Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Snoop Dogg Wins Boss Of The Year - Maybe

Snoop Dogg will probably win lots of votes for boss of the year. I don't know how many employers would risk going to jail for their employees, but Snoop did. Of course, it is probably all his fault in the first place that his employee is going to jail, so maybe it is best to work for a boss who doesn't do anything illegal and that way this never becomes an issue.

Anyway, Snoop and his crew were in Norfolk, Virginia yesterday when the police were notified by hotel employees at the hotel in which Snoop was staying that there was a suspicious package which had been delivered. Obviously rule #1 here is that if you are expecting a suspicious package, tip the people at the front desk as to avoid any unnecessary phone calls to the police.

Well, the cops show up and somehow determine the package contains pot flown in from Canada. They then arrested the man to whom the package was addressed. At that point, in glides Snoop. You know he doesn't walk. He glides. Probably in a bathrobe. Anyway he tells the police that the pot in question belongs to him, flashed his medical marijuana card and said to let his man go. The cops refused.

As far as I know, Virginia doesn't have a medical marijuana program. It is a state by state thing and has no applicability from state to state because it is against federal law. Just because it will now not be enforced, doesn't make it any more legal. So, yeah, that argument isn't going to work for Snoop. He is lucky the federal government isn't involved. You are shipping in illegal drugs through the mail from a foreign country. Plus, good luck next time you want to go to Canada. I don't understand why they couldn't just get some pot from a local person.

I am interested to know if this is Snoop's fault, or if the guy ordered it on his own and Snoop was willing to take the fall. If it is the latter, that's really good of him. If it is the former, it is till nice not to throw his employee under the bus, but he kind of did by putting him in that position in the first place.


Kara said...

Why isn't it just legal? When Supreme Court Justices say they don't understand why it's illegal (California v. Gonzalez), then it must be really, really stupid.

Course, they could have just found that there was no rational basis for it to be illegal instead of giving potheads hope through dicta.

Grrrrr.... I'm apparently starting to rant again....

Babs said...

Speaking of "suspicious packages" - I STILL can't get that picture of Snoop on FFF out of my head!

MontanaMarriott said...

Snoop has a permit for Medical Marijuana??!!? Wow he really is the DOGFATHER lol

Anonymous said...

clinical research does not support the use of medical marijuana at this time, also synthetic delta-9-THC (dronabinol or Marinol) is available for the treatment of wasting and nausea so you don't necessarily need to inhale it.

Personally, as long as you're responsible with it (ie treat it like alcohol - no driving high) and you keep the smoke out of my face (like tobacco), smoke away hippie kids.

As for Snoop, that was pretty ballsy considering that he already has legal issues. (Australia and the UK wouldn't let him in for them.)

Alice D Millionaire said...

This is the second time today that I have had to correct the assumption that VA does not permit medicinal marijuana. Enty. aren’t you supposed to be an attorney? If so there is this thing called the Virginia Code and you can even search by key words so it is not difficult to navigate. Sorry but I am from VA and I want the information out there to be accurate. Here it is:
§ 18.2-251.1. Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes permitted.
A. No person shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-250 or § 18.2-250.1 for the possession of marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol when that possession occurs pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a medical doctor in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.
B. No medical doctor shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-248 or § 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol for medical purposes when such action occurs in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.
C. No pharmacist shall be prosecuted under §§ 18.2-248 to 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol to any person who holds a valid prescription of a medical doctor for such substance issued in the course of such doctor's professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.
(1979, c. 435.)

jax said...

Alice, the card he held was for California, not Virginia.
Even I from Canada would know that isn't going to fly state to state.

.robert said...

It very well might 'fly state to state' where they both have medical marijuana laws but just about anyone can get a medical marijuana card in CA, for the right money.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Well Jax my point was that it is permitted in Virginia not that Snoop could not be prosecuted. I doubt his card was issued for the treatment of cancer or glaucoma. However, the statute does not state that the card must be issued in Virginia so I think that even if the card were held in Cali, if it were issued for one of the two aforementioned exceptions then he would have a strong argument.

Fabulous! said...

i can sooo see him pimp walking to the cops, smoking a fatty & goin "don't worry bout the pizzle, bizzles- i got my medicizzle card right hizzle!"


Marna Palmer said...

Damn Snoop, my sister lives in the area and she can hook you up. I'll flip you white girl's digits. ;)

Sinjin said...

LOL @ what Ms. Leigh wrote :-)

RocketQueen said...

K honestly what I find surprising about this whole thing is that the hotel contacted the police. Are they stupid? Why would they do that and risk being blacklisted by other celebrities seeking accommodation?

mooshki said...

Speidi have medical marijuana cards. What a joke.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Rocket Queen that is an excellent point...celebrities don't want to stay places that run their mouths to the police. And robert I obviously agree with your statement.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Mooshki I don't think they are using them haha! Those two are some of the most wound up famewh*%@# on the planet!

JaxSux said...

Kudos for the edumication Alice ;)

perhaps if Snoop bought Virginian weed instead of Canadian they'd go easy on him for "supporting the local economy" during the recession, heh

Alice D Millionaire said...

LOL Bodie seriously!

whole lotto luv said...

lol, MontanaMarriott, I thought the exact same thing!

As far as the VA law goes, the cops probably view the code pretty strictly, and from what AliceDMillionare included, a "medical marijuana card" might not be what the cops consider a "valid prescription."

I can't believe Snoop has to have his pot shipped in, and I can't imagine what the hotel staff considered "suspicious" unless the return address or package contents on it said "MARIJUANA" on it. I don't smoke pot myself, but I sure as heck wouldn't stay in that hotel.

Kristen S. said...

Oh heeeelllll no way is it legal, even medically, in Virginia. Nothing is legal in Virginia.

califblondy said...

I have a hilarious story about mailing pot in Canada. The moral of the story is it worked out well. It it would have worked out well for Snoop too if not for a paranoid hotel clerk.

MommaBear said...

I do not abuse the stuff, but I just can't understand why governments don't legalize it. If you legalize it, you can regulate it and more importantly, TAX it. Instead, the Canadian and U.S. governments spend more than the GDP of many countries trying to stop it's cultivation and distribution. Apparently, it is the number 1 industry in British Columbia, but because it's the underground economy, the provincial and federal governments don't profit from it.

Perhaps regulation is really the lesser of two evils....

Anonymous said...

Bodie - if you think that Snoop smokes anything less than the best, you are a fool. The reason he got it shipped was because it was from his personal supplier.

whole lotto luv said...


Oddly enough, when I was a tax auditor in Kentucky about 20 years ago, the state actually enacted a marijuana tax without legalizing marijuana. Dealers were supposed to buy tax stamps, much like cigarette tax stamps that you see on the bottom of packs of cigarettes. I don't believe anyone ever came into our local office to purchase any of the actual pot stamps, though. I think it was a ploy to charge pot dealers with tax evasion in addition to any other charges.

jax said...

Momma Bear- you are correct, its is an estimated....wait for it...
In BC alone! Can you imagine the taxes from that? We grow the best weed, we have the means and the growers and plenty of countries to export to....legalize it already.

I worked for a company that made specific nutrients for growing pot and let me tell you....that company made a LOT of coin in a short amount of time.

selenakyle said...


If I live to be 70 I'm gonna do every drug known to man. I used to say age 90, but fuck it and fuck the police, too.

Whew, that felt goooooood!

Jungle007 said...

Yea, Canadian weed is a million time better than the weed found in the U.S. We got the good shit baby!! And it costs less for more pot... LOL I sound like a pot head i'm sure, and I haven't even smoked any since September when I began trying to get pregnant, but I can't wait til the day I can spark up a j with my mother-in-law again. :D ahhhhh good times!!

I don't blame poor ole Snoop for wanting the Canadian cannabis. That hotel did a big no-no, and props to Snoop for taking the bullet.

JaxSux said...

DNfromMN: I know. I'm Canadian.

I was just making a funny. Don't you know cheeky when you see it???

I'm sorry they surgically removed your sense of humour. That must've hurt. :(

Unknown said...

Fucking legalize it already. It's natural, has been on the planet since way before humans, and is far less detrimental to one's health than alcohol.

Hell, if I wasn't nursing I'd probably be toking it up myself.

shakey said...

I know the person who got him turned on to BC bud. I don't think he does business with him (I don't think he grows anymore), but Snoop was well-impressed.


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