Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 15, 2020

The horrible manager is freaked out that the song from this foreign born former A+ list tweener is doing so horribly. The controversial, almost black face video didn't make things much better.

Scooter Braun/Justin Bieber/Yummy


MyDogSmiles said...

Bieber hash-tagging Yummy with pictures of babies didn't help either...

Mugshotland Creator said...

girl you got that yummy yummy yummy yummy etc.

Brayson87 said...

It's going to be fun to watch what Tay Tay does to him.

sandybrook said...

Yummy yummy yummy I got sizzurp in my tummy and I feel like hating you

Uhhhh... said...

Molly Oh said...

He's # anything & everything yummy, just trying to get yummy trending and begging fans to just play on repeat

Rosie riveter said...

It's doing so horribly because it's really horrible

Unknown said...

It's a bad song

linie said...

If he was a decent manager at all he would never have let yummy be made much less released without his clients name on it

John Doe said...

Sorry for saying this, but I had secretly hoped that Bieber is gay and that he would get hooked up with a nice boyfriend and start behaving himself instead of shacking up with ridiculous ho's, but A'las... He's starting to remind me a lot of Eminem lately. Sad.

Thot Crimes said...

it's like a parody but not supposed to be - like 'dick in a box' part dooody.

and fuck this blog for making me listen to that.

Countervail said...

Maybe I'm stupid, but what's the blackface of this? I watched the video and didn't notice anything.

Gerbil S Sac said...

Yeah I don't get the blackface thing either. What is hilarious about this truly atrocious song is the hilarious conspiracy theory that's spread like wildfire in the spanish speaking online community about it all being a dig at the paedophilia and cannibalism rampant in Hollywood.

It's insane but reveals the titanic levels of stupidity amongst a fanbase desperate to believe their idol isn't a washed up junkie.

Nishka said...

Justin is gross. He hash tagged a bunch of babies in weird sexual positions as yummy. Pedo ish crap to me

Regina said...

How about Biebier posting photos of babies with the caption #yummy. That is some disgusting Pedo shit

Anonymous said...

As a light worker here on Gaia, I feel that the planet is getting very sick of junkies who lower the vibration for all of us. Those who glamorize drugs, bad health and sickness.
They need to transform that low spirit to one of love, light, compassion, truth and honesty.
If they won't do this, they need to transition off the planet.

Unknown said...

I still love the bean-footage at the El Lay market of Bieber and Gomez scoring Meth early in the morning. Those two crazy kids. They need that yummu, gooey, gaggy, baggy, saggy, crappy, sappy. Yeah.


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