Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former almost A list mostly movie actress used to make millions of dollars per movie. Even though she is still really young, she has spent most of her money and is living off residuals and her name to get her free stuff and free trips. At Fashion Week a few weeks ago she raided every show she could and stuffed food and booze in her bag so she could eat and drink. The only offers she is getting for movies are low budget indies which won't pay the bills. She has such an innocent past that she is seriously considering a sex tape knowing it will make millions.


Mary said...

Just because she's young and innocent, I'll go Emma Watson.

AndrewBW said...

Obviously this is fake. The words "innocent past" are a dead giveaway.

KaySea said...

Not Emma. She's spoken out about how her parents have guided her to invest wisely from the beginning of the Potter films, etc etc. I don't see her running out of money in her lifetime. She also doesn't appear to spend lavishly either.

I have no guess though.

Amber said...

The only names that are popping into my head are Kirsten Dunst and Mena Suvari.

perfecttt2 said...

Christina Ricci?

Anonymous said...

who was big as a child star that would have been stupid with their money? I can't see Emma stuffing booze in her purse. Kiki Drunkst sounds likely.

Anonymous said...

or Ricci, that's a good guess Perfecttt2

KaySea said...
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Roman Holiday said...

Wow, that's a first. Someone who is decent!!!

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...
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MaeMae said...

I think both guesses could fit, but what could Christina Ricci be getting residual checks for..Casper? Addams Family. I think the HP movies are on tv much more frequently than Ricci's movies. Comparing both their IMDB profiles too shows that Emma has about 3 movies lined up none of which I've heard of while Ricci has been doing work on tv and movies rather steadily.

crila16 said...

I think it's Kristen Dunst. She's been doing Indies lately and in the movie "On The Road" she played "The innocent Camille" which is how her character was described.

Unknown said...

Ricci----Dunst still has all that Spiderman money

MISCH said...

Emma is LOADED.......

Ashley said...

And Emmas little movies coming up star 1. the biggest comedic actors around right now and 2. Russell Crowe in an epic story. Also, her movie from 2012 was Oscar-nominated. Don't think she is slipping into obscurity just yet.

cc423 said...

I am onboard with the Ricci guess as well. She looked a tad off in all those pictures of her from fashion week.

ulalume said...

"Kirsten Dunst apparently showcased her diva behavior ahead of Paris Fashion Week, after sources said that she complained a lot - especially when she found out that she had to travel in business class instead of first. Uh-oh!"

Kirsten Dunst Turns Diva Ahead Of Paris Fashion Week?

Erin B said...

Even if indies don't pay well, if the other option is not working at all, she should go for it. Do an indie, do an awesome job, get noticed again, & get more roles in the future.

Jolene Jolene said...

When will stupid actresses realize that when you're down and out and no one will hire you, it's a GOOD thing to do indies? That's how anyone has ever climbed back up. People have won Oscars doing indies. If she can land a good one she can climb back up, but no, she'd rather not work hard and instead find some quick fix like making a sex tape.

Jolene Jolene said...

Or what Erin B said! Great minds!

Lizzie du said...

Sounds like her.

All about Eve said...

I like the Kiki Dunst guess, she disappeared for some time and is coming back in mostly indies.

MadLyb said...


ldylkng said...

This is Dakota Fanning

Darkmyst said...

There is no way Kirsten or Emma could have spent all the money they've made so far and kept it on the low down. They've both made many tens of millions in their careers.

Tax Attorney said...

I agree with those who have remarked that neither the celebrity or her husband have done anything wrong, so it is somewhat illogical that they would agree to a magazine cover simply to cover it up -- unless of course (1) they want to keep the longstanding employee despite his proclivities and do not want others to know about them, or (2) they feel they need to keep the employee on the payroll because he has some incriminating info not comprehended by a confidentiality agreement. I do recall reading that Angie did not have such agreements with her early employees and the picture swap sounds similar to arrangements I believe she's had in the past.

MacAttack said...

i thought of kirsten Dunst but she doesnt really have an innocent past does she? she was a very heavy drinker/maybe drugs. christina ricci sounds better but i dont think its her either.

discoflux said...

Preach, Jolene Jolene! A little indie called "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" did wonders for bringing RDJ back up in the ranks.

Sherry said...

Yeah but wasn't Kiki in that Lars movie last year that one the Palme D'or at Cannes?

Sherry said...

Melancholia that's the name.

pb said...

No way in hell do I buy Kristen Dunst having financial issues. I don't buy any actress who starred in one of the biggest franchises ever and is only a couple years off of winning Best Actress at Cannes having trouble getting enough offers to stay afloat.

Think of the sheer volume of Movies she's done - It's easy to forget she is 30.

I get the impression after her stint in rehab she wants to do the roles that she wants to do - thus all the Indies since then.

Not saying she's being offered Spider-Man caliber roles at current - - I also doubt she'd consider doing a porn for financial reasons.

This reads someone more on the caliber of Julia Styles.

sandybrook said...

Ricci just flopped on TV Ill go with her although I'm not buying innocence with her.

Nellie said...

Emma's parents put all of her money in a trust and made her take Econ and finance management classes. She still can't touch the majority of it.

crila16 said...

It could be Ricci...but if you look at her IMDB, she's got quite a bit going on. If you look at Kiki's, she's doing mostly indie's and doesn't really have anything going on. She's done shorts and an indies...but that's about it.

As for Kiki having or not having money after the spiderman trilogy...I think that's the point. She made millions, and now has nothing. She probably spent all her money trying to keep up her lifestyle, but the work isn't coming in...and here she was making millions and is now broke trying to live the same life.

Oh Brother! said...

If this fashion week happened a few weeks ago, then I guess it's either NYFW or LFW, and Kirsten Dunst didn't go to any of them.

Ricci is a good guess. Maybe Kate Bosworth, who did go to LFW. Now SHE is one who for the past four years hasn't had a decent role, only small parts in small indies.

But all these girls are in their 30s. Would they be considered "really young"?

Anonymous said...

not dakotaaaaa!? imagine that

The Real Dragon said...

@Misch Yep With Liam Hemsworth Juice!

The Real Dragon said...

@erin B Agreed!

Hegg said...

Kate Bosworth I'd say.

car54 said...

From what I've read, the Harry Potter kids are set for life--they had good parents and managment and the made enough to not have to work if they didn't want to.

Unknown said...

I like the Kate Bosworth guess. She hasn't really done much lately (Movie 43 and some indie about 3 friends on an island). Kirstin iS currently the the face of some perfume (Bulgari or Gucci) plus she had endorsements from Miu Miu. Mena Suvari is another good guess. Ricci just did Pan Am and she is set to star in a new series "Girlfriend in a Coma" so she's getting TV work, which pays more than indies.

Mooki said...

Blind say "still really young", is 30-35 really young?

mrknowitall said...

I feel like it's Emma Roberts

Sandy said...

I'd say Bosworth, Dakota Fanning or Dunst.

Gabby said...

I was immediately thinking of Dakota Fanning for this. She used to be in every movie that required a child actor, but her biggest role of late was in The Runaways which is definitely indie. She also goes to school in NYC so she definitely could have gone to Fashion Week. Lastly, I'd definitely consider her to have an innocent past. I still think of her fondly, though, so I hope I'm wrong!


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