Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #2- Anniversary Month

August 11, 2010

This former A+ list movie star and now a B+ and fading, recently borrowed several million dollars from this A list baseball player because he is having big big financial problems.

Nicolas Cage


david said...

I am continually amazed at HOW some one who made tens of million per picture, could end up in financial trouble. Don't they have some one in their life who has the authority to say NO! to these financial idiots!

JayJay said...

He did have someone in his life to take care of his financials. Unfortunately the person he hired and trusted to help him with his financials was also the person in charge of handling his finances.

david said...

...and he had like a dozen multi-million dollar homes in different cities throughout the US. His house in the Spanish Hills neighborhood of Las Vegas was foreclosed upon last year. IF he had bought income property instead, he would have been able to ride out any lack in work. I wish him well.

Dudette said...

Who's the baseball player?

it took forever said...

this guy lives like a rock star, he will soon go broke again


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