DEF on vacation there this summer...and we know ENT hates her.

Mother Campfire said...

First thoughts were Jack & Pam....

Anonymous said...

1. Probably JK tho for some reason I first thought of Robert Redford and I dont even know if he has an Oscar. I'm taking crazy pills today apparantly.

2. I was thinking Carmen Electra because its rumored she's out of money but Denise Richards also sounds like a good possibility.

Unknown said...

I'm going with Jack and Pam for these.

Beth said...

Jack and Denise.

For everyone guessing Biel, she's never been married. Read more closely. I don't think Faris has been married either and she's not known for an A-list bod. Being know for an A-list bod are people like Pam, Denise, Carmen, etc.

I've heard Denise has been on the hunt to land a rich guy so it would add up (remember how she supposedly joined that high end dating service that matches women up with millionaires?)

BadSansa said...

I can't say much, Never did on film but whatta looker if i do say so myself.......
Anyway, I know, of course we all do. Some scandal, no paps in those days though thank goodness!!!
Dearest Snookums
Its time for the TimmyShimmy reveal, your devoted readers SO deserve it. And tho my heart belongs to Paley, you're a close second, lover.... until then

Kisses galore EN and Wednesday it is! Favor Please: DO give us more on those glorious days of Hollywood long ago....

Darling Lulu

canopener said...

#2--Maybe Daisy Fuentes?

Anonymous said...

Beth - Anna Faris is actually in the middle of a divorce.

But I agree with the Denise Richards thing. It fits her to a tee.

Unknown said...

Jack of course for #1 and the first person I thought of for #2 was Jennifer Aniston, although I think she was in Hawaii most of the time.

Poey said...

#2 = Tara Reid

rooral said...

Gina Gershon and Tara Reid haven't been married before though, have they?

Anonymous said...

Sad! I'm gonna miss the reveal! I hope that club has wifi!

Julie said...

did denise and ric.sambo break up?

maybe i'm out of the loop?

sugaree 70 said...

They did break up. He dumped her, I believe.

parissucksliterally said...

No one has mentioned Shannon Elizabeth.
divorced, A list body to a lot of people, but does she qualify for C list? I find her an F-Lister myself.

Trace said...

i was totally thinking shannon elizabeth as well. C list film (American Pie role) sometimes television, definitely B list name with a DEFINITELY A list body.

Production Girl said...

Jack N was the 1st person to pop in my head too.

Gina G sounds like a good guess.

mandjo said...

You know Pam Anderson is a good guess for #2. All of the clues fit, and didn't he just recently refer to her with an STD comment?
Jack for #1.

Unknown said...

thanks for the support production girl!

everyone knows that pam's had hepatitis c for years now so that isn't it...

redgurl72 said...

#2 is Jessica Simpson.
She was married, has been in terrible movies, had been on TV (Newlyweds, That 70's show) and was known to have gone after Jude Law while she was in Cannes. Her name is defintely B list but her body is A-list... if not her face. Since her albums and movies aren't making any money she could probably do with a sugar daddy. I'm thinking the 'hook' reference is about her fish lips?

GammaGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Funny how Jack thinks he can still get all these hot women just because of who he is...dude is old and busted now! Who even cares if he's a screen legend!

MnGddess said...

Don't understand Ent's comments about the Emmys. She knows about the blog and won't take you to the Emmys but she's still going to spy for you? Why can't you be there? Or are you still going but not with her?

I need to take my meds....


Jen said...

#2 is definately Jessica Simpson as she was trolling Cannes this summer- plus she can never keep her trap shut!

Brenda22 said...

It has to be Pam. She was in the Riviera this summer (don't think Denise was), has a B list name, C list actress, A list body (Denise is not known so much for her body). Plus, ENT says she got a NEW STD, suggesting she already had one and everyone knows Pam has Hepatitis C.


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