Thursday, May 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 23, 2019

This permanent  A list mostly movie actor who is not even the highest person on the list in his family is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He is also being extorted through court filings because he knows she knows about his drug habit and about his "collection" which would crash and burn his career. She doesn't care what he says about her because it is not going to change how she makes her living.

Nicolas Cage/Francis Ford Coppola


Sarton Bander said...

Nicholas Cage has a career.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Brayson87 said...

It was a snuff film collection right?

C’est Vrai said...

This is confusing.... who is the “she” entry is referring to??

sandybrook said...

@Cest Vrai the Las Vegas hooker who got him drunk and married him for 4 days about 2 weeks ago.

Guesser said...

This refers to his days long marriage,she wants a big payout,or she spills the beans.

Guesser said...

Lol@sandybrook,I'm sure Nic got drunk of his own free will.

Rosie riveter said...

I think nicholas cage did a perfectly fine job of burning down his career all on his own

C’est Vrai said...

Thanks Sandy! Lol agreed guesser... ha!

How does Francis Ford Coppola fit in tho? Is this connected to the hotel blind where Nic Cage owns a shady hotel and films all the rooms and keeps the porn?

sandybrook said...

He may have been drinking, but she slipped him a mickey. He was waaaay more than drunk in those pics I saw of them

C’est Vrai said...

Ok I just googled the connection and I never knew Francis was Nic’s uncle...interesting. Makes sense now...he shouldn’t even have had a career to begin with lol :p
I wonder if the collection is maybe the blind from the hotel and the porn he illegal tapes ...

Megley said...

Yep. Snuff films. That's the rumor.

Guesser said...

@C'est Verai, in the early part of his career,he was quite good. But as he got creepier,his acting became questionable,and he no longer got decent roles.

Gator said...

Who's the she? It probably is snuff films since he did that one movie about one.

:| raven |: said...

i absolutely believe he was not "acting" in Leaving Las Vegas. i believe that's the real him.

Jimbonius said...

Say what you want, but "Put the bunny back in the box" is as iconic a line ever uttered in the annals of Hollywood history. Brilliant.

Nic Cage is operating on a level we can't even comprehend. Well, Charlie Sheen understands him. And maybe Crispin Glover. But mere mortals like us, never.

HeffalumpsAndWoozles said...

So was 8mm just an excuse for Cage to do "research"?

Thursday November said...

No sympathy that he told a whore who is the GF of his dealer everything

Thursday November said...

@ C'est - Do yourself a favor & read the DM.

Nick married a whore at a courthouse for a day.

Aerin said...

I thought he had a Nazi memorabilia collection or something equally icky. I want to say he bought a human skeleton or body part like Marilyn Manson, but I'm not sure.

Vita said...

Im still alarmed that the license was given, based upon the footage of Nic in that courthouse. He is ranting and pacing in an odd shuffle...i NEED to know at least 48 hours of that relationship leading to him at the courthouse. There is no way you go from "honey, let's get married!" To THAT in just the car ride to the venue. As I mentioned in the comments before, he couldn't have gotten a tattoo in that condition, how was his behavior overlooked in a gov't building?

At the time of this blind, people were speculating snuff film collection. After the longer blind item posted not too many days later regarding the motel in KTown, some speculated perhaps Those films are the collection in question. I like that idea, as it is so specific and incriminating to him and his actions (more than just random, albeit vile, films that he could claim he had gathered from research).

Brayson87 said...

@Vita, I don't know, it almost seemed like Nic's destiny to marry a hooker in Vegas.🤔

Vita said...

Indeed, sigh, the poetry of it all.

Sarton Bander said...

Haha yes his best (and earlier) films all resemble his life now.

Oldsguy65 said...

I thought he was blackmailing producers and directors into giving him high-paying roles? Why would he care if somebody could ruin his "career"?

Kellikopter said...

There was also that recent blind about the guy with the hotel in Koreatown who has been recording guests' acts of debauchery for eons. That guy supposedly has a trove of dirt on all kinds of celebrities. I think the general consensus was that Nic fit the blind, so that might also be the collection.

VikingSong said...

Let me get this straight...because NC was in a movie about snuff films that's proof he collects snuff films and you can tell someone has had their drink spiked simply by looking at a photo of them?

Shut-ins are hilarious..

james2051 said...

Must be a shocking collection. Nazi memorabilia? Snuff movies? Child porn? The complete hits of Nickleback?


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