Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Know How She Feels

Over the course of my six marriages I have dealt with a variety of in-laws. They have ranged from the "he's just perfect," to "Why would you do this? We didn't beat you," style. So, in a recent interview Lisa Kudrow complained about her in-laws, I knew exactly what she meant.

"I feel like they tolerate me," she explained. "Like when you're burdened with something unpleasant and you cope with it."

Nice. That must make for some great holiday times. Add to this the fact her in-laws are French and don't speak much English and you probably have lots of family dinners that discuss things like weather. Actually weather would probably be too big of a challenge for non-speakers of a language, but I sure bet she knows how to ask for a bottle of wine. Or two or enough to get her into that kind of sleep that is the sleep of I don't want to deal with family. Now, in my house that goes on every night and we are actually related. Well, not my parents, I mean I don't think they are related although it would explain a whole lot if they were.

Well if I were her in-laws I would be super nice to her. I mean this is a woman who would probably buy them some great presents. It is not like thy have to kiss ass a lot. How often do they see each other? As it stands right now, for every holiday they are probably given a box set of Friends on DVD.


Molly said...

context, enty. not knowing how she said it, it's hard to tell how she meant it. it could have been self deprecating humor and nothing more.

she's irreverent more than she is serious, so i'm going with *joking*.

MISCH said...

OMG....No one jokes about this...been there....I know exactly what she means....not fun and an added strain on a marriage, but she got lucky...France...

Anonymous said...

I've have that kind of relationship with my in-laws. But its mutual, we just tolerate each other. And it actually got better when we became EX-inlaws.

But I'd guess Lisa is joking. Maybe not. But I doubt that language is an issue, as Lisa is fluent in french.

Cheryl said...

Wow! Lisa Kudrow and I have the same in-laws.

lmnop123 said...

Over the course of my six marriages I have dealt with a variety of in-laws. They have ranged from the "he's just perfect," to "Why would you do this? We didn't beat you," style. LOL

Thanks for the laugh Enty. Hope you're having a better day today. :)

Judi said...

Yeah, she's fluent, and her in-laws probably speak some english as well. And I agree that she was probably joking.

shakey said...

You've just described my Christmases, Ent! Some family members do speak English and will speak it with me, others can speak English but choose not to (politics and all). Every time I speak French with them I feel like I can't say anything right (even though according to my husband I am). I understand her.

And yes, wine does help (anything alcoholic helps).

PotPourri said...

She probably said that because we think she is a wonderful, gentle "Friend". She is, to me. Absolutely gifted in comedic talent, and brilliant. This is a woman who needs her OWN SHOW!

Ayesha said...

This is the case with lots of in-laws. I remember when she was talking about her French husband, I felt intense pity for her. Imagine having French in-laws!

Nothing against the French, but that would intimidate the hell out of me.


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