Friday, March 27, 2020

Blind Item #9

The celebrity CEO has always been a very frequent user of his private jet, for business and pleasure.   However, very recently, the CEO has been flying in a way which raises questions.  He will ride his private jet for 4-6 hours from one location in his business empire to another, and spend no more than 20-40 minutes on the ground, before taking off once again.  The CEO has repeated similar trips multiple times per day, and many times per week, for a few weeks in a row.  What do you think is going on here?


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

god only knows whats going on with Elon

Tricia13 said...

or maybe Iger.

Freed Weave said...

money/drug laundering or child/sex trafficking?

sandybrook said...

You know Enty SpaceX has shot off 2 or 3 rockets or tried to this month and he's always been there for all of it...

yepthatsme said...

Obviously he is trying to escape the hit squads sent by the cartel duh!

J said...


Village Guru said...

Sounds like he's dodging someone.

IndieRaga said...

Mile high Parties

Pip said...

Covert liaison with Greta G.

AngelSleuth said...

+1 @FreedWeave

Miss Smith said...

He is trying zero G experiments....?

I'm an optimist without cause.

T. W. said...


IndieRaga said...

Gimme some of that....I really want it!

gauloise said...

Maybe with the lockdowns, he can't actually enter any of the cities, so he just flies between them?

Max Power said...

If it was trafficking, would he really be dumb enough to be on the same plane?

Aquagirl said...

He’s escaping from Grimes.

hunter said...

I don't see kiddie trafficking here, that would require more transfer of goods.

Drugs or money seem more likely.

hunter said...

Oh - if this blind is purely based on flight logs then yes, could be trafficking.

Billeye4 said...

Didn’t Musk have dinner with the cartel wife recently?

SlimKeith said...

Sounds like we're being spoon fed a bullshit narrative again. #annoying

Reverberation said...


MensaSU said...

Wouldn’t it be nice if whoever it was was bringing in medical supplies to areas that really need them.

Tricia13 said...

Yep. He’s been running awhile. Our friends so him in the BVIs less than a year ago. Haven’t seen a pic of him since

nancer said...

uh.....he's nuts?

Freebird said...


JDB said...

Maybe he is John Wick.. And everyone is out for the hit
From the pigeon man to the business man each one is a hitman..

JDB said...

Approval of what

ChuckD said...

scared of being arrested or killed.

OKay said...

Drug mule.

Me said...

Bingo @Tricia13

Musk is the CEO 3rd party interloper in the Depp/Herd saga that will never end. Musk has dirty hands.

KCS said...

State tax legislation. Needs to be out of a specific state for a certain number of days each year to avoid paying taxes there.

Fifi LaRue said...

Drug buying for the extremely wealthy. No waiting on corners or alleys for him.

ScottBinTN said...

The unlawful act has already been committed. So, the way to flee a pending arrest is to stay on the move. This buys you time to make a strategy with your attorneys before your eventual fate. Many others are going to fall. After Covid, sweeping arrest stings for a variety of deeds will begin. Maybe 100's of people, many well known. It will happen.

Unknown said...

Flying around the world buying up the world's penicillin which can mean only one thing:
Musk is gonna get stuck into Lohan's Fire Crotch.

Habibti said...

High quality drugs?

Sunkist said...

The Blast says: "Elon Musk...The business tycoon is busy trying to rescue the shambles around him, and yes, we are talking about Tesla right now." in the article about Depp prevailing in the Demurrer filed by Heard in his $50mil defamation case

Daryl said...

Adrenochrome supplies are on lockdown and he has to get it pretty close to the source now.

Studio54 said...

The CEO of Costco spends all week on his business jet, going from store to store around the country. Literally the entire work week.

Studio54 said...

The CEO of Costco spends all week on his business jet, going from store to store around the country. Literally the entire work week.

Unknown said...

It's probably trafficking of all kinds. He probably has to keep doing it for the mafia or whoever it is. If it's 20 to 30 minutes stops, then he making deliveries.My bet is that he is probably trafficking everything he can To keep from getting killed.

Unknown said...

I think his private jet is called The Spectrum
As everyone agrees Musk is on it.

Captivagrl said...

avoiding being questioned or served

syd said...

Drug, human, gun running.


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