Friday, February 22, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former almost A list mostly movie actor has turned into a B- list actor and that is only because people remember his name although, it does get confused with very similar others. Anyway, our actor, who is known for womanizing was at a party last night and went up to this C+ list actress who I feel has been in everything and said to her without any preamble or introduction, "I want to nuzzle my face right in your breasts." Yeah, worked as well as might be expected. The actor got tossed from the event.


Meanie Rhysie said...

I wonder: do guys really think that kind of come-on works? The women who fall for it or think it's *kinda adorable*, as a coworker once said...ugh! Just ughhhh!!!

libby said...

dylan mcdermott?

prolixe said...

@Reese, seriously? Unless by kinda adorable, they meant makes me want to punch them in the face...

libby said...

dermot mulrony? sp?

cat is on me--no shift key.


Geebz said...

She should have nuzzled her knee right in his crotch. Pig.

mmshukla008 said...

Ha ha

All i can picture is Jim Carrey from Liar Liar going "ma ma" making suck face....

yeah, that didnt go over well either.

Meanie Rhysie said...

If you have a kitty on your keyboard, you leave that baby alone! LOL Can you tell I've got cats?

@Prolixe. Yes, a gal I worked with said that about a creep we worked with. I pushed him so hard, he broke the time clock. :D

laura said...

David arquette? Confused with other arquettes? Not sure if he was ever A list but I can see him as B. No idea for the woman.

laura said...
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ljsmed said...

Gerard Butler?

B.J. said...

Josh, confused woth james brolin as in no country for old men casting.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Jeez. I don't want you all thinking I go around pushing people, so to clarify: I told him three times to get out of my space: my bosom to be exact. He persisted. I reacted. You might think that's overreacting, but some people just do not understand, "No!" And, being polite...and I'm a pretty polite person...wasn't doing it. /shrugs. It worked!

mmshukla008 said...

I mix him up with dermot mulroney and matt dillan all the time.

cc423 said...

I think one of the Owen boys.

LottaColada said...
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Cheryl said...

Confusing actors made me think of Bill Pullman/Bill Paxton though I know absolutely nothing about either one of them so this isn't really a guess.

WareCat said...

I wanna motorboat libby's armpit! ;)

Maybe Luke Wilson?

Mr.Cannon said...

I may be wayyyy off base here, because I don't think either of these guys ever reached "Almost A", but I ALWAYS confuse Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman.

Jeneral said...

I also thought of the Bills Pullman and Paxton. They often get confused for one another.

LottaColada said...

@libby, I always confuse

Dermot Mulroney
Dean McDermott &
Dylan McDermott!

When I see the face, the wrong name comes up.

libby said...

Thanks, warecat. RAWR!!!

I like the Paxton/Pullman guess. Pullman has been sloppy sloppy in public in the last few years, right?

I also like my guess though, because the one who was in "My Best Friend's Wedding" (Dylan? Dermot?) had an interview mentioning how he's always confused for the other. In the last 6 months.

Luke Wilson is also a good guess because he has been a bad, lecherous drunk before. But I see him as less confusing---only because he would never be mistaken for blond-Owen-with-the-funny-nose in person.

g.strathmore said...

Jeremy Piven - He's a douche and there are a lot of Jeremys around.

Stephen Dorff - He seems like he's a douche, and I sometimes mix him up with Christian Slater.

WareCat said...

Shit, I meant Owen! Yeah, the blonde one.

prolixe said...

@Reese, that is not even close to an overreaction for sexual harassment! Your co-worker thinking that it's kinda adorable is disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something with all of Reese's comments? This is the second thread that Reese was addressed but I don't see a post.*

*sorry, I've been busy at work today

Unknown said...

Name that Baldwin!

Anonymous said...

Josh Hartnett?

Jaded Horror Geek said...

Allison Brie as the actress sounds right.

MISCH said...

And no one has said Gerard Butler....

Anonymous said...

Benedict Cumberbatch!!!!!

megan00m said...

There was an snl skit with a game show...only answers were Dermot Mulrooney and Dylan McDermott...pretty funny

Brea McCain said...

@reese umm no that's not an overreaction I would have punched him in the face. That might have been an overreaction, but I have a huge problem with people in my personal space.

Sherry said...

At Penelope: It's Meanie Reeces the replies have been to not Reeces Peaces...Who hasn't been here in a while. Neither has Sunny, Rocket Queen and Omama lately either.

I think this is one of the Bills: Pullman or Paxton. If it was someone cute I think they may have gotten away with it..See the Put your # in my phone post from yesterday.

Kelly said...

I can't believe so many people confuse The Bills! They are WAY seperate in my head. Paxton was in some of the hugest things ever. Tombstone, Titanic, Alien, Twister. Holy smokes peeps!
And I will forever know Pullman as "Lonestar"!
I'm in the Dylan/Dermit camp.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Sherry! I'm Reese's Peace! LOL I thought I announced it!

Fijigrrl said...

@Lotta -- DING! DING! I confuse dylan mcdermott and dermot mulroney all of the time.

lzahart said...

@B.J. er Josh Brolin was in No Country for Old Men, he was the star. His father is James Brolin and was not in the movie. I seriously doubt anyone confuses them given they are 40 years apart and father and son.

Unknown said...

Don't ask me why, but I've always confused Dylan McDermott, Dermot Mulroney and DB Sweeney.

katie said...

Mulroney would not get turned down. By me anyway...

lc said...

One day I was having a very nice, intelligent converstion with a decent looking guy on the Metro. Had seen him.several times on the bus and he seemed nice enough. Professional, smart, funny, kinda cute....until>>>da da daaaaa<<< He asked me what CUP SIZE I was! I shut it down right there. What the fishsticks was that?
I am pretty well endowed but that does not mean that someone can comment on my breasts. They were not asking for it! I was not wearing anything provacative or remotely sexy. Men, get a fricken brain!

Rosemary Young said...

Don't think it's Paxton/Pullman, but they were the subject of one of the funniest "Simpsons" scenes ever - when Homer had pushed a pencil into his brain and temporarily became the most intelligent person in town.
At the Springfield cinema...
Homer: "This movie is tired and predictable. You know she's going to wind up marrying Richard Gere."
(audience gasps in surprise)
Dr. Hibbert: "I thought she was going to wind up with that rich snob."
McAllister: "Ably played by Bill Paxton."
Homer: "That's Bill *Pullman*, you fool!"
(Treehouse of Horror XI, courtesy of

BrainyAngel said...

Who names their kid "Dermot"? Strange name.
Richard Dean Anderson Cooper?
Bob Dylan McDermott Mulroney?
Henry James Dean McDermott Mulroney?
Marc Anthony Anderson Cooper?

Redd said...

You guys have all nailed it with the Dylan/McDermot/Mulroney/Paxton/Pullman guesses, I guess!

Wellywood said...

The two actors that look scarily alike though are Jeffery Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem... Could it be JDM? He's rather lovely looking tho.... Also Bradley Cooper and a younger Ralph Fiennes.

Anonymous said...

@lc, if it wasn't such an offensive comment, I might have been a smartass. "Well, if I'm getting coffee, I usually go for 24oz." How did you react?

nancer said...

this is so funny. i immediately thought of dylan mcdermott/dermit mulroney because i CANNOT keep those 2 straight!

The Real Dragon said...

LMAO does the guy look good? must been no since the chick told him o get the stepping

Elissa said...

It's actually a relief to know that I'm not the only one who mixes up the Bills Pullman/Paxton!

I also constantly confuse Charles Durning and Brian Dennehy.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

I can't see McDermott wanting to motorboat any boobs at all. So I'd rule him out.

Mulroney is more charming than that, so even if he said it, I could see it being in a way that would be scruffy/cute. I think more women than not would let him get away with it. (Unless he was toasted).

But I could see either Bill possibly in this scenario. I'd lean more towards them.

There are lots of parties and events happening this week. So lots of opportunity.

BigMama said...

Colin Farrel and only because he clearly needed a bath and a tooth brush

NaughtyNurse said...

I can hear those words coming out of Jeremy Piven's mouth, but I can't imagine him being tossed from an event. What about Vince Vaughn? I'm so bad at these things. Somebody help.

tara17 said...

Allison Brie does sound right for the actress, though she's at least a solid B than C+, imo.

Ramone Love said...

But that line always works for me. It must have suffered from poor presentation.

Anna said...

Any of the numerous Ryans except for Gosling, because if he asked, she would have said yes.

hothotheat said...

^not many can say no to the Gosling.

Trivia about Paxton.....his younger sister was in the same graduating class at high school as my sister. Also, my first Paxton movie: Weird Science. Love that film. I never confuse him with anyone.

I like Dylan/Dermot for this but Owen and Luke Wilson get mixed up in the press all the time. If they were singers I'd say AdamL/PatM (Maroon5/Train).

All about Eve said...

@mmshukla, there was actually a sketch on SNL about that recently and they had Dermot and Dylan on, it was really funny.

WUWT? said...

I don't get Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney mixed up because they look so different, but I have trouble with Dylan McDermott and Eric McCormack mixed up because to me they look similar, and the names are similar enough my mind to meld them together (I think Dylan McDermott for both of them).

As for the blind, was Dermot ever almost A? I don't see a lot of movies so it's possible, but I didn't think he was ever that big.

Unknown said...

I would have said Butler if you think he hit the A list, I'd say not quite, almost A list now B- sounds right except there is no confusion about his name except the pronunciation of his first name and he supposed to have a girlfriend though that is questionable.

Unknown said...

Pullman/Paxton that always confuses me more than McDeromtt/Mulroney

Miel*8 said...


Gabby said...

ahh the SNL sketch about Dylan McDermott/Dermot Mulroney was hilarious! I too am similarly confused about Bill Pullman/Paxton. Both pairs is who I was thinking of for this blind, but maybe Dermot Mulroney would be the most likely person? He just seems super skeezy to me...

Kristin Wigs said...

I dunno guys. Sounds like Josh Lucas to me.


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