Thursday, October 03, 2013

Tim Burton Is Cheating On Helena Bonham Carter

Do most people cheat with the opposite type of who they are with? If so then you would expect Tim Burton's mistress to be some type of fashion designer or young blonde. She is blonde but I can't tell if she is young or not because I can't figure out which of the two blonde women he was kissing. They came out of a movie theatre and then found a place to kiss. When they leave it looks like he is standing closest to the one with the wavy hair but in the kissing photo it looks like he might be kissing the blonde with the non wavy hair but is her hair the same length?


Freya said...

No. No. No.

Freya said...

It's the one with the scarf.
Either way, my money's on Helena.

Karen said...

It doesn't look good, that's for sure, but are there more pictures? They could have been doing the friendly peck good-bye and someone captured just the right image. I don't know--it's blurry enough to be hard to tell.

Susan said...

It's the one with the scarf, and I don't like this one bit. Not at all.

Rosso said...

I suspect they have some sort of agreement, mutual understanding just coz they don't seem to be overly concerned with the sticking to the stereotypically "average" married with kids life etc etc.

That said...who would ever cheat on HBC?! She's up there with Cate Blanchett in awesomeness to me.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The image is so bad that it could be an innocent goodbye kiss on her cheek blurred in order to trick the audience.

Marieeee said...


Anonymous said...

Dont think HBC cares. Shes not a traditionalist. They dont even live in the same house. i think her and the children live next door to him.


OOOOh, I forgot to state how AWESOME she is and how much I love her.


Beetlejuice said...

The only thing that concerns me is the possible lack of HBC in future Burton films.

Harry Knuckles said...

That's no kiss on the cheek.

Topper Madison said...

Yeah, that's not exactly a face-swallowing kiss. It could be a peck goodnight. It doesn't even look like they're hugging. I've kissed many men like that whom I was not having an affair with,

Anonymous said...

Its the older one with the short hair. I think people usually cheat for emotional reasons.

lelale said...

Considering both HBC and Tim are serial cheaters either they have an agreement or its just history repeating itself.

Count Jerkula said...

My ex used to pull that opposites stuff. Sitting around watching TV, she would see a chick on the screen and get all angry and bitter "If we break up, you are probably going to date some tall 18 y/o brunette with blue eyes and a big rack."

Having had my tolerance slowly and painfully eroded away over the preceding years, I went with what I do best. "You think I can get that??!!?? Like really?"

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker but I needed to say this: I totally do that with my boyfriend and his reaction is pretty similar!

Kelly said...

I do the opposite and tell my hubs he'll never get someone as hot as me. Lol

hollywood dime said... boyfriend works for Tim. Was his assistant for 4 years. I'm certain I've heard that Tim and Helena have an open relationship. I don't think he see other woman often (like every few years) but they are always blonde.
That being said, I need to see more than that one picture, it almost looks like a cheek kiss. But I'm also blind as a bat.

Unknown said...

@merryb my thoughts exactly :(

Count Jerkula said...

@Timothy's Girl: Do you then stomp out of the room and not speak to him for 2-3 days?

Another time she blurted out that line I said, "Nah, after you I'm done with hot chicks, yer all crazy. If you leave I'm going to find a well adjusted fugly girl."

SueRH said...

Don't men normally cheat with younger versions of their wives?

Count Jerkula said...

@SueRH: Only guys who are picky.

Kels said...

How pathetically insecure of her.

Count Jerkula said...

@kels: Yep. And you don't know the half of it.

Unknown said...

I'm shocked - edgy, quirky director caught kissing woman -not his edgy, quirky actress wife. Stop the presses!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! No, I do it to tease him. Fortunately I'm far and beyond the time when I used to sulk.

crila16 said...

Maybe they're on a break.

warmislandsun said...

I don't understand the absolute HBC love. So what, she's quirky. She's also a rich snob. BFD.

lazyday603 said...

HBC is a British aristocrat. Fidelity isn't a thing in that social set. Fidelity if for the plebes.

NaughtyNurse said...

You know, after all these stories about Hollywood couples with open marriages, a story like this only elicits a little, "meh" out of me.

figgy said...

@lazyday, is HBC seriously an aristocrat?

annanaannnaaaa said...

Reading you CDaN peeps' stories, I guess this means I have a very healthy relationship.

Unknown said...

he is disgusting... you can see pics here and he is clearly kissing the blonde and obviously cheating on carter

NomNom83 said...

1.) "Cheating" assumes that the photos are of a kiss more serious than a peck. Maybe it's b/c I kiss all my guy and girl friends "hello" and "goodbye" and have absolutely no desire to bed any of them, but I could see how these aren't as damning as the story purports. If I were famous, there would be daily rumors of my *infidelities*.

2.) This post also assumes that, if they are in fact playing "hide the salami", that it is w/o HBC's consent. You just never know. Especially among the rich and famous who get loads of very attractive offers.

But if it's true and Burton is a dirty cheater, then I hope HBC finds herself some new happiness.

auntliddy said...

Who goes to the very public movies with girlfriend and a spare? He isnt very covert, is he? Cld be just friendly peck. Altho, about 30+ years ago, when jane fonda and tom hayden still married, my friends were vacationing in california. They were on some sort of cable car that spans mountains or something, and Hayden was there getting VERY cozy with not jane fonda. They tried to casually take picture, but he knew what they were up to and kept moving. So tis possible.

Unknown said...

Hasn't Emma gone blonde recently?

Unknown said...

Never mind she cut it recently.

Kara said...

I think the hair looks like it's a different length between the two pictures because it's wrapped up/stuck in the scarf. That's what happens to my hair. Then I adjust my scarf and pull it out.

That's all I got. Otherwise, I second everyone else.

lazyday603 said...

@Figgy, She is the great granddaughter of HH Asquith, the British Prime Minister at the start of WWI. Her grandmother Violet Bonham Carter wrote several books about Winston Churchill. She and Duckface from Four weddings and a funeral (Anna Chancellor) both descend from Jane Austen's younger brother Edward Austen-Knight. Helena Bonham Carter is plugged in.

lazyday603 said...

I left out the aristocratic part. HH Asquith was ennobled Earl of Oxford and Asquith at his retirement, so she's the great-granddaughter of an Earl. Actually those 500 families are so interbred she's probably descended from half the House of Lords pre-reform.

LTG said...

I don't know if that kiss is romantic. But if it is, then Helena better be okay with it. I adore her, and tim better not be messing around outside of an agreement.

Jenn said...

I don't know, the kiss doesn't look passionate, but it looks..intimate and very comfortable, which is kind of worse.

I like Burton because of HBC, so if she leaves him, pfft.


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