Thursday, January 04, 2024

Today's Blind Items - Behind Closed Doors

This foreign born actress probably peaked at A list, but that was decades ago. Now, she is a recluse. From time to time she emerges from her cocoon to say something outlandish and then goes back to hiding. Over the years, she has not been shy about revealing secrets about herself and her former partners. One secret, she has to share outside a close circle of friends, is why she started dating a man in his 30's when she was not even old enough to drive. It is because she wanted to be with someone big enough and old enough to make her father want to stop sleeping with our actress. It had been going on for years and she had multiple pregnancy scares because of it and also wanted to protect her other siblings and thought the big older boyfriend could do just that. She was right about herself, but she was unable to help at least one of her siblings who did end up pregnant by their father.

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