Thursday, June 28, 2018

Blind Item #3 - Five Points - A Birdie Blind Item

In this "alternative religion," the number five is important, largely because of a symbol associated with it. In terms of rituals, there might be five men involved, with the often young victim strapped to a likeness of it - his or head at the bottom point. Other times, it might be a ritual in five parts, carried out by a single adherent. This story involves the latter.

In decades past, there was a famous murder, still remembered achingly by many alive at the time. It's strange then to think that the person found to be responsible, but never charged, did not actually commit the crime. Yes, there was a jail house confession, but a certain book tells a different story - the true story.

It's author was there at the time. No, not when it took place, but just before this story begins - the first part of the ritual. You might be surprised to learn that it took place in public, at least a place anyone can go, but this type of abduction often does.

We'll never know if the victim was lured, or threatened, only that the perp had been spotted in the hours before at the same location, trying to "pick up" young people of one sex. (So now you know the second part, and even the third - both of which are the most heartbreaking.)

As for the fourth and fifth, these are the ones that came to most characterize the perp - especially the final one. You see, while we may never know if this was his first murder, it certainly wasn't his last.

How do we know he was a true believer? A jail house confession, of course. That's what got him killed.


Tricia13 said...
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Unknown said...

Can someone please translate this?

Tricia13 said...
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J said...

Not Marvin Gaye again!

Tricia13 said...

Adam Walsh(John Walsh famously made his life’s mission to find killer). The other boy was named Ethan(Big story in NYC)

Tuesdi said...

I like the Adam Walsh guess, Tricia. Shopping mall maybe as the public abduction place?

Krab said...

Etan Patz.

andrea said...

This case always hit me in the feels. John Walsh really did try to make the best out of the situation and did better in the world. Loved AMW.

Krab said...

Can't be Etan Patz. Neither of the people suspected of killing him were killed in jail. (Someone was convicted recently for killing the boy, but his lawyer thinks he's mentally ill and actually innocent. A known pedophile in jail might be the real killer.)

Tricia13 said...

Me too andrea... haunting and so effin sad. That and Nathan Embry keep me up at night(I have a daughter that age)

Tricia13 said...

Meant Etan Patz (called him Ethan above).

Krab said...

Maybe it is Adam Walsh and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Boozie said...

so what's the book? john walsh wrote a book on enty saying he killed his own son?

Tricia13 said...

Yes... a mall or was it grocery store? Mom turned head for a second:(

MDAnderson said...

I agree not likely Etan but I’m not terribly convinced that the guy convicted of the crime did it. I grew up in nyc/no and I can remember the missing signs of him like it was yesterday.

Krab said...

Willis Morgan wrote a book saying that he saw Dahmer pick up a boy in the Florida mall where Adam Walsh went missing. I think that's the book referred to.

MDAnderson said...

I think enty is saying Dahmer did it which is why they say it was this last and he was killed in jail.

Tricia13 said...

Man I feel sick...

Shaddup Mimsey said...

It was in the Sears in the Mall in Hollywood Florida. He was playing in the video game section. I used to do the same when we went there as a kid. He was a couple of years younger than me.

Carolyn said...

That is certainly what the Willis Morgan book says, so that makes sense. But what's with the satanic pentacle nonsense? the real point of this blind seems to be not that Dahmer killed Adam Walsh but that he was himself killed because he confessed that it was a satanic ritual and I don't know, that seems a little...farfetched to me. maybe he was just a psychopath?

Krab said...
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Unknown said...

A guy named otis Toole killed adam, so says his father John walsh. Toole was executed I think for another child murder.

IanPhlegming said...

Birdie Blind becoming my hero. This is some excellent material to be bringing to a wider public platform.

Look at how Dahmer "arranged" many of his victims. Then search for the piece of art Tony Podesta has (had?) hanging from the ceiling in his D.C. home's staircase.

They are nearly identical. Why? What does it symbolize?

We are in a period of Revelation. It is a glorious time to be alive. Thank your Maker every day that we are all here to share it. It is not random coincidence that we all are.

Tricia13 said...

He died of cirrhosis in his cell. He was also probably to inbred to even know how to perform a ritual (check out images of him). ... what a sick f***.

Carolyn said...

here's my conspiracy theory: Enty is actually a front for InfoWars now. yayyyy

Enty you have to own that you're publishing this stuff, whether you personally wrote these blinds or not. You bear responsibility for giving this nonsense a platform. Hope you realize that.

philomoney said...

this video talks about jeffery dahmer and how he had a satanic alter in his home

Krab said...

Well, Carolyn, I for one am glad that the one person who really knows what happened to Adam Walsh happens to write CDaN blinds. I hope Birdie will help us out with the Black Dahlia and Jack the Ripper next. They probably have ties to Podesta too.

Carolyn said...

lol yes. what a spiderweb!

CuriousTex said...

IanPhlegming said...

Dave McGowan solved the Black Dahlia murder already. Alan Moore solved the Jack the Ripper ritualistic serial murders.

Let's see how many naysayers show up in this post today. Krab's "better" half, Plot-TWISTED should drop in here any second now.

You guys are totally digging that new Netflix show from South America, I bet.

cheesegrater15 said...

Krab, Jack the Ripper killed the Black Dahlia as a ritual murder to usher in Revelation and the Bilderberg Group.

notthisagain said...

adam walsh murder
first part of ritual = abduction in the mall
second part of ritual = defilement/rape
third part of the ritual = maiming/murder, like the decapitation
fourth part of the ritual = having sex with the corpse
fifth part of the ritual = rearranging the corpse...I guess the head, then? ugh im gonna throw up.

aka the 4th and 5th are what jeffrey dahmer was known for most, right?

killed in jail for confessing the real deal

Krab said...

Alan Moore didn't solve anything and "From Hell" is partially fictional.

I might also add, Ttarty, that I'm the one who solved this blind in the first place. I don't have a problem believing it's true, but I do have a problem believing that a CDaN blind writer knows the truth any more than anyone else who spends five minutes Googling Adam Walsh.

Unknown said...

I don't know why people are so quick to reject the idea that satanic rituals happen. You don't have to believe in satan, or even believe in evil, to understand that a crazy murderer might believe in them or want to do a satanic ritual. If he's crazy, he could think he's one of the satanic murderers he's seen in movies or TV shows like The X-Files. It doesn't have to "work" or make sense to happen.

Lexi said...

The number five and the symbol is likely a pentagram. Inverted pentagrams are considered satanic.

Stupidpervs said...

Lol you guessed after 4 other people said Adam take your participation award and go to the next

just sayin' said...

It's a safe bet that no one's done more research on the Adam Walsh case than his parents. So if they believe it's Ottis Toole, that's good enough for me.

The blind is based on a book, and Enty's printed many blinds based on books that have as much evidence against them as that supports them (the Lennon/McCartney gay affair, for one). As long as there's documentation or a great theory, Enty will run an interesting blind. Doesn't mean he's gone Info Wars on us.

plot said...


"I don't know why people are so quick to reject the idea that satanic rituals happen."

Who is doing that?

No one.

Otis Toole was a grandstander who tried to stay alive, like so many on death row, by confessing to murders he had nothing to do with and in no way could have committed. If the Walshes believe he did it, that might be for their own sanity.

I attended lectures by the agent who questioned Toole as a part of FBI research into mass murderers who decided Toole was far from the mass serial killer he wanted to be for fame and longevity. Yes, Otis was a murderer, I think he was big on killing his lovers (of both sexes) too. But this agent concluded that Otis simply didn't have the gumption or smarts to carry out the massive number of killings he claims.

Truthseeker said...

I read this because I live in Five Points, well my areas Five Points, the most wonderful neighborhood of small bars, restaurants, eclectic junk stores and Midnight sun, the local metaphysical, hippie fun shop. AND the most amazing historic movie theater!! lol.
then i was disappointed to see it was not a good thing, and no way related to the good feeling i got. :(
Adam Walsh, man, being older, and living in Florida my entire life, that story always hit close to home, and always left open questions. Admire John for what he did to honor his son

Trace said...

I saw a pic a while back of Tony Podesta and his wife standing on their staircase by the sculpture, and at the time, I immediately thought of Dahmer.
I agree with everything in your last paragraph BTW.

Anonymous said...

Finding some sort of religion to justify evil urges is not a new concept. It’s the basis of so many cults.

Brayson87 said...

Kind of a weak blind, but anything that draws attention to missing persons is good. They're not all runaways or people hiding or whatever bs to make the stats look nice.

totaji said...

And religions. So many preach sexism, intolerance towards homosexuality and racism.

Unknown said...

Dahmer is known for cannibalism...I live in Milwaukee and remember that sh*t being all over the TV, newspaper, etc.

Mo said...

Umm...doesn’t whoever wrote this feel morally compelled to do something more than post about it anonymously on a blog?

plot said...

So we are back to Podesta's art collection as proof of a huge pedo network.

How are you guys attaching the art to Dahmer again? And how are you attaching Dahmer to the murder of a child, something he never showed any inclination for otherwise?

Just for fun, tell us about the nonexistent basement in the pizza joint and how that raps up every child murder in the country over the past 4 decades, pretty please.

plot said...

"doesn’t whoever wrote this feel morally compelled to do something more than post about it anonymously on a blog? "

Heck no!!!!!

He/She, Birdie/Hmmm, has all kinds of connects. Paris, Dubai, LA, EVERYWHERE that tell him exclusively what's the what on EVERYTHING!

All for page hits on a blog, doesn't that sound realistic to you?

Rosie riveter said...

Omg It makes me physically ill too. This is heartbreaking.

Rosie riveter said...

And we love it and believe it.
Thank you Enty!

Rosie riveter said...

Why do you come here?
Sincere question.

Halloweenie said...

I used to gasp at mamas who put their toddlers on that leash thing? But now seems like a brilliant idea. I will now superglue my boys to my side everywhere I take them. Just also wanted to point out that most of dahmers victims were men of color which caused him to get away with it longer. And of course with the green river killer and many more like him we know serial killers are of all sexualities. Infact one of the green river killers favorite activites was reading his bible ( according to his wife of many years). Oh and the guy they nailed after 30, golden state killer was a cop and a Vietnam veteran. So evil will always find a way, whether evil people are satanist or Christian serial rapist/murderers. The real question is why our pristine, god loving, apple pie country produces so many of them? How are we raising our boys? What version of masculinity are we force feeding them? I.e. : being a man means dominance . We could say that the same toxic poison is breeding school shooters. Which again as a country we are the top of the list for those. I 100% believe there are satanist murders just like there are Christian child rapists/murders.



TerriB said...
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Rosie riveter said...

I used to think child leashes were appalling, until I had a child that runs if his feet are touching the ground. I found a backpack that has a tail as the leash, so he doesn't really identify its really for me and my peace of mind. Reading this blind reminds me how little I should care what other parents think

Tricia13 said...


Anonymous said...

There are no signs that Dahmer was a Satanist, he was an atheist, and used that as a basis to rationalize his killing - something along the lines of "if there is no god, then there are no rules". His story is fascinating, and bizarre, and creepy, and horrifying, but Satanism simply wasn't part of the story. Cannibalism also was just part of his crimes, but it wasn't why he killed, he was trying to make sex zombies. That poor kid who he drugged, drilled a hole in his head an injected hydrochloric acid, the one that was found wandering around on the street after Dahmer went out to never forget shit like that.

Dahmer also didn't abduct, he lured, and he lured older teens and adults to hotel rooms and apartments to pose for photos.

Nothing in this blind points towards Dahmer.

Anonymous said...

The book is obviously Frustrated Witness, by Willis Morgan, about Ottis Toole and Adam Walsh. He's considered the killer, but never charged. Birdie must be reading serial killer books. Birdie, read "The Family", by Ed Sanders, lots of blind item materiel there for slow CDAN days.

NorCal Norm said...

@rosie I hear ya, my daughter loved to run away from us and hide while in the clothing store. She would hide inside the clothing racks and think it was a game. It would really scare the ex wife and myself. I sat her down and had a talk with her and she got better. Thank goodness nothing happened.

Tricia13 said...

This is a thing. I don’t use one but my 2 year old has wings I’m pretty sure... cant keep up. Thank god where we are living(BWI)/ small island there is a breath I can take with safety and comfort... though I’m still and will always be a helicopter mom❤️

Tricia13 said...

Quasi /Pseudo Intellectual Validation in a world where they likely haven’t any.
As a soapbox for those other unfortunates with POST 2016Election Syndrome -it’s a real thing.
No one engages them/ speaks to them in real life?
And if one does ,they oft find themselves in need of a restraining order?

Sd Auntie said...

Yes @krabby. I saw that too. I even remember when little Adam disappeared from Sears and his parents pleading for his return! John did not believe the Dahmer allegations! I did though!

Sd Auntie said...

Dahmer was a loner who loved the taste of human flesh and was a devil worshipping evil man.Thank you Mr Crazy haired inmate for having a hand in his demise. As far as blaming most child crimes on devil worshippers, I disagree. It's the bible thumping end of times folks that elude authorities with their intent. If I meet someone and they tell me how much they love the Lord, I just give them the side eye and wonder what they are hiding.

Bill Beard said...

Kabbalah/gematria/freemasonry? - numbers are more like - 3 6 9.

Unknown said...

If you want to know why there's a bunch of satanic-laced atrocities, read two books.

1- The Franklin Cover Up by John DeCamp
Details the use of foster kids as sex toys and drug mules. They were smeared in the local news as troubled kids, glossing over that their foster parents were party to the abuse. One of the kids describes being hunted, and having to participate in some truly heartbreaking stuff. Why did they participate? Because they saw people tortured and killed in front of them and the will to live was strong. Also goes into how the legal system screwed those kids over big time. BBC made a documentary about it which got pulled before it's 4th airing and destroyed by none other than the US Gov; a VHS version of documentary is available on YouTube and doesn't go too deep into the satanism aspect. For that, you need

2- Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien
It details her childhood of being groomed for sex abuse, paid for by the Gov as part of it's MKUltra project. Her personality was fragmented by torture and abuse, much of which revolved around government-sponsored satanic rituals. (If you don't think that's possible, go look up Michael Aquino and the Presidio Day Care scandal which happened in 1987, resulting in children getting STDs and were chosen on the basis that younger they are, the less likely they could testify in court against their abusers.) She names people who abused her-- many well know politicos. Right around the time she published her book, Bill Clinton issued an apology to the victims of human experimentation under one of the MKUltra umbrella projects.

Dave McGowan has a good book, Programmed to Kill. All of these books are not easy reads. It's hard to read about child abuse, torture, murder, and people getting off on it all, or profiting from videos and pictures of such things.

You don't have to believe in something for it to be true. But to maintain willful ignorance when there are news article archives available, Senate Subcommittee transcripts, and CSPAN vids to back up claims made is just, I don't know, cognitive dissonance at best?

Ignorance enables.

The one thing that can help the whole situation is for an educated populace to get angry about it. Doesn't need political parties, neither has a monopoly on morality. It could potentially unite a populace who would otherwise be bickering about the assholes on both sides.

Poor Mick said...

Pentagrams, seriously? I was thinking an ultra-radical Discordian sect. As a Pope I do not condone this behavior and as Popes yourselves I hope you'll join me.

I really can't think of a display name. said...

The Black Dahlia


How about 5%ers

JustaGuess said...

JCPenney at the mall

Lucius Cassio said...

One of Dahmer's victims was a 14 year old boy he raped and drugged and who actually escaped him but police returned him to dahmer even though he was naked and drugged because they thought he was a boyfriend of his and they didn't want to meddle into a gay lovers fight.
This is a very well known story I'm surprised Mr. Smarty pants didn't know that.

Lucius Cassio said...

Dahmer was a registered sex offender pedophile and two of his victims were 13 to 14 hardly older teens.

Itttt said...

Serial killers never change or evolve their MO? That's an absolute MYTH. Many "master" their "craft"/MO over time, while some do not fit neatly as square pegs in round holes. The Adam Walsh abduction could very well have been a crime of opportunity perpetrated by none other than Jeffrey Dahmer.

Read the news article with witness interviews including many that reported to law enforcement (or attempted to, some repeatedly) what they had witnessed within a day or few days of the abduction transpiring as well as the severed head being found and draw your own conclusions.

As to Dahmer not being a Satanist, you are 100% dead wrong.

BTW, an additional recommendation is the Netflix show Mindhunter.

M.S. Weasel said...

Thank you mandi,
Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill is a very good book but a tough read.

Anonymous said...

I shop at where the old Sears mall used to be where Adam got abducted (it's a Target now). If you aren't familiar with the case, you would never know it even happened there, upon taking a gander. There's rarely a time when i go there where i don't think about that sad case.

Torr said...

I have no idea what this blind or a single comment from it are talking about

shakey said...

Oh, I remember hearing about him - the 8 year old(?) boy who was walking on his own for the first time? There was a similar one months ago in Montreal. Eleven year-old boy. Just disappeared on his way to his friend’s house. Broad daylight. The father is steadfast in his belief that his son was kidnapped (he comes from a country where kidnapping happens often). Since there’s lousy footage of the boy walking beside a park, and an eyewitness claims to have placed him beside the water, the cops have theorized he drowned. There is other footage from a home security camera of his feet. He seems to have been startled by someone or something prior to the park footage. His father has always said he would never go near the water.


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