Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Your Turn

Favorite college based movie.


HoneyRyder said...

Animal House

Todd said...

Animal House

Sara, Making It Work said...

SLACKERS with Pete from Pete & Pete and Jason Schwartzman

But that's just off the top of my head. I'll probably think of a better one.

Roxanne said...

Revenge of The Nerds

cheesegrater15 said...

Animal House and Revenge of the Nerds

Do favorite high school movie next!

sandybrook said...

Animal House FTW

Do Tell said...

Animal House. Everything else is a distant second. It set the standard.


Sass71 said...

Animal House with Back To School second.

Brayson87 said...

Obviously Animal House is the classic.

But Dead Man on Campus and PCU get honorable mentions.

Newbomb said...

Sister Dearest

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or are there not many good college movies out there? Other than the 2-3 movies already mentioned, most college movies are raunchy, stupid messes. And not even the good kind. Whereas there are dozens of well-written, timeless high school movies.

Shopgirl007 said...


Is This It said...

Old School

gauloise said...

St Elmos Fire!

cc423 said...

The one where they all die.

Brayson87 said...

"They hate it when you do this."

Tricia13 said...

St Elmo’s Fire/old school

RedVelvetBoots said...

Legally Blonde :)

Florin said...

Real Genius.

totaji said...

Revenge of the Nerds 2

Dusty Fairy said...

Animal House FTW

forthenightisdarkandfullofterrors said...

Sure Thing

Jennifer said...

Soul Man starring C. Thomas Howell

FififromMtl said...

Back to School (Kurt Vonnegut getting a bad mark for his book report on his own book - C'Mon!)

VDOVault said...

Savage Steve Holland's 'How I Got Into College'

Brilliant film

I keep DVD copies on hand to give away to friends whose kids are applying to school so they can keep some healthy perspective on the whole process.

Darkmyst said...

Animal House with an honorable mention to PCU.

NE peanut gallery said...

Def Animal House and Back to School

The ol' triple Lindy....

"Mellon! We need you! Get down here!"

Lurky McLurkster said...

This should been written "Favorite college based movie that isn't Animal House"

Lurky McLurkster said...

I will throw in Good Will Hunting for something different. I suppose Enty was looking for some Rudy or Wonder Boys too

hothotheat said...

Old School and Legally Blond. Both with Luke Wilson in it.

Unknown said...

School Daze

Pattie C. said...

Obviously Animal House is the best

Followed by Revenge of the Nerds, Old School, Legally Blonde and Accepted.

Anonymous said...

Animal House. But, to be fair, I haven't seen most of the others.

Chug ChooChoo said...

Aside from the already mentioned obvious answer

The Rules of Attraction.

Great movie.

Didn't we all go through a Bret Easton Ellis phase?

joshg g said...

Where's CNN anchor? Is she alright, someone stalking her?

Dena said...

I second The Rules of Attraction - my 2nd favorite BEE book (after Glamorama).

Spider Rico said...

Animal House, Back To School, loved RDJ in it, and Real Genius.

Rob Horine said...

Just to break things up a bit, The Sure Thing. Daphne DiZunga and John Cusak before be got all "John Cusak-y".

Sara, Making It Work said...

Ah, Wonder Boys! That's a good one!

shakey said...

Road Trip.

HoneyRyder said...

Other than Animal House and others listed above
Pitch Perfect
Oldest son chiming in with The Waterboy (Sandler used to be funny)

Unknown said...

@Florin is clearly a person of taste and distinction: Real Genius. "Why is that toy on your head?" "Because if I wear it anywhere else, it chafes."

BossyPants said...

Revenge of the Nerds

PhyllisWhitweed said...

Harold and Kumar

Mhdz said...

Back to School, with The Paper Chase a close second.

Sd Auntie said...

Harold and Kumar and Animal House

Ives91331 said...

Real Genius

beebopcowboy said...


Leanne Norman said...

Defying gravity it's a gay college romance and about being true to yourself.

AkhaldanSolo said...

Animal house of course was what I was weaned on in my generation but I think it promulgated some unhealthy attitudes toward sexualltiy and partying. I always wanted to bring home a high school girl in a shopping cart.

PCU is second but was ruined by Piven, thanks bud. Anyway the best part about that movie was the guy doing his thesis on television commercials. I always wanted to break down each commercial and identify the psychological conditioning and persuasion techniques used in advertising as a term paper.

The other best part of that movie (at the time) was when the movie highlighted P-Funk, reminds me of the time I gave George Clinton one of my nugs on stage and on camera and he smiled at how dank it was and put it in his dashiki, thanked me and continued singing.

Anonymous said...

The phone conversation with Rodney was even better.
“Hey Vonnegut, how do you get a D writing a paper about yourself? Fuck me? Fuck you Vonnegut!”

Kikibunny said...

I loved back to school!!

Kikibunny said...

I laughed pretty hard at dirty grandpa but thats a spring break movie not college

Z0z said...

The road within. Zoe Kravitz is brilliant in it.

Anonymous said...

Up The Academy. It's a military school, but still...

SayWhaa said...

Back to School.

B626 said...

Can you blow me where the Pampers is?

Samantha M. said...

Real Genius. It's a moral imperative.

Tricia13 said...

I remember you said you grew up with him... I like him a lot too(legally blind was on today strangely) and while not my fave—/I actually thought to myself how much I like seeing LW onscreen

Tricia13 said...

And Owen of course... he’s so good at what he does-a niche but he owns it

Gator said...

Animal House

Hootspa said...

The original "Where the Boys Are."

NoNotThatBeth said...

Real Genius. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"

Unknown said...

Real Genius

PotPourri said...

Animal House - Epic, just epic
Where the Boys Are...1964
Back to School Rodney Dangerfield...
Revenge of the Nerds
Love Story...yes I know. But Hell, it's Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw...

Scandi Sanskrit said...
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Scandi Sanskrit said...

Where’s Candy Crowley and her daily dad joke?

TVAnnie said...

Animal House

a beautiful virago named hope said...

Real Genius! Brilliant soundtrack.

Empress Lockness said...

School Daze and Higher Learning just to add some diversity, lol.

bowler_chick said...

Animal House of course is number 1. Van Wilder was funny too, mmmmm young Ryan Reynolds.

El Roy 13 said...

Spring Breakers

Nosy newbie lurker said...

St. Elmo's Fire! (and anything with LW is an honorary mention)

Hugo Pedersen said...

Old School!


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