Monday, January 18, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This A list television star has a bit of a drinking problem. More than a bit, but it definitely isn't blind item worthy. What is though is that while drinking our actor loves to switch teams. Get him drunk and he shifts from women to men in a flash. One of his favorite places for a quick hookup is a bar in New York he frequents which closes down just for him and his friends.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Simon Baker

Pookie said...

juicy! meloni? =O

Ms Cool said...


TaterOnTheCouch said...

Piven! :)

ItsAJ said...

Simon Baker + Guest?!

Flash is the clue here I think?

Enny said...

If flash is a clue, then Zach Levi?

Unknown said...

That guy that played the Beaver?

AuthorEdA said...

Simon Baker FTW

Graneledone said...

The Piv

Unknown said...

Zach Levi, God bless him, is not A List.

Simon Baker is a great guess, Kiefer too, since he known as a big drinker, Hugh Laurie?

Felicia said...

Charlie Sheen.

ballyhoo. said...

ooh, i could totally see it being baker.

Anonymous said...

Simon Baker is married with kids--I think that would be a significant thing Ent would mention.

But if it is, I'll be flying to NYC with a bottle of vodka.

I'm thinking someone younger and single. Ed westwick

Stephen said...

I think that the caption of "Simon Baker & Guest" is misleading. It is hinting at something that doesn't exist. When he was interviewed on the red carpet Simon said he was accompanied by his brother.

Anonymous said...
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RocketQueen said...

Lol @ Colbert.

Someone on CSI: New York?

RJ said...

Ok, people, focus. A-list TV star. Not sure Simon Baker is AList yet even though the show is a big hit.

Probably needs to be on a show that shoots in New York. Although he may shoot the show elsewhere and just live in NY while the show isn't filming.

I think "flash" is a clue. Does "Flash Forward" shoot in NY? Does it have a star that could be considered A-List?

shakey said...

Joseph Fiennes, RJ. Would he be considered A list? I don't think John Cho is A list.

Maja With a J said...


Unknown said...

Alec Baldwin? Doesn't 30 Rock shoot in NYC?

Susan said...

Baldwin is a very very interesting guess.

Who is Simon Baker?

Susan said...

30 Rock is shot in NYC.

Baldwin definitely is known for his drinking/anger issues, right?

Rose said...

Who has a reputation for being a drinker? Kiefer and he is A list so he fits but I can't believe it's him.

captivagrl said...

alec baldwin

Unknown said...


Enny said...

I think this has to be Kiefer.

Katy said...

I'm on the Kiefer train.

mo pie said...

I've heard this about Kiefer before. Totally on board.

holyrollernova said...

i agree either kiefer or alec baldwin.

amelie said...

noooo pleeeease not Kiefer

jax said...

sounds like kiefer to me. especially the drinking problem.

Dijea said...


Unknown said...

The first person I thought of was Kiefer.

MCH said...

Does this mean the person's show also shoots in NY? B/c if so, not Keifer. Baldwin makes more sense and hasn't it been hinted before that he liked to swing?

palealebrew10 said...

what about charlie sheen?

but i can see this being baldwin, enty revealed him to be the prick who had a gym shut down for him after throwing a tantrum because two teenage girls were there. so i can see him closing down a bar if he wants to swing.

Missy said...

This is Kiefer. There's a photo of him online,pants down looking drunk with male friends.

Rose said...

Missy I don't think that is the same thing. That was him being a drunk. I've seen that picture and it's taken out of context to this blind. It's like him and the christmas tree.

mooshki said...

Keifer. And this makes me love him even more. (Although the dress was an even better story this week.) I know he's kind of a wreck, but I think he's a fascinating guy. Not that you'd expect anything less from a son of Donald.

mooshki said...

And yet apparently not so fascinating that I can spell his name right. Oops!

mooshki said...

Lordy, I just googled him, and I had no idea his name was Kiefer William Fredrick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland.

Unknown said...

I don't know if Piven is A list television star (at least I never considered him as such), but there have long been rumors of his being gay, and he is a hard partier. I can see bars closing down for him.

ms snarky said...

I could go with the Keifer guess, although Hugh Laurie has a rep in that direction also, yes? Which I prefer to ignore, since I love love love him in my dreams. But since they're only dreams, I guess it's okay with me whichever way he chooses to swing. darn it. And for pick C, Joseph Fiennes.

And I would say Simon Baker is definite TV A list for The Mentalist. He might be semi-new, but he's hot and sought after. Remember the Emmys, they made sure to spotlight him. Simon is absolutely a television A.

and p.s. let's remember modern air travel. Not a big trip from LA to NY anymore. the show doesn't have to shoot in NY.

hey, A list TV. how about Jay Leno? He's pretty creepy.

Unknown said...

Flash? Is that a key word here?

Sean said...

Top or bottom?

KellyLynn said...

I'm pretty sure this one is Kiefer. He's definitely award-winning, well-known A-list. His series films in New York, and he'd have enough clout to get a bar closed down for his buddies and him. The others mentioned may be famous, but I can't see a bar closing for them.

Linnea said...

Kiefer IS pretty well known for his drinking problem, so my guess would be on him too.

Now, lets talk Laurie - you mentioned him being gay, or rumored to be gay, before, and I am still wondering where that is coming from! I have never heard that at all!

Kelsey said...

I like the Simon Baker guess; the "Simon Baker + Guest" thing was just a little too weird. I didn't see many of the other photos so I don't know if others were captioned that way, but it didn't seem like it.

Keli Jackson said...
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Elle said...

This is vague yet at the same time seems really familiar. Was there a blind recently like this or am I just precognizant?

Felly said...

Kiefer and the bar is The Spotted Pig.

Dick Insideu said...
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Choice said...


BeachMom said...

What about Ted Danson?? He lives and works in NY.

KellyLynn said...

I think the Hugh Laurie gay rumors stem from the fact that his best friend and former professional partner is Stephen Fry, who is a very sweet, very funny, very out gay man.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Meloni FTW
He lives and works in New York

Maja With a J said...

Love Stephen Fry! "Peter's Friends" is one of my all time favourite movies.

And James...after re-reading this bling I wondered if "flash" was a clue and if this was maybe someone from Lost. Or even Flash Forward, but are there any A-listers on that show?

Maja With a J said...

Bling. It's like "blind", but spelled differently.

penelope said...

I also think "flash" is a clue.

I don't watch 24, but isn't Keifer's character named Jack? If I take it further -- don't the Rolling Stones have a song that refers to "Jumpin' Jack Flash"?

Therefore, my guess is that this blind refers to Keifer.

KLM said...

This is not the Spotted Pig. You can have a private party there (there's a special room), but the place wouldn't be totally shut down... Also, this blind states that it is a bar and it is closed for the actor. The Spotted Pig is a restaurant with a bar.

Tempestuous Grape said...

The Keef's!

Solomon Grundy said...

Hm, I'm wondering which gay bar this could be (clearly not the Spotted Pig unless they only "shut down" that one room). I'm embarrassed to say that I feel like I'm enough of a barfly to notice if a bar were frequently or even occasionally shut down for a private party. Unless it's one of the Hell's Kitchen bars I never go to. Almost definitely not the Cock, which is the bar most celebrities go for a sleazy gay night out.

Solomon Grundy said...

Also, I'm on the Kiefer train, although I wish I were on the Simon train.

Kristopher said...

Keifer doesn't need alcohol to make him go after boys....

Heather said...

ontd is going with Kiefer. This gives me the sads.

Spicy Pumpkin said...

Changing topics slightly--does anyone remember the blind item from a little while ago about the former A-list actress who was dating some married big-wig whose wife didn't care because she got business out of it as well?

Could that be Meg Ryan? Star magazine had an article about how skinny she is, and it mentioned how she recently broke up with her married boyfriend, and is desperate for work.

Jai Guy Gay NC said...

Joseph Fiennes I so hope its Joseph Fiennes!!!

Sporky said...

In vino veritas

Barton Fink said...

Karl Rove? He's awfully big on Fox, between the manicured Dick Morris and the Hooters waitresses that periodically read the news.

RocketQueen said...

I'm with Linnea - never heard of Hugh Laurie being gay.

nunaurbiz said...

DK who this blind is, but it's definitely NOT Kiefer. I know people who know him VERY well and it ain't him.

Blondie said...


j said...

Perhaps Keifer WITH Alec... I like the sound of that.

Teresa said...

The "guest" with Simon Baker at the Globes was his younger half-brother. His mom remarried when Simon was young and had another son with Simon's stepdad. This Blind is SO not Simon!!! People need to stop jumping to the wrong conclusions here.

David D. said...

Just to mess up the consensus: Is James Franco considered A list yet?

mooshki said...

nunaurbiz, any chance you could help me get to know him VERY well? ;)

hunter said...

This year Keifer's show "24" is set in NYC - so there.

B626 said...

Kiefer did look ravishing in that derss on Letterman this week.
It's him.

Hegg said...

Dennis Leary.

Unknown said...

@Christopher... It's not Simon Baker, he's married, several kids, not the bar type, and live in LA. Total stand up guy.

Moonmaid said...

I've read several interviews with Simon Baker in the past - he comes off as very non-phony and very grounded about the whole Hollywood thing.

There are so many phony baloney heavy drinking actors (like most of them?) but he doesn't strike me as one of them.

Unknown said...

Chris Noth.

michael.solomon said...

this could be many people, but one that i do know of--as an east village resident is simon baker.


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