Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Coke Mom Is Back

Whenever I can write about Coke Mom it is a great day. For a few weeks there I really thought she was going to get on the path of goodness and right, but in the end she went back to her nose candy ways. Coke Mom had been missing for a few weeks. You didn't notice though did you? Where had she gone? Rehab. Yes, she finally decided she needed to go. She didn't go because she felt like she had a problem. She went because her husband said there was no way he would consider getting her pregnant in her current condition. So, off she went for a few weeks and when she returned she stayed clean for it must be, two, maybe three days. So far her husband hasn't figured out she is back on the powder. Everyday she has been going to her meetings. On the way to her meetings though she has been stopping by her dealer's home and enjoying a few lines, and on the way home, just a couple more. So far it hasn't extended beyond that so maybe there is still hope. Let's just all hope she doesn't get pregnant anytime soon.


Emobacca said...

I completely forgot who we thought Coke Mom was

For some reason Debra Messing popped into my head

MontanaMarriott said...

Deborah MESSY Messing has not been at any parties or red carpets at all lately, it has to be her!

empyrios said...

Tori Spelling!

ItsJustMe said...

Coke is a helluva drug.

I hope she doesn't get pregnant,e ither.

Karmen said...

I posted this on the last Coke Mom BI.

Here are the other appearances of Coke Mom:
First Appearance
Second Appearance
Third Appearance

Enty's first description of her in the first BI:
"She is a B list television actress with A list name recognition who would probably kill her child to get into movies."

She is also married and has at least one child who is presumably a toddler. I'll post the most popular guesses in a second.

Kim said...

I thought Debra Messing didn't want any more kids?

Karmen said...

I think it's either Debra Messing or Angie Harmon.

Dude, Enty, I haven't forgotten her! I was hoping you'd reveal her. This'll do. For now :)

MontanaMarriott said...

I like the Tori guess but I just can't see her Gigolo husband being caring as the dad in the BI. Enty has hinted that he is only after the Spelling millions.

Karmen said...

The last appearance of hers was the Third Appearance I posted. I'm a thorough researcher - what can I say?

empyrios said...

i was just looking throught the comments in the old blinds and found this:

BinkyM said...
I'll remind people for a third time that the coke mom is terribly desperate to get into movies, yet Debra Messing has done several (and starred in at least one). She doesn't fit the blind.

good point maybe? i dunno. this bitch better be revealed on New Year's. cripes.

ItsJustMe said...

I think the key is looking for actresses with one child. Angie Harmon has 3, so it can't be her. Debra is my best guess, but she HAS done movies, so that's a strike against her.

trouble bubble said...

It's not Tori because of the update. Enty said she was not in the pictures that week and Tori was. So that kind of eliminates her.

notvotingforsuckno said...

It doesn't really seem like Tori has gone anywhere...There were just those pics of her and Denise Richards at some party in Hawaii. And her youngest is either under a year or just had her first birthday, doesn't seem like her anorexic self would be anxious to have another so soon...

Lauren said...

Enty had said the person was not in photos and I have a question about that. Does he mean ANY photos, or his usual random photos? Because if he means random photos, she wasn't in them.. And she may qualify.

selenakyle said...

Whoa, ho, ho, hoooooo. Good one today, Enty!

Is this Tori Spelling? That's who I've had in mind but not sure we ever decided...

I also seem to recall a pic of her here in the last 3 wks, though.

Fish said...

I think he meant random photos because people were saying that women who had been in the random photos were possibly her, and he was like "nope."

Stephen said...

How about Mariska Hargitay? Didn't she miss some time on SVU with soem kind of strange "illness"?

Cecilia00 said...

I've ruled out Angie Harmon based on an interview she did where she said she didn't want any more kids.

FrenchGirl said...

i never thought on Mariska Hargitay,it may be a good idea!

CDAN Mod said...

but are debra messing's box office movies huge successes? people may not care to put her in anymore if they bomb all over the place? henceforth, she may still have that desperation.

Kiradris said...

I think Mariska had a collapsed lung. Plus I don't want this to be her!

I want to go with Tori on this one too, especially since she's been looking so gaunt. But she already has two young kids. Would she really want a third so quickly, especially if she's dying to get into movies?

annie cat said...

Ooh this one is tres juicy!

Anonymous said...

In what parellel universe is Tori- Spelling B-list? A-list name recognition, sure. Also, caring hubby? I think not. I think Enty would have also added reality star in the description somewhere.

yellow said...

Angie Harmon. More than one kid. Scary thin pictures around the time of every other blind

curious_cailyn said...

I still think it's Debra Messing. ...Yes, Enty did write that Coke Mom "would probably kill her child to get into movies," but I think that was mostly a "clever" way to introduce the next line: "Well, she almost did kill her child."

Sure, Messy's been in a few movies, but without much success. And besides, ANY B list/A name recognition actress can get at least one or two crappy movie roles! I really think he's implying that she wants to be a "FILM actress"... and isn't. She hasn't filmed anything in a couple of years and she's got SQUAT on the horizon, according to IMDB.

One last thing: I could swear that we'd pretty much nailed down Messy & Angie Harmon as the two "Coke Moms" from another BI -- I just don't have the time to track it down!!

TV said...

now i have to go back through the last week or so of randoms because i remember a picture of someone sans wife that enty made a comment about but i dont remember who it was

It's just me! said...

OK, people, based on past blinds from Enty himself and comments:

-B-List television actress, A-List name recognition, wants to get into movies. This rules out Debra Messing. She HAS done movies and was the lead in a few.

-One child. No weird, child(ren) language, I think it's clear that the mom has one, young child. Sex unknown.

-Celebrity couple

-Not in the photos from the one post. This rules out Tori Spelling.

-Again, A-list name recognition. Is Angie Harmon's name really THAT recognizable?

anniebgood said...

Does no one think it could be Courteney Cox? I think she's a b-list tv actress now but has a-list name rec b/c of Friends... I feel like I didn't see pics of her for awhile but have more recently. Just a thought. I've always thought of her when the "coke mom" bis come out. Also, she has been in a few movies but none lately.

anniebgood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cecilia00 said...

I would also rule out Tori Spelling based on being in the photos when Enty said coke mom hadn't been as well as Enty sayign in one of the blinds "I don't know why he is still with her" - and I can't imagine Enty scratching hi$ head about why Dean $tay$ or what the relationship offer$

Karmen said...

Not Courteney Cox. In one post after the Coke Mom BIs started appearing, he mentioned how he liked her. I doubt he'd like someone who's done this.

.robert said...

I vote Courteney Cox.

Mooki said...

"She is a B list television actress with A list name recognition who would probably kill her child to get into movies."

Didn't Rebecca Gayheart kill a child in car-accident?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Is it Teri Hatcher?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Oh wait - Teri Hatcher isn't married. Nevermind!

figgy said...

Also not Courtney Cox cuz she's a bit long in the tooth to be getting pregnant (at least without assistance).

It's just me! said...

In past blinds all the Friends cast have been described as A-List.

RocketQueen said...

Mama Theresa - was it Thomas Jane/Patricia Arquette? Their marriage has been rocky!

It's just me! said...

Could this be Jennie Garth? Check her resume...

B-List for sure (90210)
A-List name recognition (most people would instantly think of 90210)
Never done a film, always TV movies and What I Like About You
Married to an actor for 8 years

The only sticking point is that she has three children, but two of them are very young...

flwrgurl said...

u all are sooo good at guessing! This is a great BI entry! let me know who it is but my first thought was Brooke Burke lol

Lucy Hollingsworth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
strawberrygirl said...

I want this one to be revealed so badly!

Lucy Hollingsworth said...

@flwrgurl: Brooke Burke! Choked on my soda while reading that.

I still say Debra Messing. She has done movies, but most have not been hits. Past posts also mentioned Melissa Joan Hart, another great guess.

I also thought of Jamie Pressly, but she's not married. Back to the drawing board.

sunnyside1213 said...

How long has it been since Messy even had a movie. Years.

MadLyb said...

Am I the only one who loves Tori Spelling? Anyway, I like the Courtney Cox guess.

peppermint p said...

was rebecca gayheart eliminated by clues in the past?
she was on the front of the enquirer/star smoking crack a coule weeks ago wasnt she? none of the gossips even mentionned it... is she that un-famous? maybe she's not b list.

Binky Melnik said...

@sunnyside1213: Debra did two movies ("The Women" and "Home for the Holidays") in 2008 (last year).

People can sit here all day and say "Yeah, she has a movie career, but it's not a huge one, or she's not making a fortune from it," but you're trying to bend the clues to make your desired answer fit. Debra Messing has a movie career. Coke Mom wants one. Let's look for someone who doesn't have one.

QueenB said...

Rebecca is married to that guy from Grey's, but they don't have any children. She was revealed in one of Lainey's blinds to be the heroin addict who can't even function let alone go to meetings with people! Plus she's probably C list on a good day.

Cecilia00 said...

Rebecca Gayheart doesn't have kids.

Taylor said...

Definitely Messing. The desperation just oozes out of her pores every time a camera is near.

Unknown said...

wasn't there something about there was one small child, but there was an older child who had a different father?

Do all of Jennie Garth's kids have the same father?

or am I making this part up completely?

Cheri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ardleighstreet said...

Does she think she's going to use and be preg. and he won't find out?
When she does have the baby, It will be born addicted. I am sure he'll know then. Criminally stupid biatch!

curious_cailyn said...

@ BinkyM -- Here's how I see it: After reading CDAN for years, I've learned that Enty just isn't always that "precise" with the wording of his blind items. (We spend a LOT more time dissecting a single BI than he spends writing one, remember!) On some level, at least, he was being SNARKY when he said Coke Mom "would probably kill her child to get into movies." It was also a clever way to set up the next line: "Well, she almost did kill her child." ... I'm not saying that "Coke Mom" IS Debra Messing -- (what do I know?) -- just that it COULD be her.

Besides, can you name ANY B-list actress (with A-list name recognition!) who couldn't snag a couple of movie roles if she really wanted?? I can't. So I don't think we should limit ourselves to an actress who's NEVER had a movie role.

Thankyouandgoodnight. :)

nunaurbiz said...

Enty, if I mail you a year's supply of industrial-strength condoms, would you forward them to the husband??????? This woman should NOT get pregnant!!!!!!!!

Jace said...

Jennie Garth and Peter Facinelli have 3 girls, ages 12, 6, and 2. Why would Peter only take the child mommy almost killed and not all three? Same for Melissa Joan Hart. She and her husdand, Mark Wilkerson, have 2 sons, ages 3
and 1.

Carrie said...

What about Jamie Pressly? She's pretty recognizable, but hasn't been in very many movies. Also pretty good name recognition.
She's engaged to some guy I've never heard of called Eric Cubiche who has acted in a couple of minor tv roles. She also has 1 son, born in May of 2007...

PotPourri said...

Ok, y'all...who would care if Messing or Spelling fell off the face of the earth? No one would even notice. However, I was thinking someone like Posh Spice, but she is not an actress. B acting, A Name....not too sure.

cibele said...

Is Tori B List television actress? She barely works in TV. I agree with A list name recognition, but she's not B list anymore.

What about Courtney Cox?

Terri said...

Courteney has been seen when her husband was doing that box thing. And would he abandon her to stay in a box if she was just fresh from rehab?

potatoholic said...


Jaime and her husband were divorced, I'm pretty sure.

Superwife said...

Leah Remini

the masked avenger said...

man, some of you guys have very stupid processes of elimination. people like curious_cailyn are your saving grace.

Smokey772 said...

anne heche? calista flockhart? just throwing some names out there...

Poor Kate said...

Leah Remini is too busy snorting Scientology and bottle-feeding that chubby 5 year old child of hers.

I say Messing.

Dead Angel said...

I hate to say this but shouldn't someone tell the husband, that little kid could be seriously at risk. I know I couldn't live with myself if something happened to the kid and i didn't try to reach out. CPS or call the husbands attorney and tell him so he could tell his client.

I don't see how you could not tell the father and husband who apparently has the intelligence of a houseplant. Poor kid.

Nosey Parker said...

Ashley Simpson-Wentz?

Jen said...

Angie Harmon could have been lying about wanting more children. She's been scary skinny in photos past and a recent pic of her shows her extremely bloated and puffy. Wouldn't be something if she were coke mom given all of the jesus shit she spews.

Jen said...

correction- about NOT wanting more kids

Linnea said...

Also, Enty really likes Jamie. I think I am on the Debra Messing train - even if she has been in a couple of movies, she is not "in the movies", if you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

I got it - it's Katie Holmes. haha. The reason he couldn't leave is he would loose his beard. Just kidding. ;)

leeloodallas said...

oh coke mom, your hijinx continue. would this be a good cable show maybe? the adventures of coke mom? tune in this week to find out if little johnny survives another party.

very very sad. pardon the sarcasm, but its just ridiculous what people get away with sometimes.

jen said...

wouldnt will and grace be considered A-list tv?

RocketQueen said...

I really like the Anne Heche guess!

AvaMore said...

Brooke Shields?

leeloodallas said...

i was liking anne heche for that as well, but she's just had another son in spring 2009 so that line "...hope she doesn't get pregnant anytime soon." would eliminate heche.

back to the drawing board!

leeloodallas said...

ok i went looking through the random photos for the week that enty said coke mom was not in the photos.
noticeably absent (of the ones we've guessed so far) - debra messing, angie harmon

noticeably present - tori spelling, nicole richie, courtney cox

Anonymous said...

re: Courtney Cox as a guess - I just read on another site where she said she really loved directing, it fit her personality.
I wasn't really on the Courtney train, but I think that pushes her out of the coke-mom picture.

Unknown said...

What about Tracy Gold?

memyselfandi said...

Hmmm I actually like the Katie Holmes guess. One child, definitely A list name recognition...B list for Batman Begins and her string of nonsense acting credits.

Joe said...

You never hear the positives about cocaine.

Now! said...

Coke mom's husband is "a guy."

Angie Harmon's husband was/is a well-known football player, Jason Seahorn. He proposed to her on the Tonight Show.

Debra Messing's husband is...a guy.

wmiller said...

Melanie Griffith but she's a little on the older side to have another baby ...

Greg Wroblewski said...

A-list name or face recognition. You intercept 100 random people at a mall, throw out a name and/or picture to them, and 80% of the respondents or more can recognize them.

How many TV actresses have that? It shouldn't be that hard to pin down.

Lucille Ball. She's dead.

Although Enty specified name recognition, the list probably should include people with A-list face recognition as well. (Example? Courtney Cox. Everyone in the country knows her face, but I doubt if her name is instantly recognizable to those mall shoppers.)

So ...

Katie Holmes, Jennifer Aniston, Eva Longoria, Teri Hatcher, Tori Spelling, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Courtney Cox, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey

How many of them are married to a fellow celebrity and have one child?

Married with one kid: Cox, Holmes, Fey.

But Fey is not really married to a celebrity, so that leaves two. I'd say Cox fits all the clues fairly well.

Chowsito said...

Ashlee Simpson?

Lenore said...

What about Keri Russell?

She is married to a "guy", has one child (toddler, I think), and was on Felicity for a long time and won a Golden Globe for it.

While she has done film, nothing has really been a huge hit. I'm just not sure if now she is considered B-list TV, since Felicity was finished in 2002.

What do you guys think?

Linnea said...

Lenore - I thought about her too - and she fits. Except, wasn´t that movie "Waitress" a bit of a success? I dont know if that would exclude her or not, she is still not "in the movies"

kellywho said...

Jenna Elfman
Calista Flockhart
Kyra Sedgwick
Maura Tierney

Joe said...

Good guess Kellywho for Jenna Elfman! Anytime a scientologist is in a blind I get a warm and fuzzy. Hasn't she completely fallen off the radar though?

Anonymous said...

Ok just saw a pic of Kerry Katona hoovering a line up her nose and her kid was home...either she is coke mom 1 or 2 but she is one of em


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