Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alexis Neiers Will Be Pretty Wild In Jail - Pleads No Contest To Felony Burglary

Alexis Neiers, who stars on the show Pretty Wild, plead no contest yesterday to the felony burglary of Orlando Bloom's house. She was sentenced to six months in jail and three years probation. It is a fair sentence. No one got hurt, no weapons were used, and I actually think she would have received no jail time except for the fact that about $500K worth of stuff was stolen from Orlando's house. That is a whole lot of money.

"The weight of Bloom's [potential] testimony made us realize that the odds were stacked against us," Neiers's attorney Jeffery Rubenstein said. "We decided it was in Alexis's best interest for her to take responsibility for her limited role in this case and do her time. She's looking forward to moving on with her life."

Plus, unlike most people who go to jail for six months she will have a reality show paycheck waiting for her when she gets out and enough stories and drama to fill another season.


nunaurbiz said...

That show is so insipid! I watched it when it said a celebrity confronted her about the break-ins. It was Paul Oakenfold and it was great scene! Otherwise, she and her sisters come off as spoiled brats and their mom as a Dina Lohan wanna-be.

sunnyside1213 said...

Wonder if he got his stuff back?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I have no idea who this is, or what the show is. Anyone?

heatherhug said...

So if she had stolen nothing, it would have been fair, despite her breaking into the house with intent to steal, that she get no jail time? I disagree. I don't know what her role was, but breaking and entering, regardless of the amount of crap taken, seems serious enough to warrant jail time to me. She's a spoiled brat.

sunnyside1213 said...

Just another crappy reality show about 3 sisters. Really classy.

Momster said...

You mean there can be consequences for your actions? Say it ain't so!

nancer said...

sorry. i don't get how you steal over a half million bucks worth of shit and get no serious time---6 months isn't serious, IMO.

'no one gets hurt' in most burglaries. does that mean the burglar just gets a slap on the wrist and goes on his/her way? if you've ever been ripped off (i have THREE times), that sure isn't what you'd think should happen.

how about stop busting people for residue on a crack pipe and lock up assholes like THIS?

Icecat said...

I read somewhere that he didn't get his stuff back, and she may have to pay restitution.

Why these stupid twats get rewarded by being on a reality show is beyond me!

Hendrix said...

You think she'd get four months if she was a black dude, not famous, the same age?

I think she's an entitled sociopath and when she gets out, she'll find a way to spread destruction into more people's lives.

And she'll get another reality show, no doubt.

mooshki said...

All I've seen of the show is what has been on 'The Soup,' and that little bit made me want to shoot myself in the head.

Leah said...

I heard that E! Was cancelling the show after the photos of her smoking black tar heroin went public.

RJ said...

Nancer, sadly, the crack pipe is the reason that you've been robbed multiple times. Drugs ain't free and addicts are rarely employeed so they steal to keep on drugging. Having said that, I agree with you that robbery is a serious crime even when no one is physically hurt. I also agree with hunter that she'd have been sentenced differently if she weren't white with a smidge of fame.

I have only seen what bits of her show that they show on "The Soup" but E! should absolutely cancel this show, and not create a new show for this spoiled waste of space when she gets out of jail. They have to have some standards, don't they?

heatherhug said...

@hunter: couldn't agree more.

JeninRVA said...

Was going to say the same thing @hunter. 6 months (which she will only serve like ... a weekend of) is NOTHING for the amount of property she stole. A racial/ethnic minority (regardless of gender) would be SCREWED if they did this same crime. Any chance we can get E to cancel this fucking sorry excuse for "entertainment?" I actually boycott them now because of it ... but ummm ... somehow I doubt they are losing sleep over my loss of viewership.

Unknown said...

I agree that 6 months is low, but only because i hate these girls. however if i am correct, she was only involved in one robbery, orlando blooms, so she did not actually steal half a million dollars of stuff. I also read she has to repay him for what was taken and his lawyer fees, which could amount to an upwards of 600,000 dollars.

Robert said...

@Mooshki: Fuck that! Shoot her in the head, if anybody It's beyond me that anyone at E! decided to give this person a television show; it shows the genre scraping the bottom of the barrel. And watching her snivel in court yesterday did my heart good.

cricket said...

Why does E reward everyone for bad behavior? Kim KardASSian gets a show because she made a sex tape and let some nasty guy piss on her. This tramp steals from people and she gets a show. I don't understand.

Local Tourist said...

I can't believe Chelsea Handler is an executive producer of that show. She makes fun of people like them for a living.

Alexis is the most annoying one of them and I hate to think that they are representative of our society. Yuck. The mom is to blame for encouraging her daughters to be pole dancers, exotic models, and letting them run her house.

What's sad is the pics that leaked of Topless Tess smoking god knows what had the 16 yr old Gabriel in the background. All of the pics on TMZ had Tess, Nick Prugo, and a 15 yr old Gabriel in them.

Decency and class is what is lacking with these insipid twits.

Meg said...

@Local Tourist - She is???? Well, I guess she figures Seacrest attaches himself to the Kardashians

I watched one episode of this show. I was happy to hear that she was getting jail time yesterday. The whole family, including the mother, is completely delusional. I just hope she has to serve the FULL sentence.

Unknown said...

@Mooshki LOL

@Local Tourist Their mom is the worst. 36 going on 14 and dumb as mud.

Human Garbage, the whole lot.

mooshki said...

I thought she was the one caught on video at LiLo's break-in?

ChasingHeaven said...


I wish she'd come over to rob my house. She'd get shot.


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