Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Blind Item #2-Kindness

This A+ list in her mind everything wanted to make sure the birthdays of her children were celebrated at school but didn't want other kids to feel like their school celebrations lacked in comparison. So, our actress/singer/former reality star gives each student's parents $1000 for them to spend for their child's birthdays at school.


Tricia13 said...

Way to go JLo!

sandybrook said...

yay! Private school kids have high tuitions

Tricia13 said...

Tru dat

Ay said...

That's nice.

mariaj said...

somewhere, under the try hard poses, the diva behaviou, etc...there is a good heart, Good for you, JLo...

violet said...

why is that a kindness? I'm not exactly sure that is nice. It's unbelievably show offy. And what child needs that amount of money spent on their birthday? Shrieks of privilege. Give the money to some poor people instead.

mariaj said...

yes, yo are right, i have thought about that, too...especially cause that was their SCHOOL birthday, why spend so much money on ANOTHER bd party? Not to count, quite tacky give that money, ehyi you are so poor you cannot efford this, let me pay for you..i think i wouldn't have accepted...but i think that she did it with the best intentions

Guesser said...

Not everyone who's child is in private school is necessarily wealthy, she may have been aware of financial problems in some families. I agree if they don't need it, it should go to a charity instead. Who took over Enty 's body today, no quotation marks on singer.

Cherry said...

$1,000 each kid. Back in my day, the mom
Would send 2-3 bags of Tootsie Pops for their kid's birthday and call it a day. And i never got to celebrate my birthday at school since I was born in July.

Alistdiva said...

I don't think this was J.Lo, her twins bday is in February.

Mo said...

But, if she was doing it to make things equal. She would have needed to pass out the cash at the beginning of the year. Otherwise, any birthdays before Feb would miss out.

Guesser said...

@Cherry, my school you knew who the rich kids were because they brought cupcakes from the bakery.

Hot Cola said...

Awesome! Loud applause.

Marlin said...

Everytime i have seen her interviewed she actually seems very sweet. And i give her credit for standing by Leah Remeni when she left scientology.


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