Friday, October 04, 2013

Benicio Del Toro Moves On To Another Blonde- Leaves Cameron Diaz Behind

A weekend of sex with Cameron Diaz was about all Benicio Del Toro was apparently all he wanted because the actor has moved on. As usual he has found another blonde but this one is much much younger than Cameron. Hell she is even younger than Kimberly Stewart. Benicio was spotted making out with a blonde at a bar who was probably 21 but not much older. I say 21 because the bar was carding people. Benicio came alone but within an hour had the blonde sitting on his lap and she stayed there for the next hour as they drank. Then she and Benicio left in a cab together.

To me the guy is kind of freakish looking but then again he is in movies so and a star so that doesn't seem to matter to people. He probably wouldn't get a second look most of the time but because he is in movies women are all over him. Probably not to the extent they would be all over a rock star and ignoring a rock star's missing teeth and one arm, but close.

Cameron is getting dumped on a fairly consistent basis lately and after not much time with guys.


Kelly said...

He nasty.

Folly said...

Cammy is no prize either but how do we know it wasn't a mutual weekend only thing?

mizzavrid said...

Poor Benny ain't aging well, but he was handsome to me when he was younger. Basquat, (*sp?)

Henriette said...

He isn't different than most of the Hollyweird men.

figgy said...

I'm sorry, but for some reason he is my biggest celebrity crush. I just love him on screen.

As for Cameron, hmmm, maybe she's desperate-seeming in real life?

Harry Knuckles said...

A cautionary tale that all ladies would do well to heed. Cammy's slutty lifestyle is now biting her on the ass. If a girl chooses to spend her attractive years boinking around then you will get what you deserve, which is to spend your remaining years alone except for when you pay some guy to be with you, like Sharon Stone does. Cammy is the next Sharon Stone. Don't be a Sharon Stone, girls. Get out there and find yourself a good guy while you are still pretty.

Unknown said...

Why are you saying she is getting dumped maybe Benico was just another notch on her designer belt, she is just f em and leave em like all the men in Hollywood - why is there such a double standard though in the end the men who act like sluts will never find a truly decent woman either, the only women that put up with their crap are women who are either doormats or out for the status and money of these men money but hey for guys like Clooney no problem. But who wants to spend large parts of your time with people you can't trust as far as you can throw them. But as long as they still have money and fame they can pay someone to be with them in their old age.

figgy said...

Ha, good point @Tina Mallette! We always assume a man leaves and a woman is left, don't we?

Count Jerkula said...

@Harry: I disagree. Broke down Cammie would still be able to land a man, she just has to down grade her expectations. If she wants s ball player, she has to stop chasing A-Roid and go after a David Wells or John Kruk. If she wants an actor, then don't go after a Benicio type, go after a Larry the Cable Guy or a Jack Black. If she wants a rich man then she will have to find an old decrepit one or start looking for an import from the Middle East

figgy said...

Agreed @Count, but I think if she were willing to go for an unknown rich man, she could get a middle-aged American or European one.

I was single till age 47, and I always understood the "point system" of dating. Most of the single women I know do, but so many of the men did not. Odd.

AKM said...

I just don't get it. No way could I even get drunk enough to do this guy.

Harry, some of us are trying! figgy, please explain the "point system," because I'm not sure what that's all about.

SophiaB said...

Harry, you are so clueless it hurts. This slut right here is happily married with two devoted lovers. You have no right to talk about what you don't know. Just STFU with you oldy moldy slut shaming. It makes you look dumb. Mkay?

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

He is fugly and would be still a virgin (if he didn't pay) if he were not famous. He has jumped from a nympho (hew own words, not making it up) to a gold digger. It's a good life for a dude with monster-ish appearance.

trudi said...

Will Diaz look less desperate if she starts to date the equivalent of the cocktail waitresses or WWF stars that Clooney dates and foots the bill for their lifestyle?

jane3113 said...

Well said, Trudi! So dumb to assume Cameron was dumped. They probably just had some fun. Who cares? When did a night together equal a relationship?

And She was in two long term relationships in her prime.

Count Jerkula said...

@trudi: Can Cam afford a contract lover like that? She should probably just go the Julia Roberts way and pick up a working class shmuck she can keep on a leash.

Haywood Jablomee said...

With that squint of his, he can only differentiate his chix by scent.

auntliddy said...

Reno nailed it.

Essie said...

I agree that it's stupid to assume that Cam got dumped. She has always said she loved sex and would go anywhere for a good lay. Maybe she heard that Benicio was a good lay and wanted to give it a try. Nobody was dumped. It was mutual.

Unknown said...

@SophiaB - is it an open relationship? Does the husband know about the lovers? Just wondering?

figgy said...

The dating point system is simply what it sounds like: each person gets so many plus points and demerits to get to their total score.

So for example, a woman gets X points for being under 25, but loses points for body flaws. But she gains points for having a positive personality. Men get points for being educated and funny, and so do women, but (sadly) not as much as men do on these points.

So like, a fat guy can "demand" a fit woman only if he has extra points to trade for his being fat, such as being funny, brilliant, or rich. A woman can trade "up" to a man who is much more educated than she by being younger and hotter.

I used to have a boyfriend who was kind of ugly, but was very smart and witty, yet had no money and few prospects of getting any. He was also 8 years younger than me. I thought it worked because, while quite a bit older (a significant point demerit for women), I was better looking and had a good career and was highly educated. I didn't care how much money he had, I just liked his personality. But my being older bugged him...when we were breaking up (his choice, not mine) he said something to the effect of he could get a younger hot woman, and I said, "well, yes, but only if she has kids or is pretty low class, because childless women your age or younger who are attractive and educated are going to want a man with a good career and money. It's just a fact."

He's still single. Sooooprise.

The *hugest* demerits for women are: being over 40, being overweight. The *hugest* demerits for men are: not having a good income. Sadly, that's it. I knew this, accepted it.

I did get married at 47 to a great guy who is exactly the same age and is very ambitious and kind, but he admitted outright that I got huge points for having never been married and no children, while he was divorced with two kids.

It's just how it works.

Unknown said...

Who sold you this story? Kimberly Stewart?

Unknown said...

@figgy - while I generally with a lot of your logic here in trying to formulate a model I think in this realm there are so many exceptions that it loses some of its accuracy and usefulness - and ignores the sometimes irrational attractions and chemistry between two people.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Count, I bet Larry the cable guy might have more cash in the bank than this fella, and with both Larry and Benny both now firmly in the "not visually appealing category" someone with more money and what some call a sense of humor may be a step up

Borg Queen said...

If Cammie went for a rich business guy and not some famous guy, she would do better. I agreed with the above commentators that her slutty lifestyle is catching up with her. I hate to use the old adage but why buy the cow, if she is giving her milk away for free.

Della said...

He needs sunglasses. Bright light!

rajahcat said...

love that Julia Roberts comment......he is on a leash

cece said...

Awww, honey, thank you for looking out for our best interests. I know time flies, but we're in another era now. It may startle you, but now women don't care if we get past a certain age and don't have a man. *whispers* it's not our primary focus to have a man in our lives. But thanks for the advice, Grandpaw! :)

Anonymous said...

@harry knuckles: I thought men only liked pretty, young women anyway? And that even if you get married while young and beautiful, once you hit 35 you become gross and disgusting and no man will want you ever again?

Del Riser said...

Regular folks have the luxury of meeting and marrying or mating with others that share our values, likes and dislikes, religion, lifestyle, and myriad other criteria. Not of course counting out sexual attraction.

People in the public eye seem to play by different rules, the guy gets the best looking woman he can attract with his money regardless of his personal appeal, and the woman attracts the richest man her looks can draw in.

Unknown said...

Friends of mine got to see A Rod in action and said he was the biggest A hole they have ever witnessed. They purposely took photos of him to piss him off because he was rude to his own fans. They were not fans in the first place.

Don't get the attraction of women to this guy or guys like him at all. Knowing he has steroid dick alone should have them all running in the other direction.

Sherry said...

I like Cameron and I too think it was a mutual thing. Neither is married and can come and go as they please. We all assume Cameron wants to be married. Maybe she doesn't and is enjoying herself.

And why the double standard? Get it Cam and Sophia B (so long as both guys are okay who's to criticize your lifestyle choice?)

Unknown said...

And the reality is people in the public eye seems just as miserable if not more than the general population in spite of all the seeming advantages. Why do you think Malibu and LA have the highest number of rehabs in one area.

The best looking woman and the richest man are often also the most horrid and vile people on earth. Life is short. Why would anyone want to waste one moment on someone that is dreadful to be with or around just for optics.

And the reality is more people know that is the case and know your optics are a sham.

Harry Knuckles said...

All I was trying to say was that a girl that is interested in finding a guy of quality shouldn't put it off too long. Guys of good character, with an education and a substantial income and an appealing personality, good looks and a sense of humor can afford to be choosey. If a girl wants a guy like this then don't be waiting until you're in your forties. The bloom is long gone by then. This isn't rocket science.

D Brown said...

Unfortunately Cammy is just Tara Reid with better movie scripts.

AKM said...

Harry, I totally agree with you and I didn't read it as misogynist or anything. I hate that it's true, but, yes...the fresher the pick, the better, as they say, in most men's eyes.

I'm late 30's now, and all of the nice boys are married or looking for girls in their 20's. It's kind of a stuck place to be. I like older men, but they don't hit on me, either.

Of course, not all of us were choosy and we're still single. Luck of the draw, I guess. *shrug*

Count Jerkula said...

OH SNAP! If Cammie is a reader, D Brown just put her into a box wine induced coma till Monday. Good one.

ms snarky said...

Maybe Cam gave it a try and wasn't impressed, made her excuses and got the hell out of there.

nurysp said...

his is so butt ugly

poor cammy is just turning into a hollywood trophy pitstop

Harry Knuckles said...

SophiaB, you can boink all the guys you want. Whether you're a slut in my eyes or not is not important.

cece, you're wrong about older girls not caring about being single, and you know it.

Empress, I never said that women become gross and disgusting when they hit 35. In a previos thread I said that they start to get noticeably wrinkly and saggy, and that given a choice a guy will always go with a younger girl because she is prettier and firmer and tighter. Pretty hard to argue with that.

Count, completely agree with you. If an older, used up girl lowers her standards enough, she can find someone that will take her. There are lots of scuzballs out there.

AKM, I'm sorry that you're not having too much luck right now with finding someone. You are very sweet, and I honestly know in my heart that things will change for the better for you.

Count Jerkula said...

@Harry: a wise man once told me the tale of how he put a widowed elderly woman on the path to happiness and companionship.

He was mowing her lawn as a good neighbor would do for an elderly lady, and when he finished she brought him an iced tea. Then she started to lament about not having anyone and being lonely. This is what he told her, "You have a house that is paid for, and a pension and social security check coming every month. Quit crying, bake some cookies and take them over there to the VFW, you'll find someone."

Over the next few weeks she found many. She had different guys over to her house all the time. When she would ask my friend about them, he would tell her "he ain't no good. All he does is sit around the VFW and drink all day. I told you you would find someone, I didn't say you would find someone that was any good." Eventually she found someone good through her now broadened social circle.

Moral: Focusing on what you don't have is not productive. Focus instead on what you do have and what you want.

Unknown said...

Fake story planted by Kimberly Stewart in retaliation for the fake Cameron Diaz story.

auntliddy said...

The count with life advice!!

califblondy said...

I think Cammie is just fine with boinking whomever whenever and has no intentions of settling down. Not everyone needs or wants a permanent deal with one person.

Benecio's looks don't creep me out as much as his voice. When he speaks I get the willies.

Peter Choi said...

I wonder how he can get away without getting snuffed like a pig.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Why not date a regular smart successful business man?

I just don't get her chasing celebrity after celebrity.

Is she broke?

OKay said...

That points thing is such a complete crock. One of my girlfriends is way over 40 and way overweight, and when she dumped her husband three years ago she got TONS of dates before finding The One and settling down. Not everyone is as shallow as your crowd, @figgy.

Mari said...

Count FTW.

Harry Knuckles said...

Count, your story is a good one. I'm not sure who you are directing the moral at, but I'll take it, and I suggest everybody else do the same.

Bit dams said...

I disagree about the point system. Any man can be had if you know how to do it. They are all easy sluts who will jump through fire to get laid, and prevent other men from having access to "their" woman. And all the dumb old tricks work, dropping something and letting them pick it up for you, playing hard to get, a "maybe I will, maybe I won't" attitude. And men like the hunt. It's not JUST sex, it's the chase and the conquest. Boring. Glad to be done with all that nonsense.

Cammy has never expressed an interest in settling down, just disappointment at not being first choice all the time. Seriously, she could get married if she wanted to. 7 billion people in the world, half are male, not hard.

SubSpace said...

@Count: Exactly, but be careful what you wish for... I met my husband doing a "downward dog" yoga position in a bar one afternoon, he was 13 years too young! I started running over to do him every night between 3a.m-6a.m. He bragged to everyone that this girl came over, rocked it, and left! Jump to 2 yrs. later, he's wanting marriage. I had never done the marriage thing, never wanted it, and thought a long engagement might put him off the scent...nope. We got married, had a wonderful life for 432 days,then he died in a car accident. Now I am messed up emotionally, PTSD big time because of that day, I was in the accident too. So, I wish we had stuck to sex only ... never doing that again.

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks all.

@Me: Count me as a dude who hates the hunt. I'd much rather spend time talking my girl into new things than talking my thing into new girls. I could be the minority though.

@SubSpace: I am sorry for what you went through and what you are going through. I'm not going to bore you with long winded stuff you have probably heard before, but I would like to say that you shouldn't close yourself off with a Never Rule. "Not for a long time", "not something I'm looking for", but don't put restrictions on your life because you may do more missing out than protecting.

Henriette said...

I guess I did everything wrong. I was over forty and fat when I got married.

cowbulls said...

Cameron better find a husband quick because she looks like a worn out hooker. I hope she has invested well or she is going to grow old with a houseful of cats. I can see her telling Mr. Whiskers that she use to bonk a Yankee baseball player.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Benecio is a dud lay and Cam decided she'd find better lurve elsewhere.


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