Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 1, 2013

This actress is almost A list and is mostly movies. This other actress is B+ list, but a far better actress and knows it and is not afraid to let it be known. She does mostly movies. Both of our actresses nearly came to blows last night when the B list actress started talking about crap movies and how Hollywood has gone to crap for making such movies and rattled off two that starred the almost A lister and several others that starred the almost A lister's boyfriend. Words were exchanged and the almost A lister had to be physically restrained from punching the B lister. Apparently the two have been hating each other for a long time, but being in close proximity for press has made it even worse.

Mila Kunis/Michelle Williams


sandybrook said...

CATFIGHT!! You go Michelle! Brooklyn in the house!

Diane Marie said...

I kind of love Michelle Williams a little bit more because of this :)

Unknown said...

Team Michelle.

Kels said...

So Michelle is B-List and Mila is almost A? I mean I'd put them on the same level. That IS Heath's Widow ya know.

Unknown said...

Heath is over rated and always looked like he needed a good hair washing. Gross.

warmislandsun said...

I cannot stand Michelle. Overrated bloviating whiny wannabe.

Glitter said...


Sarah said...

Maybe a good knock in the head is what Mila needs. Her taste in men is beyond awful

Alist said...

Mila all the way. Michelle always has that stupid look on the face.

TanGyal said...

#TeamMichelle here. No sympathy for Mila Kunis or her douchey bf.

tara17 said...

I like both but this makes Michelle sound like a stuck-up douche.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Kunis is a likable and attractive screen presence, but I've never seen her do anything you could call acting. She just reproduces the same sort of persona, over and over and over.

Williams is an acting powerhouse who transforms for roles, and completely embodies her characters.

The gulf in talent between the two is so huge they're like two different species.

Beetlejuice said...

That's so funny! I was gonna say the same about you.

__-__=__ said...

Mila is a younger Jennifer Anniston. But - anything to get her away from Asston. Go Michelle!!!

Kelly said...

They both sound like assholes.

Kno Won said...

Mila Kunis is almost A list?

Nothing wrong with her - I think she's adorable and have nothing against her. I just don't see her as approaching A list in a world where Michelle Williams(!)is B+. It's backwards. Hey, WTF do I know?

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meanie Rhysie said...

MerryB, you're on a roll!!! :D

#1 warmislandsun

Meanie Rhysie said...

That would be +1 not #1 lol

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I'd like to know what two movies Michelle trash talked? Was it Ted? I'll bet it was Ted. And that stupid Justin Timberlake movie Mila was in.

Michelle: "I worked with Martin Scorsese and you just worked with a fucking toy bear."

Mila: "Bitch, my toy bear movie made 1/2 a billion dollars. What did that Marilyn Monroe movie you were in make? $20?"

Michelle: "That bear gave a better performance than you did. How many Oscar nominations have you received. Zero!"

Mila: "Tough talk from a girl who's first movie was called 'Dick.'"

Michelle: "Speaking of Dicks, where's Ashton."

Sugar said...

Hmmm. I'm torn because I generally like both of these actresses. I'll just choose to be on the side of the winner of the slap and hair pulling fight. Mila does have more hair to pull though so maybe that's not fair. Lord I do love a good cat fight.

Seven of Eleven said...

@JBE: beautiful!

crichmond1000 said...

Pixie fight!!

Kimstyle said...

hahaha @JBE ...

I'm team Mila though. I hate pretentious actors. I thought Michelle had grace, turns out she's just another AnnE...

NapAssasin said...

Awesome! I hope it was that funny & full of snark!

VIPblonde said...

@Jason As someone who wasn't there, I can definitively say that the movies Michelle trashed were Max Payne, Friends with Benefits, and every movie that Ashton Kutcher has ever been in

Violet said...

Embarrassed to say I've only ever seen MW in Dawson's Creek and in honesty she was no great shakes in that. I am willing to be told she has improved since then.
Whatever her ability as an actress these days it's still rude to say that to someone's face.

Brian Brown said...

I couldn't pick Michelle Williams out of a lineup, but Mila, yes.

The idea that Michelle Williams is some super-duper actress is laughable.

Count Jerkula said...

Only reason I would root for Michelle in that fight is hoping she tore Mila's clothes off.

SueRH said...

She's right about the A lister's boyfriend's movies being all crap.

kpist said...

After that reveal about how nasty Mila was to a fan, I think they both suck

Unknown said...

I wonder how the box office of their respective movies compares - maybe that is what MW's is really mad about. Her beef should be with the movie going public and not a fellow actor.

caralw said...

I have no dog in this cat fight.

I just don't get the rating. B+ is almost A list. I mean, what is the distinction. If you aren't A list you are B+ if you're almost there. #confused

Scallywag said...

"If you aren't A list you are B+ if you're almost there. #confused"

So is Enty, @caralw.

rajahcat said...

Well Michelle really is the much better of the two

I like Kunis-but only thing I've ever seen her do really well was Black Swan. Not sure another couldn't have done as well though.

It's true about Hollywood movies though.......Michelle was right-but why do the two hate each other from the way back????

Unknown said...

Michelle may be the better actress, but I cant bear watching her on screen for more than a minute! Ill take Mila any day over Michelle...I became her biggest fan after Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

HannahBanana said...

LMFAO!!!!! Perfect! I'll bet this is a close adaptation! I don't really have a dog in this race. But I think Mila would beat Michelle's ass....she just seems grittier, Michelle is always so prim & proper.

Unknown said...

no way in hell is michelle williams b-list. she's been nominated for an oscar 3 times. mila has zero oscar nominations so i would call her b-list and michelle a-list.

Unknown said...

Mila's best acting is the voicing of Meg on Family Guy.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

i like michelle williams. she seems down to earth. lays back in the cut.
she is close friends with freaking kim gordon. she dated jason siegel. that makes her alright in my book.

mila is just aiight. she is still with the kooch...gross. the only thing good she's been is was black swan.

blah blah

CF98 said...

I liked Mila on That 70s Show and think she's beautiful but MW is a better actress than her.

That being said if true this makes MW sound like a pretentious bitch everyone has to start somewhere.

However how is MW a B lister?

jane3113 said...

Ashton hasn't been in that many movies. Did she mention dude where's my car?

rajahcat said...

I also agree that Michelle should be ranked as A list

but Mila might be able to beat her butt!!!!!

Unknown said...

Michelle is most certainly not Heath Ledger's widow. They were never married and had actually split up long before he died.

Walt Driscoll said...

Aren't these ratings the wrong way round? Michelle Williams has 3 Oscar noms and is a bona fide leading lady. Mila Kunis is just in things.

Unknown said...

Michelle Williams is an average actress. Mila Kunis is too, but Kunis is a box office drawer (considered to be, anyway)

Rosso said...

Mila Kunis is A?! I literally only know her for voicing Meg on Family Guy, That 70s Show & dating Douche Kutcher. Can't name a single film she's been in...did she even do one with Michelle? No way in any hell is Mila A-list, I'd say more like B-list for TV work & general celebrity-ness/looks.

Count Jerkula said...

Wait a minute. I just looked at MW filmography. She was in the highly mediocre Oz the Great and Powerful with Mila. Betch got no room to talk and Mila had higher billing. That supports the ratings and explains her bitterness.

The Real Dragon said...

Team no one both are immature. dumb reason to argue too

Henriette said...

Michelle's right. Besides, Mila has turned into the annoying girlfriend. That girlfriend who starts loving everything her boyfriend does and loses all sense of individuality. I'm team Michelle.

OKay said...

Michelle is far and away the better actor. Mila gets higher-rated (for now) because she's the "it" girl (for now). Michelle can't open movies on her own so doesn't get A status, although to be fair she really doesn't even seem to try. She does indie films and arty films and blockbusters are not her forte. She's a real actress.

Its just U said...

It doesn't matter who is the better actor. What matters is Michelle was bang out of line.
Some bitch starts slating me and my man, right in front of me?!?!
No waaaaay.
Bitch be picking up teeth with broken fingers!!

PS said...

Mila would have done herself a favor and laughed and agreed with Michelle... Then offered to buy the whole cast and crew lunch, comp,I nets of some as static movie she made that netted her bank.

Just Another HR Lady said...

Enty's ratings are laughable in this one, Michelle is multiple oscar nominated. Mila zero.

I don't know that it was smart or kind to put down Ashton in front of his girl, but seriously, she is right, both of them make movies that are pretty much crap on a stick, but that make oodles of cash.

They're obviously after the dollars not the accolades, so why would she care what Michelle says.

Pip said...

Michelle is overrated. Apparently she believes in her hype.

PookieTwo said...

Mila is disappointing for falling in with Kutcher but at least seems down the earth and friendly. Michelle is the better actress with the better resume, but will echo here that she's a pill. Not very outgoing or friendly to or with her peers (unless you've known her ages like Busy Phillips).

And she's played on the Heath stuff for way too long.

Count Jerkula said...

Hollywood runs on MONEY. If you don't draw it, then you do indie movies and pretend you are just there to be an artist. Oscar nominations don't pay the bills.

Mila draws money and attention. Michelle draws crickets.

Axel Carlisle said...

Whether Michelle was right about Mila's body of work or not, whether she is the better actress or not, at the end of the day she still was a major snotty douche for this. It doesn't matter if she's "better." Just for being so pretentious and bitter and rude, she is not.

I wonder if any of their fight scenes in Oz were, ummm, real. Heh.

NaughtyNurse said...

Michelle MIGHT be a better actress, but she's just soooo damn boooooooring. I'm no great fan of Mila, but she does have great comedic timing. I had the misfortune of watching Ted, and Mila was that movie's saving grace.

Tara said...

Michelle probably compared No Strings Attached (Ashton) to Friends with Benefits (Mila) as they're the same premise - a lot of people felt that the two being so similar and released in the same year was a low point for Hollywood.. NSA was written by the creator of New Girl and I watched for just that reason. I actually enjoyed it even though I loathe Natalie Portman. She was likable here.

PotPourri said...

Mila was magnificent in The Swan movie...

Michelle Williams was good in the Marilyn Monroe movie and Brokeback Mountain.

I still couldn't figure out which one was the 'more talented' as they both rank the same to me. Both decent actresses, but no Meryl Streeps for either one of them.

The BLS said...

Why is everyone forgetting Blue Valentine? A.MAZE.ING!

ND said...

I knew it wasn't Rachel Weisz!! She's a cool chick. She understands that sometimes you need the pay check; she's done it herself and isn't a snob about acting.

This reveal makes Michelle look like a huge snob who believes her own hype. She's super pretentious anyway so I'm not surprised. It's ironic that she criticized crap movies when she was starring alongside Mila in Oz, which is a terrible Hollywood movie. She's not wrong for having an opinion, but a classy person would keep that opinion inside. It's just plain rude to criticize someone's work in front of them.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Meg.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Meg.

lazyday603 said...

Michelle is humorless. Of course she hates comedy films. Her loss. I can't think of a more depressing way to spend time than watching Michelle Williams' indie films. They are all unrelentingly grim. And people who love grim shit make the mistaken assumption that only grim art is real art. Shakespeare wrote comedies as well as tragedies.

Anonymous said...

Wendy : overrated cos his follicles weren't to your high standards? Fuck.

Anonymous said...

The BLS: yes! Thank you! Michelle is an amazing actress and I LOVE that film.

lazyday603 said...

Mila Kunis is in the top 10 for highest paid actresses, so whatever the top ranking is, she's in it. Michelle Williams is probably 20 or 30 spots below. Forbes only gave us the top 10.

1. Angelina Jolie
2. Jennifer Lawrence
3. Kristen Stewart
4. Jennifer Aniston
5. Emma Stone
6. Charlize Theron
7. Sandra Bullock
8. Natalie Portman
9. Mila Kunis
10. Julia Roberts

gr8p said...

Michelle Williams is a better actress...

Tiredallthetime said...

Kick her ass, Michelle!

Unknown said...

LazyDays...Thank you. I hate with no sense of humor and she obviously has none. I personally dont think Michelle is that good of an actress, that whiny cry face of her makes me want to slap her silly. Oh, and when she goes on about her pretenious art films...Hey Michelle, Were you not in Species AND Halloween: H20???? Yeah, thought so!


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