Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 22, 2017

I’m guessing he probably should have seen this blind coming. Apparently producers have been making this reality star study 2-3 hours a day because he has missed so many facts about celebrities he should have known if he was real.

Tyler Henry


Norm said...

What do you expect from a fraud?

.Hot Cola said...

Nothing 'Real' is shown on TV.

Shorny said...

It actually takes skill to create the impression of authenticity, to win people's confidence. Who cares if it's fake? If it's a good show. But I don't know about this guy. Haven't seen his show.

Mary Rose Stonehouse said...

Tyler Henry is a fake; to me it looks like he's distracted thinking he's Hollywood boy now. His show is an embarrassment and should be cancelled!

Bigbro411 said...

Very hold blind, but, it caught my eye.

This blind doesn't make sense. Let's pretend Tyler really is a psychic. What "facts" is he missing? The blind makes it sound like general, well-known info, but that's not what a psychic does. They tell you stuff only you know...

But at the end of the day, it's so clear he's not the real deal.


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