Friday, February 09, 2024

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

This A+ list singer has just gone public with a B- actor, despite the fact they’ve been hooking up for months under the radar. Why? Because she has a new album out soon & tour to promote and she/her team knew he would also be on a press tour for his latest movie & tv releases and she would get a mention in those interviews too. It’s also helpful for her to be associated with a credible person in the same field as her next career move.

She had no intention of making this relationship official, much less long-term, and is planning a quick exit when the tour gets underway, despite the reduced tour dates planned, she’ll chalk it up to busy schedules. The singer already has her eyes on her next love interest but in the meantime, the actor is being lied to about who is calling the paparazzi that spot them everywhere they go and has been talked into staying with her in the US just so it’s easier to orchestrate these “candid” moments with her favored paps.

The singer is relying on the actor being too dazzled by their whirlwind relationship to catch on but it’s all so blatant, it won’t be long before he figures it all out.

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