Friday, July 14, 2023

Four For Friday - Way Too Big

These are A list rockstars and above who had a hard time getting groupie sex because of how well endowed they are. Many potential sexual partners went running away.

#1 - This guitarist for an 80's hair metal band used to be as famous as the lead singer. Considering he had a thing for barely legal teens, he had to get them almost passed out before they would say yes. There was a lot of screaming involved to the point where if someone screamed, everyone would look to see if the guitarist was in the room.

#2 - This foreign born lead singer of a band that had an animal name in it said he hated life on the road because once he was seen naked, every woman said no. Not every man though and on the road our singer started sleeping with guys.

#3 - This singer said it helped a lot that he couldn't see the looks on women's faces, so he just didn't care what they felt. He was going to get his.

#4 - This female singer was A list solo and a musician was A- list in a group. She was known as the woman who went seeking out the biggest. She wouldn't even talk to you if you were under 8 inches. 

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