Friday, January 29, 2016

Blind Item #7

This former A- list mostly movie actress  has been acting since she was a kid. On a hit cable show now, she recently suffered a miscarriage. People are whispering booze was the reason.


Derek Harvey said...

kiki d

Derek Harvey said...

*kirsten dunst

MontanaMarriott said...

KiKI Dunst

Kno Won Uno said...

The most common cause of miscarriage is genetic abnormalities - but let's just assume it was vodka in this case.

Derek Harvey said...

and she seems like a good girl---maybe she drinks a lot but I doubt when she was pregnant and she looks like a million bucks these days

Duh said...

Yeah, booze doesn't really cause miscarriages. One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage and it's generally something genetic. But I guess "people" would know, are they doctors?

david said...

A miscarriage is an abortion.
And, an abortion is a miscarriage.
In case you didn't know.

AyyyPapi said...

I imagine she's as 'kookie' in real life as she was in Fargo.

wow said...

booze is worst than a drug. its legal high and as long as we hide it, its ok. NOT!

Katie said...

You're actually right. A miscarriage is your body aborting a fetus that isn't viable

Duh said...

A miscarriage is a SPONTANEOUS abortion - there's a difference

June Gordon said...

A miscarriage is Jesus giving you an abortion.

Wendy said...

Yeah, alcohol would probably just make the baby have fetal alcohol syndrome, if she had a miscarriage it was probably just because miscarriages are a lot more common than people realize.

texasrose said...

Her Fargo gig is over so what is the hit cable show is KiKI on now???

Claire said...

It is not "worse than a drug," it IS a drug.

And, like most drugs, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it in moderation. Stop with your alarmist claims.

Meg said...

She doesn't strike me as the maternal type. Booze & babies don't mix.

Unemployable said...

If booze caused women to miscarry then zygotes would be ricocheting off Hollywood nightclub walls like little hockey pucks.

Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing) said...

People always want to blame the mother. In places where abortion has been criminalized, there are women in jail because they had miscarriages but were accused of having abortions.

TopperMadison said...

God, this made me laugh so hard.


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