Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random Photos Part One

The top spot today goes to three gorgeous women who also happened to be taking part in a very important event. Rosario Dawson, Ali Larter and Kerry Washington were in New Orleans for the V to the Tenth event which is the tenth anniversary of V-Day which raises awareness and money to stop all forms of violence against women and girls.
I don't even want to tell you how many cowboy hats and huge belt buckles I have gone through today. Here is Brad Paisley and the lovely Kimberly Williams.

Brooks & Dunn featuring Keith Urban - Nashville
Amy Adams is all back to normal now. I'm just glad that whatever she is doing on the set of her new film is not permanent.

Jewel and Ty Murray. Even though Ty kind of looks like Ross Perot in a cowboy hat, I somehow doubt Ross has ever ridden a bull.
Eva Longoria for Bebe. It truly is amazing what they can do with computers these days.
Just thought we would check in with Diana DeGarmo. She growed up real nice.
Christina Ricci is obviously a big believer in the breakfast of champions. Diet Coke and a cigarette.
Crystal Gayle must have a 40 year headache. It has to hurt. I'm telling you. When I saw the photo of Crystal Gayle it made me think of a film, and remarkably it has nothing to do with porn. The movie is called Confessions of a Superhero. It is a documentary that you have to rent, or if you have NetFlix you can just watch it instantly online. No, this is not an ad for NetFlix. I'm just saying that you don't have to use a spot in your queue. You have to see this film. If you have any interest in Hollywood at all, you need to see it. The Crystal Gayle reference will become applicable if you watch it.

Now it is time for conspiracy theories. First, Nicole Kidman is like six months pregnant right? When is she going to show? If you look at photos from last night, the only time there is a bump is when Keith is showing it off. Otherwise you can't see it. Now, I want to direct you to the left side of Nicole Kidman's waist. Where the rest of us would have love handles, I see something oddly shaped under her dress. Is it a bone? It can't be a corset because she is pregnant right? It looks too solid for a love handle. Is it a fat suit? I know, I know, but someone please explain it to me.

Yes, yes. Keanu Reeves in Australia. But check out the interviewer. At some point there has to be some charity you are missing. Case in point, the interviewer seems to be lacking a Jessica Alba pray it isn't 50 Cent's baby bracelet.
Kenny Chesney - Nashville
Julia Roberts and Clive Owen on the set of their new film.
Josh Duhamel and Fergie obviously enjoyed the hell out of their dinner together.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. Where was this cleavage when you were on The Brady Bunch and I could have used, you know, a little boost if you know what I am saying.
I think Miley Cyrus looks lovely.
Since lightning does not seem to be a strong possibility here today, I am going to go ahead and say it. Jennifer Lopez looks really good. She still has a five foot growth she needs to get rid of, but she looks good.
Click on this picture and I swear it looks like it was taken in a fun house mirror. The camera lens with the circle. I don't know. I didn't get much sleep last night.
LeAnn Rimes - Nashville

Does it look like to any of you that Tim McGraw seems to be wasting away?
Uma Thurman, Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. I love the photo, but can Robert Redford even open his eyes anymore?
Snoop Dogg and Taylor Swift. For some reason, Snoop was the only one who chose to wear this ensemble at the CMT Awards last night. So all week I have been thinking of the following scenario and just know it will be priceless. Wango Tango is occurring here in LA in May. It basically is just a conglomeration of singers who get to perform for 15 minutes each. Anyway, the lineup includes the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus and Snoop. I want to see the die hard fans of Snoop interact with the fans of Miley and the Jonas brothers. I have an entire commentary running through my head but fear it would be way too offensive to share. I love Snoop.
I don't know why I am obsessed with the Spanish royal couple. It's odd. They are smiling today which is good because I really didn't think they could. Of course their smiles are plastic and exactly the same as well as the clothes which look as if they were designed to coordinate with the logo of the factory they were visiting.
Paula Abdul sings country. No, just a bad dream.


lutefisk said...

Is Faith Hill pregnant? She is looking kind of matronly, & definitely bigger than Nicole Kidman & her "ahem" bump.

Tania said...

I have no idea what that is under Nicole's dress, either! But if she was going to fake a pregnancy bump, I'm thinking she'd go for one which looked correct for 6 months, not just the result of a heavy Thanksgiving dinner.

Ooh, Clive in a suit - Thanks ent!

YahMoBThere said...

This means something, but what?

Amy Adams is all back to normal now. I'm just glad that whatever she is doing on the set of her new film is not permanent.

La Sol said...

I admit that Nicole's bump is so tiny, but i have had several friends considerably shorter than Nicole that did not show until their 7th month. We need to remember that Nic is taller than most female celebs. I do think that is Nicole's hip bone jutting out and her hips do appear much wider. Is it possible she is just carrying the baby differently?

Unicorn Jones said...

he just means the wig she was wearing that made her look 40

(I think)


jax said...

was amy the chick with the lips?
no clue otherwise. maybe he's talking drugs?? or dating someone not good?

i think Julia has replaced the Cloon with Clive for her go to guy.

McGraw looks drunk as hell.

Couldn't Katie send Nicole a better 'bump'...amateur.

Reese said...

Kimberly Williams looks to have had some face work done that exceeds what can be done with a needle.

Clive Owen...ahhhhh...thanks Enty!

Anonymous said...

Adrian, she looks like it, but she's denying it. I wouldnt be too hard on Kidman just yet. She's so freakin' anorexic that her stomach probably curved IN before she got pregnant. And to be fair, some women dont get as big, as fast. I got pregnant at the same time as one of my friends, and at eight months pregnant, she looked like a blimp, and I could still cover my tummy up rather well with a jacket and looked like I was only four months along. When I was five months pregnant, no one could even tell I was with child. But I am very small, so thats just me.

Heh I love looking at pics of Kimberly Williams, remembering the movies she was in as a kid. She's always had a cuteness to her, thats now a beautiful spark in her eyes. She's so pretty!

Eva is such a bad model. She has ONE face that looks like she's trying to squeeze out a butt queef, and she's lousy at posing.

Diana DeGarmo looks so different. I wouldnt have recognized her without the label. LOVE her shoes, though, and Amy Adams shoes, too. Gotta get me some T strap heels for the summer!

No surprise there on Ricci. She openly struggled with her weight for years, but since Black Snake Moan she hasnt slipped a bit. I guess she finally learned all the Hollywood tricks and has enough pressure on her now to keep her "in line" :( its sad. She used to openly talk about her yo yoing weight and how she knew she'd never make it "big" because of it. Now look at her.

I hate Kenny Chesney. I'd like to blame it on the music, but actually, I dated a guy once who'd always get mistaken for KC. The shrill shrieks of a bunch of nasty Tacoma country fans every time we went out, got to be a bit much.

Maureen McCormick has finally aged. Looks like she has the Hilton rhinoplasty special, though.

GREAT dress on Miley, now if only she'd lose the Lohan pose (thank god not pictured here)

Of the entire set of those Jlo and Marc pictures, this is the only one Ive seen where she does look good. She had a "face" in the other pictures...something vaguely like she was smelling a rotten egg fart.

Leanna Rhimes in stockings is weirding me out.

LOVE the Spiderman-inspired gown, Paula.

ykkstuck said...

Im guessing Amy had some cosmetic proceedure (blind about collegen) that went wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys--

The amy adams comment is from random photos the other day, from on the set, when she looked like a dowdy librarian.

YahMoBThere said...

Unicorn Jones, thanks. I'm always looking for EL's secret meaning since he didn't hand out decoder rings.

GammaGirl said...

I was hoping that you would do a post about V Day in NoLa!

What the hell is LeAnn Rhimes wearing ?! Was this outfit was vital to keeping with the theme of her performance?

AphraelDanae said...

As everyone else has mentioned, our good friend Nic may just be one of the 'lucky ones' who doesn't pop until the 7th or 8th month.

Then there's the rest of us who look like they're ready to go at 5 months o_O

kimmypie1 said...

Forget the belly, I am more concerned with that giant pit stain going on on Nicole's dress!

As for the many references to Jessica Alba's baby not being Cash's; I am going to say they are the answer to the one blind about the g/f getting pregnant, but it is not the b/f's baby.
sorry I am too lazy to go look it up.

Unknown said...

Lainey Gossip thinks that Nic wants an 8-8-8 baby.

jax said...

trix...you're a mom??

i just gathered from your past comments that you were a strict non breeder. hmm who knew.

lutefisk said...

Trix-- I hadn't heard anything about Faith Hill--she just seems bloated looking & covered up. I didn't know if there was actually baby talk about her.

surfer said...

Lots good stuff today.

Like others have noted, Amy Adams is back to looking like her usual self (Ent posted an unflattering pic recently).

Jewel looks great. Did she get her teeth fixed, or is it just a good angle?

Christina Ricci is on the May cover of Flare magazine and looks amazing (and nothing like her usual self).

What we can see of Nic's rear, that sure as hell looks like some bad padding, but hey, you never know.

Yay for the Brady Bunch (you realize you're dating yourself, Ent, don't you?)!

The style of Miley's dress is very flattering, but the pattern looks like very old drapes.

Very funny about JLo's five-foot growth. I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh Jax. Yup, its true, I have one child, and thats all its gonna be. I actually have a long term illness, was diagnosed at a young age, and resolved to have a child while I still could. I'm well aware I come off as a nonbreeder :) but thats ok. I love my kid more than anything, and she's growing up with one helluva mom if you ask me.

littleoleme said...

Nicole and her little bump? Well my friends who are 5'10 and 5'11 and they did not show until their
7th month. Taller women = more room for baby to hide and stretch in. Then BAM in the 7th month their tummies are out to there.

califblondy said...

Hey, check out Nic's boobs. That's either a really good WonderBra or the hormones.

What made me feel ewwwy about this picture and another one I saw someplace else is the way Keith is touching her. Remember how Marc Anthony groped J.Lo's belly constantly? Keith looks like he's afraid to touch it. In the picture here, he barely has contact with her stomach and his other hand is on her back like he's either steadying himself, her or maybe securing the padding? Maybe she told him that if he gets a spot on her pretty dress, he's sleeping on the couch?

Just weird I tell ya.

jax said...

learing new things everyday..props to you for doing it. hope the illness is sorted.

oh and you're the only kid who hasnt been to a party at my house btw. (see profile)

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Diana DeGarmo is a bitch and a half. It's no secret around here that she's had some plastic work, but I can say the cleavage is all her. Haha. That tummy didn't get flat by hard work. She is not the pride of Snellville nor is she proud of the hometown that helped to send her so far through AI, so I have a little vitriol to send her way.

Amy said...

Miley Cyrus gets on my nerves.

Maybe Tim just got self consious (sp?) after showing off this hottness last year and dropped some weight...or is on drugs like the rest of em...is that what we're supposed to get out of the comment?

There's nothing wrong w/ the breakfast of champions, minus the cig., diet coke is great.

Jerry said...

I think Miley Cyrus looks lovely.

Well, one man's "lovely" is another man's "kissing gourami."

canadachick said...

lacking a Jessica Alba pray it isn't 50 Cent's baby bracelet

I so wish that baby is BLACK

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jax. The illness isnt sorted, its permanent, but EVERY day gets better so long as I keep my focus on the positive.

Teresa said...

Seeing the photo of Tim McGraw made me think that maybe they're the answer to one of those blinds about the wife screaming at the husband in public? Faith Hill looks like a screamer, but not in the good way.

lutefisk said...

Hi Trix-- I am sending positive thoughts your way, also.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks Adrian. I've never mentioned anything about myself in the past, but in an effort to be a new kinder gentler Trix, I find maybe its not so bad to let my guard down. I've been blogging lately, and I'm debating whether or not I should start a survival blog for people who share my affliction. If that day comes, I hope the CDAN community might allow me to share that with them.

janice said...

it's hard to believe a skinny, stiff, frail-looking woman like kidman can get pregnant. i think it's just wishful thinking.


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