Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Idiot Watch - Day 3,452

Just when I thought Lindsay Lohan could not get more annoying she has found a way. She is apparently now fluent in Yiddish and she speaks about herself in the third person. She posted a note on her celebrity blog about how she has been getting so many e-mails from people wanting to know if she and Samantha are still together. So, of course she had to respond. Or, at least someone pretending to be her responded. Read it and see if you think Lindsay could honestly string together these sentences.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

oy vey! rumors..

just to clear this up.. because i have been getting a lot of emails asking me this one question.

samantha ronson and lindsay lohan (me) are NOT breaking up


take care

Yeah, I really needed that clarification. Oh, and if you don't want to click over to her page, she is currently listening to "Happy Together." You want to know what I think? I think Lindsay Lohan thinks turtles are something that you see at an aquarium or the guy on Entourage. There is no way she knows the song, which leads me to believe someone with some music knowledge wrote it. Oh, who cares? Not me. But, you still want to have a really good time? Read the comments. They are better than on Kim Kardashian's site. Here is one of my favorites.

Woohoo!! What a great piece of news! Not to mention coming straight from you, Ms. Lohan, herself!...

I'm doing flips in my office room now!...My sub-ordinates would think that their 'boss' is kinda crazy right now but I.Don't.Care!!...I'm too happy - finally got to read/hear this piece of 'new' straight from you, Lindsay!

LLSR both looked so cute, adorable, SO-In-Love and seriously committed in regards to your relationship!...I am with LLSR all the way and wish you lovely girls would stay this way... Together...Forever. :)

Kisses to both of you! muah!muah! hehehe!

Take Care of each other well okay, Linds?

Stay well and strong, dear Linds and Sam. Luv You Both!

xoxo ;)


Anonymous said...

Beg to differ, EL. There's no way she HASN'T heard "Happy Together". She may have had to look it up, but trust me when I say, everyone knows that damn song. And for her generation, that might mean she only knows it because of That 70s Show...but regardless. I'm sure she knows

palealebrew10 said...

every time I see lindsey's picture now, I can't help but think how it must really suck to be her. Talk about a fallen star.

Anonymous said...

Happy Together was used as a Golden Grahams jingle in the late 80s/early 90s.

How do I remember this and not the material I have been studying the last 24 hours?

Anonymous said...

"Happy Together" makes me think of parachuting turtles in the great movie "Ernst Goes to Camp".

jax said...

well to be fair there are lots of songs i know very well, but no clue on who sang a few.

i think its hilarious that Facebook shut her donw for being a fake Lilo..lol.

__-__=__ said...

I hope we're not watching Dana Plato reincarnated.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Enty, I just threw up all over my keyboard reading those comments off of Lohan's site. Why do you and other bloggers even mention this pathetic kid anymore?

lutefisk said...

I have to agree with paleaalebrew 10, except on the fallen star part--I think she THOUGHT she was a much bigger star than she was, surrounding herself with bodyguards & holding court.
I never saw another starlet her age carrying on the way she did.
But it must suck to be her all the same.

twunty mcslore said...

Sam looks like Lohan's dad. creepy.

Cheryl said...

Sam kind of looks like Hayden Christensen after a really rough night.

ItsJustMe said...

what I really want to know is what posessed the editors of Bazaar to put her on the December cover? She is photoshopped to death, and yet she still manages to look like hell warmed over.

How is she relevant to fashion (or anything)?????

Wack said...

She was my friend on facebook.
It was Linsdsay Ronson or something.
and then some asshole told the world so she deleted it.
I really enjoyed reading her wall.
Now she's just sticking to myspace which is LAME

MontanaMarriott said...

Enty Baby, did you write those snarky remarks?

Judi said...

Lilo, Paris, Sharon Stone. Veeery slow day.

Unknown said...

Quit posting about her and we won't notice she's gone. Why would any magazine put her on the cover. There are too many talented people to replace her in the few roles she gets that we should just move on to someone fresher. She blew her chance.

MizCaramel said...

umm. I'm one of her myspace friends. I know lame but I can't help myself. I saw the post and my husband keeps telling me its not really her writing and I keep saying yes it is.

link88 said...

The comments aren't that different from some of the overly gushy comments left on this blog, IMO...that being said, it is still kind of alarming that people are so wrapped up in a public person's life that they emotionally react like that (like they know the person).


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