Monday, February 20, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Racially Profiled

Lindsay Lohan claims she was "racially profiled" while wearing a headscarf at London's Heathrow Airport.

The actress said in a new interview that she was stopped while traveling to New York.

Lindsay said an airport worker "opened my passport and saw 'Lindsay Lohan' and started immediately apologizing, but then said: 'Please take off your headscarf.'"

She said on "Good Morning Britain" Tuesday that the incident made her wonder "how would another woman who doesn't feel comfortable taking off her headscarf feel?"

Lohan was returning from Turkey, where she recently met President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

She said she wore a headscarf in Turkey out of "personal respect."

Lohan, who has been photographed carrying a Quran, says she finds "solace" studying the Muslim holy book and other religious texts. Hmm, she wasn't wearing it while meeting with the President.


AyyyPapi said...

Decides not to wear a headscarf in Turkey, yet wears one when flying to New York of all places... No wonder she's flirting with Islam. She just HAS to be the victim.

No idea why she's popping up on TV shows atm, she has nothing at all to promote.

Hothotheat said...

I'm think she needs to be prevented from coming back here.

marlo said...

Why the fuck would this retard wear a headscarf at Heathrow airport?

You see who loves Islam people: inbreds, useful idiots, drug addicts, pedos, the dregs of humanity and LiLo.

Shorny said...

Marlo, if you think she represents all people who are respectful towards muslims, you can't see the forest for the trees...

sandybrook said...

I can't buy anything that comes out of her mouth, sorry.

inga said...

this A++ con artist/international courtesan lilo...
kind of tied to LMAO...
P.S. u still r not st.angelina 2.0, lilo...

DUH said...

Hey, Lyndsey, the agents at Heathrow gave me a grilling too and I am a white woman of a certain age. They asked me why I was traveling, how long I had been there and what my occupation was.

Wendy said...

I mean, if you can't smell the thirst stenching off her body to be relevant again, that's on you. She needs people to talk about her so will do anything. What's a hot topic right now? Muslims.....ohhh i'll act like i'm becoming one, that will get people talking.

That or the drugs fried her brain so badly that she has just lost her mind.

It's sad to say if she doesn't clean up her act she will be dead by 45.

Cherry said...

Islam is not a race, you Fucking nitwit.

Jennifer said...

Maybe Trump can include her in his muslim ban.

Hortensia said...

marlo, shut up nitwit.

Lohan's got at least one personality disorder, probably up to three. She's fooling no one with the suddenly religious fervor. She must have someone on the line.

GoTrollUrSelf said...

Are freckled firecrotches being 'racially' profiled now? Lilo should look up the word race. And lots of other words, like STOP and GTFO.

Laura Palmer said...

Plus plus plus...

Reality check said...

This has already been in other sites. She did it as a ploy to up her escort business in Mid East-
She has "aged out" and looking for a new angle. Has been so debased no much worse to go- another victim of Hollywood pedophilia- these are the true " brown shirts" but Meryl is fine with them, Polanski and Woody Allen- her hypocrisy sickens me

marlo said...

Hortensia, an inbred like you telling me to shut up? LOL
Listen you peasant, you have shown everybody here what a lying useful idiot you are, with your repetitive false claims about France and priests and nuns not being allowed to wear robes and habits. Are you too dumb to use google, or do usually repeat lies, to fit in a certain agenda?
I hate Islam, everywhere where there is Islam, there are wars, there's death, squalor, misery, ethnic cleansing, genocide, oppression of women and death for minorities, not to mention disease and illiteracy. It's not a religion, but a warring violent political ideology, and the more you tell me shut up, the more I will talk about it. You would have fit right in with the Hitlerjugend, goose-stepping along, all the same haircuts (today it'd be all of you having the same cheap tacky tattoos) all zombies, repeating lies, being tools, telling those who tell the truth to shut the fuck up, appeasing the worst that humanity has to offer.

Go fetch a coffee for some z-lister, you village idiot.

Nora said...

Fuck of you loser everywhere America and europe goes there is always wars and deaths more humanity died in WW2 then any war in history. The biggest turds are trump supporters and the british royal family where even a monkey has more diversity then your Queen. Shut the fuck up about appeasement, you bomb the shit out of their countries and go on about freedom. Abu Gharib and Gauntanamo is equivalent to Nazi death camps. Also majority of the world pedophiles are elites infact the biggest pedophile ring in the world is in europe that preys on 3rd world children. I sure your familiar with the belgium case of prince andrew pedopohillia infact the royal family has a very long history of pedos. Oh you also should be familiar with the westminister dossier which accounts for the pedophile in parliament since the 80s. Go napalm yourself in vietnamese village you trump turd fuck. You right wing abuse muslims, mexicans, gays and jews. You are the most regressive forms of Nazis absolute fucking cancer. Go to r/the_donald to worship your daddy since milo lost his job to fuck his daddy drumpf.

Ä°BRAHÄ°M said...

She made very much money while here I can assure you !

Unknown said...

If I ever start a band
I want it to be named Freckled Firecrotch.


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