Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

August 13, 2010

#1 #2, #3, #4 - This is kind of Old Hollywood but some of the people are still alive so not a true Old Hollywood item. Anyway, this Academy Award winning (yeah I said it, no nominee/winner) actor who is still alive got one of his most famous roles in a very interesting way. The Academy Award winner/nominee director of the movie had a crush on this woman. Our actor discovered that the woman would take money for sex and paid for her for a year. The actor told the director he could get the woman interested but he wanted the role. He also wanted a role for one of his friends who is been a B+ movie actor and television actor forever. The director agreed and our actor made the introduction. The director had no idea the actor paid for her services. He used his entire paycheck from the movie to pay for her.

#1 - Academy Award winning actor
#2 - Director
#3 - B+ actor
#4 - The movie

#1 - Marlon Brando
#2 - Elia Kazan
#3 - Karl Malden
#4 - On The Waterfront


  1. This might be my favorite reveal in the history of this website. THIS is a great Hollywood story!

  2. uh, Brando's been dead for 6 years.

  3. Marlon Brando is not still alive.

  4. Right, because Marlon Brando had such a hard time getting roles!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Interesting that Brando spent his entire paycheck for the sexual services of this woman, but I am glad he also got a role for Karl Malden, who I've always liked.

  7. But it says 'actor who is still alive"???

  8. Yeah, the wording on this is strange. Either this is an old blind or it isn't these people.

  9. Who was the woman, I wonder?

  10. Yes it's misleading because both Karl Malden and Brando are dead!! wtf?

  11. Is Elia Kazan still alive? Maybe Ent meant him and didn't proofread. Guess Marlon thought he'd be nominated to want that role so badly.

  12. Reese -- I believe it was the director who used up his entire paycheck without knowing that Brando had already paid for her services. She made out like a bandit! Ha!

  13. Still, it's a great story, and was a bet that payed off well for Brando.

  14. Nope, Elia Kazan died in 2003 so they are all dead in the blind.

    Enty is known to make honest mistakes or he was just saying it to make it harder to figure out.

  15. Aly guessed it, despite the error! Good job!

  16. Wow, I wonder who the woman was. She must have been something to get that kind of money.

  17. I just looked this up on IMDb, and everyone who was a major actor, director and writer are all dead.

  18. Although her identity is not revealed, perhaps it is the woman who is still alive...

  19. @blackprincess that's what I thought! the director had a crush on her so the woman wasn't a stranger or a everyday hooker maybe the woman was/is in the business and she's still alive.

    My question is why did Brando have to fight for the role?

  20. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I just don't even understand why someone would do that.

  21. Elia is still alive

  22. Elia is not alive. According to Wikipedia, he died in 2003.

  23. Wish Enty would clarify this one since the clues don't match the facts.

  24. This was very early in Brando's career. He probably REALLY wanted this role.

  25. Malden, Brando and Kazan were all dead at the time of the blind.

    Brando had already starred in two movies directed by Kazan, A Streetcar Named Desire and Viva Zapata! Besides, he was discovered six years before by Kazan in 1947 for the original production of Streetcar. The movie adaptation made a star of Brando and in 1953 he already had as much star power as Kazan.

    So, this BI is full of inaccuracies and it seems very unlikely, to be polite.

  26. interesting way to have a role when an actor knows the director!

  27. Quit arguing, people. It's called "red herring".

  28. maybe... just maybe Brando is actually alive and hanging out with Elvis and Michael Jackson

  29. Maybe Enty was thinking of Lainie Kazan, who is definitely still alive. She was the lead's mom in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and is on Desparate Housewives. She's a wonderful jazz singer and once was a centerfold in Playboy. Just a thought...

  30. Supposedly, Brando didn't like Kazan's HUAC blabbing and passed on the role. It was offered to Frank Sinatra, who accepted, and Brando's competitive streak wouldn't allow that (or he thought better of his decision,) so he did what he did to get the role as an Oscar investment. Sinatra sued for breach of contract. True? I don't know, but Brando won the Oscar on his fourth nomination.

  31. thank you for boring the shit out of us with these dead dopes nobody knows....whats next?, garden of eden reveals?

    omfg, eve took a bite out of the apple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Geez sandman, some of us are really old and love these blinds.

  33. Sunnyside, he's being an asshole in every comments thread, not just the ones devoted to old Hollywood. Why he's bothering to read the site at all is a mystery.

  34. Just because Brando worked with Kazan previously doesn't mean Brando would automatically play the role. Directors only have a say on who they want their main actors to be. Maybe he had told Brando that he and the producers have someone else in mind for the role. Then Brando came up with the scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like that still happened nowadays...

  35. I think the woman was Marilyn Monroe. She had affairs with both Brando and Elia Kazan.

  36. Dude, you gotta clean this one up. ALL those people are dead. And Kazan had no problem getting laid on own and would have paid Brando to be in On The Waterfront.
    He like Malden, too.

  37. Is the woman the lead in the movie? Because she is still alive (she's 87) and was very pretty. Maybe that's what he means by saying the director paid for her?

  38. And may also be what he means by saying "not everyone involved is dead." Not mentioning her identity is a way to protect her.

  39. Forgot her name - Eva Marie Saint.

    "Got the part of Edie Doyle in On the Waterfront (1954) over Elizabeth Montgomery. Director Elia Kazan, in his autobiography "A Life," says that the choice of an actress to play the part was narrowed down to Elizabeth Montgomery and Saint, but there were also some qualms about Saint playing a teen at age 30. Although Montgomery was fine in her screen test, there was an air of finishing school about her. Kazan thought this genteel quality would not be becoming for Edie, who was raised on the waterfront in Hoboken, NJ. He gave the part to Saint, and she went on to win cinematic immortality, and a Best Supporting Actress Oscar, in the part."

    Seems like she was good enough to get the part on her own, but she was also old for it so Elia could have been making an excuse - just my guess. Dying to know who the woman was!



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