Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Lets Talk Gisele Bundchen And Breastfeeding

In case you did not see what Gisele Bundchen said about breastfeeding in Harper's Bazaar, she said that it should be a worldwide law that women have to breastfeed for six months. I could have written about this yesterday but sometimes I have to think about things and this is one of those times. I like to ask around and see what people think and to get some input. That is why I love your comments about these types of issues because there is no right answer.

I think Gisele meant well by her comments. That being said she comes across as a know it all of Goopster type proportions. The fact is that I don't think there should be a law that forces someone to do something they don't want to do. Do I think breastfeeding is better for a child than formula alone? Yes. BUT, I also recognize that many women are not able to breastfeed. I also think that formula has come a long, long way and is getting closer each day to breast milk. I also understand that unless you are fortunate enough to not be able to work and to stay home with your baby that even if you wanted to breastfeed that you might not have the time or energy.

The problem with celebrities making statements like this is they say they do it and assume that everyone is just like them. You know, rich with nannies and all the time in the world to not have to work and do nothing but feed the baby and exercise. That is not the real world. The real world is two jobs two parents or many times one with day care, errands, other kids, bills everywhere and an employer that will pay you for six weeks if you are lucky. That is the real world. Gisele's world is 50,000 square foot mansions and two massages a day and someone to change the baby after breastfeeding and not having to work at all.

Oh, and one other thing Gisele said was that she gave birth at home and immediately after giving birth got up to make pancakes for everyone.


shakey said...

She made pancakes for everyone. Riiiight.

So in her world I would be arrested because my milk didn't come in.

Tool. btw - my son gets very high marks in school, so no talk about how I've disadvantaged him, mmmkay?

Michelle said...

I was a working mom (attorney) who breastfed for my DD's entire year. It was tough, but it was something I wanted to do. That operative phrase is "I WANTED TO DO".

I think a happy mom = happy baby and I know plenty of women who were not happy breastfeeding- for whatever reason. There is no way something like this should be mandatory.

Not to mention- are you going to make sure that for those 6 months every mom eats healthy, gives up alcohol/cigarettes/drugs. I'd hate to think of those getting to a baby by breastmilk.

However, it would be nice if this country were a lot more supportive of nursing moms. I know a few women who were threatened with public indecency charges for nursing their children with a blanket.

Karmen said...

She gave birth at home?! My cousin did that. Twice! I think that's so scary. My boss was in the hospital for three days from so much blood loss after giving birth to her behemoth baby. I'm fairly certain that if it weren't for today's technology, she probably wouldn't have made it. If you have the chance to go to the hospital, GO!!

Oh, you asked for opinions about breast feeding. Well, my friends and I were talking about that this weekend. For a while people said you should only breastfeed, then all these kids had vitamin deficiencies. However, breastfeeding is vital since it reduces the risk of breast cancer. We decided it was best just to mix it up. No pretentious universal law needed.

jen said...

What if you CAN'T breastfeed, like me? I don't have children but if I ever do I won't be able to breastfeed. THEN you have people like my friends who tried and tried and tried but the baby wanted NOTHING to do with it and the already stressful enough situation of being a new mother made a 1000 times worse because now they're terrified they are starving their child, what about them? They finally got over their disappointment in themselves (?) and put the babies on the bottle and VOILA, all the screaming & crying (from both mom & baby) was GONE and suddenly mom & baby were a million times happier. What about that? OR what about the people who simply CHOOSE - CHOOSE - not to breastfeed?

I've always liked Gisele but blanket statements like this are ridiculous and reek of elitism (not to mention they can be dangerous.) So now I saw EFF YOU, GISELE. You AND your milky tits.

mygeorgie said...

Nice to see Giselle IS like everyone else afterall with her "I'm now a mom, so therefore I'm an authority on everything" syndrome. This chic's really getting on my nerves.

On the 'nobody's effing business' train. I breastfed for a year & made my own organic babyfood. Big woop.

jen said...

mygeorgie said...
Nice to see Giselle IS like everyone else afterall with her "I'm now a mom, so therefore I'm an authority on everything" syndrome.

OH, and this too. LOL

MommaSaid said...

Mandatory law? No way. What is good for one woman may not be for another. Personally, my milk never came in and I was devastated. But you know what? My son and daughter have turned out to be very healthy and active toddlers even though they were on formula as babies.

Gisele needs to quit being so smug and stop assuming that every woman is like her.

I wont even comment on the freaking pancakes.

Unknown said...

I don't think she has mastered the art of inference in her English. Her words are often opposite to her meaning and intention. I kinda like what she said about breastfeeding simply because the benefits are often lost in this constant bombardment of give birth one week and skinnier than my prebirth weight 4 weeks later ala Heidi and Bethany. Coming from a very highly paid model I thought it was cool. She and Jennifer Garner and Amy Smart definitely seem to embrace a more healthier approach to pregnancy .

Unknown said...

I don't think she has mastered the art of inference in her English. Her words are often opposite to her meaning and intention. I kinda like what she said about breastfeeding simply because the benefits are often lost in this constant bombardment of give birth one week and skinnier than my prebirth weight 4 weeks later ala Heidi and Bethany. Coming from a very highly paid model I thought it was cool. She and Jennifer Garner and Amy Smart definitely seem to embrace a more healthier approach to pregnancy .

JJ said...

If I was going to start establishing worldwide laws, breastfeeding wouldn't make the top ten.

She does sound like a know-it-all new mother. Imagine having to spend time with her on a day to day basis. Ugh.

KLM said...

Ugh - she is getting on my last nerve.

I'm one of those people that breastfed and made my own organic baby food, but not for one second does that mean I did something better than other mothers. A good friend of mine tried to breastfeed and she physically could never get the hang of it. Lactation consultants, etc, nothing worked... Another friend breastfed for the first three months, then got sick and had to have major surgery and her milk supply dried up. Would Giselle fine these women for breaking her law??

She really needs to keep her vapid thoughts to herself.

evergrey said...

God, UGH! I didn't want to go here already today - but she needs to leave her comments to herself.

First, I knew exactly how important is was to breastfeed as long as I could. However, the first baby wacked out my body and towards the end of the first month, I literally hadn't slept in 3 days. I was losing my mind. So I went to the dr, got sleeping pills that you can not take while breastfeeding (the other ones DID NOT work) and stopped breastfeeding that night and went to bed. He was fed formulas after that and he's healthy, happy, smart, blah blah blah. This was the best choice for all involved. There is never one way-best-for-all ever. End of story.

She needs sit down and be quiet.

messystation said...

So, Giselle thinks that there should be a law mandating breastfeeding...I think more people would be fow a law punishing those who cheat on/ditch their significant others while they are pregnant....But, if that law existed, she would never have become a mother and, therefore, an authority on all things parenting.

lyz said...

So, she's one of those moms who wants to tell all the other moms how to raise their kids.

Breast feeding was not for me. I disliked everything about it. I tried it for 5 weeks with my 1st kid and it was MISERABLE. My 2nd kid got a bottle the minute he came out of the womb.

My girl is now 16 and my boy is 13. Both are happy, healthy, and well-adjusted.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Breast milk isn't always best for your kids. Just ask the millions of mothers whose children suffered from physiologic jaundice (aka breast milk allergy), i.e., mother's breast milk causes the baby's bilirubin to skyrocket and the baby turn yellow.

Giselle should stick to modeling and keep her pancake-hole shut.

BigMama said...

I'm sure her intentions are good but....

I have a healthy 4 month old that I both nurse and formula feed. (I hate pumping but do get to see her at lunch) Ironically, I work for a company that produces the thing in infant formula that emulates some of the "good stuff" in mothers milk. My kids are healthy and happy. Do I think people should try nursing? Sure, but only because it can be a rewarding experience for the mom as well as a healthy thing for the baby. However, alot of women can't or are uninterested. No big. I mean, unless your giving your kid kool-aid, I don't see how anyone can be accused of neglect. Incidentally, I had no set time to quit nursing. I figured they would set that themselves. 1st one was till 9 months, 2nd one 6 months....as long as this one doesnt' get to the point of pointing and trying to undo buttons than were good.

Whatever and Ever Amen said...

I breastfeed, but I also work. And trust me it's not an easy thing. There are times when I really want to switch to a bottle, but I choose not to. See, choose. There is NOTHING wrong with babies being bottle fed. There are plenty of reasons why a mother would choose not to or simply can't. I'm sure if I had a nanny, no "real" job, a cook and a personal trainer, I'd breastfeed exclusively and have dropped all the baby weight by now.

chopchop said...

Gisele, you get paid the big bucks to just stand there and look pretty. Keep doing it. No one's paying you to make sounds out of that pretty little mouth.

She's also the one who said her infant son is already potty trained because it's better for the planet. And so's your 50,000 square foot mansion, you small-minded twit.

Susan said...

I think making statements like this makes a person sound like a complete jackass.

The whole breastfeeding hoopla is the only thing I'm terrified about regarding the arrival of my baby. I'm definitely planning on doing it, but I fear if it doesn't work out I will be judged by smug superior mommas such as Giselle. And quite honestly, it seems that long-term breastfeeding is easier if you are a stay-at-home mom, which I am not. Perhaps, I am wrong. Would love to know if I am wrong, because like I said, I have no fears of labor, C-sections, diaper changing, sleepless nights, constant crying, etc. It's really the whole breastfeeding thing. But, I hope to stay positive and try to succeed.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Susan, you will be judged no matter what you do. If there is one thing that people want validation on, it's the way they raise their kids.

Make the choices you are comfortable with and work for your family, and you'll be golden.

kimmypie1 said...

Breastfeeding is too personal a decision to make a law out of it.

I am a full time working mom and I breastfed both my kids for 6 months, then added in formula. But it was very hard to work and pump and stress about making enough milk. Breastfeeding itself is work and it takes committment.

While I agree that breast is best, I also agree that happy mommy = happy baby. So what is best for one mommy may not be for the other.

Giselle needs to sit DOWN.

kimmypie1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

When I first got my daughter home from the hospital I looked at my husband and said, what do we do now? Suddenly all the responsibility of making the right choices for this little person hit me like a ton of bricks. Through trial and error I've learned daily about what's right/what works for the baby in pretty much every aspect of her care.

I guess that's why I'm offended when someone makes a blanket statement about what people should be doing. Their way is right and therefore everyone else is wrong. I know what works for me...but I'd be the last person to say therefore it will or should work for you.

califblondy said...

I hope she was misinterpreted. She's usually private, I'm having a hard time she said this exactly.

karen said...

So she was making pancakes for everyone right after she gave birth? Did she drag the placenta behind her still attached to the umbilical chord when she shuffled into the kitchen?

MISCH said...

God she's annoying ....so let me guess that she had a full operating room and Doctor at her home....Years ago Faye Dunaway built one in her home for the birth of her son....Personally I think she's full of shit...

BigMama said...

Susan - do what you want and don't worry about what other people say. With all three of my girls, I had different experiences. My second didn't want to latch and I actually had a nurse tell me I wasnt trying hard enough. (I told her to shove it and made her leave - lo and behold, the baby started to latch on as soon as she left and I was able to relax) the point is, THANK GOD!, there is no wrong or right thing. :) I am sure your going to be a great mommy. Just like all the mommies out there who bottle, nurse or both. It's the love you give them, not what kind of milk.

sunnyside1213 said...

I loved breast feeding, but it's not for everyone.

Did she make bacon to go with those pancakes?

Bella said...

Let's start off with mandatory international laws for world peace and go from there, shall we?

jax said...

but Mina, i bet Bridget didn't make pancakes for everyone!!!

she forgot to mention the part where she passed out cold at the stove from the loss of blood and sheer exhaustion AND she did a triathalon the very next day! bedrest is for pussies!

BigMama said...

@jax - if this were facebook, I would totally "like" your comment. :)

mooshki said...

My friend had a miserable pregnancy and post-partum depression, and the single worse part for her was the nurses trying to bully her into breastfeeding when it just was not working for her. If breastfeeding is going to make the mommy absolutely miserable, that's going to have a negative effect on her bonding with the baby. Breast feeding should be encouraged, but not mandated!

Chrissy Buns said...

i weighed in on this yesterday on d listed. i HATE it when first time moms climb up on their soap boxes and tell everyone how it should be done. i breastfed 3 of 4 of my kids, and the 4th just wouldn't feed, she was literally starving to death because i was being stubborn and saying 'breast is best!' that was an eye opener for me. not every baby takes to it right away, and yes, you can force them, but it is frustrating for both of you, and with 3 other little ones to think of (including baby 4's twin brother), i said screw it and gave her formula! she is now a bright, sweet, wonderful 4 year old, and i have no regrets.

i do think Gisele means well, just like Enty said, but she also lives in a bubble. she has no experience with kids...or with real life. now she needs to get up and make me some pacakes.

Mr Pink said...

You people make me sick.

Not literally, not like I'm sitting here next to a bucket. But in the figure of speech kind of way. Like when someone says, "there ought to be a law".

So she's passionate about breast feeding and makes an exaggerated comment. You guys all take it literally and bounce on her?

Plus, note that Ent didn't use the quote or put it in any context. Makes her look even worse. I don't get the group think.

BTW, since we're telling baby stories, my wifey gave birth to four (twins in the middle), naturally (no drugs during birth). She breast fed all of them (although had to supplement with the twins and the last one). She travels for work and religiously took her breast pump (took breaks at work and set the alarm at night...got some great stories about airport security, a pump and frozen breast milk).

Also, she got on an international flight one week after giving birth to the twins. She inspires me, but also scares me a little.

annabella said...

she is such a beyooooootch. the fact is, she not only had a nose job but a boob job. how safe is it to breastfeed when you have breast implants? I'm thinking that its not safe, no matter what anyone says, for an infant mouth to be near silicone implants, or saline or whatever they are. they are fake and no doubt toxic.

she also blamed the wave of anorexia among brazilian models on the parents.

her job is to look pretty and she should otherwise keep her pie hole (or pancake hole) shut.

Tam said...

I breastfed all three of my children, BUT I was a stay at home mom. If I had to go off to work, I think I would have turned to formula as I couldn't make a go of pumping. Breastfeeding is a personal decision, and should remain so. The bottom line is a good relationship between mom and baby.

mygeorgie said...

Mr. Pink: I applaud your wife's superhuman skills. i hope you have bought her a gold belt & knee high boots. No one here is slamming the gorgeous twat for breastfeeding, but her judgement of those that don't. THAT is everyone's point: It's a PERSONAL choice, not based on what a group of no-name mommies believes or a smug celeb.

And sorry, but as a man, who will never give birth or have to breastfeed, you are at the bottom of the totem pole for authority on other women's birth & baby choices.

skeeball said...

she is a friggin idiot! just one more pampered "celebrity" giving their opinion on something they have suddenly become an expert on! Hey Gisele, send all the breastfeeding women some of your millions so they can hire housekeepers, personal trainers, nannies and grocery shoppers, so they can solely concentrate on nursing!! my son was allergic to my breast milk and regular baby formula, I had to feed him a special formula that cost 28 dollars a can, this was 25 years ago and the only thing he could keep down. So, I am a crappy mother according to this font of knowledge! F her!

Lioness70 said...

People I know said breastfeeding, or trying to get the hang of it, was more painful than the actual birth. I believe them.

I tried to BF my first, but he wasn't getting enough milk. Had to supplement him with formula, which eventually went to all formula. The labor inducing drugs dried up my milk with the next two babies. I was producing so little when I had the last baby, that I didn't even have new mom leakage.

I would have breastfed IF I could. How many moms have the same problem I did? Listen, we all know breast milk is best, but formula fed kids turn out just as fine. Bottom line is, do what's best for you and your baby. The end.

jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jen said...

Do you hear that, everyone? Make sure you listen to Gisele and Mr. Pink and his Wonder Wife when it comes to breastfeeding YOUR babies! They know better than YOU do and they are obviously better than you.

nancer said...

jeez, the number of comments on this is amazing.
i think it's a choice, like any other choice. some women want to do it and it works out great. some want to and find they just can't---it does happen even with lots of help---and some just don't want to do it.

i always love these fucking celebrities who have a baby and a month later they're experts on it to the point of TELLING everyone else what to do.

she's just taken it a step farther by proposing a law, and she makes herself look like a moron for doing it.

Meg said...

Amen ChopChop

She's an idiot. She's a model, not a doctor.

Its a personal decision.

0 said...

Hey, Gisele? You're a model.

Models are paid to walk, not talk, honey.

Stuff it, especially when you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

ljsmed said...

I did not breastfeed nor did I try, I had a horrible pregnancy and was on bed rest for months. I wanted a little piece of my life back, a little selfish, yes, but my daughter who was a month premature has thrived on the formula that she used to drink. She has had one cold in a little over a year. Just because some things work for some people does not mean that it works for everyone .
The most important thing is to love and nurture your child because as we all know there are too many children out there that do not have the simple luxury of loving parents.

Mr Pink said...

mygeorgie and jen:

For those of you who can only read every other word or so (or interpret it as you want), I did say we used both breast milk and formula after our first because production couldn't keep up with demand (if you get what I'm sayin'). So, no I have no problem with formula. Some women can't breast feed or don't want to. Babies grow just fine on both. I'm not sure how you turned what I wrote into a slam on anyone. My main comment is I thought people were coming down hard on her for no real reason.

Also, I still don't get the whole she wants the world to do as she says thing. She expressed (get it expressed) her opinion, just in an over excited way. Again with the whole literal thingy. If everybody's words are to be taken exactly the way they are said, then we would also have to believe that jen really thinks I'm better than her (I'm guessing that's not the case).

Finally, onto the not my business because I'm a man. Sorry ladies, you can get off your high horse on this one right now because my pony is pretty big on this issue as well. I mentioned my Wonder Wife travels with her job. Because of that I stay home and raise the kids. Done so for the better part of 9 years. I know them inside and out. I've enjoyed it tremendously. I feel bad for Dads that aren't more involved. I'm an essential part of their lives. I didn't carry them or give birth and I can't make milk but I've done everything else and pretty darn well. So don't tell me I don't have a place, an opinion or a place in this discussion.

All the decisions we made about our children (from conception on) have been a joint decision. Its worked great for us. Not always the way works out. Bottom line is you do the best you can with what your handed. And hopefully it works out for the best.

And she is a Wonder Woman. And I like to brag about her. Thanks.

Paisley said...

Getting the message out about breast feeding is important. Yes, I realize that not everyone is able to do it, but when JLo had her twins, she talked about the "studies" she read that said formula was better than breast feeding. What a crock. And I've heard from enough moms (mainly young women) that they didn't breast feed at all because they didn't want to ruin the shape of their breasts. Hopefully talking about breast feeding will get rid of those myths.

Monica said...

Gisele just sounds like an uppity judgemental know it all.

But I will also admit that I've read a lot of misinformation about breastfeeding in these comments (not going to call out who or what) and frankly that bothers me almost as much as Gisele's statement.

But not quite. :)

Lisa (not original) said...

Awwww, cut her some slack. This was an excited utterance from a new mom. Evidently, Harper's Bazaar wanted her opinion; otherwise, she wouldn't be interviewed. Someday she will learn that without a worldwide police force, there is no one to enforce such a ridiculous invasion of privacy.

anarchi said...

What's more important to be "legislated", if anything is, is to spend time with your infant. Got a feeling Gisele will pass the child to a nanny to go for a breakfast cig and a workout/massage/beauty treatment. She'll spend time when paparazzi are there.

Or maybe she'll be a devoted mother, and her comments reflect what she sees in her famous friends (not us), where there may be a lot of irresponsibility.

Hope the best for her child.

Maja With a J said...

They tell you that all women can breastfeed and that is not the case at all. Sure, do it if you're able, but if there are problems with the milk, or the latching, or whatever it might be, it would be nice if we could stop making women feel bad about feeding their babies formula. It's 2010. Formula has come a long way.

When it comes to giving birth at home, I know a couple of women that have done it and sing its praises. They both say that it was a much better experience than the hospital (they were second and third timers) and that they felt full of energy afterwards - like they had done that and now they could do anything. I don't think it's a bad idea but of course there are risks involved. Like many of you have pointed out - every woman is different, as is every pregnancy and every baby. maybe we should all focus on our own babies (if we have them) instead of telling others what to do with theirs.

cibele said...

She might come across as a Goopster, but I also think the reaction to this is exaggerated.

She probably wanted to talk about the importance of the breast feeding because many moms in my country, also her country, are not aware of how important is to breast feed. Really, there is not enough information here. She didn't mean that moms were meanies trying to leave their children without food. She just knows people are not aware. She exaggerated a little, but what she wants is the government to make this issue as official since MANY MANY kids have malnutrition here and in other places. Seriously, kids die because of this while many moms don't know the reason.

But leave this to people to transform this into her being "snob" and a goopster and people being ultra defensive and aggressive. Calm down a little. I can't believe I'm here defending her, I'm not even a die hard fan. But everyday we read about air heads who had nothing on their mind and people think is funny but when someone is trying to bring a important discussion - even if that person expresses herself badly - and people are already ready to judge her for being like this and like that. Bravo.

RocketQueen said...

Like your comments, Michelle. The idea of mandating breastfeeding when we know some women won't regulate what they put in their OWN bodies is the biggest concern for me. Everyone needs to just do their own best and stop giving everyone else advice.

Robert said...

As Chris Farley would say: "Mom, I wish you'd just shut your big YAPPER!"

Henriette said...

Yeah, she is a nut, but I give her credit for having her child naturally. The soaring rate of c-sections in this country is horrible! The celebrities are making c-sections seem the way to give birth, when in fact they should be done only in emergency situations or life-threatening ones.

Anothergrayhare said...

My doctor told me women should NOT breastfeed if they have breast implants. If Gisele has them, I'm surprised she would risk her baby's health.

B626 said...

1st you have to get the workplace to be 'breastfeed friendly', physically AND in attitudes.
I made it to 6 months barely but hiding in a showerstall to pump and being harrassed by neanderthal coworkers on the way to
the breakroom freezer with pumped milk made me give up.
No, my HR dept. didn't give a damn!
Still glad I did it.

BLT said...

Even if I could have made pancakes for everyone right after giving birth there is no way anyone in my family would have let me.

kimmypie1 said...

Lynette your information is categorically false. I have implants and have breastfed both of my children. Every single doctor for both child's birth knew I had implants and encouraged breastfeeding. There is NO risk to the baby at ALL. The only issue is that some women don't make as much milk.

Ignorant statements like that are completely irresponsible and partly to blame for the lack of women who want to breastfeed their children.

Mango said...

I pretty much roll my eyes every time she opens her mouth, but if she truly made the pancakes comment she's an ass.

mygeorgie said...

Mr. Pink: Good for you for taking part in what women have been doing for eons. I mean that sincerely, but, like the dutiful moms, there are no medals awarded unfortunatly. Co-parenting aside, a man offering opinions on childbirth & breastfeeding as a 'measure' of what's good & right, is like a woman chiming in that "all men should be circumsized, by law".

ThoughtElf said...

Yeah well... I hope she breaks out in adult chicken pox 2 days after she gets out the of the hospital with her next baby and spends the next few weeks bottle feeding her angel while wearing latex gloves and a mask in the sweltering summer heat while the pox cover her - INTERNALLY and externally, fearing every damn second that her brand newborn would catch the pox barely a week old.

Not that I'd know if that is a good reason to have to stop breast-feeding or anything...


Nicole said...

Gisele always sounds so pretentious to me. LMFAO at the pancakes bit, she is so full of it.

Chrissy Buns said...

hop on over to d listed. Micheal K. posted her apology/explaination. it made sense, but i still think she is a silly goose :)

WBotW said...

I think this is the first time I have read the comments on this site and been blown away by how overwhelmingly kind and NON-judgmental people are being.
Except for you Mr. Pink.
Ah, Pinky, Pinky, Pinky...
Really? You actually think that you're in a position to know anything about breastfeeding? You think that you have the right to suggest that jen and mygeorgie are in any way lacking in their reading comprehension skills?
Foolish little man, if your wife is truly the Wonder Woman you claim she is then we really have to wonder why on earth she would choose to marry a male such as yourself. Perhaps you're good at folding laundry and doing the dusting?
In any case...
Gisele clearly stated she wants to see a worldwide law making breastfeeding mandatory for six months. I'd day that qualifies as a desire to force others to do things HER way, and that, my boy, that is simply unacceptable.
I'm going to have to echo mygeorgie in her statement that "Co-parenting aside, a man offering opinions on childbirth & breastfeeding as a 'measure' of what's good & right, is like a woman chiming in that "all men should be circumsized, by law"."
You don't have the equipment, you have presumably never seen a woman and her baby go through agony trying and failing at breastfeeding, and you really have no business judging women for choosing to not breastfeed.
Not to mention your pathetic attempts at condescension towards two posters here who actually offered something valuable to the discussion.

Madeline said...

Why does everyone want to put laws in place that protect their *opinions*. Like many said, there are many reasons why woman can't or wont breastfeed and it's no one's business....particularly someone in Washington.

mygeorgie said...

To further the argument that laws should never restrict someone's bodily rights;

I gave birth to my daughter in a small-town hospital that was governed by an all-male board of directors that were also extremely religious. I was in HARD labour for 3 days straight, baby in distress, hooked up to machines coming from every orfice, no pain meds offered, the whole nine yards. A nurse finally came in and broke my water & gave me the "wink" not to say anything. Apparently the religious neanderthal zealots had decided that any intervention during childbirth would be 'against God's will' & not a 'noble' childbirth. I was far too scared to have anymore children & then learned way too late that WOMEN HAVE OPTIONS.

Big world, lots of views, personal choices.

Also, didn't Gisele also claim her baby is potty trained? He's 8 months old! No Gisele, YOU are trained, not the baby. Her ass mouth is somehow comforting though. Way more convincing that the whole 'fat ankles' thing :)

r said...

She's a fascist.

Fabulous! said...

i think statements like this are so hurtful and unfair to REAL moms everywhere- i say real, because in REALITY women don't have an army of staff to help take care of their babies. in the real world when a woman has a child it's just her and her baby and in fortunate situations, the dad is there too. really lucky when fam can help for a while!

it's offensive because she can afford sit there and guilt and shame women who can't or choose not to breastfeed their babies. women who are already dealing with overwhelming changes and pressure and now they have some self-important model who's only claim to fame is wearing underwear and marrying a hot guy and she thinks she sets the new standard for parenting? let's see how much she changes if she had a real life job to go back to in 3 weeks. what a wretched b&%#$

Beta said...

the best part is when she tries to amend:

"My intention in making a comment about the importance of breastfeeding has nothing to do with the law. It comes from my passion and beliefs about children. Becoming a new mom has brought a lot of questions, I feel like I am in a constant search for answers on what might be the best for my child. It’s unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white. I am sure if I would just be sitting talking about my experiences with other mothers, we would just be sharing opinions. I understand that everyone has their own experience and opinions and I am not here to judge. I believe that bringing a life into this world is the single most important thing a person can undertake and it can also be the most challenging. I think as mothers we are all just trying our best."


Chrissy Buns said...

oooo, i have REALLY enjoyed this sharing of opinions. breastfeeding and babies and what not just happens to be one of my favorite subjects. this has been a fun eye opener. i respect all the women who have posted here (expect for the one who said women with implants can't nurse, what the heck is that?!?) and i love all the opinions!

Chrissy Buns said...

oooo, i have REALLY enjoyed this sharing of opinions. breastfeeding and babies and what not just happens to be one of my favorite subjects. this has been a fun eye opener. i respect all the women who have posted here (expect for the one who said women with implants can't nurse, what the heck is that?!?) and i love all the opinions!

kathrynnova said...

i just love these celebrated people who think that they can lecture the rest of the world on their "ideals".

it is one thing to make the dorky ass site that goop is - which seems to be targeted to a select paltrow loving/wannabe kind of audience - it is another thing to get off spouting that there should be "laws" based on his/her "ideals".

she is no better than the unpopular christians who are all preachy and annoying to the rest of the population (not all christians, just the overly preachy kinds).

not to mention, what bearing does a fucking MODEL'S or ACTOR'S opinion have to me? not a shred! they're employees, just like the rest of us. they just get more pictures taken of themselves and make more money and are more involved in our lovely propaganda of america.

it's a long monologue here - it just grates on my last nerve to have these fucking celebrities telling the rest of us what we should be doing. go back to memorizing your lines and posing for your photographs.

**steps down from soapbox


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