Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today's Blind Items & Your MV Clue

This married A list television reality producer has always had a revolving door policy when it comes to the women with whom he has sex. However it seems that he has finally found just one woman he wants to have as his mistress and has cast the others aside. He wants to remain faithful to this mistress who also happens to be a B list reality star who seems to never have a boyfriend that sticks. Now you know why.

To borrow a phrase from Ted C, MV ain't:

Mandy Moore
Norah Jones


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ItsJustMe said...

My vote is still with Shania.

kris said...

i"m still going w/Britney

Amy said...

Mark Burnett and Audrina Patridge?

MV: Mariah?

amazonblue said...

Isn't that Mark Burnett in the photo with Jeff Probst?
He's my pick.

FrenchGirl said...
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West End Girl said...

Cheers for the extra clue. Hmm, one to ponder over on the journey home.

Tenley said...

I haven't recognized Britney Spears' voice on the radio these at all these past few years -- the voice to me has sounded nothing like her voice on the first songs that made her big and I've been shocked to learn I've been hearing her latest songs. Maybe it's just me. (Funny though that she's currently in the news separately for lip synching LOL!)

VD said...

I'm on the Shania bandwagon as well now. She was HUGE, and since she and Mutt broke up nothing. It would be a massive shock...not solely because of her...but because of Mutt. Look at who he has produced, they'd all be suspect to varying degrees. She's toured, won awards: pop, country and international. She's had multiple CDs selling millions. The blind says when S went on her way MV was on her own...maybe that means MV can sing but good not great. When Shania and Mutt broke up she was very quiet...weren't there rumors about him being unkind during their marriage??? Why stay quiet when she could've skewered him? Yes I am cynical.

TinselSass said...

Was Avril dismissed as an option? If so, JESSICA S.

Unknown said...

Shania sounds like a good pick. I just find it difficult to believe she would be that much of a b***h. But then again before this latest news about her husband cheating on her and then the divorce, not much was ever said about her private life. I doubt it is Britney, when she had the breakdown awhile back something this big would have been leaked to the tabloids or Britney herself would have told someone considering the state she was in.
Too bad that it is not Beyonce, it totally sounds like her and something she would do!

RocketQueen said...

Hooray for the It Aint's!

J.Lo has my vote.

Courtney said...

I love Britney dearly, BUT Exhibit A from her debut album:


She sounded like this on a couple songs, more like herself on the rest. Maybe they mixed her with MV on and off depending on the song?

All that said, I hope it's Shania. Because I do love Brit.

lutefisk said...

the age group & boyfriend comment is pointing me in the Jessica Simpson direction.

VD said...

Early Shania. I think pre-Mutt. What do we think:


VD said...
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bflogurl said...

Courtney: Whoa.

I am jumping on the Brit train.

Unknown said...

there is that lil thing with Brit & Australia happening

Amy said...

OMG Courtney! What a find.

jax said...

it's not Shania, she has been singing live in pubs and bars for YEARS b4 she hit it big,anyone from Ontario can vouch for that.

CDAN Mod said...

if hwood knows that this blog exists, how many reps will we have in here this week to drop fake guesses? lol.

flwrgurl said...

me too I'm on the Britney wagon! toot! toot!

jax said...

my vote now that Beyonce has been knocked off is Britney FOR THE WIN.

Blackout was her BEST album and the bitch had nothing to do with it!

Melody the First said...

Given the fact that chanteuse picture Enty added to the last MV blind had a Canadian copyright on it, and Shania is Canadian, added to that video VD shared that sounds like Early Shania had all the vocal range of a Suritami spider monkey, I'd place my pre-2000 money on the Twain train.

Post 2000, I am, as ever, clueless.

rachelstargirlrox said...

It's nottttt Britneyyyyy.

And rats. I'm irked that we have to eliminate Beyonce. *hmph* I was all Beyonce FTW.

VD said...

I no longer want it to be Shania. I've gone back and am watching her vids on youtube...I like Shania. No to Shania. I do not like Jlo or Brit so it can be one of them. ;)

tallgirl said...

It can't be Britney she sounds worse now because of her drug use-and she's been smoking for years! Besides we have all heard her sing for years-it's the same voice. That being said what I'm not quite understanding about the blind-so S was paid off for good? does MV even perform anymore or is that why we think it's JLo because she never did another album? Or is she performing and sounds crappy?

kregger said...

Cannot be Shania--her third album, Come on Over, was released in 1997 and is the biggest selling country album of all time. And this is three years before "MV" released her (first) CD in 2000/2001.

The timing does not fit Shania at all.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

@rachelstargirlrox - I know. I really wanted it to be Beyonce. I mean, would anybody be surprised if it was Britney?

Jaiden_S said...

Britney's never sounded that good, so I doubt it would be shocking for anyone to discover she doesn't sing well. I still think this is JLo.

RocketQueen said...

@ Craig - someone posted in the blind yesterday a quote from Enty admitting that 2000 is a "loose timeline" for this blind to make it harder to guess.

VD said...

Enty said he fudged the timeline. So I'm not sure we can stick to the 2000/2001 timeframe. But even if it's not Shania this is very sketchy business. Why Shania why??? Does credibility mean nothing to you??? And as she reviews the balance in her bank account...laughing...no it does not! :(

Maja With a J said...


The article is in Swedish, but it's a short interview with Emma Nilsdotter who sings on "Toxic" and "My Perogative". Her voice is mixed with Britneys but she says she is about 55% of it. I don't think MV is Britney because it's not a secret that she doesn't do some of her own singing.

The song "Piece of Me" was sung by Robyn on the demo, and then Britney came in and sang over it, but Robyn's vocals are still right there on the track.I have commented about this before, I know, but I really want to make it clear! *LOL*

Than again, it's possible that the 40 - 45% of the vocals that are supposed to be Britney is actually sung by someone else, an unknown person...but it strikes me as odd that Britney wouldn't even do a little bit of singing, since I saw those videos of her singing as a kid, and she CAN sing.

VD said...

More early Shania.

Ice Angel said...

I still think this is Paula Abdul.

sunnyside1213 said...

Well, enty your blind for today didn't get much attention.

Jackson Griffith said...

It's Alicia Keys.

MV = Milli Vanilli, Arista Records act. Bertelsmann (Arista's then-owner) cans Davis, gives him J Records as a consolation prize. Davis goes about finding new acts to work his Arista alchemy on, and Keys is the one he strikes paydirt with: Five Grammy awards for her huge-selling 2001 debut, and her second album, released in December 2003, made its debut at No. 1, and sold over four million copies.

If Enty wants to post Ms. Keys tomorrow in his TC-style clue (e.g., And it's not: Alicia Keys), then I'll stand disproved. But until then ....

And it ain't: Jennifer Lopez, an actress who was hired by Sony to lip-synch to re-recorded Mariah Carey tracks that Sony had in the can when Carey left Mottola and Columbia for Virgin and Glitter.

And it also ain't: Shania Twain, who was signed by Mercury Nashville and pitched to radio programmers as part of a "Triple Play" promotion (with Toby Keith and John Brannen) to capitalize on that label's success with Billy Ray Cyrus. Twain had one established Nashville album under her belt before she hooked up with Lange.

Angela said...

It wouldn't be Shania. Robert "Mutt" Lange wouldn't pick an anonymous singer for a project when the face is supposed to be his wife's. The producer hadn't even met the real singer even if she had done lots of tracks for her during years. Lange has too much experience to make such an hazardous bet.

The original story by EL suggests me that the producer had been hired to launch the singing career of somebody more or less famous who didn't actually have an expressive. So, he picks some anonymous singer, because she has the same kind of voice as the celebutante, except that she can carry a tune much better. It's done casually because there's not so much at stake. Everybody will get a check then the Naomi Campbell or the Lindsay Lohan of the week will release the material under her own name.

Except this project was this time a big hit and the producer keeps the same girl to provide vocals but never cares that much for her. If he loses her, he'll find another unknown sound-alike to record vocals and little would be lost.

I haven't completely made my mind between Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Lopez and Avril Lavigne.
I doubt it's Lopez because her voice was actually buried in the mix even in her singles. Almost anybody could sing that stuff, even herself. Her hits were all about the wet T-shirts in the videos, not her pipes.

Avril Lavigne has this rebel look that always strikes me as phony.

But Jessica Simpson is my favorite. She was reportedly discovered by Tommy Mottola. Imagine that: Mottola wants a new Britney. He and Papa Joe hire a young producer and give him what he wants for the project, as long as he gets a hit. Producer decides that Jessica's voice is a little too bland and records an anonymous singer instead. Then Jessica becomes a bigger star than previously imagined, mostly thanks to reality TV.

Besides, I can't really think that Lavigne would spend years only lip-syncing without having issues with it or trying to prove the world she's got a really good voice on their own. But, I can perfectly picture Jessica Simpson doing what she's told to for years without any question or any interest in establishing some genuine talent.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

First, on the actual blind: there are basically only two A-list reality producers, Burnett and Simon Cowell. Cowell isn't married, so this pretty much has to be Burnett.

On to MV. I'd like to reject one candidate right off the bat: Britney. First, there's no svengali producer-type with Britney who is responsible for her leap to stardom. Second, NOBODY would be surprised if it turned out that she didn't do the singing on her own records. Hell, all of us here are going into the technical details of who sang what on which track. So she's right out, sorry.

There's an important fact that many of you seem to be missing: the male producer wrote the songs. So we're looking for a female singer with a svengali-like manager/producer... who wrote her songs.

Of all the candidates out there, there's only one that fits that bill to a T: Shania Twain. Mutt Lange didn't just produce her albums, he co-wrote virtually every song on them.

The timeframe is wrong for Shania, though -- S would have to have been approached in the early 90s, circa 1994 or so, in order to have sung on "The Woman In Me". But if the timeframe given in the blind is "loose", as apparently it is.... we're back in business.

cindy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ali said...

I can't believe it would be Britney or JLo. It says that S was a successful backup singer before she started working for MV. If that's the case, she should sound A LOT better than what Britney or JLo sound like or she wouldn't have had a job.

CDAN Mod said...

alicia keys is credited for songwriting on many of her songs.

we do know that enty does not care for shania. i'm jump on her as my guess for today.

jenna said...

I don't understand why everyone thinks it's Britney. she never sounded THAT good. her voice always sounded very over produced. If you were going to get somebody to do a 'vinili' then you'd get somebody with a better voice surely?

I've heard alicia keys live, singing with nothing but a piano. The girl can sing.

I like the Avril guess. enty hates her as well. He was pretty sympathetic to shania when her divorce thing was going on.

Kelli said...

Alicia Keys has never been married. Enty said she was either currently or has been married.

nancer said...

am i misunderstanding the blind? it says this woman is a B list reality star.

how are the people guessed 'reality' stars???

CDAN Mod said...

who are the b-list reality stars?

Kelli said...

@Nancer: The blind for today is the one with the reality star. Then he moves on to the clue for M.V. So it's like two posts in one.

VD said...



CDAN Mod said...

^^^shania did not get good write ups here concerning her divorce. but matt lange is supposed to have deep pockets well before he met shania? enty is making this too hard.

Dick Insideu said...
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nunaurbiz said...

It is NOT Shaninny. She can sing, but she's not a great natural singer. Mutt did a LOT in the studio to make her sound like she did on the albums he worked on. He didn't need to have a sub come in.

No one in Nashville would be surprised if it were Shaninny, so this loses the shock factor.

(Besides, if you still believe Mutt was the one who cheated on her, then you probably believe she really is Indian and supported her younger sibs with no help from her older sibs, too.) Besides, she doesn't fit the ain'ts (Ted C usually has a connecting thread through the ain'ts, so am assuming Enty is doing likewise.)

Don't think it's Britney. Once again, she's an OK singer enhanced in the studio. Don't need a whole other person to sing for her.

ms_goddess said...

Just gotta add - my brother and ex-sister-in-law saw Shania perform at Billy Bob's in the VERY early days (before mega-stardom) and said she sounded like crap live. Also, she didn't do much of a tour after she started becoming famous - just a lot of studio visits. I remember how everyone trying to bribe the DJ who was hosting her locally. There was no concert to support, just a visit/interview at the radio station.

ItsJustMe said...

Enty, you really love us, don’t you?

From that earlier Shania thread …

Now, I know that strange things happen in life. If they didn't, there would be no blind items and Paris Hilton would be the location of a hotel.

Tanzania said...

Totally Jessica Simpson.

Shegundala said...

It's not Alicia Keyes. She was just on the NBC Nightly News singing without music to a bunch of kids in some village in Africa; and she CAN sing.

Unknown said...

The early Shania videos really kill that idea.

I'm split between J Lo and Jessica S.

figgy said...

Why is no one guessing Ashlee Simpson? She seems likely to me.

Nosey Parker said...

Here's a video that shows how Britney's voice has changed over the years.

Could the mystery man be Larry Rudolph? The guy lied about it being a demo tape, so maybe he also lied about writing the songs.

nunaurbiz said...

Hey, just to throw something out there for the A list television reality producer.

Yeah, Burnett first comes to mind, but how about (drum roll.....):

Donald Trump????????

Cheating ain't nothin' new to him.

Angela said...

EL takes advantage of every occasion to make fun of Jessica Simpson. She's tagged in 130 different posts! He expressed sympathy for Britney when she had her meltdown, he was quick to put some of the blame on Michael and Dinah Lohan for Lindsay but Jessica has been a constant object of scorn for him.

If I knew (but wasn't allowed to tell) that Jessica is even less talented than assumed and that even her musical career is phony, I would also make fun of her for anything she does.

deree said...

It is soo Jessica Simpson.

She has achieved seven Billboard Top 40 hits, and has three gold and two multi-platinum RIAA-certified albums.

Her debut album sold over 2 million copies, and her third album that came out when Newlyweds was so popular had the most hits.

The fact that she was a complete rag to S is no suprise either.

Enty said commercials- Hello proactiv anyone?

Bryn said...

Whatever happened to Toni Braxton?

Ms Cool said...

I don't believe it is Britney:


I still think either J Lo or Jessica Simpson. It wouldn't be Ashleee because she was mentioned in the blind as the expose is bigger than her lip-synching.

Anotheramy said...

Reasons its not Shania: She has done several live duets with people like Willy Nelson and Elton John, they would have to be in on it. 2) she has a history of singing in her home town beginning as a young girl. Its not her.
Reasons its not Britney: Britneys stuff isnt good. Its weak and lame. Why would you hire a weak voice?

Dianne P said...

J. Simp auditioned for the Mouseketeers and there are tapes of her singing pretty well from when she was, like, 12. So probably not her.

I'd say Avril, just because I hate her, but I've seen videos of her singing from when she was a kid, too.

Is there a reason it can't be J.Lo?

Amy said...

I thought the reason it can't be J.Lo is the voice is just too mediocre.

VD said...

Why don't we do some creative googling about S. Enty said SHE sang in commercials AND was a back-up singer. Made a goog living at it. So she likely did more than one commercial singing jingles. Lets find her...if she sang for MV then she'll sound like well herself/MV.

deree said...

Jessica had a decent voice she did musicals and some christian singing but it was not spectacular.

I do not think so much that MV is someone that could not sing at all, just someone who did not have killer pipes with range galore. Not to mention the poor girl was such a puppet she would do anything to be famous at that point.

Jessica was highly marketable in a time when blonde, Barbie teens were so popular.

On Jessica's first album she sounds sooo good. I think she sounds like crap now. Really crappy, not just sort of, but really.

The truth of the matter most do not sound as good live as they do on CD because of all the enhancements but to sound so much different that you struggle to hit even mediocre notes is Jessica's forte' these days.

Besides that there aren't many more people that fit the bill.

J-lo sings like she talks. I was totally on the Beyonce wagon until the it isn't were posted today too.
Avril's voice was so so, nothing mind boggling good.

This someone is a household name now too.

AlisonWonderland said...

Nelly Furtado? Canadian ( pic clue), had a baby before second album (9 months comment), last album was titled Loose. Only thing is her second did't do as well as her first.

Anonymous said...

I'm not that up on pop music, but how about Nelly Furtado?

Amit! said...

It's not someone like Mya, is it? I remember she was pretty big back then - mostly because of Ghetto Superstar and a little coz of Lady Marmalade - but she hasn't done much since, has she? I could be wrong.

If not her...Britney wouldn't be much of a surprise.

Mindy said...

Courtney nudged me onto the Britney train, especially when you compare her link of 'Sodapop' to this one:


Pinky said...

I keep thinking it could be someone like Charlotte Church -- big singing voice, but not as traditionally mainstream as the pop guesses.
I don't believe she has been married -- but I wonder if there are other similar guesses out there.

mere said...

Has Celine Dion ben ruled out? She is canadian and she has a svengali type manager/husband.

As far as Avril is concerned, I doubt the music world would be "shaken to the core" if it turned out she was a fake. I mean, her fake "punk girl" image aside, is she even relevant to anyone who over the age of 15?

SnappingKameChan said...

Hi guys, just thought u should take a peek at this:


Her name is Sookyoung Cha, youtube her...

lionsden said...

Pinky--I'm interested in the Charlotte Church/pop-classical singer guess. She has two kids with a rugby player but they're not married.

Char said...

Shania had an album out before she met Mutt. Yes, he made her a star but she was already a recording artist. Her first album sounds the same as her later work (voice wise, not music style wise).

I can see the motivation behind it if it's Britney, it was a great story when she first came out to make a former mouseketeer into a teen pop star. And her first 2/3 albums sound like a different singing voice to her last album. BUT, the voice on the albums was never THAT great, I mean, if they were going to do it wouldn't they make it great? She's not known for her fantastic singing voice. The smoking and drug use and age could account for the change in her vocals.

It's not Avril. You can tell she's singing live because when she sings live she's totally flat and sounds like sh!t. But it's obviously the same voice. Just the "out of tuneness" hasn't been fixed.

I would definitely go with Jessica Simpson as my top guess. Would not be surprised at all.

Char said...

Hmmm just thought of something though, Jessica Simpson did that duet with Nick when they were married, which would mean he'd have to have been in on it. He probably would have gotten a much bigger payout when they divorced if he was hiding that secret, plus he'd be mentioned as someone that could reveal the blind, not just Enty, MV, S and the guy. Or maybe it would make it too obvious if Enty said that the husband/ex husband knew?

I feel like it's someone more famous than Mya.

Char said...

I've seen Nelly Furtado sing live, from about 10 feet away. She's either ridiculously good at lip-synching or it's not her.

I can't remember if Jessica every sang on the Newlyweds... seems like if someone was a singer they'd walk around humming or singing or whatever in their daily life. The people I know who are amazing at singing, do it regularly, just for fun while they're folding laundry or doing dishes or whatever, just because they love to sing. I'm trying to recall if that was every shown on the Newlyweds show. If she had, it would eliminate her.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I want this to be Madonna.

Nosey Parker said...


I think Melinda just gave us the answer.

Watch the video she posted and you'll hear how Britney really sounds live. No wonder she chooses to lip-synch!

Thanks Melinda =]

c17 said...

Ok - I'm confused...could someone please explain how this blind connects to the original about MV?


nunaurbiz said...

The realty TV blind is NOT connected to the MV blind. Enty is just giving clues to the MV blind all week.

PCF said...

Perhaps the reason this thing would "turn the music world upside down" is because of the names BEHIND MV and S: the writer/producer, the manager etc. They're the ones who probably REALLY don't want this out - even more than MV or S don't.

PCF said...

PS I think the Britney video has been altered just like they did to Beyonce a while ago.

I'm still on Britney as one of my guesses, though.

audrey said...

This is supposed to be someone big. Someone who's fraud would rock the music world, so that leaves out Ashlee Simpson. I've heard Avril sing live before--not well but she did sing live. I've also watched Jessica simpson sing very badly live on Much Music when she was promoting her second album.
It could be her, but I don't think finding out she didn't sing on her own albums would bother a whole lot of people.
While I really did want it to be Beyonce, I am leaning more toward Britney, orJ Lo.

Chris said...

I am still thinking Mariah Carey on this one. The only big enough name that would rock the music world.

Think divas - Mariah, Celine, Madonna, Christina (Beyonce is out)someone who is *known* for their pipes, that you would *never* think of as having a vocal beard.

Mariah because of Tommy Mottola - and she really hadn't done any singing before he "found" her...she wasn't out there hustling - they could have made up her bio, and the "fact" that she "writes" all her own songs. She hasn't done much in the past few years - no tours, etc...and the times she's sung live...it does not even sound like her.

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to be that it is Britney.... Check this out...


BondGirl said...

It's not Shania. I saw her sing LIVE during her concert tour in 1999 and had third row tickets. It's not her. She sings pretty good live especially during the ballads when she's not jumping around.

Anonymous said...

Also in support of Britney... It just seems more likely that they would be looking for a "new voice" for someone who ONCE was able to sing and no longer could (Britney) and already had an established fan base rather than someone who was an unknown.

CDAN Mod said...

if this were truly britney, wouldn't her dad have sense enough to have those youtube vids removed? since this hidden bombshell could potentially damage, the 'family' money that all 500 of the spears' clan need to live on?

it's rumored that mariah carey LOVES the chronic, and i assume any kind of smoking will eventually damage vocal chords. she doesn't need to tour regularly since she earns songwriting/ publishing royalties for herself and other artists.

Anonymous said...

Wait... IS it possible that this isn't even a blind anymore? This all came out AFTER Enty's first posting of this story....


Mango said...

My guesses:

1) Jessica Simpson

2) Britney Spears

warmislandsun said...

missanonymous, I think you've got it.

nunaurbiz said...

I don't think so (about the dlisted item). If you read the original, it isn't saying that she got help with the song (in Britney's case, I think that's old news). Enty expressed surprise that it was the studio singer's own vocals, not mixed with the artists, but it was her vocals and someone else got credit.

Anonymous said...

It may be old news NOW, but was it 3 years ago when the blind was first published? Also, when you are "mixing" voices, who knows how much or how little of the actual artist's voice you are really hearing. It could be that 99% of what we are hearing with Britney is someone else, or it could just be that it isn't her at all but that is the story that was given when people started catching on. The original blind says that MV was EVERYWHERE, and to me that could easily be Britney.
I still think it's her.

Gemini850 said...

Why is everyone guessing Jessica Simpson? This blind makes it seems like it will blow up the music industry if this gets out. Will u be that shock to hear its Jessica Simpson?

Also this blind says she was everywhere. Jessica Simpson hasn't been everywhere. Even when she was huge she still wasn't everywhere.

Also go to YOUTUBE AND TYPE IN Jessica Simpson singing as a child. SHE HAD AN AMAZING VOICE. I Don't think its her, because evidence point to that she could sing.

PotPourri said...

Britney's voice is not that exciting, ya'll. The reason she is so popular is entertainment, not voice.

Also, she always sang on Mickey Mouse Club, and has been around for many years.

Gemini850 said...

Also someone said its Mariah because of Tommy and how they just found her. And how she haven't been hustling. I'm not saying its not her, cause it could be. But Mariah was a backup singer to Brenda Karr before she hit it big. Thats hustling to me. Also her and her dad didn't talk until he was on his death bed because he didn't want her to pursue music and it caused a rift. It could be her, But I don't think so. Mariah debuted in 1990. She was backup singing in 1987-1989. Mariah voice has changed but I think that is age, and drugs she use to do.

aanjheni said...

I think everyone is missing a big clue in the blind items. Didn't enty write that S also recorded material for "live" performances, including the little oopsies? I am too lazy tonight to go look it up though.
I always think of live performances as a sort of magic trick. It is all about misdirection. People at a concert (regardless of how close they are sitting) are into the whole experience, and face it, there is a lot of stimuli at a live concert. It would be easy to have artists lipsynch during almost all (if not all) songs, especially if there are a lot of dance moves.

That said, I have no clue who MV is. Cher? Marie Osmond? jk

Anonymous said...

Wow - I think L is right and MV is Mariah and S is Sookyoung Cha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQAwpwEbW4&feature=related

Cedar said...

Can't be Ashlee, as the original BI says, "This would blow the Ashlee Simpson scandal out of the water" if it were revealed.

Kelli said...

Hmm, this is interesting. From the dlisted post: "So they bring in this older black woman who sings the song, then Britney sings to it, and they kind of make a mix of the two voices, and that's what you hear on the records."

From Enty's Blind: "[A] man came to her one day and said he needed someone to record some demos...They even did some mixing which was REALLY unusual."

Kelli said...

This is where there is a hiccup in the Britney Spears guess. Enty says: "S agrees and records another CD worth of songs which is released several months later and does even better than the first CD."

Britney's record sales have steadily decreased since her debut album. Her singles don't even go as high as they did initially. She's had three number one songs and eight in the top 10.

lionsden said...

I'm not fully yet on the Britney train yet but I remembered an article citing a "trade secret" controversy that came up during a conservatorship hearing.

Here's the interesting part:

"Britney Spears Involved in 'Trade Secrets' Controversy

Despite the obvious personal and professional progress the pop princess has made recently, the current order remains in place whereby father Jamie and lawyer Geraldine Wyle oversee Brit's finances and estate. However, we're told that the major issue of concern was related to "trade secrets" involving Spears."

Couldn't find anything else about the "trade secret" thing online though.

Kelli said...

I sincerely doubt it's Mariah. She's quite known for bursting into song without music and she sings live. Here's a video of her having a go at one of her background singers. It's hilarious! "Stop singin' my part now, baby..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5UReozVDis

Maja With a J said...

Nowhere on Mariah Carey's records is there a Korean accent. I'm still leaning towards her but Sookyoung is probably not S...*L*

Genesis said...

If this is gonna shake up the music world, she must be HUGE. Few huge guesses:

Streisand. Madonna. Cher.

I'm leaning towards streisand tho, saw her on wossy and she said she doesnt like to warm up her voice or practice singing. Heard her sing and she didn't sound the same as she does on albums, could it be because she knows she doesnt sound so great.....

I just blasphemed. No worries all, I'll go flog myself

nunaurbiz said...

Cher? You've got to be kidding, right? Like she wasn't doing all those songs in the SEVENTIES and stuff on TV? If she ain't singing, they didn't get her a very great singer. I like Cher, but she ain't a great singer. I like her for what she puts into a song.

Nosey Parker said...


MV - Britney
Guy - Larry Rudolph?
S - June Pointer

The pics Enty used for the blind look old fashioned, and The Pointer Sisters favored 40's style clothing. I also think I remember Enty telling us in a later post that S had died of cancer. I know it says that she stayed in the background, but I think he wrote it that way to protect her identity.

nunaurbiz said...

Streisand sang on Broadway in the Sixties and Seventies. It ain't her.

TheGoldenSockPuppet said...

Mariah wasn't "just found". Her mother was an opera singer and voice coach. She'd been working at it for quite a while by the time she got famous.

Unknown said...

Celine Dion has lots of french songs. S had to sing in french too. That would be difficult.

Avril Lavigne never had a voice. And she wasnt that successfull either.

Also, we can rule out all singer with Las Vegas shows, since there lip sync is not used. Cher, Midler, Dion, etc.

JLo may fit the bill. Out of nowhere. Always a change of style/identity. Movie, music, voice, spokeswoman for cosmetics, sports - the butt, you know.

Smokey772 said...

All the "ain't"'s hit popularity in the early 2000's and I think MV did too. All 4 were on the 2002 top hit lists.

I don't know why but I think this is Ashanti. She was a huge hit with her first few albums, won a ton of awards and Murder Inc's number 1 singer and then completely fell off and wasn't heard from in about 4 years. Her 2008 album barely made a splash, and listening to one single from that album, Ashanti sounds a bit rough and not as refined as before. Plus, Irv Gotti is credited on almost all the songs in the first 2 albums. Again, I could be completely wrong.... but you never know.

P.S. I could also see Ashanti being a complete bitch at a meeting with "s". Just ungrateful and self righteous.

Smokey772 said...

wait...actually,I don't think she's ever been married.... Damn you, Enty!

Anonymous said...

This might be a long shot, but I just thought of Mandy Moore. She hasn't really done a whole lot lately, and was doing more acting for a while... plus she's married now.

Anonymous said...


we may have a winner!

Anonymous said...


is this britney??

Anonymous said...

it's not britney!

Lisa said...

I get what you guys are saying and I would buy it. But what's this about in today's photos?

Katharine McPhee has given up on that whole marriage thing. Oh, should I have kept quiet about that or made it a blind item? Whoops. My bad. Don't tell anyone. It can be our little secret. Shhh.

Anonymous said...


we will just have to wait for something like THIS to happen...

or enty wins the lotto!! hey, if i win the lotto and ask you for this info and we swap $$ i will be rich anyway for releasing the MV.

Anonymous said...


Celine Dion!!!

temats said...

I think the reality producer is Ashton Kutcher. He is most certainly A list and was in the pics. Burnett was thrown in to throw us off...

Anonymous said...



*girl said...

Oh Celine Dion can sing. My parents saw her Vegas show twice and was so impressed that she would change a few versions of her song - no way she could do that if she was lip syncing. Plus any Canadian knows she has done tons and tons of hits in french, and it sounds exactly like her.

Genesis said...

@nunaurbiz, I've heard some clips of her singing back in the day, she sounds different but obviously its because she was younger, I really don't think it's her OR cher the timeline is way off but it said this reveal would shake up the music world so there you go

aaaand I was only born 19yrs ago so I cannot fathom the greatness of bawbwa.

VD said...

Enty said he fudged some of the blind to make it harder to guess.
The only thing I'm willing to go with is this: MV was very famous singer. Ok voice on her own, but needed some help. MV had the look whereas S did not. S made a a great living from singing in commercials and doing session work. This was late 90s early 2000s that the recordings took place.

I went at this from another angle..finding S. I googled variations of female commercial jingle singer. Found one that sounds suspiciously like Brit. Now they say immitation is the sincerest form of flattery so maybe to appeal to a younger audience in the commercials she's intentionally sounding like Brit.

The commercials this singer has been in are for very well known companies and there have been a lot. Anyone here in the states has definitely heard her singing...you are right now in a national campaign. (I want a burger now from all this) She has done session work and sung demos for very well known respected producers/writers for some major record labels. This is all on 2 sites she has.

As for look she is actually very beautiful...but not caucasion blond haired and blue eyed. She is not black or hispanic either. But ethnically not someone who music moguls, who produce people like Brit, would think is sellable to the shallow american masses.

If Enty says it's not Brit, at this point I am convinced she has had some "help". I can't find anything on the net such as video or audio that does not reference potential S. I don't know how I feel about posting her name on the site. It's no one mentioned here yet though.

VD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mere said...

Lisa- Are you saying MV could be McPhee? I can see how it could be a major deal if it turned out AI promoted a fake singer.

I've been following this site ever since I happened upon the original posting of the MV blind and have been addicted ever since hoping this would at some point be revealed. I guess we can guess till the cows come home but will never know for sure.

selenakyle said...

Excellent detective work, VD! Let us know what else you come up with...

*girl said...

Okay, because clearly I was avoiding work I started reading all the JLo items Enty's posted. I've got to say, that's who I'm leaning towards for this blind.

And, I'm going to say that the producer wasn't P Diddy but Cory Rooney because he wrote most of her songs and I think S would have recognized who Diddy was.

Diddy then just fake dated Lopez to help get her career going: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2007/08/diddy-and-j-lo-was-fake.html

Enty loves to make comments about Lopez "faking it":

Icecat said...

Well we have some very entertaining and interesting guesses and youtube videos...thanks for the research people...

I don't think it is Jessica - No one would be shocked, and she used to be on the Christian Rock circut but had too big of boobs so she couldn't sell anything...(Supposedly)

My guess is still going to be Mariah. Now, I no nothing about her, she is so not my style... but to me her whole persona seems FAKE... She drives me crazy!

Is anyone really interested in the other blind ;)

More clues tomorrow Enty?? Please???

caralw said...

JLo's second studio album did slightly better than the first in the US, but it took her a year and a half to put it out... not "months." Besides, she doesn't really tour, though, does she? It sounds like MV toured a lot.

caralw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
caralw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
caralw said...

Yes, JLo toured for the first time in 2007 with Marc Antony. If this was written 3 years ago, that would mean she hadn't toured at all yet when this was published. So, MV can't be JLo.

Icecat said...

That is exactly why I ruled JLo out. No Tour.

Still on the Mariah train..
Choo Choo!!

Norseman said...

I remembered last night that Mya was in the movie 'Chicago' and sang, so I'm off the Mya train. I can't see a movie musical production coddling to an actress who can't sing... maybe if she were a huge star who they wanted in the movie, but not for Mya.

Daveb said...

Just to note that Celine Dion has recorded since she was thirteen! So it can't be her unless Enty has "fudged" the time by thirty years or so.

Daveb said...


Subbing in films is commonplace. You may want to look up the career of Marni Nixon. She was Deborah Kerr in the King and I, Natalie Wood in West Side Story, Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady etc. She even did the high notes for Marilyn Monroe singing Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend!

Lissette said...

V.D., are you talking about "Santa and his most famous assistant?"

Lissette said...

hm...I think it may be someone who is the queen of all jingles, perhaps?

crila16 said...

I completely confused by this BV. Can someone explain please? At the end of the BV it says "the mistress is a B list reality star." the and it aints are all singers who are not reality tv stars.

To borrow a phrase from Ted C, MV ain't:

Mandy Moore (C list singer)
Pink (A list singer)
Norah Jones (B list singer)
Beyonce (A list singer)

None are reality stars. Is this maybe a hint that its a B list reality star from a show that is based on singing...like American Idol?

Icecat said...

@crila16 - These are TWO different blinds. Read the blind item from yesterday and you will understand.

JFB said...

people on blind gossip mentioned Scott Stroch - being the creeper that he is and a woman identifying him it would be easy for enty to figure out the dude was Scott the sleezball

so here is a list of people that wikipedia has listed as him prodcuing

Storch has produced for a variety of artists including Marcos Hernandez, The Roots, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Fat Joe, Ja Rule, Mariah Carey, Toni Braxton, Raven Symone, Jadakiss, Daddy Yankee, Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Nas, T.I.,Young Buck, Lil Wayne, Nelly, Breje, Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé, Brooke Hogan, LeToya Luckett, Danity Kane, The Game, Tha Realest, Chamillionaire, Ras Kass, Chingo Bling, Kelly Rowland, Teairra Mari, Chris Brown, 50 Cent, Timati, Paris Hilton, Busta Rhymes, Miss Issa, DMX and many more.

Christina Aguleria are two of his people that he helped produce records for.

i like the S. Twain guess though
and this quote from wikipedia should be a good indicator that it is her:
In June 2009, Twain released a letter to her fans explaining the delays in the release of her next album.[32] In August 2009, at a conference in Timmins, Ontario, a spokesman for Twain's label said a new record from the singer is still "nowhere in sight".[33]

the nowhere in sight because she is such a bad singer?

Only other comment is that on AGC blind items I went back to november 2006 and they had Paula Abdul ftw with a link to something on mtv website. However the link comes up with an error to the link.

that is all i have for now. back to work

*girl said...

Well, I guess it depends on what a "tour" is. Between JLo's first and second albums she did a few live performances, some of which ended up on her Feelin' So Good dvd. She performed at some concerts (though didn't headline) and sang at a lot of awards shows.

Oh, and in her 2001 live dvd you can totally tell that she's lip syncing almost the entire performance.

It's slow at work today, okay? Don't judge me.

JFB said...

one last comment on the advertising she did during her reign for come on over (wikipedia)
Twain's commercial ventures outside the music industry included a series of cosmetic ads in 1999 based on "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!" for Revlon. She also starred in ads for Candie's shoes and Gitano jeans, who also sponsored her 1998-1999 Come On Over Tour.

Champaggles said...

I'm not sure who the queen of all jingles is. I didn't see that phrase anywhere on any site. I don't think potential S is singing any christmas ads. I'll see if I can find a youtube commercial without her name. She's pretty young.

Champaggles said...

Champaggles is VD. VD are initials by the way. Not a condition. :P

Icecat said...

LOL. Not that I thought you had a VD, but the thought crossed my mind when I saw it...

Remember I think Enty said this girl had breat cancer? Now I have to go re-read :)

Anonymous said...


this is getting sick.....

JFB said...

that youtube is with cathy dennis who has not stayed out of the lime light and taken credit for many works and is not unattactive. so although she sang the song the credit was given to her and it is well known


Icecat said...

I could have sworn I read that either MV or S (I thought S) had gotten Breast Cancer and MV visited her. Am I hallucareading??

cajun cutie said...

My guess is Jennifer Lopez


Champaggles said...

Was that a separate blind?

tallgirl said...

Ok you all are going to think I'm crazy, but if ENTY fudged some of the blind, is it possible this could be a male singer?

The only other person (depending on timeline) that no one has mentioned is Lauren Hill. (which I sincerely doubt!)

Icecat said...

I'm thinking it may have been a comment from someone the first time the blind was posted...now I cannot find it. :(

MAC said...

Here is a list of the updates/clues we have been given.

1) The dates are probably not right
2) MV had never appeared in the blog prior to the original blind
3)S had cancer and MV visited her and they had a nice 2 hour chat.
4) MV is not the nicest person
5) She is or has been married
6) NOT: Pink, Mandy Moore, Norah Jones, Beyonce.

*girl said...

Yes, Enty said S had cancer and MV visited her in the hospital. Happened spring 2007.

Icecat said...

Thank you. I knew I read that breast cancer thing somewhere.

Gemini850 said...

@Girl, Based on your comment if MV visited her in the hospital in early 2007, than it couldn't be Britney could it? She was crazy at that time. She was put in the mental heath center in late March of 2007. She could have still visited though but it seemed like her mind was too far gone to think of anything else.

Amit! said...

It can't be Christina Aguilera because she's only had three albums, and they were released over the span of like nine years, not "months" after each other, so she's pretty much ruled out.

I like J. Lo for this, and I like Ashanti for this too.

I'm trying to think of who else has dropped out of the limelight.

Was Michelle Branch everywhere?

Gemini850 said...

JANET JACKSON….It has to be..Yes I know she debuted in the 80’s. But her voice on alot of recent stuff sounds alot different. The blind didn’t say it was a new artist. Just that she heard her voice around 2000, 2001. Janet cd “all for you” came out in 2000. As you get older maybe your voice isn’t what it is use to be..So therefore they give her another voice. The blind also says the person had/has several top 40 hits.Janet has. Also before Janet became a singer, she was an actress. She did tv and fame. She wasn’t known for her singing back in the day, only her dancing and her acting. Also she has been married. She had a tour in 2001, she had world wide tours before. She was also everywhere. She had did the nutty professors movies, she was at award shows. Her career had picked up again. She even did the superbowl, and that nipple slip incident did put her everywhere.It’s obviously Janet Jackson. She has never, ever, ever sung live. She lip synch’s every performance i have ever seen her do (because she dances, supposedly). Even when she was on SNL she was obviously faking it.

That’s my guess anyway. She also seems like she would be mean in real life too. Also it would be a scandal if a Jackson came out with faking music talent. What other big name in music would have that much attention to it, than the name Jackson.

caralw said...

Could this be S?


She died in Spring of 2007

Also worked with P!NK according to her wiki page.

Gemini850 said...

Ashanti has never been married people. Rihanna hasn't either.

*girl said...

No problem! I'm way too into this blind. I was quite embarrassed when a coworker came up to my desk and I had about 8 tabs about JLo open on my screen.

*girl said...

Caralw, Enty said S almost died but I believe she is still alive...

Gemini850 said...

@Caralw she has also worked with TLC and Macy Gray. I like her for this.

MAC said...

Here are some other comments Enty has made

11/25/06 The first comment/subject I want to address is the S/MV item. The only thing I will say is I will not confirm or deny anything. I really cannot do that. However, with that being said, one thing I will say about myself is that I love my friends, and if you are my friend you know you will not get trashed here or behind your back or anywhere else. Some of you have guessed a certain person and I make very clear in another entry that she is a really good friend of mine and therefore could not be the correct guess. Also, she reads the blog, so be nice. lol

**Wasn't there discussion about how Enty had only nice things to say about Brit in the early blog days?

11/27/06 Someone who knows MV, but does not know about the S situation told me this morning that MV was contemplating an in depth interview to address some issues in her personal and professional life. Could this be one of the issues?

11/22/06..This really happened just as I said it did..However, there was also a settlement agreement that was confidential which I cannot violate as well...THEREFORE, I have taken certain precautions such as using the year 2000 as a starting point..In addition, I am very vague when I use times such as several weeks or months....It would not be fair to S or the other parties involved or ethical to be any more specific in this situation..

Gemini850 said...

Also I see people guessing Alicia Keyes but she has never been married.

Gemini850 said...

IDK IF WE ARE ALLOWED TO POST LINKS BUT I HOPE WE ARE: I found this, this man is talking about how they blend Britneys voice with a black singer, and they did it because britney voice didn't have any feeling to it. I don't know if this blind is about Britney. I still say Janet and/or J.Lo or Shania. But it is interesting. Her 2nd cd did outsell her first cd..


Karmen said...

caralw - I really want that to be S. To my knowledge, Enty never disclosed whether S passed away or not. Or did he? Regardless, my only reason to doubt whether Screechy is S is that her Wikipedia page doesn't say that she worked in commercials. I might be splitting hairs here, but who knows.

caralw said...

Karemen, I can't find anything about her doing jingles either.

Icecat said...

Gemini - I think we have all decided that the Britney deal is common knowledge and not part of this BI :)

JFB said...

Alright reread the BI and thought somemore about the dude who put this whole thing together. The fact that S did not know his name but knew what he looked like - John Mutt Lange- Curly Blonde hair at least to shoulder length (past his shoulders when he married shinia twain)

then one of the comments enty made in his blind about the shock of who the person was doing it - (once again wikipedia)
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can. (August 2008)
Robert John Lange
Birth name Robert John Lange
Also known as "Mutt" Lange
Born November 11, 1948 (1948-11-11) (age 61)
Mufulira, Zambia
Origin United Kingdom
Genres Rock, pop, country
Occupations Music producer
Instruments Bass, Guitar, Background vocals
Years active 1976-present
Associated acts Shania Twain, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Bryan Adams, Nickelback

Robert John "Mutt" Lange (pronounced /ˈlæŋ/[1]) (born November 11, 1948) is a record producer and songwriter, usually known by his nickname "Mutt" Lange. He is one of the most successful producers in rock history. He has produced albums for artists such as Def Leppard, AC/DC, Foreigner, The Cars, Bryan Adams, Billy Ocean, Savoy Brown and The Corrs. His past projects include producing for and writing songs with his (now estranged)[2] wife, country singer Shania Twain. Her 1997 album, Come on Over, which he produced, is the best selling record by any female artist of all time [3]

Those are some big rock names and funny thing is shania is totally off the rocker for what he does which is rock and to produce for a female country singer is way in left field.

on top of it all the reason why it would break the music industry is because shania's Come on Over, which he produced, is the best selling record by any female artist of all time!!!!!!!!!!!

I am routing for ST ftw

Amit! said...

Huh. What MAC just posted changes things a little bit, doesn't it? Opening it up to a whole slew of people.

Anonymous said...

I am with MV being a guy! I mean, Milli Vanilli was a black male group. OMG? New clue?

I have learned from this post here, that not all things are what they seem in entertainment FOR SURE! It really brought even more light into the lip syncing shit I found on YOU TUBE. Somewhere along the lines...this is illegal to the public! Is it not? How can people swap money for a tangible item that isn't what the purchaser is intending the purchase to be. Not only that,but we are talking about what inspire's other people in life to go into Entertainment as a career. This needs to stop. I would really hope that further outing takes place in Hollywood. Because,this is just outright stealing money from the consumer's and I'm not down with ANY OF THAT!

Dolly72 said...

Interview with Shania while promoting 'Up'

Shania is thrilled with the development of her vocal technique on the album, an evolution that Mutt wholeheartedly encouraged. "It is different. Mutt was able to bring out a presence in my voice that I usually only use when I'm song-writing with my acoustic guitar. I didn't realise that I was singing with a slightly different voice on the microphone. It's like being in front of a camera, unless you forgot it's there, you kind of act a little differently. Mutt stayed on it until he got the natural, more intimate vocal sound he loves in my voice."

Plus, the biggest factor is that this would have to be completely done in a private studio, or word would get out. Shania is the only singer I know whose husband mastered her own music, in the studio, in their house. Gotta be Shania

Karmen said...

Jessica - You mean "rooting"? BAHAHA. She's my sister so I can give her a hard time. Glad to see you've come out of your lurking shell.

Anyway, the more comments I read, and the more youtube videos I watch, the less certain I become of who MV is. I also fail to see that just because he's easy to describe, that means that this is Shania.

MAC said...

Refering back to my earlier post @ 8:32, here is what Enty wrote about Britney on 11/14/06

I need to start off by saying that I think Britney is a great person and one of the funniest people I have ever met. The other thing is that she is very intelligent..love makes people blind and she got suckered by K-Fed plain and simple..but as a businesswoman she knows what she is doing and when I have dealt with her, she has been incredible. I have not spoken to her since she got married because she kind of withdrew from the business part of her life..Right after she got married I had some talks with one of her "people" about a new product but nothing ever came of it and I honestly think she just was not that interested in anything but marriage...I hope now that she is back doing her own thing that I will have the chance to sit down with her again and get to know all the inside info..we shall see..

I think this pretty much rules her out.

Unknown said...

Does anyone think this could be Fergie? He implied that he fudged the dates a little, and the Black Eyed Peas were EVERYWHERE when they came out with Fergie (they were a longstanding indie hiphop act for a while before this incarnation).

Em said...

Hmmmm. If the timing is off, could this be Madonna? She is known as both "Madonna" and "Vadge". Nile Rodgers discovered her. Her voice doesn't seem strong enough to me, but who knows?


Amit! said...

I think the only issue with the Madonna guess is that it's pretty common knowledge - imho - that her voice is pretty severely fudged with on her albums.

It wouldn't really be that much of a shocker, would it?

MAC said...

I've always been on the Shania train. I can't remember all the particulars as to why, but one day when I was bored I went through all the comments and posts and that's what I came up with.

Search Shania on this site and you will see that Enty has nothing kind to say about her. Here is one that sums it up

5/15/08 Let's face it. Mutt hadn't been giving her the hits like he used to, and so she kicked him to the curb. If everyone has some impression that Shania is as friendly as the rest of her fellow Canadians, then you have been drinking too much Molson because she ain't.

Just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

Durrr, I see now that Mandy Moore is ruled out by Enty. That'll learn me to try and solve blinds at 4 am when I'm worn out from trying to nurse a screaming baby back to sleep :P

cdanluva said...

what about jewel or fiona apple?

Dolly72 said...

I agree with Mac...that would explain her nasty reaction when she met 'S'...Shania is well known for being a snot, her own family has spoken out against her. She has done the commercials (Revlon), the award shows, and hasn't done anything since her and Mutt split. If you look at old video of early performances, the tone of her voice is there,but none of the talent and range displayed on her albums.

silenttype said...

If years are not critical, I go with Whitney Houston. Two massive albums and then she does not do an album for years.

JFB said...

it is past lunch and not accomplished much at work but here is some more i found on mutt

this is a good link lenghtly but i will point out a few things that go into this mini bio

1.After Sound Reason folded, Mutt put all his concentration into Sonovision, working on radio soap operas and jingles for ad agencies. Jingles only lasted fifteen seconds and nobody cared much how they sounded except Mutt, who was obsessed with getting the right drum sounds.

2. The band survived on a strict budget; their live work was supplemented by jingles for soap powder or soup cans.(Remeber the comment about the producer being able to keep everything in budget and that is why the company never asked any questions)

3.Mutt was obsessive about detail and would spend hours going over and over the same thing until in the end we lost the feel of it.(obsessive in making sure he picked the right person and made ST lip sync perfectly)

*girl said...

Crap, I'm backing off JLo just due to the "hundreds of concerts all over the world." How did I miss that?


Mango said...

@VD - Please give us some more info on what you found out!

Mango said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sadie said...

Ok I don't get the Shania guess...Enty said this would rock the music business as we know it to find out that the Singer doesnt really sing. Shania is OLD NEWS...so what if she didnt sing...it would have no relevance to todays music....who would care?

When Milli Vanilli got busted, they were still hot on the billboard music charts...shania is a has been!

Icecat said...

Wow. I'm slowly jumping on the Shania train...Even though now, I think Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift have outsold her album. It would still be a shocker...And Mutt seems to fit...

I don't why I'm so obsessed with this BI. I don't listen to any of these artists... ;)

Dolly72 said...

Shania is one of the most successful singers in history, 2nd in Canada only to Celine Dion. Regardless of whether she is still recording now, this would completely rock the recording industry that a multi million selling artist wasn't actually singing her own albums. Elvis has been dead for years, but if we found out all his albums were done by a 'ghost' singer the world would screech to a halt! lol

JFB said...

i found an article around the time shania twain did the superbowl performance - here is the link


and here is my favorite quote

There she is, openly admitting in RS that not a single song on her new best-selling CD "Up!" means anything to her personally, not one song is the slightest bit about her or anything she really cares about, her desires or emotions or painful angst about her hair or teeth or life in a remote multimillion-dollar Swiss chalet, where she now lives.

Icecat said...

Jessica - I think you may have nailed it....MUTT & SHANIA FTW!!!

I hope we get more clues...

JoElla said...

Silenttype, I do have to wonder if this is Whitney.

But whoever suggested this could be a male, would turn this on it's ear.

I don't think it is Britney, I remember seeing a video of her on Star Search and she had big pipes for a little girl.

And I have to admit, I am a wee bit bummed it isn't Bey.

Mango said...

caralw - I think you found S!


It would be a dead giveaway if Enty told us that she had passed away.

I don't think it's Shania only because listening to her early YouTube clips at that Canadian resort she worked at, she sounds pretty good. And Mutt Lange is known to be fairly reclusive and rarely leaves his home in Switzerland.

Sadly, a few years ago I saw a Shania interview on TV and she seemed really sweet and down to earth.

I still think it's Jessica Simpson.

Mango said...

It would be a dead giveaway if Enty told us that she had passed away.

Sorry, I was not making a bad pun or joke. My comment was just poorly worded.

Unknown said...

The blind says the singer has toured worldwide. Obviously not all super popular US singers enjoy enuff popularity abroad to justify global touring. Has Shania toured round the globe? Think some of the candidates can be eliminated with that clue.

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