Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Will Probably Die Soon

This actor was just about A list. Almost at the cusp. Movies, and television, this foreign born actor with the strange looking name was at the top of every list. An incredible actor. He has had some issues. Lots of issues. he still works all the time, but the people closest to him know that unless he really commits himself to getting help and not just when it suits his legal needs, that he will die soon. They say they expected him to die earlier this summer when he went on a ten day bender and was one step above passing out for almost the entire time. When the bender ended he slept for four solid days. He never woke up once for anything and had to throw away the mattress and sheets when he finally did wake up. Everyone assumes he just boozes it up because that is all he seems to get in trouble for, but heroin is what he lives for. Every waking moment is devoted to his one true love. He used to limit himself to once a day, and now he can't go longer than about four hours. He hates flying or anything that keeps him away from it. He says that he is thankful that despite being an almost A list actor, most people don't recognize him and that he can tell right away when looking at someone whether they can score him drugs. He does have someone in his life but all she can do right now is try to keep him from overdosing and to call for help if he does. He tries everyday to get her to join him which makes him really an a-hole in my mind. She has said no so far and thinks she can really help the actor. He keeps saying he can get her parts but he has not done anything. She says they never have sex, because his free time is devoted to his drug or finding his drug or sleeping off his drugs. She also says he is going to die soon. That his body just can't handle the drugs and the booze in such quantities every night.


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Wendy Webb said...

I think I just developed a girl crush on Robin. Thanks for saying that. I hate all the negativity. We're just supposed to be guessing blinds, here. It's fun. If @Himmmm has insider knowledge, I'd rather he dole it out in clues. What fun is it to just be told something? The fun is in the sleuthing.

All that said, I like the Sean Bean guess because of the strange name thing.

BubbleKitten said...

Thank you both so much! Encouragement like this is what keep me strong. I appreciate it more than you know.

Alicia said...

Bubble.. Congrats! I'm 9 months clean from H ( and subs and norco etc ) .. It's rough but at 4 months I can guess you're starting to feel a lot better! Cheers again this shiz is rough

AKM said...

FWIW, I think your guess is correct RE: Himmmm, AndyCane.

"I don't think people would care either way about Himmmm, but he is the one that implied that he was RDJ - so he is the one that wants people to think that and "fawn all over his posts"

"I also love how some posters think they can tell other posters what to comment on!!"

I agree on both counts here as well, Roman H. Himmmm is witty and well-written, so it can be fun to read his stuff, but he WAS the one who started the whole "I am RDJ" stuff, so some skeptics were bound to get annoyed by that. I kind of did myself -- and I STILL don't think he's RDJ, but rather TG, as AndyCane said -- but again, it's kind of fun to read some of what he writes, so whatever. *shrug*

As far as people telling others what they can and can't say, I was absolutely crucified last week and it upset me for two days. Shit on the internet shouldn't upset me period, let alone for two days, I know, but I enjoy so many people here that when that happens, it's just no fun at all.

My vote is that Robin should be our moderator, ha ha. No one ever seems to take issue with her, and she doesn't stir up shit, either.

And I can't figure out this blind. I don't really follow any of the folks who have been mentioned, so I guess that's okay. ;-)

sparklynan said...

Throwing in my 2 cents to anyone still reading this far down the thread.
I'm sad to know the Daily Mail connection because now I imagine "enty" writing fictional blinds to the photos. I feel like the site has changed alot in the last 4 months. I mean, ads anyone? I always wondered about "enty" being one or many posters...sometimes a caption about a sexy shoe or hunky guy would make me wonder if "enty" was a girl, but mostly I just love when there is a post about bacon and alcohol and past wives and it's entertaining. The captions have been a lot meaner lately which I'm not too into but...Himmmm whoever he/she/it/they is/are can do no wrong by me...if the blind itself is speculative, then the guesses may as well be fiction too. At least be entertaining and make me smile!

AKM said...

And congrats to Bubble. Stay strong and work whatever program is working for YOU.

Amy said...

As far as the guess for this blind, I think KS because of the "everyone assumes he just boozes it up because that's what he gets in trouble for".

Bpadge01 said...

I agree. I don't see this as JRM. Benecio fits.

lazyday603 said...

I hate it when internet message boards start breaking into factions. Too much like high school. I don't care if Hmmmm is RDJ or not. But I see no reason why RDJ or anybody working in the business wouldn't spend their downtime shooting the breeze on Hollywood themed internet message boards. The internet is the greatest addictive time waster since the crossword puzzle was invented.

retropian said...

gerard butler

BubbleKitten said...

Well that's a disheartening thought for me. I KNOW that I can change. I don't buy into the bullshit that I am "powerless" over my addiction. I've been clean before and I can do it again. People can change and adapt to all sorts of things IF THEY are willing to put the work into it.

(capitals for emphasis, I wasn't shouting ) :)

B said...
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Alicia said...

I'm doubting JRM is anywhere close to gay. Does anyone go on Data Lounge? It's a very queer driven gossip site where the " who's gay " topic is the most abundant and the general consensus from " insiders " is he is pretty straight. That being said the comments here do give Benicio and Keiffer a close second for me

B said...
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Mari said...

Come to Toronto Robin, breakfast is on me, and I make a mean Sapphire Tom Collins.
That goes for so many here. I love my CDaN family. That includes plenty of regulars & newbies, and if anyone isn't a favourite, well, nobody can compile the list but me. I don't mean people having convos & exchanges, that's what makes the CDaN family, well, family, but everbody can be appreciated for who they are. Who they are to us. There is a great deal of awesome thought & feeling from the peeps here. It makes sense to hide IDs on the web, but the lovely flashes of personality from the posters is what I value. Much more interesting than gov issued ID! :)) Whomever is whomever, or whomever they're presumed to be is what it is. Who we really are is who we are inside, and the peeps here are very special to me, whether anyone thinks I'm stupid for that is fine. I value coming here to be part of the group of neat folks with interesting brains. There are so many toxic blogs & message boards. I think that's why argy bargy upsets me here. The blog is a simple gossip blog but the family of posters is aces.
Sorry to ramble on. Please just scroll down.

Twirl said...

Long time lurker first time poster. My favorite part of this site is reading the comment section. Without the comments of everyone from Himmmm to Jax it would be rather dull. Hats off to everyone for the splendid entertainment.

B said...

My first thought was Joaquin Phoenix, as well. I was surprised not many others guessed him. I really hope it's not him, though.

Mango said...

Crap. For a minute I really liked the Keanu guess but even though he was star of Speed and The Matrix trilogy, I don't think he could ever be considered, "an incredible actor".

Haven't read all the comments so I don;t know if anyone has answered this yet, but "Rhys" is pronounced "Reese".

Stephy said...

@BubbleKitten--I never quite got that concept of being "powerless" over one's addiction. Some addictions are more difficult than others (meaning-- those where your body is actually addicted, not just your mind, and medical intervention is required), but a person always has that power to choose--just as you have. My best to you.

Seattle_Strips said...

adegmini, I love your daughter! She doesn't need to change a bit; just learn to quickly pick up her mess before speeding on to the next thing!

AndyCane said...

As far as Enty's identity goes he's clearly the ghost of Johnny Cochrane. I can't be the only person to have figured that out

Anonymous said...

Ok. i do not know about here but i know that when Lost was in its heyday, Hugo Reyes and.Terry O Quinn wrote.a and discussed the shOw.and other stuff.with fans on the message boards. I haven't been to the fusealage in years so o don't knOw if they still do. I got a real paper birthday card.from Terry one year. We have the same birthday. I knOw Daniel Kim was very good at answering questions too.

SashaJames2 said...

Love u Himmmm and always makes my evening when u post. Pls post often. X

L said...

@Sunny et al - I was thinking Rhys Ifans also, but then I saw pics of him and his girlfriend Anna Friel where else but the DM and he looks his usual disheveled self..


@Bubble - well done - continue to be strong girl! [I assume you are a girl, if not: be strong, dude!!]

I think JRM too

White lilly said...

@Kimberly AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going crazy now, I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEE (can ya tell??) Lost and the cast, so happy to hear that, that's so awesome!

@BubbleKitten Congratulations!! And I guess you could shout too, I have no idea how hard it must be and I congratulate you on this victory!

L said...
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discoflux said...

Robin - I love you for using the word "fiefdom."

Stacey Charter said...

EXACTLY @coolranchdoritos! I feel that none of it matters, it's all entertainment and I enjoy Enty no matter how he writes. If I am not interested I skip a story instead of whining about NO MORE THIS or NO MORE THAT.

It always amazes me that people who come here to read a blog feel like they can tell the blog owner what to do or how to do it. Oh and Himmmmm keep posting - there are many more here who enjoy your take on things! I always enjoy seeing your name pop up.

KS said...

Totally agree with AKM, I love all the comments except when they start attacking people. I used to love to comment but rarely do anymore.
I said that I had insider knowledge of something once-something I could have PROVED and I got chewed up and spit out.
But I love how this thread has turned around into no one cares who is who!
Oh and smashy, too late to post last night (work) but prayers to your Grandpa!

Mari said...

I agree with you. A name which is Spanish, or German, or Welsh, or Serbo-Croation isn't funny looking, it's simply not in English. I think you're on the trail that it's either a name which has a meaning which we think at once, a la Bean, or an invented name, or one which sounds fake. Admittedly, the funniest looking name I could think of at once was Channing Tatum! He doesn't fit the clues, I don't mean it as a guess but as the name example.

delete account said...

You know what? I think you got it.

discoflux said...

FWIW, lazyday, I wasn't saying there are defined factions. It's just groups with varying opinions on the subject. You know, normal human interaction. When I stated that I don't give an eff, I just meant that I really don't care who Himmmm or Enty are and just enjoy being here to read it all. Not all of us interact with each other at the same level and that's fine. I don't come here expecting everyone to be my best friend. It's just not going to happen.

This is like a big, freaky ass family and we fight and eventually (sometimes) it gets dropped, we move on and interact civilly.

rll said...

HA! As if!

rll said...

Ed Rooney's a paedo? Ew

Sarah said...

I've read this site for years now, commented maybe 4 times in all. So I guess I'm a lurker...

The dynamic w/those who comment is bizarre to me. Who cares who Enty is? If you enjoy the site why would you want to unmask who's behind it? Obviously that would be the end of it.

Jax has always come across as more than a little self-important.
Himmmm et al keeps things entertaining. Who is ANYONE to say who can post & who can't?

It's a freaking gossip site people, not the real world. Perhaps it's time to get off your computers & get out more.

msgirl said...

Adegemini, she's gonna grow up great! Very creative hee.

alisontheoriginal said...

BubbleKitten - congratulations!!

Thank you Robin! These people who bash other posters need a life. I love himmmmm's post. They made me laugh and cry especially the one he wrote about his wife. Amazing.

urban chaos said...

@discoflux- not sure how I have missed that site but now I figure Enty needs to throw in a few Kenny pics next time he does a reader round up. Hear that, Enty? I'll even bring the BACON.

And Robin just distracted me with the mention of baked goods..

Sis Cesspool said...

@Jax - Thank you!

lostathome said...

Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson

dia papaya said...

I love you Robin! And your brownies too!!!

dia papaya said...

LOL @lostathome!! Great freakin' guess!!!

Miranda said...

God, the ONE day I put off reading CDAN till the afternoon and this happens. Too funny.

dia papaya said...

I feel like this is my personal Cheers. When I walk in my local joint for a fruity adult beverage, I want people to say hey Dia Papaya! Like they did for Norm!

So isn't that what we're all doing for the Himmmm-ster? When a friend goes away for awhile and returns, you're supposed to give them a shout out and pass a beer!

White lilly said...

@dia, You know, I think that jax and himmmm were messing with us and are laughing right now... lol
But I guess everyone's comment as with just should be nice to each other works for whatever situation...

Rowan said...

@Bubbles- Congrats! Please stay strong!
@Smash- Healing energy to your grandfather, Love and Light
@Dia Papaya- Howdy, and hope your day was a good one!
@CarmeliteLady- I loved what you wrote. 5 Stars

My guess for the person in the blind is JRM. His demons seem to not want to let him go, and he appears in pictures like he has given up fighting them. I truly hope he wins this battle.

As for the Himmmm dilemma, I enjoy the comments this person leaves here. When attacked, "he" leaves a kind reply instead of "F*** Off". That is a person who scores many points in my book. He adds drama and complexity to a comment board that "stirs the cauldron", and at Halloween, a good seasonal thing to do, for the occasion. I agree with Robin about this matter, a voice of reason in a land of chatter.

Seattle_Strips said...


LOL :)

Anonymous said...

I'm on board with enjoying Himmm's comments whomever he is. Carmelite said it best.

OneGirlRevolution said...


Lol. What's your email?

Personally, whomever himmmm is/are, I enjoy him/them. Whether the insider knowledge is true...whether it's Ironman...clearly at least one of them has struggled with inner demons and never fails to show kindness and support to other posters. The world could use more people who approach the world with those qualities, imo

Benita said...

Benecio is not foreign bron. Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

JacksonW said...

JRM, Keifer, and Del Toro are all very recognizable unlike the actor from the blind who "most ppl don't recognize."

JRM had one project in 11, one in 12, and 2 in 13(one of which is in "preproduction")not exactly "works all the time". Toro has 2 projects each in 2010,12,13,14 but nothing in 09 and 11, i guess that could be "all the time". Keifer was Jack Bauer for 10yrs with a 24 movie in the works.

It could be someone other than these three.

BlindItemMe said...

im crap at guesses but i immediately thought JRM. so sad ive loved him since velvet goldmine (with a young christian bale) and he was beautiful in bend it like beckham. ive been a long time lurker and just recently started posting and i love the funny and (most-times) friendly banter. i agree with robin, no need for vitriol. if you dont like, keep on scrolling. light and love everyone x

J said...

I love when the comment section randomly blows up. Anyway, well done BubbleKitten! Best of luck for the future.

/longtime lurker

Robot said...

As to Enty's identity, for what's it's worth (and I know this will be lost in these million comments) I SWEAR he once wrote that he'd attended college or law school in Texas.Pretty sure it was University of Texas. I've been reading the site since it started and I've always remembered that. Anytime I see a potential name mentioned, I look up the college and law school.

Virtual Fluffy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shit You Can't Buy said...

I'm gonna guess someone completely different: Benedict Cumberbatch or whatever his name is. His name looks silly and he doesn't look healthy imo.

Was also guessing Alexander Skarsgard, but he is at the top of his game now, blind suggests most fame has been in the past. And as far as I know he doesn't have a gf.

Bloggertobenamedlater said...

I've been reading and lurking for ages here, probably when I should have been doing other things. As a lawyer, I can say I know very few lawyers who have the time to post as much as is done here. We have clients and deadlines screaming all the time and it's simply not possible to do your job as a lawyer and maintain a site this big without help, even if Enty was shown to be simply making up blinds from the Daily Mail. That still takes tons of time and I doubt any lawyer has that kind of time if the lawyer has any kind of practice.

I suspect Enty is an amalgamation of people because I cannot imagine any one lawyer having the ability to be a practicing lawyer and yet still dealing with this site. I help run a site that gets about a million hits a month (animal rescue) and it takes 15 of us to pull that off. I have no idea what the traffic count here is, but it's not insubstantial. Of course, there are those who say Enty is not a lawyer and we will probably never know. There have been some posts here that ring very true to those of us slaving away as lawyers. I suspect there would have to be a lawyer on board here somewhere if only to address the legal issues posed by a site posting some relatively explosive blinds (a la Ms. Spears).

People can be anything they want on the web and it is certainly true you would be well-advised to assume 99% of what you read anywhere is either false or filtered in some way. It is also true that you have no idea who is on the other side of an internet post and it could be anyone. You just have no way to know.

And now, I guess Joaquin Phoenix. Back to lurking. Thanks for the entertainment.

Robot said...

I agree with you, Bloggertobenamedlater. However, I think the original author was a lawyer and then brought on more people. The tone definitely changed after some time, and the stories became less personal and less involved as the stuff that was posted in 2006 and 2007.

Lisa (not original) said...

I prefer to think of Himmmmmm as John Barrowman and Enty as Gary Oldman? Makes every word just a bit more compelling. :)

a non a miss said...

I hope I'm not the only one who caught that. Are Virtual Fluffy and Bloggertobenamedlater the same person? I subscribed to this post and they posted the same exact post, moments in between. Not nit picking, just wanna make sure I'm not hallucinating.

jetfuelgenius said...

whoa I saw 253 comments and thought "Himmmm must be back..."

I am with the JRM guess...

I will offer this: I have been on the periphery of some Hollywood stuff and stories do trickle out to the "little people"...I think Himmmm is one, assistant or worker bee, who had some access to some information, not unlike Enty seems to. And they dribble out the info in big enough bites so we think they know sooooo much more than they are telling...but they don't.

That horseshit with Natalie Wood was ridiculous, and there is one incarnation of Himmmm who is clever and a GREAT writer and very entertaining...and the rest are not... Enty, no offense, but Dear you are not a great writer at all. Most lawyers are decent writers.

I still find the site veeeeery entertaining, and I have seen enough posts come "true" or be proven true later on to figure "Enty" has some pipeline to some information...it's this or Words With Friends, People.

Keep up the good work Enty! Just please cool it with the semi-porn ads. :)

AndyCane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AndyCane said...

Personally, I enjoy all the regulars here and look forward to seeing their names pop up. Granted I have my favorites but all them add their own flava to this blog. I don't really care who Enty is and whether or not the blinds are true because I come for the comments.

Bloggertobenamedlater said...

Hi @rejectedcarebear - Virtual Fluffy is the domain of the dog rescue site I work with (virtualfluffies.com), but probably should have noted that I was posting with that and not my personal site. (www.bloggertobenamedlater.com). Sorry. No shenanigans - just should have signed in personally and not as a dog rescuer who is supposed to be dealing with foster homes for dogs tonight. The shame of my laziness knows no bounds.

Unknown said...

Sean Bean!

a non a miss said...

No worries, I thought I was losing my mind for a minute there cause I didn't know if someone had copied and pasted or what!

OT- but that's awesome work you do. I have a rescue pup and I love him dearly. Thank you for your hard work!

UnicornsRReal said...

Remember that @hmmmm has four letter "m"s cause they revealed that four people were tag teaming posting under that account with different points of views and stories.

Damn I have spent DAYS, WEEKS reading back to the beginning of this damn blog. I'm the one who needs an intervention! :-/

ureallyannoyme said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa (not original) said...

As long as it isn't Rutger Hauer...

B626 said...

When did Keanu R ever do TV?? It's Keifer S in my book.

B626 said...

When was Keanu R ever on TV? Keifer is the obvious guess. The Jonathan guy was on Showtime, which not too many watch. Thats not A list.

a non a miss said...

What about Idris Elba? He's from England, he was in THOR and Prometheus. Plus he was on The Wire and The Office. And he isn't married so he might have a gf.

Amy said...

@Bloggertobenamedlater - I agree with you that there must be quite a few involved behind the scenes on this site. The advertising alone must be a full time job with all the vendors and run-times to coordinate, not to mention a lawyer and a couple/few writers (there are different writing styles/cut and paste font changes). I just think they must be under confidentiality agreements that are iron clad.

Hey Enty! I've got a degree in advertising and can work from home! I also don't have time for a life and my 3yr old doesn't know anyone outside of Dora and Hi-5, so it's safe to skype with her around!!
Call Me!!

it took forever said...

Luv for Himmmm no matter what haters say! Some people will always be haters! Lets have a vote and i am sure the majority would rather the haters to go and let Himmmm do his thing.

Angela said...

This has nothing to do with the post, but to the people with kids who have ADD ... if they grow out of it, they probably really didn't have ADD. It doesn't go away. As someone who was only diagnosed in her early 40s, let me tell you, finding out so late in life what it is like to be able to think straight has left me a little bitter. I, too, am very creative, but until the last couple of years, I was not able to actually organize and finish anything. Being on medication took nothing away from me, except the inability to function. I mean that sincerely. There is a lot more to ADD than people realize, and while I do agree wholeheartedly that it is over diagnosed, I can tell you from personal experience, it needs treatment. Thanks.

Jane said...

Why would someone follow Enty's site who think he's full of shit and steals his information from others? Does it really matter if Enty is a man, a woman, gay or straight?
Robin the mad photographer, you are da bomb! Himmmm, you make me smile when your around. To those who are jack asses that attack the rest of us for being fans of Enty and Himmmm....go get drink and find someplace else to bitch.

it took forever said...

For the guess now: I heard that JRM has a tatoo on his body that heroin addicts use to line up the vein for the needle

it took forever said...

Not Viggo, he only does movies when he needs money otherwise he stays overseas and does his gay thing

All about Eve said...

Hi Bubble, so glad you're clean. You can do this! We're rooting for you!

Rowan said...

Viggo gay? Oh Oh, my best friend is going to have cry for days over that bit of news.

I thought he was straight?

Snoopy said...

I'm a lover of Himmmmm's posts too - always spices things up! Ignore the haters lover :)

My heart breaks for this person. How is it that Britney gets a conservatorship, but this person's family can't :( I hope someone gives this person a lifeline and he takes it....

Me2 said...

this is WAY OT *puts on flame retardant duck suit** but I know a group that works with ADHD, aspergers, and austistic children eliminating allergens and artificial food colors, other things that have helped children like that enormously. this is a yahoo group for gluten free casein free (and other things like nightshades, or corn or soy etc etc)

I know modern medicine pretty much discounts this but many people posting in group have had great success with it. is this scientific evidence? nope.

Just thought I'd toss that out there. (even if its ot)

regarding the subject of the blind,, I'm sick for whoever it is. i was married to a man that was deeply damaged by a horrific childhood, and addicted to alcohol and would take any drug he could get his hands on. I'll leave it at that but i pray whoever it is gets help even if its in the form of a miracle.

those pictures of JRM just tore me it, broke my heart. he looks terrible.

I enjoy himmmm's posts, don't care who he is. I don't care who enty is either LOL. I assumed he/she/cousin it was male but *shrug*

ecua said...

Lol, Jax! You rock!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

OK, you guys, now I'm really embarrassed...Sorry, Himmmm, but everyone seems to be kissing my butt tonight instead of yours, so you might need to take a number and get in line. ;-)

discoflux: "Fiefdom" occurred to me largely because I was a medieval studies minor in college, and am currently a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA (www.sca.org--feel free to join us!). We could always use a few more good people to do everything from cookery to needlecrafts to brewing to blacksmithing to fighting to...oh, just go to the site and see all the fun things you can do, OK? (Hey, Himmmm, I bet you could be a pretty kickass fighter if you were so inclined--skill and agility is more important than mere brute force, most of the weapons are made from rattan, and besides, if you can handle the weight of the Iron Man suit, medieval armor is nothing in comparison, I promise. Come on down to Carolingia some time, and I'll introduce you to some of our fighters, eh? :-)

ecua said...

Yrs! I agree! It's particularly pathetic when posters practically beg Himmm for jobs! I get embarrassed for them.

AndyCane said...

@adegemini Just to give you another perspective: My son was diagnosed with aspergers and adhd. We struggled with the idea of putting him on meds for a long time but finally came to the decision to try them. My son said to me , "Why didn't you do this earlier? I actually feel calm now." I think there's too much of a taboo put on meds. They really do help a lot of people

ecua said...

Oh boy, I bet Himmm's groupies are going to show up now, to write their rambling, histrionic love letters to him! Lol!

White lilly said...

@ecua, Are you on lag or something?

ecua said...


a non a miss said...

@white lilly- I know right?! I'm gonna unsubscribe now cause I'm getting tired of reading ecua's random comments. After 200 comments, its nearly impossible to view this on my phone.

White lilly said...

@rejectedcarebear, yeah, so random!

missmol said...

Yeah Robin! Always enjoy your comments. Dia, I like to see your posts also. Himmmm is great fun to read, and I could care less who he is, or enty is either. This is a great site and nice distraction from everyday, because some days 'everyday' is sucky.(grammatically incorrect, but I'm keeping it!)

On to the blind, did we rule out Rhys Ifan?

dia papaya said...

I'm not seeing ecua's comments. Are they invisible when drunk?

Haha! Just kidding!!!

Thanks to everyone for the shout out. I feel so loved ;) The next round's on @himmmm. Ooops, I mean ME!

And Robin. You probably deserved some extra love today! So just soak it up, babe!! High Five!!!

Bleu said...

Sean Bean.

Saffron said...

Keanu Reeves?

dia papaya said...

psst - white lilly, I don't think it's an act. Just my 2 cents.

Hugs to you!!!

dia papaya said...

Thanks Rowan and Let Love Rule!

Hope y'all had a great day too!!!

Cocktail time at Cheers :)

kj said...

ok i am late to posting because comcast and netflix can't decide who is the bigger idiot to deal with. steps off soap box.
i love the comments and when i dont agree i dont feel the need to castigate the poster. i really enjoy himmmm he adds humanity and wit. if that pisses you off, too damn bad. and robin you are correct in everything you have said.
@Bubble you should be so proud of yourself. You have hung in and are staring down the dragon every day. if you get antsy post on here and people will send you great love and encouragement. keep up the good work!!

Amy said...

Thanks to all the posters that have commented/encouraged/given me info on an add/adhd child/diagnosis. I plan on keeping on the diet/allergens route, but am not opposed to meds if they REALLY are needed to give her a higher quality of life. I am also aware that a lot of dr's use them as a crutch diagnosis and cure. I will just watch, listen and learn until it seems that a decision must be made.

Thanks for making me feel welcomed with my OT post. I've noticed the tone of commentors has become more welcoming since the site numbers blew up. (if one ignores the pot-stirrers)

ForSure said...

Damn, this looks like it was fun today.

Kiefer Sutherland is working on a TV show for Fox right now, the one with the young boy, hour long drama. I've just gone blank on the name. Anyway, I randomly came across that show shooting on location in Long Beach a few weeks ago, so he is working right now, on a TV show that shoots on location, so I don't think this is him. JRM seems like a better guess.

I have no real beef with Himmmm. I think his posts are interesting, funny, well written, but I'm over the whole RDJ thing.

I don't care who "Enty" is, but I am among those who believe that this site is no longer written by the person that started it. Someone told me a few weeks ago a possible owner for the site, but I think the actual content is written by 2 - 3 people who are working together to keep the Enty persona going. Not worth losing sleep over, it's just a place to visit during the day when I want a distraction and the commenters here are mostly cool people.

My biggest beef? I guess I'm one of the few regulars who reads this site on an actual computer and people who just reply without saying who they are replying to drive me near to crazy. On the internet, the comments are linear, but I guess they look different to people using the mobile site. Sometimes I have no idea what is going on. If you're bored, compare your phone layout to the computer layout in a 50 reply thread, you'll see what I mean.

/ramble. :)

White lilly said...

@dia, I guess I'm all for the conspiracy theory, lol

Awe!! That's so nice of you! Hungs to you too!! =)

dia papaya said...

300 comments! Where is Gerry Butler and those sexy abs!

Thanks missmol. Didn't want to leave you out!

White lilly said...

Even the Britney Spears reveal had less comments, lol

EmEyeKay said...

@FS- ITA about the comments. They make sense if I'm on my phone, otherwise, no.

AB said...

I for one think himmm the genuine article. An insider who knows the players and secrets of Hollywood, wants to either shine some light on it or just get it of his chest, is a recovering addict, and is empathetic and wants to help others who are struggling with it. There is authenticity that I don't think is faked. What would be the point? To get posters all hot and bothered on a gossip site? As for the daily mail, i noticed that correlation a long te ago as I have read the dm for years. So that is nothing new.

feraltart said...

Really late post from down under, bravo.

J-Mo said...

I like PINKPATZI's guess! Sean Bean does LOOK funny although we know it's not pronounced phonetically.

mooshki said...

There's a fourth category - those of us who used to think Himmmm was fun and looked forward to his comments, but are now totally turned off by how all the attention went to his head so he seems to think he's god's gift to gossip. And the RDJ thing is seriously played out.

Fairmaiden327 said...

Macauley Culkin.

dia papaya said...

Thanks White Lilly!

ChasingHeaven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ChasingHeaven said...

So about Enty....My theory is the Howard Stern/Beth Ostrosky connection with Beth being the subject of the "She swept it under the rug" blind in August. Notice she'sone of the few people Enty follows on Twitter. Also, if you're willing to get sucked into a major vortex, check out the "who is Scott Ostrosky?" thread on dawgsaloon.com which eventually references Enty and sheds light on some of this. I'm a huge Stern fan and have read this blog for years. There are a lot of coincidences between the show guests and this blog over the years...

ChasingHeaven said...

Oops I mean the Finally the truth about Scott Ostrosky thread on dawgsaloon.com Mind you the thread title is entirely misleading.

Yndy said...

@Rowan - if Viggo's gay? It would be news to Exene Cervenka ;) Bi, maybe... But definitely not playing on that team as a rule.

@Bubbles - hang in there. Never believe anyone who says it gets easier, just know that it gets more routine to remember why you keep saying No to it.

@Robin - I adore you. 'Nuff said.

I hate missing days where the comments blow up. Trust me, without the comments (and commenters) this would be a very beige site.

Unknown said...

@ChasingHeaven i tried to look on the site you mentioned but wasn't able to access anything without registering. I would love to hear more about your Stern theory. I'm a big fan too. I've never noticed the connection between guests and enty's posts.

Angie said...

Hey bubbles! I've been clean and working on my sobriety everyday for 7 years now. You're right thoygh, the daily struggle is worth every sober breath you take and every memory you build. Much love and support!

astrogirl said...

I get the vibe this is Keifer.

Brenda L said...

The last thing this site needs is a Himmmmectomy, so please don't make him feel unwelcome. Whoever he is, he knew RDJ had an injury before it was reported to the media, which scored a point or two in my book.

I do think that to automatically assume someone would never post on a celeb website simply because they are a celebrity is wrong. RDJ is probably on Pinterest every weekend pinning recipes and gardening tips.

dia papaya said...

astro - do you have secret insider knowledge?

*wink wink*

OneGirlRevolution said...


The thought of RDJ sitting in his Ironman suit, between shoots, while surfing pinterest, makes me giggle.

astrogirl said...

He just fits the clues, and I can't think of film or show that he has done that wasn't filmed in the US.
I always wondered why Julia Roberts bolted from their wedding...

Poisonfawn said...

who is himmmmm? or hmmmm.. that would make an interesting blind reveal, or who is enty? and why doesnt enty ever post within the comments section, (as himmmself/herself at least)...

whoever himmm is, he writes like how i would expect RDJ to be like, which makes it interesting. he writes how a big movie star would be, even tho someone mentioned something sounds different.

i dont know? personally, these ponderings is what makes things interesting, because i actually HATE gossip sites! well not hate, but i rarely go to tmz and i NEVER go to perezhilton.

Poisonfawn said...

also, (i dont know if anyone cares) but i dont come here to see random photos i just come here to see blinds, and reveals. so, thats my side!?!!

EGB said...

Wow Chasingheaven, I thought I was the only one who felt a lot of Stern show interviews collaborated blinds I read here! That is a fascinating idea that there is a connection!
I'm sure at this point it doesn't matter, but Robin and all of you other elegant posters? Thanks for saying exactly how I feel. There are too many fun parts of this blog to get bogged down in the negativity, although I do appreciate those reality checks as well. Room for everyone.
And BubbleKitten, I am pulling fr you, you have so many good times ahead of you!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Enty used to post in the comments long ago but stopped after someone, posting as him, was a total asshole and offended a whole lot of people. To avoid any confusion, he completely stopped responding in the comments. If I remember, for a time, at least, he would occasionally address commenters in his posts (and continued to read the comments) but that eventually stopped too.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I approach the Internet as you never know who anyone is, good or bad and to assume you that famous people don't have interests just like the little people seems strange. I used to be on a board that boasted a famous romance writer as a member. Very few people knew who she really was and when they found out, questioned that anyone "famous" would have time for a silly little board (she was very friendly but never came right out and said who she was, although a few guessed...there were enough people who had met her in real life to speak to her authenticity). Just like everyone else there, she had interests outside of what she did, and what she was famous for.

NYCGirl said...

Kimberly, as a fellow huge fan of LOST, I am slightly jealous that you got a birthday card from Terry O'Quinn!

WUWT? said...

Lola, I kind of feel, well why COULDN'T it be RDJ? I mean, it probably isn't, by why couldn't it be? What do any of us know about any of us, except what we say? In this case, a bit of me wants to believe, and the rest of me knows the answer doesn't matter. Whoever he is, Himmmm is like the rest of us, someone who reads and occasionally comments on gossip. I have that much in common with everyone here, whether I have anything else in common with them in "real life" or not.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

@fs I always use an phone to view and post on this site, and had no idea that the replies to posts weren't showing up as a "child" to the parent post until someone (maybe you?) mentioned it awhile ago. Ever since, I've been sure to start with an @-reply. So it probably helps to mention it every once in awhile. It's one of the few cases I know of where a mobile site is more functional than the full site!

WUWT? said...

Woah, it happened again. The comment I first posted, that Lola responded to (so it really did exist!), has disappeared. Crazy. I'm going to repost it because I would LOVE for someone to find the link of Himmmm's longwinded denial of being RDJ (a couple years back).

posted originally at 10:17 (12:17 my time):
The first time (that I recall) anyone asked Himmmm if he was RDJ he went on a hilarious rant. It included non-sensical bits like "of all the orange and purple things to say!" I loved it. I think at the time it was one of the other Himmmms (not that we knew there were four of them back then), but I got the impression at the time that whoever was posting very possibly knew RDJ. It doesn't matter who it is, or who any of us are, really. I could be a facinating famous person, or an anonymous midwesterner. We judge each other on our comments, not on who we are or may be in real life.

Cilla said...

Yup, that's what popped into my head when I was reading this blind, I even doubled checked to see if he was foreign born.

OneGirlRevolution said...

WUWT, you can search anyone on the Internet by going to Google and using this format (substituting what you're looking for and the website...if you're searching for something with more than one word, put it in quotes: i.e. "dia papaya" ) :

himmmm site:http://www.crazydaysandnights.net

Off to search...

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

I enjoy Himmmm's posts as well, and I have also noticed that the writing seems to have "changed" from what it was a few months back...but I could just be imagining it. Or it could be that another one of the "four Himmms" has taken over. ;)

Leah LDNrabin said...

Please don't let this be Kiefer Sutherland.

OneGirlRevolution said...

WUWT, I believe this is what you're looking for:

Robin: That's a very astute and warm observation about friendship. Likewise I cannot comment on how others are treated, as friendship is always subjective, no? For the record, when my friends are in trouble I move mountains to help them if they need it/want it. As for your query as to identity?Well that's just the most preposterous, buffoonish, ridiculous, inane, outlandish, disturbing, bizarre, foolish, backwards, forwards, sideways, headlong, offensive, illiterate, illegitimate, unredeeming, disastrous, scandalous, over-the-counter, low-fat, drunken, purple, obnoxious, orange, partially-hydrogenated and yogurt-flavoredly cretinous thing to ask someone! Why would ANYONE accuse ANYONE ELSE of such a heinous thing as being...THAT person? A foul reformed junkie? An unrepentent womanizer? A half-assed actor with bad breath? I barely even KNEW John Hughes or even Rodney Dangerfield!! Good heavens ROBIN! Have you no SHAME? No decency? No...oh wait...maybe? Oh, no. My bad. WHEW! For a second there I thought it was his wife in my bed, but this woman is much prettier (and younger with far less body hair!) But thanks anyway :-) (ROBIN: I hope you know that is all meant in jest with a smile. You're a great person. Really. Some of my best boxing matches are with photographers! Now I shall simply disappear somewhere. Or maybe even...disappear here ;-)

fashion roadkill said...

delurking for @adegemini - i got diagnosed with ADD at 28. after taking adderall for the first time, i thought, why the FUDGE didn't someone diagnose me when i was a kid and had the worst time trying to get grades in school that reflected my brains?! it pissed me off :)

that said, i have never tried a diet-based remedy, although i don't eat dairy anyway. i guess it depends on the person - but just remember that there is ALWAYS a solution (and medication if taken responsibly is a safe option if more natural approaches don't work)!


WUWT? said...

Lola, today you are my hero. Can you link to the whole thread or not? (not POST it of course, just link to it)

OneGirlRevolution said...

I can...


(sorry I can't ever link here, normal HTML tags don't work)

Hey...it's my birthday, I just noticed. (not fishing for anything, just noting) :D

OneGirlRevolution said...

Well, in 2 more minutes (in cdan time)

EGB said...

It's official! HBD Lola!

WUWT? said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
You're wasting your time here
But I'm glad that you do!

OneGirlRevolution said...


I've suffered from intermittent insomnia since childhood. I love the internet because someone's always around (usually not here though). It's also why I'm a font of useless info (and why I'll be on Jeopardy one day, lol).

WUWT? said...

I hope you have birthday plans outside of this website. Anything fun?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Dinner and a movie with my amazing daughter and then I'm going to let her play hookie (or is it hooky? Luckily you don't have to be a proficient speller to be on Jeopardy) on Thursday (she can't miss today because she has a game)

NYCGirl said...

Happy birthday, Lola! (I have designs on Jeopardy! myself-- see you there. ;))

astrogirl said...

Happy birthday Lola, have yourself a ridiculously fabulous day :)

Amber said...

Happy Birthday, Lola! I hope you and your daughter have the best day :)

surfer said...

Happy birthday Lola! Hope the weather is nice wherever you are.

babo said...

UnicornsRReal said...
Remember that @hmmmm has four letter "m"s cause they revealed that four people were tag teaming posting under that account with different points of views and stories.

Deryn said...

Thank goodness you wised up to it and never bother with Enty's site anymore. Oh, wait.

Deryn said...

Thank goodness you wised up and don't bother with the fallacious waste of space that is CDAN anymore. Oh, wait.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Happy birthday, Lola! Hope it's a fun one!

Since my anonymity (HA!) is totally shot to hell by now, I might as well post a link to an old picture of me, which I refer to as "the picture seen 'round the Internet"...at least, that seemed to be the case in January 1995, when it was taken; Enty posted it a few years back, but here it is again:


There's a loooong story behind this picture, but suffice to say we met due to the way cool t-shirt design I came up w/for the alt.music.nin newsgroup (Google "Reznor heater shirts" if you're bored and/or curious). Considering this was taken around 5 AM at the Atlanta aftershow, with him still in his cups, and me so sleep-deprived that I actually told Jerry the bodyguard that I felt as if my brain was dribbling out of my ear in a manner not unlike that of butterscotch pudding, we look pretty damn good. :-) As to how I look now, well...not that much different, really; just older. (Trent, of course, is all cleaned up now, with a wife, a child and an Oscar to his credit, and I for one am very happy for him...and Himmmm, I still want to know who told you about the brownies, damn it! You can't hide that from me forever, you know... ;-)

B626 said...

Keanu R was never on TV. Its Keifer S.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

babo: At one point within the past year, when things were getting interesting re: Himmmm, he said that originally the screen name was used by 4 people: an A-list actor, an A-list musician, and two guys who played more behind-the-scenes roles in the business, which was why the tone & personal details mentioned in posts differed so greatly(1); it later came out that Talley Griffith (who's related to D.W. Griffith, hence the bit about him coming from VERY old Hollywood) is probably one of the latter two. Eventually, though, the others mostly stopped using the name, and supposedly now it's just the actor posting, with occasional comments from Herrrr (aka Mrs. Himmmm) and the security guy. At any rate, that's his story, and he's sticking to it...

As for the origin of the name, he said it came from Smokey and the Bandit; it had been way too long since I'd seen the movie, though, so I didn't remember that bit. I happened to ask a good friend about it this weekend, though, and she said that "Himmmm" was the Dom DeLuise character's superhero alterego--if there was a dangerous situation, or if someone really pissed him off, out would come Himmmm, cape and all, to save the day and/or kick whatever ass needed it. Hmmmm....

(1) One post described how he'd attended Chris Cornell's wedding; another how his first wife had died in a car wreck on Valentine's Day when they were both very young.

Sherry said...

One thing I will say..I can always tell when Himmmm does post because the #'s explode. Love it or hate it, it makes for interesting reading.

Unknown said...

This sounds like Benecio Del Toro. He has done some good work up until he won a best supporting actor oscar. These days, he seems to work sporatically.

Amber said...

@Robin - he actually said it's from The Cannonball Run, but the Dom Deluise part is correct! Sorry to be know-it-all-y, but I just read it this morning. Got sucked into a wormhole looking for something.

White lilly said...

@Lola !!!!

Parabéns pra você, nessa data querida, muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vidaa!!!
Or, like I sing to my nephew:
Parabéns pra você, nessa data que foi, um abraço da vaca e um beijo do boi!!!!!!!!
Or just happy b-day! =)

Laura said...

I like when Himmmm comes around, there is just a little more electricity in the air!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Thank you all for the fab birthday wishes, truly. You all make my day on a regular basis.

(Amber, I ALWAYS get sucked into the wormhole!)

Me2 said...

Happy Birthday Lola :) thanks for posting that link to the Mel Gibson Interview especially to see Himmmm's defense of Mel. I loved it. I will say only one very brief thing- he is bipolar and has publicly admitted it. I had a bipolar husband, and a bipolar friend and when they are having bipolar episodes they are NOT Themselves, say & do things they wouldn't think of when clear headed *done*

kiefer sutherland's new show is Touch- I haven't had a chance to watch for various reasons. I really do NOT think this is him.

Me2 said...

oh husband should have been 'ex' husband (ex=because abusive and refusin to get help/make changes over several years)

VK said...

@chasingheaven just wanted to thank you. I've now wasted almost 3 days (on & off) reading this Scott Ostrosky stuff. Oh. em. gee. I hate this thread and yet I'm obsessed and intrigued at the same time!! Haha

ChasingHeaven said...

@VK I am so sorry. SO SORRY. I understand, it's completely crazy but at the same time I couldn't pull myself away from it either! :P

Principessa said...

That was me as a kid. I was diagnosed with ADD and prescribed Ritalin at age 15. At that age I was so responsible that giving me unfettered access to uppers was a great idea! I used to sell them to friends for a cheap high. We used to crush and snort them. Giving speed to a teenager is usually a bad decision. But I am now a 31 year old woman, and I grew out of it.
Does your school district offer any CYWs or teaching assistants with experience working with hyperactive kids? Look into that, if you haven't already. Hell, my older sister was hyper as well. My parents put her into gymnastics which let her channel her excess energy. She ended up competing as a gymnast for 10 years and then coaching for 6 more. An energetic child can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. A lot of hyper types are also creative types with big ideas :)

Also, Himmmm is not RDJ. Stars usually employ ghostwriters to manage their Facebook pages and Twitter feeds, so it's not as though a celebrity of his caliber has the time to peruse all the comments on here. That said, I don't give a single fuck. Himmmm is well-read, entertaining, and empathetic towards others (which is how I really know he's not famous because they all seem to be morons). He never explicitly claimed to be RDJ, and really of you're gonna get all sensitive about people pretending to be someone they're not over the Internet, oh lawdy, you need to stay away from the Internet.


Betty White

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