Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blind Item #3

This former A+list athlete is quietly negotiating a deal with his significant other after she caught him cheating on her with several different women over the past six months. He doesn't want any more damage to his reputation so wants her to remain quiet about it. Not Tiger Woods.


Tricia13 said...

Michael strahan

Tricia13 said...


Brin said...


sandybrook said...

I agree with brin

Tricia13 said...

Oops...still together...

FSP said...


sandybrook said...

the key words are "doesnt want any more damage to his reputation."

Kno Won said...

Bruce Jenner

Kno Won said...

Lance Armstrong's SO is expecting.

Princess Nobody said...

Brin got it with Lance Armstrong. He was just at Prime 112 in Miami with a blonde that was not his girlfriend and mother of his child.

SyDy said...

Justin Verlander?

Princess Nobody said...

Correction: mother of his children

Brin said...

He's a real catch, lol.

Boozie said...

@princess - what a dumbass. why would anyone ever bring anyone to prime 112 if they didn't want to get caught? ugh how stupid?

alan said...

Kobe, to be different. I am pretty sure she has her own contract with Nike to stag with him.

Eros said...

Like the kobe guess. +1

Unknown said...

It cant be Strahan..unless the others he was caught with were men.

Tricia13 said...

@unknown...yes I have heard that....
@alan Kobe is a great guess!

But...Brin FTW!
And yeas...prime112 is the least discreet place..l

katiekat said...

Dwayne Wade?

katiekat said...

Shit, I didn't see "former". Wade still plays.

LooLooEasy said...

Jeter's rep is pretty good right now, so I'm eliminating him. Tiger Woods would be my guess, or Justin V.

LauraOK said...


LoooongTimeLurker said...

Adrian Peterson

stank said...

Adrian Peterson, he's had all types of problems.

Stephie said...

I don't know if he has a S/O but my first thought was Michael Phelps.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Strahan. And I beleive Strahan def lays with women. (Don't know if he's been with men too, but he's def doing women.). And he's got a pretty good rep. It's teetering with the Nicole thing but for mainstream I think it was squelched so far.

ARMSTRONG. Dies anyone care about him any longer? His two is already horribl- the world knows he's a liar now (it should not have taken so long) and most people has heard he was a jerk on other ways too.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

*his rep is already horrible

ELBTH said...

David Beckham

KK said...

Tom Brady

ESIer said...

STEPHIE-I thought of MP too, but he doesn't have a S/O

SugarTitz said...

Tim tebow. . Every one knows that whole virginity thing is bullshit. . He fucked his way around Florida university
He is a manwhore. The Virgin image is for endorsement deals and pr..
He has a new contract with gma and espn Saturday college game day.

Unknown said...

sugarbread - the virgin thing may be bullshit but if he fucked his way around Univ of Florida there would have been a lot of chicks selling$$ that info to tmz because the story of huge and I'm sure everyone was out there trying to prove he wasn't- his PR people couldn't have paid them all off.

Stephie said...

Thanks sugarbread.

SugarTitz said...

thanks for what??

C'estMoi said...

Michael Phelps. He had a DUI in September and has been suspended from all swimming competitions for six months and won't be representing the US at the 2015 World Championships.

C'estMoi said...

Never mind! He's not married!

Megley said...

You cheat on me, and then you want to keep my mouth shut about it? FUCK YOU BUDDY!!!


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