Wednesday, August 21, 2013

North By Northwest To Be Revealed Friday

In just two days, Kris Jenner hopes enough people will watch her show to keep it on the air. Friday is her last chance to make an impression and things have not been good so far. On Friday, North West is going to be introduced to the world on Kris Jenner's show. So much for the Vanity Fair spread or Kim Kardashian getting into Vogue. So much for the millions offered by the other tabloids. Nope. It all comes down to helping Kris Jenner trying to keep her show on the air. It isn't going to help. You know the way she should have done it? The second or third day of the show, instead of pulling that stupid fake baby trick, they should have plugged that North was coming on and the ratings would have been high and then keep them that high. Fox is not going to care that you bumped it the last day of your six week run. It is a waste, but Kris' ego loves having a daily show. All the attention on her. Buh bye.


lelale said...

I am sure if Kanye could have convinced Anna Wintour to care he would have preferred Vogue or anyone but PMK.
It's sad what Kanye has done to his career by attaching himself to those parasites.

libby said...

I'm going full Heisenberg on ANY of you CDAN bitches who would DARE dvr this show! This woman cannot be encouraged with any ratings whatsoever!!!

libby said...


VIPblonde said...

I'm totally DVRing this!!

PugsterMom said...

Doing a little happy jig la dee da!!!

Maximus said...

I don't know why they think that'll work - within 90 seconds of it airing it will be splashed all over the blogs and no one will have to give her a view/click/etc.

Anonymous said...

Dammit VIP, I love you for that gif!

a non a miss said...

Ima DVR it too.

Bacon Ranch said...

Consider it DVR'ed.

Wintour already made it very clear it would be a cold day in hell before she would put anything Kardashian related in her magazine. Wish one of the Ents would grow a pair and follow her lead.

HannahBanana said...

PREACH IT Libby!!!!! My goal is to not see this kid for as long as possible!!! Lol!

libby said...

Watch for me in your peripheral vision, ladies:

IDK how to embed shit really, but I sure know how to 'Aztec Bowl' you traitors of good taste!!!

DewieTheBear said...

Mercifully, "Kris" does not air in my market Libby :)

Wen said...

How sweet. Baby North's first Photoshopped public photo!

libby said...

Perhaps I'm actually a shill for Kris, using my VAST un-popularity here to trick all y'all.
*rubs hands together*

At least one of my detractors took the bait! Mwahahahahahaha X2

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The tabloids weren't willing to pay as big as the Trashians thought they way was Vogue & Vanity Fair going to happen...that was a pipe dream...

Kris thought people would watch her being her...that's why she pulled the fake out

DewieTheBear said...

Has it really been six weeks since this show made its debut already? Jesus, summer flew by...

Carol said...

Another website said it will only be a picture of the kid, not the real thing. Guess the kid is so unattractive, they are afraid to use the real thing.

Sugar said...

We love you, Libby!!!!

JSierra said...

I honestly can't wait to see this baby

libby said...

Oh! Sugar IS sweet!
Sugar, I promise not to run YOU over or shoot you.

a non a miss said...

Are you threatening to shoot or run over us for simply DVRing this show?

Ima get sooo many people to DVR this.

Anonymous said...

I betting the baby is fugly

MISCH said...

No way I'd watch I want this woman GONE...
Normally I think inter-racial kids are beautiful...but since I've never seen the face Kim was born with who knows...

Della said...

Not even worth the time of programming the DVR. Before we know it that kid will pushed down our throats by every celebrity website and magazine. I'm avoiding it. That kid is going to have some horrible hair.

Silly Girl said...

I can't believe the show lasted this long. Bigger problem is who is North? Doesn't even register as a blip on my radar. I'm SO glad they've all been undercover lately. It's been nice to ignore Bieber, Lohan and the Kartrashians. Maybe I live in a bubble, but I have enjoyed reading the other blinds. Interesting or not, I'm learning about a whole bunch of people I've never heard about! And learning about some new shows on TV. I guess this whole gossip blog thing is working out on their behalf! It's a whole new world when you get past the Biebs, Blohan and the Trash.

Freya said...

Kris Jenner is the woman who cried North West.
First they post another baby's photo online. Then she brings another baby on the show.
The third time, no one will care.

Unknown said...

I don't know why KK or PMK would think we care so much about this baby or what it looks like. They've played coy and hid it for so long, no one cares anymore. I hope all the K's except the poor innocent children all fall into a volcano somewhere.

Note: I say "it" regarding North because I don't know if it's a boy or girl and couldn't spare a fuck to look it up.

skimpymist said...

she's going to wait until the last few minutes of her show for the reveal. Frankly I could a rats bottom what that baby looks like. I know in a few weeks it'll be pimped out by pimpma when her show is cancelled and she needs to find a way to draw publicity. How sad and pathetic is she that all she thinks about from morning to night is how to get her fams pictures in the tabloids.

marie-ski said...

I'm with you guys, she sucks.

Unknown said...

there, found her photo

Silly Girl said...

@Vera, AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

I love the Heinsenberg reference! ;-)

Unknown said...

@Silly, poor Nori has her mothers original nose.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@carol - ooooh very interesting! (and possible) Poor North.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! @freya : )

Seven of Eleven said...

I feel so sorry for that child. Kris Jenner as your grandmother (sorry, nana or lovey or whatever the hell she insists the kids call her instead of Trollma), Kanye ME ME ME West as your father, and Famous for Sex Tape and Quickie Marriage as your mom. This will not be good.

(Jokes aside, I really do feel sorry for the child.)

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Who gives a flying fuck.

Please DON'T watch this, my friends!

annabella said...

does anyone watch that show?

I used to think kanye was an artist, but he's been effectively neutered, having made this pact with the devil.

Not A Ninny said...

Almost sounds like Enty has inside info from the producers who make her show. Funny, huh? Fly on the wall...

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

@ Vera : So they had Zapatero (former Spanish PM) as a son?

Who gives a fuck about a baby? They are all alike. Wait until he is 15 or so to make a difference.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...


Anonymous said...

ill be dvring
and im sure the baby is beautiful

The Original CDAN Reader said...

@ Freya CONSPIRACY THEORY: Kanye leaked that real picture of North to shut down PMK, just like he leaked Kimmy’s pregnancy announcement instead of following orders to keep it on the DL for their precious show. Pimp Mama was probably flipping the f*ck out! Then she scrambled to fabricate that “fake baby photo” story followed by those bullsh*t reports of them declining imaginary millions from fictitious tabloids. Bitch please. He got you! Kanye 2, Pimp Mama Zero.

I bet Kanye even schooled Lamar on leaking his own cheating & sex video stories to win an early ejection from the K-Klan.

It will be interesting to see how Kanye eventually gets his own get outta jail free card. Maybe he should pull a Simon: Cut a check and bounce.

Tru Leigh said...


Sandy said...

The kid probably is probably Seinfeld-ugly, and they're waiting for it to grow out of its Winston Churchill phase. Not gonna happen; her parents are fugly.

PMK is truly living up to her nickname. That hideous woman has absolutely no shame about putting ANY family member out on the ho stroll.

And is Kanye so stupid that he actually believed that [pretend]hooking up with the biggest, crassest famewhore (and her disgusting family) in the land WOULDN'T be a total liability? He's a moron and his handlers are morons.

Alexa Rose said...

I am thinking that none of the magazines were willing to pay what they wanted. Going to laugh when this show gets cancelled. I cannot stand how Kris favors Kim over her other 5 kids and now North over her other 2 grand kids. God only knows how Bruce's 2 oldest kids and his real grand kids feel.


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