Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today's Blind Items

Short, but sweet. What former A list talk show host just had his doctor give him his first prescription for Viagra?


hromaki said...

Dr. Phil. Is he "former"?

cdanluva said...

phil donohue

A Pimp Named DaveR said...


Anonymous said...

Jay Leno??

MontanaMarriott said...

Montell Jordan?

RocketQueen said...


AMD said...

Sally Jesse Raphael?

Lisa (not original) said...

lols Leno

Karmen said...

I thought Leno, too.

selenakyle said...

Well good for him, whomever this is. Rock on.

Better not have a four-hour erection, though, or his lady will kick him squa in the nuts.

Anotheramy said...


figgy said...

I dunno, but if I were that guy I'd go raise hell with the Dr and his staff. What about HIPAA?

FrenchGirl said...

every one?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Figgy - it could be someone @ the pharmacy.

nancer said...


Kathy K said...

"SHORT but sweet" .... Martin Short! Had a short-lived talk show, did that animated talk show thing, and I would say he's A-list TV.

captivagrl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
figgy said...

True, Smoke and Mirrors it could be. I think they're still covered by HIPAA, though.

califblondy said...

Good for him and I don't care who it is.

Trey said...

Jerry Springer

Erin said...

agree with DaveR -- Arsenio.

Karmen said...

@ selenakyle - "kick him squa in the nuts."

AHAHA! Awesome.

Missjenny619 said...


RocketQueen said...

I'm also laughing at "squa in the nuts!" Well done. I need a little Cartman in my life every day.

what is eight past six? said...

LMAO at AMD. Where IS Sally Jesse these days? Haven't heard a peep from her since she went off the air.

There are too many good guesses for this though. If we're guessing that short is a hint about height...well, I can't think of any short former hosts. How tall is Montell Williams? Then again, Montell may not be a good guess. I have no idea how Viagra would mix with MS medicine and I have a feeling that there haven't been too many clinical trials on the matter.

B/c his retirement was the most recent, I'll go with the Leno guesses. I'm trying to recall if he had any running monologue jokes or skits that had any sort of reference to short or sweet, but I can't recall.

Elle said...

I know that this is a gossip site so my comment might seem a little out of context - but - is nothing sacred anymore? It scares the bejaysus out of me that even doctor's are giving out info about patients in the name of gossip.

Liza said...

I definitely think this is Jerry Springer or Arsenio. They are the only A list talk show hosts. The others named are late night show hosts. Isn't Dr. Phil still on the air?

ms snarky said...

slightly off topic but funny - has anybody heard Sandra Bernhardt (sp?) on Howard Stern, talking about how when she dated Leno, he liked to handcuff her? hee.

Me2 said...

I say Letterman- check the random photos section- one photo labelled was on letterman last night(forget who dunno WTF it is LOL)

but is letterman no longer A List? you'd think he's perm a list with his longevity in the industry.

oh well that's my gues

uofazwildkitty said...

Bill Maher.

bionic bunny! said...

this could have been leaked by any number of people.
i doubt the doctor or his office personnel. dude himself might have mentioned it to a friend.

@ gayla- i'll bet there is research on viagra and MS meds, and i'd also bet montel would be on top of that (no pun intended). i miss montel!

and yes, "dr." phil is, unfortunately, still on the air, even though i'd heard he was cancelled LAST year.

Unknown said...


madaboutmm said...

Martin Short

Binky Melnik said...

"Short ad sweet" says Jon Stewart to me.

But I won't hold it against him ... unless he begs me to!

(Is he a "former" A, though?)

nancer said...

how can it be FORMER and be stewart, letterman or maher??????

Leah said...


McDooks said...

It could be dude's wife or girlfiend who has a big mouth...and then THEIR friends talk....just sayin' as to how the info got out. Not necassarily the doc, pharmacy, or other entities mentioned.

Anyway, GOOD for him to get 'is boner on!

Wil said...

My old friend Craig Killborn. Okay .. he probably was never considered A-List. But as pretty much the world has forgotten him .. thought he could use a shout out.

Miss X said...

Wil - Craig is funny (when I'm actually up that late)

Dijea said...

I loved Craig but NO way he was ever A-list. My first thought was Donahue or however you spell it, but I like the Martin Short guess.

I would say Leno is still A-list so I personally would count him out.

warmislandsun said...

Miss X, are you thinking of Craig Ferguson - he is the one on the Late Late Show these days. And he is f-ing hilarious! Craig Kilbourn used to have that job. Two Craigs one show.

rachelstargirlrox said...

If it's Bill Maher, I'll laugh my ass off.

Anonymous said...

Phil Donahue is 74 years old and it would be news if he had just gotten his FIRST Viagra Prescription, but I'm guessing he has been on that stuff since it came out.

Joe said...

Martin Short. Love him.

Julie said...

Richard Bey =D hahahahahaha
remember the sirens and such lolol

but i can't see that Jerry Springer hasn't had viagra before

mom wanting change said...

It sucks shit that some asshole in some physician's office saw it fit to violate doctor/patient confidentiality and tell the media about this.

Although I did enjoy it when we all found out that Parasite Hilton had a Valtrex Vagina.

rachelstargirlrox said...

I'm sure everyone got a good chuckle out of that one, God included.

PotPourri said...

Leno. He has no really good income, so he can't...well...you know. Dr. Feel thinks of himself and is always happening in the boudoir!

mooshki said...

Dorinda, that wasn't any medical worker's fault. Her storage locker was confiscated when she didn't pay her bill, and one of the things they found in it was a prescription for Valtrex.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Springer, who is legendary for being stupid enough to write a check to a hooker for her, um, services, while he was Mayor of Cincinnati. LOL.

mom wanting change said...

I think that it has to be Maury. You'd need Viagra too if you had to bang Connie Chung.

Z said...

Carson Daly!!

Unknown said...

Speak for yourself, Dorinda. Connie Chung used to get me sprung.

Diane said...

Springer isn't a "former" talk/chat show host, is he? And I'm pretty sure he's been taking those little blue pills for a few years already. But that doesn't mean I have no respect for the guy. Everyone should be made to watch his episode of "Who Do You Think You Are?" and it should be standard classroom viewing during the Holocaust module in world/European history. You will never be inclined to think a single thing wrong of Jerry again.


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