Thursday, August 22, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Julia Roberts showing off a lot of skin on her trip to the beach.

Kristin Cavallari out with her hero, Gretchen Rossi.
Katy Perry always matches her clothes to the gate at her house. Milford woman.
Lady GaGa walking for her fans.
Lauren Silverman is reuniting with Simon Cowell in France. he will fit her in between his 2pm woman and 4pm woman.
Amy Adams on the set of her new movie with her daughter.
There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe Madonna and her new grill.
Miley Cyrus out without
Liam Hemsworth.


Unknown said...

HATE Madonna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Paleo Dame said...

I'm guessing Madonna's closing the gap between her front teeth...? Which is too bad because it was the only thing I really liked about her.

Peter said...

Madonna looks ridiculous.. She has to be the most embarrassing mother on the planet!

Steampunk Jazz said...

WTF Madonna? You look like a 3 packaday bulimic with that crap on. Nice to know Cowell likes a tummy and thighs, he has now risen to garden slug in my esteem as opposed to the slime left on my foot. : )

Hanwi said...

Now that even all the plastic surgery in the world isn't enough to keep Madonna looking young anymore she's resorted to tricks like these in her desperate quest to be edgy and relevant. Good luck with that. She looks absolutely gross.

Cujo said...

Yeah! She sux! Damn her and her awesome attitude and body and style and her not giving a shit about people's opinions. We better get that independent bitch!

Steampunk Jazz said...

BTW entry, check those waves behind Julia and that scarf isn't' blowing left for nothing. I'd dress warm too!

Mama Abroad said...

Nah, she's just pregnant ...

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I feel like I've seen something similar to that Madonna photo before.

Sylvia said...

I can't stand Julia R. always thought she was average looking and regarding her body it was a body double so their is nothing about her being a pretty woman. Unless you like her horse's mouth LOL.

OMG is Madonna applying for witch of eternity?

popjjc said...

Note to Gaga : When all seven of your remaining fans show up you should at least acknowledge them.

ladybaus said...

I love Madonna and what she stands for *ducks*, but that look is not good. It is actually causing me to laugh hysterically. Her music still rules (with the exception of her last album) so I will try to block whatever that is outta my head for the time being

Steampunk Jazz said...

So early to be packing it on everywhere. Hmmm, h a s she had other kids?

Steampunk Jazz said...

You nailed it Jason!
"I'd like to guess the board now.
Who is.... Madonna?"

Topper Madison said...

Count me on the Madonna love train! This definitely isn't her best look, but there have been several questionable looks over the years, so what the hey? No need to get your undies in a bundle. She'll change it again shortly.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Aren't madonna's golden teeth the same ones that African American rappers usually have showing their class? I hope that awful trend doesn't infect cracker minds, or I will be even less updated in the fashion world.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The success of madonna's last albums are the producers, not her "talent", which was lost years ago.

auntliddy said...


rhinovodka said...

Madonna looks evil.

libby said...

Interesting note about Julia Roberts:

Bryan Cranston mentioned in one of his recent million interviews that he did a love scene with Julia in a movie (tltg), and she was fully dressed under the covers with long sleeves. The director was begging her that they couldn't film a believable love scene without her showing some arm skin at least. According to Cranston, she absolutely REFUSED. (I haven't watched the film or scene though, so maybe the director eventually got her to lift a sleeve).

Cranston's point was how funny it was that she was all uptight and dressed and he was lying with her wearing 'nothing but a cock sock'. The anecdote popped out in regards to his fearlessness about being half-dressed all the time.

But I wonder WHAT IS UP with Julia. Maybe she just has a skin problem, IDK. The reason could be gossip-worthy though.

Anonymous said...

the grill is f'ing hideous

Snapdragon said...

I have never seen the point of a grill. I always think of that guy from Moonraker.

Cleodacat said...

I was wonderinh of Madge was so vain that she would dye her roots so it looks like her hair isn't graying, then realizes of course she does.

Cleodacat said...


parissucksliterally said...

Madonna, STOP IT. Grills look stupid on anyone, but you are in your fucking 50's! You look like a damn witch these days, so stop with the fucking fillers!

Nylon Blonde said...

She has 7 year old with the ex.

Tippie Hippie said...

Gosh she looks like a demon possessed her - that is a scary looking motha

NaughtyNurse said...

Lady Gaga is an ass, and Madonna...well, there are no words.

di butler said...

I described it last night on Twitter as looking into the abyss. Haven't had a change of heart. Look, I'm 47, its hard getting older and still kinda being the cool mom, (grandma, for me), without coming off trashy like the "Crazy Bitch" wedding chick from yesterday, or Desperately Seeking Sense, here. But, no. Just, no. Grills are for young'uns to wear and seem silly. Not 55 yr olds.

TalksTooMuch said...

I remember Mr.Talkstoolittle grabbing my butt all excited when I was expecting the first kiddo saying "hey! Looks like you are starting to look pregnant!!" because he thought the all over weight gain was awesome. I, less so.

audrey said...

Madonna looks one tweak away from being that crazy plastic surgery addict everyone calls Cat Lady's twin sister. And after listening to about 30 seconds of GaGa's new song---I am shocked that anyone is buying that is just awful.

Anonymous said...

madonna looks redic

Oopsy_Daisy said...

I don't get the hate for people who cover up outside. Some people have to, some choose to. Unfortunately, I in the former category and have to cover up or I break out in rashes and can lead to an SLE flare. I know others that cover up after skin cancer scares. Odd if Julia doesn't like taking off during an indoor scene, but I guess she's big enough to not have to. Still don't like her, and I hate having to defend her, but dang, Enty. Stop knocking the Coolibar wearers.

And Madonna looks like pure evil here. Not into all that, but she definitely looks like some demon in a horror movie.

cricket said...

Is today some holiday I don't know about??? Lady CaCa is actually wearing clothes today. Pants and everything.

mizzavrid said...

Julia Roberts is a nasty bitch, everybody knows that. Madonna is stank, desperate to stay young, so silly and futile. But I do get sooo much pleasure reading everybody's comments♡

Alexa Rose said...

That is the worst picture of Madonna I have ever seen. Whatever happened to aging gracefully?

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Madonna - I haven't seen a grill that evil since Stephen King wrote "Christine!"

12-Inch Chewbacca said...

Day-um. Madonna is just dented looking.

lutefisk said...

Madonna has so much filer and botox in her face that you barely notice her breast lift/implants. Why is her chest coming out of her shoulders?

anon said...

there absolutely are enough words in the dictionary to describe Madge's grill - I think you just need one: stupid

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Well, Madonna makes a good case for Boring in the "Your Turn: Completely ridiculous or completely boring" question!

Count Jerkula said...

Amy Adams



Robert said...

This is the first picture of Madonna I've seen that made me realize she's getting OLD. She actually looks seriously OLD here.

Count Jerkula said...

@Robert: So you haven't seen her arms or hands in the last decade?

Alita said...

As much as I'm afeard of addressing you (since I not only don't @remember kermit gosnell but am not overly worried by that lack) but what does 'rappers showing their class' mean? Is there a symbology to this fad?

Genuine question.

Hazeldazel said...

well I guess Madonna's meth-looking teeth distract people from her bloated chipmunk cheeks.

If she's so awesome and fierce and whatnot... why can't she age gracefully ala Hellen Mirrin, Cate Blanchett, etc? They are gorg and fierce!


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