Tuesday, February 28, 2012

James Spader Is Leaving The Office

Taking his money and running from the network that only has one hit show, James Spader is leaving The Office at the end of the season. Even though his contract has an option, James wants out which means he probably has another television show lined up or wants to do something where people actually watch him each week. I watched him and think he was really good. I think the issue is that the character has some limits and when you see him every week those limits are exposed. Wow. Can you tell I have been reading film reviews for the past week about the Oscars. That sounded a little insightful and pretentious of me. Don't worry I slapped myself and I am ok now.


Patty said...

When I say the headline I thought "oh, that show is still on??"

figgy said...

I like James Spader, but didn't think he fit on the Office. He does "creepy" very well, but not in a way that works on that show.

That said, I used to love The Office, but it reached its expiration date about 2-3 years ago.

BigMama said...

Love him, but golly he sure is making me feel old.

RenoBlondee said...

I love him on The Office! I think he's great.

Anonymous said...

I think The Office has gotten so much better without Michael Scott. I love Steve Carrell but Michael Scott was getting to be too much. I like Robert California but I think he should come in small doses. He's too intense.

I love Thursday nights, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and The Office. I don't really watch Up All Night but not because I don't like it, I just don't care about kids and that's kind of the theme.

Pookie said...

i did not need pot-bellied, mall-haired james spader first thing this AM. it has now succesfully obliterated the hotness that was sex, lies & videotape. boo.

AKM said...

Thank GOD. "The Office" has been hurting a bit since Steve left, but with the addition of Spader, it's been absolutely unwatchable.

EmEyeKay said...

Pretentious or not, you nailed it. He can't be on the show much or he won't have the same oompf. That's too bad, he was a welcome change.

I watch Thursday nights, too, from 8-10, still love all those shows. (So glad they moved Whitney out of the lineup.) That said, the Office isn't what it was a few years ago. I still rewatch the older seasons just for the Jim/Pam storyline.

El Roy 13 said...

OMG! What happened to, my sleazy heartthrob James "she was, is, and will always be nada" Spader??? Homeboy needs to start walking and cut out the cheese, bread and booze.

Mango said...

I haven't watched The Office in a few years, so haven't seen Spader. I still think he should have been cast on Two and a Half Men as the horrid estate executor who made everyone live in Charlie's house in order to inherit. Anyone/anything has to be better than Asston.

Anonymous said...

I love him on the Office. He IS Robert California. Shit. He will be missed.

timebob said...

I really think it is time to put the Office to bed.

Anonymous said...

I adore James Spader. That's all.

chopchop said...

Oh, Steff! Where have you gone?? Sigh.

Which is more depressing? Going from Steff to James Spader today or going from Ice Man to Val Kilmer today?

Maja With a J said...

I actually like The Office better without Michael Scott. He was too embarrassing - I know it was the point and a big part of the show, and the reason people liked it, but I couldn't STAND it...*L*. I like the character Robert California too but he needs to come in small doses.

Anonymous said...

Oh Maja, you're my favourite today.

nolachickee said...

I really wanted to stay with the Office post Steve, but I just can't do it.

Maybe Ryan Murphy tapped him for American Horror Story Season 2! Now he would be AWESOME for that. James could be as creepy as he wanted there.

Susan said...

I think The Office has vastly improved this season. Although, it has NEVER matched its amazing second season, IMO. That is how I will always remember the office.

Up All Night is hysterical. God damn it, I wish my kid would take a nap already. Is it too early to drink a glass of wine?

Rose said...

The office used to be one of the only shows I watched live and not by DVR. Now I think I've only watched two three episodes this season. I have episodes saved on my DVR that I haven't even watched. They need to let the show go.

ms_goddess said...

Favorite James Spader hotness movie - Jack's Back. He plays twins - really good boy twin & bad boy twin (but with a heart of gold). YUM!

Chopchop - What's depressing is even having to think about that choice! I love both those guys - but hey, I'm not quite as hot as I used to be either. (sigh)

Nolachickee - great idea!!!!

Susan - It's 5:30 somewhere...

ForSure said...

I'm kind of sorry to hear this. I was very happy when he joined the show, but somehow they lost the character by trying to make him more outlandish in each episode. They kind of overdid 'the weird' on him. I will fall over if he wins an Emmy for his one and only season considering that Carrell never won it. I watch The Office every week with my husband and mostly just groan through it. I hope the idea of a Dwight Shrute spin off has died. I also hope NBC just announces that next year will be the last and let the show die with one last shred of dignity.

WUWT? said...

To be fair, part of James Spader's hotness is taken away for the character of Robert California. We aren't supposed to find Robert California attractive, he's skeevy and not as all-that as he thinks he is.

James Spader is better looking out of character.

nettalovesrobin said...

I have never watched the office but Arrested Development is one of the best shows ever!

NYCGirl said...

I've really given up on it.

Jennmcn said...

I have only started watching the USA version of The Office. I liked Robert California because he made everyone so uncomfortable like David Brent from the original. Sorry to lose him but such is network TV.

Lelaina Pierce said...

He didn't really do anything for me. The Michael Scott character was over the top but I kind of miss him. I think the Dwight character is way more annoying.

Lelaina Pierce said...
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