Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X - Old Hollywood

September 20, 2017

If you're an old movie buff, you'd definitely know who this character actress is. She had a unique name and had a southern drawl to her voice. Before she got started in showbiz, she appeared in a stag film where she was pretty much naked.

Una Merkel


Now! said...

#metoo about Una Merkel is pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel. And I actually knew who she was - she's the hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold Belle Watling in "Gone with the Wind."

moussemaker said...

That was Ona Munson.

Now! said...

Oh, you're absolutely right! Una Merkel was the lady who was the smart-talker in 42nd Street. I also confuse her with Ina Claire. All those vowels....

sandybrook said...

I guess since you can find a picture that looks like her topless on the interwebs and it was written about in a book, this isn't much of a secret if you know who she is and want to see it.

PapayaSF said...

Here she is: https://dcairns.wordpress.com/tag/una-merkel-nude/

Jeff Macauley said...

An Una Merkel blind reveal! Oooooooooooh. I love old obscure Hollywood blinds. Keep 'em coming. Anything on David Manners?


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