Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly movie actress told her husband he needed to go to rehab. meanwhile she won't stop drinking like a fish. She drinks from the second after she works out until she goes to sleep.


VIPblonde said...

Laura Jean Poon

Kristin Wigs said...

Reese "I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN" Witherspoon.

Simon said...


Borg Queen said...

OT: Do you think Reese ever had to use the casting couch at the beginning of her career? Does she still do it? Is that why she drinks?

MISCH said...

no Reese started so young...I doubt the casting couch applied...

Harry Knuckles said...

There have been a couple of blinds suggesting that Ms. Poon did a little casting couch boinking in her teens and 20's

Kelly said...

Ha. I first though Goopy. You guys got it right though.

Humor Me said...


Anonymous said...

I think Reese's uptight self righteous butt print is firmly embedded in many a casting couch.

BTownGirl said...

@VIP, the first time I saw that on Dlisted, I choked on my Diet Sprite. Never gets old!!

SophiaB said...

Ehnh. What's a little casting couch bouncing in exchange fortune wealth and power she wielded for a decade. She is frightening to me (her pap walk shark smiles, especially when parading her poor defenceless kids) but girl has got GAME.

She parades her highly fit body, her awesome taste in mom clothes, and occasionally switches it up to blow us away with the sexy (that short dress while sporting long brunette fake hair was actually dazzling to me, and I HATE THIS BITCH).

She has kept a low profile on her drinking since the arrest. You KNOW she has a serious problem. Plenty of drunk pap shots after dinner with her partner in crime... especially before the wedding.

I think she has an iron spine, and will probably make him get sober without her. She has ALL THE MONEY and ALL THE POWER.

Also, I do not think he has done her career many favors, and she probably thought he would. She is now producing and mixing things up. I think she should start playing villains. Won't take much acting, will give her an outlet for her rage, and I bet she might win an Oscar. If she plays her cards right, she will survive.

But she also has a boatload of stinker movie bombs to live down. Egads. AWFUL. Settling in for the shitshow. Wouldn't it be fun if she and Goop blew up TOGETHER?

SophiaB said...

I think this is very ON topic. Ding ding ding.

SophiaB said...

Oops. Missing the last thought in the Toth thread. They will split soon enough. She is totally type A and he has not brought home the bacon-top roles, nominations, wins. That is the game she is playing. If he does not put out, she is DUNZO. Cute baby boy for sure.

AbbeyBruce said...

I can definitely see her submitting to the casting couch but not to being a drunk. She is too much of a control freak for that.

msgirl said...

Abbey - maybe that's why she's become a drunk, the only way she can get the stick out of her ass!

Simon said...

Abbey, just has been spotted drunk. That infamous video at her husband's arrest is a priceless gem of drunkenness!!

Its just U said...

It's always funny to me the differences in attitudes to drink.
Over here Reese would be tame. One incident with the police she has a drinking problem.
She was even a grown adult at the time.

Mind you, over here if you go to hospital with alcohol poisoning you are considered a lightweight.

Not saying she doesn't have a problem, or that I like her, coz I don't, just an observation.

Mari said...

I don't think anyone had a different attitude to the being a nasty, demanding, arrogant drunk. It was because BOTH were shitfaced... Driving a CAR. You know, a two tonne lethal weapon.

VeeBee said...

What about Nicole and Keith?

Leo said...

I dunno about that from some of the stories I heard on here

Sherry said...

Abby: I can tell you that I am a control freak and I'm a drunk. You can't TELL I'm drunk because I'm a southern girl and we can hold our liquor. (You know I realize I'm fooling no one.)

di butler said...

Thank you for that. And, agreed.

Mlgmay99 said...

Yup. That is my guess too

SugarTitz said...

jim toth reps Robert d jr. and mattmc hay he brings home the bacon, he just isn't being the tommy mottola to her mariah carey.
she thought marrying a top agent meant only the best roles and her prospects dwindled.

Sandy said...

Yeah, she has an iron will, and I don't see her making herself vulnerable to anyone. This is a girl who hollered on a venerated director when she was 14.

The drinking is self-medication, though.

Its just U said...

Relax the keks Mari. I didn't say drink driving was good. I merely pointed out that different places have different attitudes to drinking.
One incident doesn't make an alcoholic.
And her being rude and arrogant has nothing to do with drinking. It has to do with her being a bitch.

Anna said...
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Anna said...
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Anna said...

When it's genetic, you don't have to drink often before becoming an alcoholic. Women seem to lack an enzyme that this makes it more difficult for alcoholic females to stop drinking. Heard this on NPR yesterday - fascinating.

cowbulls said...

I think it would be a LOT easier to list the women that didn't start on a casting coach. I'm not saying they stayed on it but that darn near every one started there unless they worked for Disney and then it was a casting crib.


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