Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 17, 2020

The foreign born alliterate singer turned probable one time actress had an easy out from her fake relationship. Now, with production shut down on her latest project, her fake other half wants to do some isolation love photos, but our singer/actress wants to spend time with her real boyfriend.

Camila Cabello/Shawn Mendes (they ended up doing a couple isolation love photos)


Freed Weave said...

Camilla's rabid puppy love is too long, too fake, and too thickly plotted... just like her hair.

sandybrook said...

But but they love each other...😗

norster said...

She would do better to move on - it's become a joke now, and that's not a good career move, unless you are a Kardashian lol 🤣

Guesser said...

He needs to do a Harry Styles is he or isn't he thing. No one ever bought it.

longtimereader said...

Styles is still in the closet, when your audience is young girls...

notthisagain said...

mendes is scared he'll be outted during this pandemic when things are upside down & normal tricks cant happen

if there is anyone left on this planet who knows who shawn mendes & thinks he is straight...yikes. But then again, most little girls these days have crushes where 9 out of 10 gay....but they believe what they tell them, that they are straight. lmao it would break their sweet gullible hearts knowing 90% of them are twinks

Freebird said...

They were spotted today during a staged isolation walk, which included a smooch.

sam said...

Who is her alleged real boyfriend?


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