Monday, October 12, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This dark haired C+/B- movie and television actress who was on a fairly hit network show and has had some very famous ex-boyfriends was at the airport last week when she fainted. She said it was because she has been working so hard. The reality is that she heard one of the producers on her new movie call her fat and so this size zero actress has been eating once every three or four days to try and lose more weight.


FrenchGirl said...

Lara Flyn Boyle? dark-haired tv and movie actress,Twin Peaks ,ex boyfriends:Harrison ford and jack Nicholson

Pinky said...

How about Lauren Holly? Ed Burns, Jim Carrey, James Woods...

Anonymous said...

Rachel Bilson?

figgy said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt?

Cheryl said...

Lara Flynn Boyle was my first thought too. According to IMDB she has two movies in pre production.

MISCH said...


ardleighstreet said...

I'm with Figgy. JLH.
Shaz It won't stop until someone actually dies and sues the producers. I bet the producers aren't a size 0.

shakey said...

Would LFB be considered B-, though?

Whomever this is, I feel for her. How can a size 0 be fat? The producer is a Grade A douche.

Unknown said...

What about Minka Kelly?

jacob78 said...

how about Jessica Beil. have u seen how skinny she is?? and shes working on the ateam

parissucksliterally said...

that is so fucking sad.

Pookie said...

*jumps on jessica biel train*

Race said...

the fat ass producer needs a slap or few.

Sarah said...

Once again, I fear for my daughter to grow up in this fed up world. Seriously.

Majik said...

In no reality is JLH a size zero. Isn't she the one who has her assistant take the tags out of her clothes and replace them with a smaller size?

.robert said...

Can someone post a link to an image of an actual size zero so I know what we are talking about. And what is lower than size zero?

nunaurbiz said...

OMG how sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juxtapoise said...,,5563787,00.jpg

That would be a size 0.

Amy said...

Lucy Liu?
She was on ally mcbeal and used to date George Clooney.

Lioness70 said...

Wonder how dumpy the producers who are calling this girl "fat" are?


califblondy said...

Ahhh, nothing like an ano high. I miss the skinny, but not the brain malfunctions.

This poor girl needs to say f-you to the producer.

Sis said...

Fire the producers! And if I were the actress I'd take it to the airwaves, this insanity has to and should stop!

holyrollernova said...

that is so terrible. eff that producer - they should be fired.

im guessing mischa barton or jlh? and neither of them are remotely fat.

i am so so so sick of hollywood's obsession with being thin.

Poor Kate said...

What's below a size zero? I've seen DOUBLE zeros. read that right.

I would say Kelly Ripa is at least a zero.

LFB has looked very sickly skinny in the latest pics I've seen of her--she was PERFECT in appearance in Twin Peaks, but for real perfection, it was Sherilyn Fenn. Gorgeous.

I struggle with this entire topic as a recovering anorexic. At 5'7", I weighed 95 lbs. 18 months ago.

This all sucks.

selenakyle said...

Ditto ALL.


audrey said...

What is sad is that it isn't just producers and directors doing the name calling. A lot of costume designers do it too. They want skeletal remains propped up in front of the camera.

Size 00 comes after 0. That is how thin my anorexic daughter got at one point.

holyrollernova said...

@ divajulia -

i understand what you are going through. i am also a recovering anorexic. when i was 18 i was 5'4 103 lbs. that may not sound too thin, but i am a greek girl and meant to have curves so i looked gaunt and skeletal.

i have since made a full recovery, but in the process have put on a lot of weight and it really gets to me when i hear these types of stories. it can really get in your head if that makes sense.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Size zero is way too small. WAY.

PotPourri said...

That producer needs to be taken out behind the bar and shot. A sieze ZERO?

Mrs Geek said...

...and I bet the producer was a prime physical specimen him/herself!


mygeorgie said...

Ya, size 00 is insane. I have a friend that wears 00. It's basically like a junior girls 4/5 with longer legs. Sick.

00 is the numerical reference for "no ass"

Selock said...

Someone mentioned Lauren Holly...we were just wondering about her recently and looked her up. She seems to have left Hollywood, at least as a full-time endeavor, and has adopted a few boys with her husband, a banker. I thought that was kinda, surprisingly, cool. :)

Hello it's me... said...

Alyssa Milano.

Famous ex boyfriends - numerous.

Dark hair.

C+ sounds about right for the former "Who's the boss?" star.

B626 said...


Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kat said...

Eliza Dushku?

Sara Bellum said...

I've heard from a friend who is a costume designer in Hollywood, anything above a 2 is considered "fat." Size 6 is considered obese. Forget about 8. An 8 is considered a "character" or "plus size" role. It's insane.

Meanwhile, men can be whatever size they want. It's so unfair.

City Councilman Doug said...

I know that when I saw Bedtime Stories I couldn't believe how thin Keri Russell was. A bag o' antlers, I say.

Poor Kate said...

Nikki: Click on my name and come visit. I discuss this issue (and sometimes even make fun of my issues), as well as other cool stuff.

xoxo j

Catherine said...

@ DivaJulia and Nikki....
glad to hear you are both doing better. I had issues with bulimia as a teenager, and when I read something like this poor girl literally killing herself, it breaks my heart. I hope she finds the recovery that you did.

Catherine said...

BTW, noticed in the you suppose it could be Gabrielle Anwar?

Judi said...

Gabrielle A is someone who needs a wake-up call. She's so skinny, it hurts to look at her. She's the reason I stopped watching Burn Notice.

Anna said...


Lioness70 said...

When I was in my teens and at my skinniest (110 pounds), the smallest size I could fit into was a **6**

I have boobs, hips and a big booty. Can't change my genetics to fit some crazy Hollywood ideal.

Now, I'm a 10 and "obese". Whatever. Fuck Hollywood and their fucked-up beauty "ideal".

MISCH said...


K said...

I remember reading one time that Courtney Thorne-Smith (not the topic of this blind) had been hassled mercilessly by producers for being too "heavy" when she was on the Ally McBeal series -- enough that she actually quit the show. And she was something like a size 4 or 6. Ridiculous double standard.

Erin said...

A size 0 isn't what it used to be. I am 5'6 weigh 110 lbs and have for the last 13 years. Back in the late 90s I was a size 4. A few years later I was a size 2 even though my weight stayed the same, now I'm a size 0. Vanity sizing isn't doing us any favors on the thin side. My sister is smaller than me (we are genetically thin) and has sized out of clothes because of vanity sizing. I think that producer is a jackass and should be fired, but a size 0 isn't scary thin for a lot of us. This whole thing just makes me really sad.

Maja With a J said...

This is just sad...and shaz, you're probably right, the fact that so many celebrities have to turn to in vitro might very well have something to do with the fact that so many of them are malnourished. Not saying that's the case for everyone, but it's an interesting observation.

I know that there are people who are naturally very skinny and some that even struggle to put on weight. All I can say is, I don't know any of those people.

RJ said...

I think it's Biel as well. I also think that the vast majority of producers and directors were probably considered "geeks" or "nerds" in high school and probably had some bad experiences with the mean girls. Now they use their positions of power to torture the pretty girls. Best way to do that is to tell them they are too old or too fat. Josh Wehdon (I'm sure I misspelled that) is notorious for wanting the women in his shows to be thin, thin, thin. Look at how Sarah Michelle Geller wasted away over the seasons on Buffy. Look how scary thin Elisha Dushku is now as compared to when she first appeared on Buffy. Charisma Carpenter was booted from Angel for gaining weight while pregnant!! Sadly, he's probably the rule, not the exception. I think we need only look at the list of producers and directors supporting an admitted child rapist to realize that Hollywood power men live in a whole different world. A world that frankly seems to hate women. Sorry so long.

sunnyside1213 said...

SHAZ, you are right about a connection between the amount of fat on a body and the ability to concieve. Women who get too thin stop ovulating.

sunnyside1213 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mooshki said...

The double standard is slipping. In this case, that's not a good thing. Lately it seems that male actors are under almost as much pressure as female to get too thin. So. Fucking. Stupid. I still can't figure out who decided that looks good? And I don't mean those of you who may be naturally reed-thin. You can tell the difference between someone whose body is naturally thin, and someone who is forcing it to be. It just looks sickly.

PotPourri said...

Great, Erin. I must be a size 24, even though I weigh 180.

Anonymous said...

Well, if all of the actors and actresses got together and refused to work according to all of these effed up standards, perhaps things in Hollywood would change. Unfortunately, the same people who are starving themselves and passing out are the same people who stab each other in the backs to get ahead. This sh!t's never going to change b/c most actors and actresses would rather sacrifice their health than to stand up for what's right. When you only care for your own fame, that's what happens.

Anonymous said...

180 lbs. 5'8" Size 10. Proud to be a woman with a womanly figure. My boyfriend loves it too!!!

lyz said...

A million years ago (1994) Lara Flynn Boyle was Rachel in the movie Jacob. This was before all of her plastic surgery gone wrong and before she became a Q-tip...Let me tell you, she was beautiful. Really, really pretty and had a cute figure. Who are these bald, fat producers to put all of this pressure on women?? They do it b/c they can. The pressure is so great in Hollywood that these girls will do WHATEVER they are told if they think it will keep them employed. It's totally masochistic.

Icecat said...

"Very famous ex-boyfriends"

Has to be LFB - FTW!

And yes, it is very sickening...

amanda rae said...

Poor thing...BUT I cannot understand why any woman would want to put themselves into this world of obsession about their looks and weight. I don't care how much money you make, how cool the clothes and perks are, IT'S JUST NOT WORTH IT.

I cannot imagine worrying about your weight over your health. I am a size 2/4 but I eat really healthy because I feel better than when I eat junk. I cannot imagine that starving yourself is worth the damage when you could just eat non-processed foods, veggies, rice, etc., and be whatever your natural weight is and be happy.

I do understand how easy it is to get sucked into that self-hating mindset. It's not always easy for me to be happy with myself, but the secret (at least for me) is knowing that the media and advertisers WANT you to be unhappy, insecure, and obsessed about pointless shit like weight because IT MAKES YOU BUY THE SHIT THEY ARE SELLING! I stopped reading women's magazines, and just...opted out of that self-loathing mindset because I'll be damned if I'm going to let some marketing assholes tell me I'm not worthwhile because I'm 10lbs overweight or whatever. Screw them, don't be their pawn. Worry about things that matter, and everything will work out in the end, whether you're "fat" or "skinny".

Unknown said...

What is really scary is that the camera is supposed to add a few pounds to a person on screen. So when you see all those super skinny actresses on television or in a movie they are actually thinner in real life! As for the guess I would say Lara Flynn Boyle

Linnea said...

Totally with you all - great post, RJ

PeepStone said...


If you have some kind of insider insight into this Whedon situation you are describing, I would love to hear it. However, as a Buffy fan, I have a hard time believing your post. If Whedon is so thin, thin, thin with his actresses, how to explain the characters of Tara on Buffy and November on Dollhouse? Not to mention that Buffy herself was fine in size until the last two seasons and hasn't really gained much weight since leaving the show (with the exception of her pregnancy)?

Also, from what I've heard on the boards and from listening in person to Charisma speak about Angel, she was let go over having an unplanned pregnancy which threw off the story plans. Still not great but not size-ist.

Do you have other insights than just from a fan perspective?


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