Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What Do You Think?

So, I have not had a chance today to listen to Howard Stern's show, so I don't know what happened. I do know that today, there was supposed to be a woman from San Diego who was going to auction off her virginity. To get around that touch issue of illegality, the consummation is going to take place at The Bunny Ranch outside of Las Vegas, where it just so happens her sister works. The woman, who goes by the name Natalie Dylan to protect her privacy, because as you know, there is no one who will recognize her from her photo is doing so to pay for her college education. Uh huh.

According to the information provided by her to the NY Daily News, she already has one degree and is going to use the money from the auction to pay for her Master's Degree. She wants to be a family therapist. Well, that seems like an ideal profession doesn't it? She sure can talk a lot about family. She says she has been forced to do this because her dad allegedly took out student loans in her name and so she has no money. Her sister turns tricks for a living for the same reason. Mom is a 4th grade teacher who doesn't agree with the decision.

Natalie says, "I don't have a moral dilemma with it. We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?"

Well, I guess legally there is not an issue with it, but will she counsel her patient's children the same thing? This is a woman who wants to get a doctorate at some point and deal with kids and parents. Do you want to visit her? Would you trust her opinion? To prove she is a virgin she will undergo a medical exam and a lie detector test. Oh, and in case you are thinking that the biggest bidder wins. Not so fast. She is going to pick the bidder she likes. Uh huh. So a woman who is going to sell her virginity is going to have second thoughts if one guy bids $1M, and is ugly, but the 2nd place guy is hot and bids $50K. I think we know what she will do.

I think what disgusts me about this whole thing is the fact she is promoting it so heavily. It seems less about having some guy pay for her virginity and more about trying to get her 15 minutes and a reality show or some other way to make money besides being a therapist. I'm surprised she didn't offer to throw in her sister for a 3some if the offer was high enough.

The owner of the Bunny Ranch said, "I think it's a tremendous idea. Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota when you can pay for your education?"

And of course why not encourage her to do it because you are getting publicity and a big cut of the proceeds. Maybe I'm wrong and all of you think it is a great idea. Let me know what you think.


Unknown said...

Hate to say it, but I actually applaud her. How many people either don't remember who they lost it to or regret losing it to so and so afterwards? At least she's being smart about it. Okay - start yelling at me.

lutefisk said...

OK--my grandmother used to have an expression that translated into English as:
"If you spit in a whore's face, she will tell you it is raining."
So, basically she can say it is doing it for her education, but that doesn't mean she is any different than her sister.
Is the guy being tested for STD's, HIV, etc?

sandman said...

i remember my first & pretty sure she doesn't tho, haha.
i can't imagine what the first time is like nowadays with all the accessable porn, you actually have a clue as to what to do, not too many mysteries left for 1st timers.

its a whole new world i guess, expect more of this if she gets a big payday

IndigoBlue said...

It isn't my cup of tea, but I don't particularly see anything wrong with it. I gave it away to some less than stellar candidates back in the day. Wish I had a Master's to show for it. Okay, so I still went to grad school, but I paid for it myself. I don't applaud her, but as long as everyone is legal and consenting, I don't really care what you do.

Unknown said...

Adrian...How'd you lose YOUR virginity? Was it to someone you loved and don't regret losing it to? If so, I can understand why you feel the way you do. Although I lost mine to someone I loved and don't regret it even a bit. But I do understand how this makes sense. She's selling a product very valuable to many men. If she can put herself thru school, then why not? If her virginity is not something she values, why is it such a big deal to lose it that way? And she's got the choice to turn down the highest bidder if he's not suitable. I don't find that reckless - I find it very savvy.

Molly said...

i'm in the minority. it makes me ill to see any woman doing this. no amount of money is worth your self esteem because you've decided to prostitute yourself.

Unknown said...

And Adrian - I did not mean to make that sound as though I was attacking you - it was somewhat of a rhetorical.

d said...

I wish I had thought of it

Unknown said...

"no amount of money is worth your self esteem because you've decided to prostitute yourself."

Doesn't sound like she has low self-esteem at all. I think people who give it up to peer pressure or to some random guy shows less self esteem than what's she's displaying here.

Molly said...

i think the idea that some man wants a virgin for the night and is willing to pay for it is really fucked up, but that's just me.

Kristen S. said...

I find it pretty damned funny when poeple go on about a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body when it applies to abortion, but woooooe unto them that use their bodies as they choose to get money for sex. If a woman has a right to choose what to do with her own body, she has a right to choose. You can't have it two ways.

The attitude that she is incapable of making this choice herself, as an adult, is completely insulting and both right-wingers and feminists who think they have the right to control this girl's body can fuck off.

I agree with her that it's a capitalist country and it's her body. It wouldn't be my personal preference to do such a thing, but I don't own her. She owns her.

lutefisk said...

Janele--there is a name, or many names for someone who sells sex.
Her "product" is sex--she is not a Fuller Brush woman.

lutefisk said...

I'm with Molly on this.

Molly said...

kristen, you can disagree without telling some of us to fuck off, can't you? nobody here said that to you people who feel differently than we do, did we?

Unknown said...

I don't doubt that there are names for people who sell sex...but she's not selling sex...she's selling her virginity. If she were JUST selling sex, the men could get it anywhere else at a much better price.

I agree that we have different opinions, and I can see your side...I wouldn't do it. But I could see how this makes sense from a "right to choose" perspective. I do applaud her for putting her virginity to good use. I'm still paying off my masters - I have $36K left. Not fun when you have children and a mortgage - she is a good business woman. That's all - I'm not looking at her morally and saying I agree.

Molly said...

If she were JUST selling sex, the men could get it anywhere else at a much better price.

I doubt this. I'd have more respect for her if she was a prostitute. She'd rather sell her virginity than work hard. Disgusting! Her mother must be sooooooooo proud!!

selenakyle said...

This reminds me of the girl in the movie Mall Rats with the PhD. in sex studies who got f-ed in an uncomfortable place (not the backseat of a Volkswagon!) by Ben Affleck's character.

Unknown said...

Molly said...
If she were JUST selling sex, the men could get it anywhere else at a much better price.

I doubt this. I'd have more respect for her if she was a prostitute. She'd rather sell her virginity than work hard. Disgusting! Her mother must be sooooooooo proud!!


So what you're saying is that just because she's choosing to sell her virginity, she's opting out of working hard? Her virginity is a product to her. It's not something she's attached to...so why would she work less hard in life if she sold her virginity? To someone who views their own virginity as a product, it would be as though she were selling a car or a house - something random like that. How come it's ok to sell those things to put you through grad school, but not your virginity? Lost of people give it away for free to some random guy anyway. Why not put it to good use?

Unknown said...

Although I think prostitution should be legal, that doesn't mean I am a proponent of it or I support her.

That said, hard work would get her the same education than laying on her back for a few minutes. I guess she wants the easy money.

I hope she has the money safely in an escrow account before she goes forward with the deed.

On the flip side, this may come to haunt her if she is looking for respectibility in her profession and all of her colleagues are Googling this.

As well, she apparently has no problem telling her future children that her body is a commodity and comes at a price.

Good luck to your future husband and a long, happy marriage! He won't mind his buddies looking online and reading all about her antics!

Maja With a J said...

I don't see the difference between "selling sex" and "selling one's virginity". I just find it interesting that one can be a whore even though one is a virgin.

But, in all fairness, Kristen is right. It's her body. Sure, it sounds like a stupid and dysfunctional thing to do, but her body - her choice, nonetheless.

I just hope she actually goes and gets her degree and doesn't stay on the ranch - from what I've read, a lot of girls say they're just gonna do it for a while to get some cash together, and then stay because they can't make that kind of money anywhere else.

Molly said...

janelle, that's what i'm saying. do you know how many people leave college in debt? yet they manage to work hard and pay off their school loans.

we can agree to disagree about this. at least you're respectful in your debate. thanks, i appreciate that. much better than someone telling those who feel differently to fuck off. i guess we hit a little too close to home or something.

Unknown said...

"Good luck to your future husband and a long, happy marriage! He won't mind his buddies looking online and reading all about her antics!"

Hmm...so now you're expecting her to remain a virgin til married? How would her antics be any less offensive had she slept with a few random guys in college for free? I'm sure the future husband would appreciate not inheriting a Grad school debt upon marrying her more than he'd be worrying about sleeping with a random guy for money. Most husbands have to deal with the ex-boyfriend and random hookup baggage anyway. Why is this different?

jax said...

daddy issues.

i dont have much issues with selling sex..but your first time?
thats fucked up. come on people.
she can do what she wants but this is the kinda shit that disgusts me about North America. everything has a price, including your dignity.

Kristen S. said...

I wasn't addressing you molly, at all. I was just expressing MY opinion via-a-vis Enty's post. The last sentence of the post was "Let me know what you think". I didn't even read the comments before I posted. I just read yours right now because I had no idea why you would put my name in your reply.

I was, however, addressing people who talk about both sides of their mouth about wanting women to have the rights to do what they will with their bodies, but only a list of very specific things, which certainly does not include protitution! Goddess forbid! No. These double-standard women don't actually want freedom for all women. They want the freedom to control the actions of their sisters. They want to pat these girls on the head and say "It's OK sweetie. We're all women, but we know better than you. All women are equal, but trust us - some are more equal than others".

Molly said...

i happen to agree with jax on this one. it's fucked up. virginity is nothing to sell.

kristen, if you weren't talking to naf adrien and myself, that's cool. since i've been putting down palin because she's not for women's rights, i really don't feel like i'm a hypocrite for taking this position. this is completely different in my mind.

but like i told janelle, we can agree to disagree on this one.

SHE SHE said...

This chick was wearing her "Bad Idea Jeans" I'm afraid. I have a daughter and I would sell my kidneys on the black market before I'd let her humiliate herself in this fashion. Now, all of you for it, go back to watching "I Love New York" or whatever bottom feeder programming you find entertaining. Good grief.

Kara said...

I don't understand how someone makes it all the way to 22 without losing their virginity, but doesn't think being a virgin is a big deal.

Was I a little highschool ho? Am I alone on this? I don't know any 22 year old virgins except for ones that feel virginity is a very important thing.

I don't care what she wants to do with her own body. I do think it's a foolish choice as far as her future professional career goes. A highschool friend of mine was on road rules and messed around with a guy in the bathroom on the show. Everybody talked about it FOREVER! Can't imagine what publicly selling sex will do to a professional career.

Goodgrief said...

This will be the new way to earn money for school. In my day, you sold plasma to help you get some extra spending money. Now its your virginity. At least with plasma you can do it more than once and still have your dignity.

ms_wonderland said...

This has happened before, or at least people have tried it.

I really don't get this value men place on virginity. It was always worth a lot of money, but why is sex with an inexperienced girl so attractive? Is it the men who don't want the woman to know how crap they are?

I don't have any problem with people who make a living out of sex. The only thing that surprises me is that this woman is still a virgin at 22/23.

Amber said...

I think someone needs to sit down with her, and discuss her choice of foundation.

notachance said...

The only part I really question is just how much further her education will be after doing this. Seems to me that her life will not be her own, no matter how much she thinks she's in control of this situation, the PR alone she's getting is changing things already and I would be surprised if she actually did return to college.

lutefisk said...

Kristen S--there is nothing wrong with a 22 year old having sex--it is her body, & if she got pregnant it is her right to have an abortion. It is the selling of sex that is the issue. Having sex is one thing, selling it is another.
I think that is the issue.

trogdor said...

The highest bidder IS:



A Pimp Named DaveR said...

I'll be levelling my my disdain at the buyer, not the seller....

lutefisk said...

lol at the Affleck comment!
We always need to place him where he can fit.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

From what I've experienced and heard from most others, the first time sucks anyhoo. I'd rather have the cash than the shitty memories. LOL I do think it's foolish that she puts herself out there publicly like she is doing. Whatever, it's her life and her pooty.

ENT, I was listening this morning to Howard. She would also consider letting her sister watch while she loses it for the right price. Now, I personally find that really gross.

Some hookers don't see it as degrading to sleep w/guys for money. They see it the opposite way: they are empowered, they are in control and they are the ones using the guy(and his money). Frankly, I think we all have our own reasons for fuckin' someone it's just that not everyone is going to agree on those reasons. Whether it's love or money, it's up to the person giving it up. Not society. Stay out of my panties and I stay out of yours. LOL

Goodgrief said...

My first thought was my ass she's a virgin. Then I thought well if she wasn't then her former boyfriends would be coming out of the woodwork calling her a liar. It is still surprising that she is still a virgin at her age while her sister is already a "working" girl.

Jesse D said...

This is disgusting. More degradation of the human body and our sexuality in general. And I'm pro-choice to the bone. Having a baby or not and selling your sexual history (or lack thereof) are two TOTALLY different things. Abortion does NOT equal prostitution!! I'd definitely not be okay with my sister or two daughters doing this. Not okay at ALL.
On another note, who wants to sleep with a virgin anyway? You'd think someone paying for it would want a bit of experience??

lutefisk said...

Wasn't this the plot of Pretty Baby?
Susan Sarandon auctioned off Brooke Shields' virginity, except she was

Molly said...

"She would also consider letting her sister watch while she loses it for the right price. Now, I personally find that really gross."

oh yeah, she's not too fucked up!!

it's about the $$$$.

and people seem to be confusing prostitution with selling your virginity. it's not the same. like i said, i'd have a lot more respect for her if she just sold herself.

and funny that a lot of people who put down that politician's hooker for 4K a night or whatever it was are now saying everyone has a right to do what they want. i guess it depends on what day it is.

mooshki said...

The fact that Howard Stern & the Bunny Ranch are involved is enough to know this is all bad. Read "Memoirs of a Sex Industry Survivor" by Anne Bissell.

Kat said...

Your body is your own, that's fact, but the freedom to make your own choices about it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to make the right ones. Lots of people sell their bodies for sex, but not many of them end up feeling proud of themselves for it in the long run.

This girl obviously has some issues with self-respect, and no matter how you pretty up the argument, that's what it boils down to. People who respect themselves, don't sell themselves, even with the option to do so. She will regret it on some level, some day, and all this nonsense about paying for school or what have you won't amount to much when she's battling her conscience later on.

She's not thinking big picture. A lot of people don't.

Linnea said...

adrian, i am totally with you on that. I do believe sexuality is something good and healthy, and something we all deserve to have. However, I do not think that it is a commodity to be bought and sold. The price those who sell it pay can be much, much higher than the cash they receive in return. I value your point though Kirsten, and I do not want to judge this woman. I just hope she will be happy with the choices that she is making, and that she doesnt have to pay the price others have before her.

TV said...

since i'm not anti-prostitution i see no problem with it is she's okay with it.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm missing ask a hooker, I'd love to hear her take on this.

My opinion: ew, but it's her life. I'd read somewhere else her bachelor's is in women's studies, so I'd assume that means she is aware of her rights, choices, and consequences of her actions.

But I'm with some of you, publicizing this as much as she is and putting her face out there means that her future clients will be aware of her decision and they will decide whether or not her choices and her decision making ability is appropriate in helping them learn to make their own decisions.

And fwiw, I was a 22 year old virgin who had a casual view of sex. But then again, I was a boy. (a hot young boy who had been offered several times, just never money.)

kimi said...

Its legal in Nevada and it is her body and choice. Most of us may not morally agree with this but everyone has a different moral compass. Personally, I regret who I had sex with for the first time and I know many others who do as well. A lot of people just have sex in high school to lose the stigma of being the last virgin alive. When older, I realize how silly it was to feel that way. Also,why the generalization of North America when prostitution of children is so out of hand in so many other countries. When you go to other countries, literally it feels if everything is for sell. In this world everything has a price and there is always a buyer.

kimi said...

Oh, and Howard Stern never fails to disgust me a little more. But he is also marrying a beautiful women half his age who probably wouldn't look twice at him if he was a shoe salesman so other then the virginity part, it is the same in my book.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

"and people seem to be confusing prostitution with selling your virginity. it's not the same. like i said, i'd have a lot more respect for her if she just sold herself."

What is the difference between selling your virginity (the first time you have sex) and selling your pooty on a regular basis for the purpose of sex? Nothing. Selling sex for money= prostitution. Doesn't matter if it's your first time or you last time, it's all the same. She can just command a higher rate for her first time. Obviously, if she keeps on with the profession, her rate will take a drastic fall after the cherry is gone.

Ms. said...

Her body and I don't care what she does with it.

That's said, she's fooling herself if she doesn't think there'll be repercussions because of the marketing campaign for the sale. This will follow her therapist career for the rest of her life and she better be comfortable with a completely private practice as most established practices will be very reluctant to bring her aboard.

She could have gone about this in a much quieter fashion. I think Enty is onto something - she's angling for a bigger prize like a reality show.

Not Impressed said...

Heh heh I'm still here dnfrommn.

Here's what I think.

Its a woman's right to do whatever with her body.

That being said, she obviously doesn't have a whole lot of self respect.

I know what I am, I know this means that in saying this that I admit that I have to turn a blind eye to the objectification, or risk losing my mind over the poor self esteem. But I also take steps to not be discovered. I still have shame. I just don't expect anyone to identify with or understand why I do what I do.

But she's going on national radio and coming out with this? How does she expect to make a real career out of her masters degree, with this kind of background? I don't think she's being wise about that.

Who wants to be with a virgin anyway? They don't know what they're doing, and they'll be in pain! Especially one like that. Why are her face and her skin two wildly different colors???

bionic bunny! said...

my daughter is not only a virgin at 22-1/2, she's not even had a real date, and _I'M_ traumatized by that.

virginity/sex, whatever, i can't imagine her being okay with this sort of thing, and she's desperate for any kind of relationship.

i'm not a fan of sterns, but what i do know of him, i have to believe there's more to this than a woman auctioning off her virginity. it's her choice, granted, but you KNOW there's more here than meets the eye.

MontanaMarriott said...

Like Madonna said "I always thought of losing my virginity as a career move"

I can't knock her hussle and wish I thought of it as opposed to the @$$hole I did lose mine to.

lutefisk said...

Buns--your daughter is not a pregnant, unmarried crack-whore?
I guess kids can turn out decent, after all. I wouldn't worry about the not dating. My brother-in law just got married at 40, & it is the 1st girlfriend in 24 years that I know him to have. They met, got engaged in 2 months, & married 11 months later.

And I agree--she is looking for a something.

kimmypie1 said...

" I'm sure the future husband would appreciate not inheriting a Grad school debt upon marrying her more than he'd be worrying about sleeping with a random guy for money. Most husbands have to deal with the ex-boyfriend and random hookup baggage anyway. Why is this different?"

Don't know about you, but my husband would take grad school debt over former hooker for a wife....

Little Blue Pill said...

What's a virgin? A person who's never had any sex or just not vaginal sex? I guess most people are talking about a woman and her hymen but what about oral and anal sex? This Natalie Dylan could be the world's biggest groupie blowjob queen or professional anal fucker but technically be a virgin as far as her vagina is concerned. Maybe her vagina has had things in it like dildos and fists, just not a penis. Does that still make her innocent? Which brings another rhetorical question, is a lesbian a virgin? Ahh so many questions. Oh and Enty - put your hands up on the keyboard where we can see them.

Anonymous said...

@little blue pill

SO true. That was my first thought. Check that asshole. What color is it? Freakin' exactly. She's taking an exam to show she still has her hymen intact...but there are sooo many ways to get a guy off that have nothing to do with vaginal sex.

Unknown said...

Janele, "How would her antics be any less offensive had she slept with a few random guys in college for free?"

The difference is that she would have kept her private life private and here she's advertising it nationwide.

I think at her age she is too young to realize fully the personal and professional repercussions down the road.

That said, if she's a virgin, she must have been intimate with a boyfriend in her past to some degree because can any of you imagine doing the deed with a perfect stranger?? EEWWWWWW!!!! And knowing he has paid for you and "has the right" to your body???

Unknown said...

If she gets some cash for this that's fine. I'm a little freaked that she plans on a career in family therapy. Will this go on her resume?

jax said...

what colour is it? does it fuckin change colour with use Bad fish?

Unknown said...

I had another thought -- she's in this for the fame.

If she only wanted to give it up for the money, she could have done this on Craig's List or something and quietly gotten on with her education.

Molly said...

I think at her age she is too young to realize fully the personal and professional repercussions down the road.

exactly! no offense to anyone out there, but when you're 22/23, you don't always realize what impact your actions will really have on you.

and this ditz sounds a lot less mature than most 22/23 year olds.

Unknown said...

She can give it up to anyone of her choosing, but going national with it -- there's the problem.

Kind of like Vanessa Hudgens and her "private" bedroom photos -- don't be careless with your life only to regret it later.

selenakyle said...

A friend of mine in high school from a big Catholic family had regular oral and anal sex with her bf just so she could say she was still a virgin.

selenakyle said...

Not cracking on Catholics....married two of them myself.

Just explaining my friend's *rationale* for thinking she needed to remain a virgin in her family's eyes, blah, blah.

Probably has heinous hemmorhoids to this day.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I think it's mysogynistic more than anything else, but not really *wrong*, per se. This girl is a dumbass who's making a really bad decision, and Howard Stern has proved himself ONCE AGAIN to be desperate for attention and publicity -- the worse, the better. As usual. I'm a proponent for legalized prostitution, though. I'm also a proponent of sex education that emphasizes contraception over abstinence, so hey, what do I know?

It disturbs me more that there are going to be hordes of douchebags panting to bloody this girl's sheets for the first time. It's a power issue with men, and it's an ancient one. It's not going to go away, and it IS disgusting, but I find it more reprehensible when analsacs like Joe Francis get a bunch of girls wasted and cause them to sexually exploit and humiliate themselves.

Anonymous said...

Damn - I think I just heard the 7 Horses of the Apocalypse come galloping by.

We're all going to hell in a handbasket, people.

sandman said...

ok, i admit, i stopped reading after mollys "who wants a virgin" comment.
I agree, i don't get it, who wants to fuck a baby? i'll take someone who is tuned into their sexuality & knows what they want.
i'll leave the virgins to the muslims who seem to be fuked in the head.

c17 said...

"Another women's issue, prostitution. I do not understand why prostitution is illegal. Why should prostitution be illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?"

The late, great George Carlin. He's prolly spinning in his grave over the Sarah Palin thing.

It's her body, it's her right, it's no one's business but her own.

kelliknows said...

Anyone who actually believes she's a virgin because she says so deserves to get scammed. Is this a story? Isn't selling sex really old news, whether it's 'I'm a sweet little virgin girl' or 'I'm your naughty nurse for the night'?

Kat said...

At the end of the day, this woman claims to be a virgin at 22. Lemme ask you: if she's held on to it this long, why sell it and make a mockery of herself? I mean, to be 'intact' at this stage in her life would indicate a great deal of restraint or self-respect, right? Why all of the sudden is she willing to not only do it with some random individual, but she will also make a public spectacle of herself in the process, and effectively morph into a prostitute.

This does not add up, and if she's going into family therapy, she might want to start with herself.

Dead Angel said...

It's funny the story that was covered up in the Bay Area, had her Grad-gee-atin' from Sacramento State, with a degree in Women's Studies, which is only offered as a special major at that college. That means if she isn't a pro, and is a student she would have been ID'd in a nano second. Sorry this has got to be a Bunny Ranch prank to generate business in a recession-like economy, and Howard is helping Dennis Hof and his own ratings.

"Natalie" the virgin, who's sister is a hooker, who works at the Bunny Ranch, now that's convenient.

Dead Angel said...

Oh, the best part of the story, she just received her BA degree, so it's not for school unless it's grad school, but somehow I think she's got quite a little nest egg stashed away. Sacramento has huge amounts of PAC money, politicians and the slime each other those brings to any state capital, I think she got her degree, and nice place in Vegas, designer clothing, and a brand new car. This is just going to be "retirement" money.

Lisa (not original) said...

The virgin whore? Hell why stop at just one guy? She can get her student loans paid off and her new career started right here. In fact, why jump right into the sex? First lap dance, first blow job, etc. There's an entire laundry list of "firsts" an enterprising young lady could capitalize on. Her parents must be proud.

Anonymous said...

lol@Jax. Don't tell me you haven't ever seen porn with a girl who's taken it up the tail pipe one too many times. A lovely shade of friction burn brown.

Dianne P said...

Eh. Peoples' tackiness and grossness no longer surprises me. It bugs me, but then I'm old and boring.

I don't think I'll be sending my family to her for therapy anytime soon.

lutefisk said...

bad fish-- I guess that is what the anal bleaching is for. My eyes, my eyes!

Unknown said...

I can just see Joe Francis getting a bunch of investors involved and proposing tons of money be thrown at her, as long as they can also film it.

slappywhyte said...

if paying for it meant buying her dinner and drinks and spending less than ... $150ish ... i would in a second ... but that's just me

slappy whyte


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