Thursday, May 09, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Emma Watson searches for a pocket for her phone.

Gabriel Mann is much like me. No need for forks for frosting when fingers will do.
The Goopster goes for the wet look. Don't do it in your shower though. You need to go to this one salon that uses water hand cranked by 12 year old boys in a Buddhist monastery in Asia. Costs $500 a gallon, but gets your hair sooo wet.
And Giuliana takes the baby from the nanny for the first time. Just in time for the press.
Halle Berry takes Nahla to school.
Heidi Klum kind of looks like a leather clad flight attendant here.
Holly Robinson Peete and Amber Valletta at a breast cancer fundraiser.
Jennifer Lopez at 6am.
Her boyfriend, who in the not too distant future will revert back to umbrella holder.


Anonymous said...

Really Guiliana?? Ugh.

Amber Veletta has an enormous forehead. It looks like mine.

skimpymist said...

I don't get julianna. If she didn't want a kid then Why did she go through all the years of trying to get pregnant. She never has her kid and said the child is second best in her heart.

auntliddy said...

I hate to sat but a bit tired of garner family and their doings. Kellue pickler looks awfully thin. Once again, Nahlablooking completely miserable with her mother

auntliddy said...


Marieeee said...

Giuliani and Beyonce both need lessons on how to properly hold a kid. They both look like they are moments from dropping them in every single picture.

Jessi said...

Seriously Giuliana?!?!!? You don't even know how to properly hold your child?! Wth kind of baby swaddle is that!?!? Pathetic!

detown359 said...

Second best to who? Wow.

cleo said...

Guiliana is the answer to the blind about the new mother who is never with the child. I can't remember it exactly, but it was this week, and it fits.

parissucksliterally said...

Who the fuck does that douchebag Casper think he is? Someone needs to hold a fucking umbrella for him?

Guiliana is so ugly....and why does anyone care what she does?

I don't like the paps hanging outside a preschool. Not cool.

Turkish Taffy said...

So is G. Rancic the answer to the blind about the reality star who has not held her baby for more than an hour? The one we all guessed was Holly Madison?

detown359 said...

Giuliana looks so awkward holding the baby.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

leather clad flight attendants? Now that's an idea for an airline.

M52799 said...

Second to her marriage. Bill comes first. It looks like she spends no time with that baby. She doesn't even know how to hold him properly.

Lurker Girl said...

2 blind reveals here--Britt's 9-5 m-F boyfriend and the mom who only spends an hour with her kid--for photo opp--looking at your Guiliana GIIIRRRLLL

Sarah said...

Yeah, I know Giuliana had cancer and couldn't carry the baby, but it seems like she was seriously deprived of the bonding experience.
I was somewhat put off by the interview where they said they put each other ahead of the baby, but I've read that people need to make their marriage #1 if they want it to be lifelong, then the children benefit from that.

LottaColada said...

So Casper thinks he's Diddy now????

Unknown said...

I was just about to say...

Unknown said...

Yup, has to be! How sad, though...I really like her... :-(

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Count Jerkula said...

Emma Watson


Tough choice for #3. If hate sex was allowed, then Goop. Otherwise, I'd go with Halle Berry. She's crazy enough to be fun for a one nighter.

Unknown said...

I saw somewhere that JLo had one umbrella guy and Casper had 2 umbrella guys. Why he can't hold his own umbrella is beyond me...

Tigercat said...

The Casper photo screams "I'm a douche!" And everyone but me knows it.

Unknown said...

@Cleo Exactly what I was thinking. This is totally Giuliana.

daqueenbee said...

I'm upset by guliana's attitude, she portrays herself so differently, I really thought she would be a hands on mom. So sad to see its all for publicity. The poor baby can't breathe!!!!!

DewieTheBear said...

The Casper line is gold.

libby said...

Emma Watson is so adorable and REAL to me.

Gayeld said...

@M52799. Ugh. I was just going to say the same thing. It makes me cringe how she's holding him.

Gayeld said...

Poor Nahla, I know there could be a million different reasons, but she always looks so unhappy when she's papped with Halle.

Momster said...

Guilana doesn't eat enough to be able to support the baby. Poor kid.
Caspar is made of spun sugar and will melt if he gets wet.

Anonymous said...

The Goopy comment is pretty great. And if that blind is Guiliananuina (I really don't know who that is, fo' reals) or Holly or whoever, bitch is evil.

mmshukla008 said...

I think its obvious by the wrong way they hold the babies which celebrity moms are not spending time with them.

discoflux said...

Giuliana looks like she's laughing maniacally before she rips that poor child's head off.

Goopy must've just gotten her roots done.

Gayeld said...

Emma Watson is made of spun sugar and sweetens everything she touches.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Are there enough people actually interested in Guilianna or is she calling paps for fluff pieces? If they still have a show I don't know anyone that watches it.

trainrides said...

Gabriel Mann, will you please eat frosting off of me?

Kelly said...

Guilianna doesn't have the strength to hold her baby. She weighs less than he does.
Enjoy it while you can Casper! Not gonna last too much longer doofus.

The Real Dragon said...

Really ? Casper gets in Umbrella holder. He living the life.

Anonymous said...

yeah she's got her hand over it's mouth. poor kid. Casper's just enjoying it while it lasts.

Silly Girl said...

GR doesn't know how to hold a baby yet....blind reveal?!

libby said...

We're on the same page Gayeld. Emma Watson sure is lovable! You can't help it!

Anonymous said...

I hope I look as good as Gabriel Mann when I'm 40. What an asshole.


Halle Berry is always wearing the same outfit. Those leather leggings must STANNKK!

Sue in MO said...

I kind of feel sorry for the guys holding the umbrellas. You know they must be thinking "we are not getting paid enough to cover this idiot's lame ass."

FreeTibet said...

And she pees butterbeer :)

Jessie said...

Did you guys know that before the photo was taken Emma Watson had helped deliver a child and then was on her way to save a beached whale? What an angel!

Giuliana looks like me when I was holding my wriggly nephew.

Gabby said...

Besides the atrocious way Giuliana is carrying her baby, she looks like she's wearing a bad wig. Either she is eating so little her hair is falling out, she's going through chemo again, or she needs a new hairdresser STAT.

fuckflattering said...

Why does that tool have umbrella holders?! Living in this world is too fucking hard sometimes.

RangersGirl said...

Ugh Ghooliana Rancid looks like she's never held a baby in her entire life. Poor child. Can't stand her.

Pip said...

I wish these people learned how to hold their children. It's really not difficult.

warmislandsun said...

Hello, Gabriel Mann. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit how anyone else holds their kid?

Pip said...

I don't necessarily give a shit. I will point out the fact that the mother looks like she is trying to break the child's neck. Beyonce uses one arm, and just lets the kid sorta hang there. It is not difficult to hold an infant properly.

All about Eve said...

I try not to judge other parents but yeah that poor baby looks uncomfortable. I hope Guiliana is being hands on and maybe keeping her kid away from the paps, it just seems she really wanted a baby before that I can't imagine her not being involved!

Love Emma! She's sugar, spice and everything nice!

Can not say enough about what a douchebag Casper is! That picture says it all I guess. JLo looks good though.

Bitca said...

In a split couple, mom tends to be forced into bad cop/disciplinary role. And Nahla doesn't always look so down in her mom's company.

Hurts beyond imagining to say something in Halle B's defense. I have loathed her ever since a 90s VF interview when she said she was once so miserable as to nearly off herself via carbon monoxide.
Fortunately, sitting in the car with her DOG, Halle had an epiphany that changed her mind (& nope; it wasn't "man, I'm a narcissist! I was gonna kill my dog too? Maybe I better stick around in case there's an afterlife...").

PotPourri said...

Love Gabriel Mann!

__-__=__ said...

ITA cleo!

Nothanksdarlin said...

I bet Halley Berry could own that shit

Unknown said...

I've always had no opinion of Casper. But now......what a douche! Umbrella holders......I don't even know the word for that....pretentious....

I also go to royalty blogs and saw a pic of Swedish royal family in NYC today and Princess Madeline was holding her own unbrella, but not Casper. No, he's too good for that, too important.

Live it up, jackass, bc it won't last forever.

CanadianMiss said...

Really Count? I hope you don't own a bunny...

Persiaa said...

Really, Giuliana? Even I know better how to hold a baby. I agree, she sounds like the answer to the BI about the newish mom who never sees her child.
Heidi is so gorgeous, but she wears some odd getups.

HannahBanana said...

How long did we listen to Giuliani whine for a baby?!?! Yet she was too vain to gain ten lbs for the cause. Now she FINALLY has Duke & she can't even be bothered w/ him???? Disgusting!!!!!!!!! She needs to just go away.

Anonymous said...

Same here, that's how my 16 year old brother held my kids at first. That's not the hold if a mum that holds her kid all day

Anonymous said...

Well obviously alot of people

Sherry said...

I don't have chireens and even I know how to hold a child better than her. She blabbered on and on about how badly they wanted a child and she can't be bothered to learn proper care. And there are people who read this blog who would do anything to have a child to love forever. What a bitch. I wasn't a big fan of her before and I am clearly definitely not one now.

Anonymous said...

Yep, let Guiliana die. It's what she deserves


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